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Module Code: Module Title: Module Lecturer:
BS1S88 Customer Service Quality Mary Hedderman
Assessment Title and Tasks: Individual Resit Presentation
Presentation – Applying the Flower of Service
to a real-life entertainment or dining
Date Set: PowerPoint slides plus Return Date:
Week commencing 29 a word document of Four working weeks:
June 2022 supporting narrative to
be uploaded by 23.59
on 5th August 2022


Part B: Marking and Presentation

(to be completed by Module Lecturer)
This presentation will be marked out of 100%

This presentation contributes to 40% of the total module marks.

Assessment Task: Applying the Flower of Service to a real-life entertainment

or dining experience

Assessment two is an individual presentation of 10 PowerPoint slides plus a word

document with supporting narrative and is worth 40% of the module grade. Please
note that you do not actually need to present – instead please construct the 10
PowerPoint slides plus a word document with supporting narrative and upload
onto the 2 separate Turnitin links which are clearly labelled on Blackboard.

The task requires you to apply the Flower of Service to a real-life

entertainment or dining experience.

Your aim is to describe each element (petal) of the Flower of Service and apply
these to your experience as a customer of an entertainment or dining experience–
were your expectations met/ exceeded? Is there anything that the organisation
could improve upon? This could be an experience such as visiting a fast-food
restaurant or other more traditional restaurant. Similarly, you could choose an
entertainment experience such as attending a music event or the theatre or


• You must use PowerPoint. You first slide should be an introduction,

including a description of your entertainment or dining experience. This
should be followed by one slide for each of the 8 elements (petals) of the
Flower of Service plus a final slide for the conclusion. You must also
include an additional slide(s) at the end of the presentation listing your
references, using Harvard Referencing.

• Remember that this is a Customer Service and Quality Systems

assessment, it is important that you apply content from the lectures and
use appropriate terminology. The Flower of Service theory can be
found in lecture four on Blackboard within Learning Materials.

• Use supporting theory and expert view from textbooks, quality

newspaper articles and journal articles to support the points that you are

• All information must be properly referenced using Harvard Referencing

• Use examples to illustrate your points

Grade Knowledge, Understanding Argument, Analysis and Application Communication Research/Information Literacy Practical
and Relevance Evaluation Skills
90-100% A piece of work which displays exemplary evidence of complete understanding of the concept under discussion across all categories and criteria, and which provides evidence of scholarly excellence
A16 and originality
80-89% An excellent grasp of the subject An excellent level of critical An excellent level of The presentation The presentation utilises a wide range of The
matter is shown throughout the analysis and evaluation of application of appropriate demonstrates a very relevant sources, displaying outstanding presentation
A15 presentation and how it applies the issues is contained in knowledge is sophisticated level of writing, information literacy skills in respect of research & has been
to its themes, questions and the presentation. The demonstrated displaying excellent clarity of accessing sources, distinguishing the most properly
issues presentation displays argument, a coherent and relevant and appropriate sources, and using referenced
originality. organised structure and them in the presentation in an excellent manner throughout, in
original, well-evidenced and accordance
coherent insights with the
system of
prescribed in
the course
70-79% A full and comprehensive grasp A full and comprehensive A full and comprehensive The presentation displays a The presentation utilises a wide range of The
of the subject matter is shown level of critical analysis and level of application of sophisticated level of writing, relevant sources, displaying excellent presentation
A14 throughout the presentation and evaluation of the issues appropriate knowledge to displaying very good clarity of information literacy skills in respect of research & has been
how it applies to its themes, contained in the the issues contained in the argument, a coherent and accessing sources, distinguishing the most properly
questions and issues presentation is displayed presentation is organised structure and relevant and appropriate sources, and uses referenced
demonstrated provides well-evidenced and them in the presentation in a very effective throughout, in
coherent insights manner accordance
with the
system of
prescribed in
the course
60-69% There is a substantial knowledge A good, clear and orderly A good, clear and orderly A well written presentation, The presentation utilises a good range of The vast
of relevant material, showing a analysis of the issues and a level of application of with good grammar and relevant sources, displaying very good majority of the
B11-B13 clear grasp of themes, questions good level of evaluation of appropriate knowledge to spelling, in a readable style information literacy skills in respect of research & information in
and issues therein. The the issues contained in the the issues contained in the with a good structure accessing sources, distinguishing the most the
presentation is consistently presentation is displayed presentation is relevant and appropriate sources, and uses presentation
focused on being relevant to the demonstrated them in the presentation in a largely effective has been
requirements of the presentation manner properly
referenced in
with the
system of
prescribed in
the course
50-59% Adequate knowledge of a fair Some analytical treatment is Satisfactory application of A competently written The presentation utilises a satisfactory range of Most of the
range of relevant material is displayed, but the the appropriate knowledge presentation, with only minor relevant sources, displaying good information information in
C8-C10 shown, with intermittent presentation tends to be to the issues contained in lapses from standard literacy skills in respect of research & accessing the
evidence of an appreciation of more descriptive than the presentation is grammar, and a satisfactory sources, distinguishing the most relevant and presentation
its significance. The analytical. There is some demonstrated but it also structure appropriate sources, and uses them in the has been
presentation seeks to address evidence of evaluation of the indicates clear limitations presentation in a competent manner properly
the requirements of the issues contained in the in this respect referenced in
presentation, but it also contains essay, but it is of limited accordance
parts that are not directly scope. with the
relevant. system of
prescribed in
the course
40-49% A basic understanding of the There is little evidence of Limited application of An presentation with a simple The presentation utilises a narrow range of Some of the
subject is shown, but only a analysis or evaluation in the appropriate knowledge to basic style but with significant relevant sources, displaying limited information information in
D5-D7 limited range of material is used. presentation – it is largely the issues contained in the deficiencies in expression literacy skills in respect of research & accessing the
There is a significant degree of descriptive presentation is and/or structure sources. It fails to distinguish relevant and presentation
irrelevance. demonstrated appropriate sources from those that are not has been
and/or uses relevant and appropriate sources in properly
an inadequate manner referenced in
with the
system of
prescribed in
the course
35-39% A limited understanding is There is very little, or no, A limited presentation that An presentation with The presentation is based on an inadequate use Much of the
shown of a narrow range of evidence of analysis or demonstrates an numerous deficiencies in of literature, often with an over reliance on basic information in
E4 material. evaluation in the overwhelmingly expression, presentation and textbooks and class materials the
The content of the presentation presentation. It is heavily unsuccessful attempt to structure presentation
has little relevance to its dependent on description apply appropriate has not been
requirements knowledge to the issues properly
contained in the referenced in
presentation accordance
with the
system of
prescribed in
the course
0-34% F1-3 The presentation has insufficient evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to the level of the qualification. The work is weak in most, if not all, of the above indicators

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