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單字例句卷 Unit 1

單字 例句
yet [jɛt] adv. Have you finished your work ____?
還(沒) 你已經完成你的工作了嗎?

already [ɔlˋrɛdɪ] adv. When I got to the office, Harry was there______.
已經 我到辦公室時,哈利已經在那裡了。

diet [ˋdaɪət] n. Don't give me too much rice. I'm on a _____.

節食;飲食 不要給我太多飯,我正在節食。

since [sɪns] conj.; prep. Emily hasn't seen Oliver ______ he moved abroad.
自從 艾蜜莉自從奧利佛搬到國外後就沒見過他。

photo [ˋfoto] n. Judy showed me some of her family ______.

照片 茱蒂給我看一些她的家庭照片。

crazy [ˋkrezɪ] adj. It was ______ of her to drive a car like that.
荒唐的;瘋狂的 她那樣開車實在很荒唐。

as…as possible Please call me back ___ soon ___ _______.

[æ z æ z ˋpɑsəb!]

slim [slɪm] adj. Staying becomes more difficult when we get

苗條的;微小的 older.

tip [tɪp] n. My grandma knows some for making a

訣竅 chocolate cake.

type [taɪp] n. What of clothes do you like to wear?

類型 你喜歡穿哪一類型的衣服?
ever [ˋɛvɚ] adv. A: Have you visited an art museum?
曾經 B: Yes, I have been to an art museum twice.

habit [ˋhæbɪt] n. Luna has a of keeping a diary.

習慣 露娜有寫日記的習慣。

take action [͵tek ˋækʃən] The police need to as soon as

採取行動 possible, or the bad guy may hurt the kid.

be all ears [bɪ ɔl ˋɪrz] The students in the class.

洗耳恭聽 學生們在課堂上全神貫注地聽講。

at least [ət ˋlist] Eva goes to the movies twice a week. She
至少 loves movies a lot.

You got it. [ju ˋgɑt ɪt] A: Is two the answer to this math question?
沒錯 B: .
choice [tʃɔɪs] n. All these dresses look pretty. It's hard for me to make
選擇 a .

gym [dʒɪm] n. There will be a basketball game at the this

健身房;體育館 afternoon.

abroad [əˋbrɔd] adv. Vincent has been for work for six months
到國外 already.

cheat [tʃit] v. _______ _ on a test is not the right thing to do.

作弊;欺騙 考試作弊不是一件對的事情。
copy [ˋkɑpɪ] v. Karen down the answers from the book.
抄襲;複製 凱倫從書本上抄下答案。

race [res] n. Joe hasn't decided to join the swimming yet.

速度競賽 喬還沒有決定要參加游泳比賽。

stay in shape [͵ste ɪn ˋʃep] What are some tips for ?

保持健康 保持健康的秘訣有哪些呢?

letter [ˋlɛtɚ] n. Jerry wrote a to his cousin in Australia.

信 傑瑞寫了一封信給他在澳洲的表哥。

teenager [ˋtin͵edʒɚ] n. It is difficult for the young teacher to teach a group of

青少年 _________.

senior high school They have known each other since

[ˋsinjɚ ˋhaɪ ͵skul] n. _______ .
高中 他們從高中時就彼此認識了。

serious [ˋsɪrɪəs] adj. Logan has sleeping problems.

嚴重的 羅根有嚴重的睡眠問題。

interest [ˋɪnt(ə)rɪst] n.; v. Playing the guitar is one of my .

興趣;使感興趣 彈奏吉他是我的興趣之一。

unhappy [ʌnˋhæpɪ] adj. Owen was because he had a bad day

不快樂的 today.

joy [dʒɔɪ] n. Mrs. Davis was full of when she learned that
樂趣;喜悅 she's going to have a baby.

pop [pɑp] n. Who is your favorite singer in Taiwan?

流行音樂 誰是你最喜愛的臺灣流行歌手?
drum [drʌm] n. Lina has played the in a band for more than
鼓 ten years.

lately [ˋletlɪ] adv. I have been busy with my reports .

最近 我最近一直在忙我的報告。

angry [ˋæŋgrɪ] adj. Mom was at me because I broke her favorite

生氣的 cup.

garbage [ˋgɑrbɪdʒ] n. Don't forget to take the out when you leave.
垃圾 別忘記離開時把垃圾拿出去。

understand [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] v. I don't think that I your question. Can you

瞭解 say it again?

wish [wɪʃ] n.; v. May all your come true.

祝福 希望你所有的願望都能實現。

envelope [ˋɛnvə͵lop] n. In Chinese culture, children get red on

信封 Chinese New Year's Eve.

stamp [stæ mp] n. Remember to put a on the envelope before

郵票 you mail the letter.

star [stɑr] n. I've never heard of that movie . Do you know

明星 any of her works?

call [kɔl] v. His real name is Thomas, but most of his friends
稱呼 him Tom.

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