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be Most expected Paper 2] SBI Clerk | Part 1| Best questions Sietrefel Kale Cee ee ets] Direction(1-5): In each of the questions below, two sentences are given with one blank in each of them. The sentences are then followed by some words. You've to choose the word that can fit in both the blanks contextually and grammatically. To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code to get Maximum discount 1. A. Both b and c |. The second wave the B. Only a country’s pandemic preparedness. C. Both aandb ll. He me how to solve the problem. D. Only c E. Alla, b andc a. showed b. exposed c. instructed To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral co: Boome ai Ebates id 2. A. Only b |. Civil society has an important and B. Only a irreplaceable to play here. C. Both bandc Il. It was his first major film D. Only c a. duty E. Alla, b and c b. role c. part To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code to get Maximum discount 3. A. Both a and b I. He has a lot of evidence B. Only a to solve that specific issue. ll. As we stood there, a crowd C. Both a andc around to listen. D. Only c E. Alla, b andc a. gathered b. rallied c. collected To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral co to get Max 4. A. Only c |. The change in leadership in B. Only a sectors is needed. Il. The report is highly of the quality of teaching standards. C. Both aand b D. Both b andc E. None of a, b andc a. crucial b. important c. essential To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Foome a eed tiimeleceel id |. Tourist arrivals can be planned on a selective destination ll. Trust is the only fora good working relationship. a. base b. basis c. scheme To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral co to get Maximum A. Only b B. Only a C. Both a and b D. All a, b andc E. None of a, b andc Directions(6-8): You are presented with two statements followed by three possible connectors that can join the two sentences to form one sentence. Identify which connector/connectors can join both the sentences in such a way that meaning of the two statements would not change. If none of the connectors are correct, mark E as your answer. To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral co to get Max 6. A. Only a I. I shall not be able to attend the B. Both b andc meeting. C. Only c Il. | shall be on holiday with my : D. Only b family. E. Alla, bandc a. unless b. since c. because To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ai Eb diitiimel ere id fa A. Both b and c |. Our aim was not to punish the B. Only a rich. C. Both a and c Il. It was to bring justice to the D. Both a and b poor. E. Alla, bandc a. rather b. even c. instead To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code Boome ai Ebates eceel id 8. A. Only c It’s a difficult race. B. Only a Il. About 1,000 runners participate C. Botha andb in it every year. D. Both b and c E. Alla, b andc a. yet nevertheless c. still To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code Boome iai eb diitiimeleceel id F Directions(9-13): Rearrange the following (D) After the disaster on April 21, it six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) —_ became imperative to rethink the in a proper sequence to form a meaningful development landscape of Sri paragraph. Then answer the questions Lankan and Indian businesses. given below. (E) Tourist arrivals have also increased from 6,54,476 in 2010 (A) It is apparent that tourism is a mainstay of — to 1.8 million in 2015 and 2.3 the Sri Lankan economy. million in 2018. (B) The estimated arrivals are three million for (F) The new vision must integrate end-2019 and we expect 5,50,000 from India. the business communities in the (C) It contributed US $575.9 million in 2010, two countries, and one important US $2.9 billion in 2015 and US $ 4.4 billion in business, that needs quick 2018. business response, is tourism. To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Foome ai eed tiimelecerel id 9. Which of the following statements is the FIFTH statement from the left, after the correct rearrangement? moo gp > 0OoOom w None of the above options To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code to get Maximum discount 10. Which of the following statements is the STARTING statement, after the correct rearrangement? moogp > ompo None of the above options To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount 11. Which of the following statements is the ANTEPENULTIMATE statement, after the correct rearrangement? moon > 0aOom w None of the above options To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome a eed tiimeleceel id 12. Which of the following A AE pairs is the CONSECUTIVE B. FC PAIR, after the correct c. EB rearrangement? DDA E. None of the above options To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount 13. Which of the following statements is the LAST statement, after the correct rearrangement? moom > 07 wm None of the above options To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ai eed tiimelecel id Directions(14-20): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Find the suitable word from the options given against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the Paragraph meaningful. Language is a unique gift, and it needs to be used with care and A . We refer, say, to some people as very “rich” — our list of billionaires is growing by the day. In the near future, India is B. to sport more billionaires than any other country, including the US. But a billionaire need not be rich. As things stand, most of our billionaires are, Cc. speaking, the D. in India. We do not know the extent of E that our corporate giants owe individually to banks. Now, banks don’t produce money. The people of India do. It is our money parked with banks that the corporates EEE . As per the Jatest count, the gross. volume of non-; peronmnng To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ai eed tiime ler id Language is a unique gift, andit A. Both bandc needs to be used with care and B. Only a A : C. Both a and c D. Only b 14.A E. None of a, b andc a. integrity b. falsehood c. sincerity To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount In the near future, India is A. Both b and c B to sport more B. Only a billionaires than any other country, © pothaandb including the US. D. Both a and c 15.B E. Alla, b andc a. slated b. obligated c. likely To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ia Eb aiitiimel ered id But a billionaire need not be rich.As A. Bothaandb things stand, most of our billionaires B Only a are, Cc speaking, the D in India. C. Both a andc D. Only b 16.C E. Alla, b andc a. factually b. authentically c. provably To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount But a billionaire need not be rich.As A. Onlya things stand, most of our billionaires _B Both bandc are, Cc. speaking, the D___in India. C. Only b D. Only c 17.D E. Alla, b andc a. wealthiest b. poorest c. neediest To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount We do not know the extent of A. Only c __E____ that our corporate B. Only a giants owe individually to banks. C. Both aandb 18.E D. Both b and c a. dues E. All a, b andc b. debts c. arrears To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: to get Maximum discount It is our money parked with banks that A. Both b andc the corporates F. . As per B. Only a the latest count, the gross volume of non-performing assets G C. Both a and b at Rs 120,00,00,00,00,000! D. Only c E. Alla, bandc 19. F a. siphoned off b. misappropriated c. contributed To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ai eb diitiimel etre id It is our money parked with banks that A. Only c the corporates F. . As per B. Only a the latest count, the gross volume of non-performing assets G C. Both b andc at Rs 120,00,00,00,00,000! D. Only b E. None of a, b andc 20.G a. attains b. places c. stands To get complete batches on unacademy, take subscription. Use referral code: Boome ai eb aii tiimeleceel itd Directions(20-22): You are required to match statements from columns 1 and 2 and find which of the following pairs of statements make sense meaningfully and grammatically. Column 1 Column 2 A. Orbits above the Earth are becoming cluttered with old hardware, D. represented something of a false dawn for Britain's space efforts. B. Prospero and its launch rocket, Black Arrow, E. which risks colliding with, and destroying operationally useful spacecraft. C. Regulations are in the process of being signed off by the government F. with the intention that operating licences will be open for application later this year. 20. AIlA-E, B-D and C-F All A-D, B-E and C-F Both B-E and C-D Both A-E and B-F None of the above options Column 1 Column 2 A. Scientists are now striving to predict some of these crazy weather events D. that are currently taking policy-makers by surprise. B. The world is probably heading for 1.5C of heating early next decade, E. and more widespread than anything we have known hitherto. C. The result is that change in future is likely to be more fundamental F. and temperatures will push onwards to 2C and above. moOODD> All A-E, B-D and C-F All A-D, B-F and C-E Both B-F and C-D Both A-E and B-D None of the above options Column 1 Column 2 A. We actually grow from seed mainly, so we've got D. the ones that will cope with more extreme conditions. B. We've imported E. because it grows a seeds from all over _|lot slower than it would the world to try to in more equatorial choose regions. C. We don't think it F. a big genetic diversity could be a and more tolerance to large-scale weather conditions. commercial business, but MOOD> All A-D, B-E and C-F Both B-D and C-E AIlA-F, B-E and C-D Both A-F and B-E None of the above options Directions(23-24): In the following question a grammatically correct and meaningful sentence is given with four words given in bold in each. Which of the following words should replace each other to form a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence? 23. Among the several heart-rending (m)firefighters from the (n)forests sweeping through Australia’s (o0)bush fires is that of a koala clutching at a bottle of water offered by (p)images. A. Both m-n and o-p B. Both m-p and n-o C. D E Only m-o . Both m-o and n-p . No swapping required 24. While e-commerce platforms and fast food companies would like to use drones to service urban (m)areas like high-rise (n)agencies more cost-effectively, development and environment (o)apartments would use them to supply medicines in remote mountain (p)addresses. Both m-o and n-p Only o-p Both m-p and n-o Both m-n and o-p No swapping required moo @ >

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