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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Differences in the Level of Anxiety in the

Administration of Diazepam 2 Mg and 5 Mg in
Patients with Anxiety Levels Mild and Moderate to
Undergo Elective Surgery at the Haji Adam Malik
Center General Hospital Medan
Dhiny Yolanda Harahap 1, Achasanuddin Hanafie 2, Asmin Lubis 2
1.Resident Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy USU Medical Faculty, H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan
2.Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, USU Medical Faculty, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan

Background : Anxiety or anxiety is one of the problems
that are often found in elective patients who will undergo Anxiety or anxiety is one of the problems that are often
surgery. Anxiety is described as an uncomfortable feeling found in elective patients who will undergo surgery. Anxiety
filled with emotional tension, which is associated with is described as an uncomfortable feeling filled with emotional
hemodynamic abnormalities as a consequence of tension, which is associated with hemodynamic abnormalities
sympathetic, parasympathetic, and endocrine as a consequence of sympathetic, parasympathetic, and
stimulation. Anxiety is an emotional problem that will endocrine stimulation. Anxiety is an emotional problem that
also have a significant impact on anesthetic actions to will also have a significant impact on anesthesia and surgery.
operative actions. Anxiety that often occurs has various etiologies, both internal
Objectives: This research aims for Comparing the and external to the patient himself. It has been confirmed for
incidence of anxiety in patients with mild and moderate more than four decades that most patients undergoing
levels of anxiety who will undergo elective surgery at Haji procedures are very afraid of the anesthesia they will undergo,
Adam Malik General Hospital after administration of 2 surgery, pain and loss of consciousness during anesthesia.
mg and 5 mg diazepam tablets. Such persistent fear, although identified, has not been
Methods: This study is an analytical study with an formally applied in a large clinical setting as a preoperative
experimental double-blind randomized clinical trial consideration. ( Adwas ,2020. Anissa, 2016)
design with the administration of 2 mg diazepam with 5
mg diazepam for anxiety in patients who will undergo A study conducted research that a certain level of
elective operative procedures. Perioperative anxiety anxiety is a universal feature of the preoperative setting. The
assessment using the APAIS score was then given incidence of anxiety varies from 8% to more than 80%.
diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in groups of patients with Variation and incidence are described by several different
predetermined mild and moderate levels of anxiety. detection methods and tools for diagnosing preoperative
Results: in this study, the mean age of the patients was anxiety. The effect of anxiety is quite significant in several
39.2 ± 11.4 years. Most of the patients were female with 42 studies; about 57.7% of patients experienced anxiety using
samples. Based on the characteristics of religion the most the APAIS scoring system. In a study using the same method,
Islam is 41 samples. Based on the characteristics of the it was also explained that a significant part of the patient's
ethnic sample, the most Batak ethnic group was 34. the anxiety experience before surgery, was mostly due to
level of anxiety in patients after administration of concerns about the success of the operation, and in some
Diazepam, subjects with mild anxiety levels in patients patients speaking, and educative measures could be an option
after 10 hours of administration of diazepam 2 mg were to reduce the occurrence of anxiety. Some degree of anxiety
60 samples. the group that received diazepam 5 mg with is a natural reaction to threats that the patient cannot imagine
mild anxiety levels was 69 samples. Subjects with and the presence of potential threats from the environment
moderate anxiety levels in the group receiving 2 mg typical of the preoperative period. ( Akinsulore, 2017, Anissa,
diazepam were 13 samples. The group receiving 5 mg 2016)
diazepam with mild anxiety levels was 4 samples.
Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the Surgery is a treatment that uses an invasive method. The
administration of diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg in reducing the surgical process includes preoperative , intraoperative and
level of anxietas in patients who were about to undergo postoperative phases. The preoperative phase in surgery is the
elective surgery. initial phase in the surgical process. This initial phase begins
when a decision is made for surgical intervention and ends
Keywords:- APAIS Score , Perioperative Anxiety, Diazepam. when the patient is sent to the operating table. The most

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
common preoperative response is anxiety caused by ongoing on the most appropriate dose of diazepam for
anesthesia, fear of pain, even the possibility of disability and preoperative anti-anxiolytics. The right dose of diazepam will
death. Preoperative anxiety is defined as an unpleasant provide a significant difference in anxiety levels. (Micthel
condition of anxiety due to illness, hospitalization and Mark, 2019)
planning for surgery and anesthesia to be performed. In some
patients, the manifestation of anxiety depends on several II. RESEARCH METHODS
factors, including age, gender and purpose of surgery,
anesthesia and previous experience with surgery and A. Research methods
anesthesia, and personal response to anxiety. High levels of This study is an analytical study with an experimental
preoperative anxiety will pose risks associated with surgery double-blind randomized clinical trial design with the
and the anesthetic required, including morbidity and administration of 2 mg diazepam and 5 mg diazepam for
mortality. . (Akinsulore, 2017, Anissa, 2016) anxiety in patients who will undergo elective operative
The exact etiology of the incidence of preoperative
anxiety to date is highly variable. Some factors that also B. Place and time of research
greatly influence are age and gender, and as explained in the The study was conducted at the Central Surgical
previous paragraph regarding the experience of previous Installation of the Haji Adam Malik General Hospital,
operative procedures. These variations will affect how Medan. Sample collection starts from February – March
patients receive the operative procedure to be performed, and 2022.
receive information about complications that will occur after
the procedure . (Akinsulore, 2017) C. Object of research
All adult elective surgery patients who will undergo
The situation before entering the operating room can anesthetic and operative procedures at the Haji Adam Malik
provide discomfort and anxiety that affect the patient's General Hospital Medan.
mentality. This will affect the body's response to release
catecholamines so that it can lead to an increase in heart rate, D. Inclusion Criteria
heart muscle contraction, arterial vasoconstriction, increased The inclusion criteria for this study were adult patients
blood sugar and others, these conditions can aggravate the aged 18-65 years with an APAIS score <20 who were
condition before entering the operating room. scheduled to undergo surgical procedures, ASA I-II patients,
patients who agreed to participate in the study (Informed
Most patients awaiting elective surgery have anxiety. consent).
The incidence of preoperative anxiety has been estimated to
vary from 11-80% in the adult sample. A 2007 study on E. Exclusion Criteria
preoperative anxiety levels showed that from 40 samples of Exclusion criteria were patients with a history of severe
respondents there were 16 samples or 40% who had an anxiety before surgery and patients taking anti-anxiety drugs
anxiety level in the moderate category or 37.5% in the mild before
F. How it works and data collection techniques
Management for preoperative anxiety is divided into After obtaining approval from the ethics committee to
two, namely pharmacodynamics with anxiolytic agents and conduct research, the study began by collecting research
non-pharmacodynamics with distraction methods. The subjects according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. After
distraction method is by installing music, watching television, receiving an explanation of the objectives, benefits and
relaxation and visitation from the doctor himself to provide procedures of the study and signing an agreement to
calm to the patient. For pharmacodynamic measures, several participate in the study, interviews were conducted with
preoperative medication options were found. Premedication questionnaires to find out the data needed by the researcher.
choices include benzodiazepines, diazepam and propranolol. Then the anxiety measurement was carried out using the
Several studies have also shown that the administration of APAIS score before anesthesia was performed, the first
diazepam with different anxiolytic doses has a significant APAIS score was assessed 12 hours before diazepam was
effect on preoperative anxiolytic management. The study by given, and the second APAIS score was assessed 8 hours after
Mark Mitchel, et al collected some of the previously administration. Diazepam 2 mg or 5 mg was administered to
conducted studies on the use of diazepam as an anxiolytic groups of patients with predetermined mild and moderate
agent. Wikinski et al, investigated the effect of diazepam 10 levels of anxiety , intervention was administered 12 hours
mg randomly assigned to patients who were divided into two before surgery. Then the APAIS score was assessed again
groups, one of which was a placebo group. Emotional level after 12 hours. Data were then recorded in each experimental
examination was checked with STAI and VAS and found no group . Performed data analysis with SPSS
significant difference in MAP between the use of diazepam
10 mg and diazepam 5 mg. Another study also administered
diazepam 5 mg 30 minutes before surgery, and found a
decrease in anxiety 30 minutes after surgery. Diazepam at a
dose of 2 mg orally was also used as an antianxiolytic
medication in some studies. Until now, research is still

IJISRT22JUL1537 485

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. Data Management been provided. Every patient has the right to know the results
The results of the data that have been collected are then of the examination and may withdraw from the study if they
processed using the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test. The are not willing to continue the study. This research was
data obtained are normally distributed, a paired parametric conducted with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the
test will be carried out t-test to see the effect of giving Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra
diazepam on APAIS scores.
H. Research Ethics
All research participants who were included in this A. Sample Characteristics
study, were given an explanation, in patients with decreased Sample on study this amount 146 sample which in
awareness of family education is very necessary. About the accordance with criteria inclusion and exclusion, sample
objectives, benefits, and risks of research as well as the shared Becomes 2 group where group first get diazepam 2
responsibilities of researchers. After they understand, they are mg and group to two get diazepam 5 mg. Characteristics
asked for approval by signing the agreement letter that has sample shown on Table 4.1.

Table 1 Sample Characteristics

Group p value
Characteristics Total
Diazepam 2 mg Diazepam 5 mg
n n
Man 31 35 66 0.67
Woman 42 38 80
Age (Mean ± SD) 39.8 ± 11.3 38.6±11.5 39.2 ± 11.4 0.88
College 32 28 60
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 21 23 44 0,72
SD 2 3 5

Table 1 shows the distribution of sample characteristics, with general anesthesia or with regional anesthesia and the
at This study had a mean patient age of 39.2 ± 11.4 years. data obtained were homogeneous or normally distributed due
Most patients manifold sex woman of 42 samples. Based on to the p value > 0.05.
the characteristics of education, there are 32 samples found in
universities. The sample in this study whole planned for B. Comparison of Anxiety in the Diazepam 2 mg Group
operation elective without looking at technique anesthesia Before and After Treatment

Table 2 Comparison of anxiety in the Diazepam 2 mg group before and after treatment
Group Total
APAIS before Diazepam 2 mg
Before After
Anxiety light 14 60 0.04
Anxiety currently 59 13 0.03
Total 73 73
* Paired T Test

Based on table 2 level anxiety on patient after gift levels of anxiety in the group receiving diazepam 2 mg as
Diazepam 2 mg There were 14 samples of mild anxiety level much 59 samples and after administration of diazepam 2 mg
and 60 samples of mild anxiety level after administration of obtained moderate anxiety levels 13 samples with p value <
diazepam 2 mg with a P value of 0.04 there was a significant 0.03, there was a significant difference between moderate
difference between anxiety levels before and after anxiety levels before and after administration of diazepam 2
administration of 2 mg diazepam. Subjects with moderate mg

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Comparison of Anxiety in the Diazepam 5 mg Group Before and After Treatment

Table 3 Comparison of anxiety in the Diazepam 5 mg group before and after treatment
Group Total
APAIS before Treatment Diazepam 5 mg
Before After
Anxiety light 9 69 0.04
Anxiety currently 64 4 0.03
Total 73 73
* Paired T Test

Based on table 3 levels anxiety on patient after gift response personal to Anxiety. Level High preoperative
Diazepam 5 mg 9 samples of mild anxiety level and after anxiety will increase the risk associated with surgery and drug
administration of 5 mg diazepam mild anxiety level of 69 anesthesia which needed including morbidity and mortality (
samples with a P value of 0.04 there was a significant Batista, MM , 2014). Anxiety causes an increase in
difference between anxiety levels before and after 5 mg catecholaminestachycardia, hypertension and hemodynamic
diazepam administration. Subjects with moderate anxiety instability, arrhythmiasand a high pain threshold that persists
level in the group that received diazepam 5 mg as much 64 well into the postoperative period. Indicator biological which
sample and after administration of diazepam 5 mg obtained could reliable for reaction Anxiety is marker which valuable
moderate anxiety level 4 samples with p value < 0.05 there in study psycho-physiological and practice clinical (Paryanto,
was a significant difference between moderate anxiety level 2009).
before and after administration of diazepam 5 mg
Anxiety can be measured by measuring the level of
IV. DISCUSSION Anxiety according to the tool measuring Anxiety which This
is called APAIS ( Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and
This study is to determine the difference in anxiety Information Scale ). Scale APAIS is measurement Anxiety
levels on patient which get diazepam 2 mg and diazepam 5 specifically designed to measure the anxiety of pre -
mg with use scoring APAIS on patient which will undergo anesthesia and preoperative patients.
surgery elective in RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan. This study
consisted of 2 groups where each group consisted of 73 This study was followed by 146 samples of patients who
samples, in this study based on the distribution of sample have met the criteria inclusion, divided into two groups with
characteristics, in This study had a mean patient age of 39.2 the same number, each each amount 73 sample. Where
± 11.4 years. Most patients manifold sex woman of 42 study this have average age patienthad a mean patient age
samples in the 2 mg diazepam group and at least 31 samples of 39.2 ± 11.4 years. Most patients manifold sex woman with
in the male diazepam 2 mg group. Based on the characteristics percentage 54.8%. Patient most many Islam with a
of Religion most many Islam was 41 samples in the 5 mg percentage of 54.8%, with the most ethnic Batak tribes that is
diazepam group. Based on the characteristics of the ethnic 45.2%. Most patients with tertiary education are 41.2%. The
sample, the most Batak tribes are 34. Based on the sample in this study whole planned for operation elective
characteristics of education, the sample is mostly found in without looking at technique anesthesia with general or
universities. The sample in this study whole planned for regional anesthesia.
operation elective without looking at technique anesthesia
with general or regional anesthesia. Study previously Anita D, et al, on year 2017 To do
study where as many as 40 patients met the inclusion criteria.
This research was carried out because so far to reduce Effectiveness diazepam and placebo. There was a decrease in
preanxiety always use diazepam 5 mg, while for the dose of Alpha Amylase levels after administration of diazepam but
diazepam itself is an incremental dose where the dose given not significant (p = 0.117) while at group placebo obtained
starts from dose which smallest (2 mg), on study for use drug enhancement rate Alpha Amylase by significant (p=0.000).
this previously only limited to administration of 5 mg only In addition, the results showed that there were differences in
without judging the effect produced to reduce anxiety at the levels of Alpha Amylase after intervention between
lower doses, and has not There are studies that assess the second group (p= 0.040) rate Alpha Amylase group diazepam
effectiveness of giving diazepam 2 mg and 5 mg in reducing more low compared to with group placebo. Diazepam 5 mg
anxiety in similar elective preoperative patients who orally preoperatively effectively reduces salivary alpha
conducted in Indonesia. amylase compared to with placebo on patient which will
conducted operation tumor breast.
Anxiety preoperative defined as condition which no
pleasure from restlessness and tension due to illness, In this study, dizepam 2 mg and 5 mg were
hospitalization and planning for surgery and anesthesia administered. in patients who will undergo elective surgery
conducted. Some patient manifestations of anxiety depends with anxiety levels medium and heavy. Diazepam is given the
on several factors,including age gender, type of anesthesia, night before surgery and assessed on the APAIS scale, then
surgery experience and anesthesia previously, as well as reassessed the APAIS scale after 10 hours gift drug diazepam.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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