Cambridge Preparation For The TOEFL (R) Test, 3/E: Test 2 Listening Answer Key

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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL (R) Test, 3/E

Test 2 Listening Answer Key

Copyright (c) 2002 by Cambridge University Press

1. ANSWER: Peter really didn't want to help.

EXPLANATION: The woman uses the expression "twist his arm" to imply that she had
to pressure Peter to help because he didn't want to. His not wanting to help can also
be understood from her saying, "It wasn't easy," in response to the man's question.

2. ANSWER: He would like classes to be over sooner.

EXPLANATION: The man's use of the expression "That's not a minute too soon for
me" implies "Classes cannot be over soon enough to please me." In other words, the
man is extremely eager for classes to be over.

3. ANSWER: He assured students that he would help with housing troubles.

EXPLANATION: Robert promised to help solve student problems that concerned

4. ANSWER: She's good at solving math problems.

EXPLANATION: If someone "has a head for something" (gains knowledge about
something easily), that person is probably "good at it" (competent at doing it).

5. ANSWER: The woman can't take the picture.

EXPLANATION: The man regrets that there is no more film. Therefore, the woman
can't take the picture.

6. ANSWER: He isn't a very serious student.

EXPLANATION: The woman lists several things that the man hadn't done but would
have done if he had been serious about his studies.

7. ANSWER: They could share the cost.

EXPLANATION: The expression "go halves" means "share the cost." Because the
woman does not have the money to buy gasoline for the trip, the man is suggesting
that they share the cost of gas. Perhaps in that way she can afford the trip.

8. ANSWER: It's snowing very hard.

EXPLANATION: The woman means that there is so much snow falling that it is
blocking the view of the Student Union. Therefore, it must be snowing very hard.

9. ANSWER: They'll be finished taking the tests in two weeks.

EXPLANATION: The woman encourages the man by telling him that tests will be
finished (be over) in two weeks (the week after next).

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10. ANSWER: She enrolled in a short German-language course.
EXPLANATION: Sue has signed up for a course (enrolled in a course). A crash course
is a short course that is held for many hours over several days or weeks. In other
words, it's intensive for a short period of time.

11. ANSWER: Margaret should say she's sorry for having mislaid the paper.
EXPLANATION: The woman agrees with the man that since Margaret mislaid Dr.
Morris's research paper, she should say she is sorry for doing that.

12. ANSWER: He doesn't want to return the book yet.

EXPLANATION: The man's asking the woman if she can wait another week before he
returns the book indicates that he wants to keep it for a longer time.

13. ANSWER: Jason knows the part extremely well.

EXPLANATION: Jason's "lines" are "his part of the script," and to memorize them
"backwards and forwards" (thoroughly) means that he knows them extremely well.

14. ANSWER: They could go see the show.

EXPLANATION: The woman is suggesting that they go to the exhibition.

15. ANSWER: She would prefer studying zoology.

EXPLANATION: The woman is indicating a preference for a different course (zoology)
from the one the man is suggesting (botany).

16. ANSWER: She is going to the library later.

EXPLANATION: The woman means that she isn't going to the library now but that she
is going to the library after lunch.

17. ANSWER: The man's schedule could be worse.

EXPLANATION: The woman means that having a class in the afternoon is better than
having one in the evening. Therefore, the man's schedule could be worse than it is.

18. ANSWER: To fix the photocopier

EXPLANATION: It can be inferred by the man's statement that he has come about the
photocopier and by the woman's description of the problem that he has come to repair

19. ANSWER: The arrangements for meeting each other

EXPLANATION: The people are talking about a time and place to meet before going to
the theater.

20. ANSWER: His class sometimes gets out late.

EXPLANATION: The woman states that the man's professor sometimes gets carried
away (might be so enthusiastic about the lecture that he or she doesn't notice the

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time). This implies that the man might arrive at the meeting place late.

21. ANSWER: Pick up the tickets

EXPLANATION: The woman offers to pick up the tickets early in order to save time.

22. ANSWER: He doesn't have enough money to meet expenses.

EXPLANATION: The man states that he didn't have enough money to get all the
required books.

23. ANSWER: Work part-time at university events

EXPLANATION: Although the woman suggests buying used books and checking out
books from the library, she also suggests that he take care of his financial problem by
getting a part-time job.

24. ANSWER: Apply for a job

EXPLANATION: The woman has given the man several reasons to apply for a job in
order to meet his expenses. He sees the advantages of doing this and will probably try
to get the part-time job the woman has recommended.

25. ANSWER: Shades

EXPLANATION: It is stated in the talk that these portraits were once called shades.

26. ANSWER: Clay

EXPLANATION: The mentioned materials are ivory, plaster, porcelain, and glass. Clay
is not mentioned.

27. ANSWER: A French finance minister who was known for his stinginess
EXPLANATION: It is stated in the talk that Etienne de Silhouette was an
eighteenth-century French finance minister who was infamous for his stringent
economic policies.

28. ANSWER: They were inexpensive.

EXPLANATION: Because the phrase "a la silhouette" meant "cheap," the term was
used for this art form, which was inexpensive to produce.

29. ANSWER: The first picture from the left

EXPLANATION: A silhouette is described as the shadow of a sitter's profile captured
on paper.

30. ANSWER: The man's work-study duties

EXPLANATION: The man introduces himself as the person the work-study office sent.
The woman then explains the job.

31. ANSWER: Biology

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EXPLANATION: The professor offers to show the man "our lab," and the man asks if
he will be working in the biology lab. This indicates that the professor is probably
working in the Biology Department.

32. ANSWER: Counting paramecia

EXPLANATION: The woman states that they need him to count paramecia.

33. ANSWER: It's necessary for analyzing the speed of reproduction.

EXPLANATION: The paramecia probably need to be counted at regular intervals in
order to ascertain the speed at which they are reproducing.

34. ANSWER: 1. A convenient time must be arranged for the student to come. 2. The
paramecia must be counted. 3. A form must be filled out and turned in. 4. The
statistics must be fed into the computer.
EXPLANATION: First, the man must arrange a time to come to the biology lab. At the
lab, he will count paramecia and write these numbers on a form that he will give to
Nancy, who will enter the statistics into the computer.

35. ANSWER: The public reaction to a media broadcast

EXPLANATION: The talk is mainly about the public's reaction to a radio play.

36. ANSWER: George Orson Welles produced the radio play. / The broadcast was
convincing and realistic.
EXPLANATION: The professor states that the radio play was produced by George
Orson Welles and that it contained convincing sound effects and realistic special

37. ANSWER: It had a widespread effect in the United States.

EXPLANATION: The professor states that the event is the most widely known delusion
in United States, if not world, history.

38. ANSWER: Real places were referred to in realistic special bulletins.

EXPLANATION: The professor talks about the play being so realistically produced that
people believed the events it portrayed were really happening.

39. ANSWER: 1. H. G. Wells wrote The War of the Worlds. 2. A dramatic play was
performed on radio. 3. Some Americans tried to flee the invasion. 4. The audience's
reaction to the broadcast became well known.
EXPLANATION: The original novel was published in 1898. The novel was adapted and
broadcast on radio to Americans in 1938. Some of the audience believed the
broadcast and tried to flee the invasion. This incident has become well known.

40. ANSWER: The media may have misled the public about the extent of the panic.
EXPLANATION: The professor argues that the media may have exaggerated the

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actual extent of the panic. This is ironic because the original panic was caused by the
media itself.

41. ANSWER: General information about CFCs

EXPLANATION: The professor talks about many different aspects of
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

42. ANSWER: They are released through some products and processes.
EXPLANATION: The professor states that CFCs are components of certain products
and are produced in various manufacturing processes.

43. ANSWER: To give examples of products that are put into aerosol containers
EXPLANATION: The professor gives hair sprays and polishes as examples of aerosol
products containing CFCs.

44. ANSWER: 1. Artificial chemicals called CFCs are used in the production of many
goods. 2. The use of products containing CFCs allows CFCs to enter the atmosphere.
3. Oxygen combines with CFCs, causing the depletion of the ozone layer. 4. Ultraviolet
light is able to reach the Earth's surface and damage DNA.
EXPLANATION: First, artificial chemicals called CFCs are used in products. The use
of these products releases CFCs into the atmosphere, where they combine with the
oxygen in the ozone. This combination depletes the ozone. This depletion allows
ultraviolet light to damage DNA.

45. ANSWER: She is not certain everyone will comply with the international
EXPLANATION: The professor states that because of economic reasons, some
countries are not enthusiastic about phasing out the production of CFCs.

46. ANSWER: Juvenile justice system reform

EXPLANATION: The speaker talks about the American justice system's needing to
deal differently with children than it deals with adults and goes on to discuss reforming
the system in a way that continues to protect children.

47. ANSWER: Juvenile offenders received individualized treatment.

EXPLANATION: The professor states that the American justice system reflects the
differences between children and adults, and it provides for these differences by
individualizing the treatment of children.

48. ANSWER: Juvenile criminals might be treated as adult criminals.

EXPLANATION: The professor realizes that there is an increase in criminal offenses
by juveniles. Nonetheless, he worries that juveniles who commit crimes may be
treated as adult criminals.

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49. ANSWER: Juvenile's understanding of criminal behavior: Accountability /
Juvenile's likelihood of committing crimes: Risk evaluation / Juvenile's likelihood of
modifying behavior: Susceptibility to change
EXPLANATION: Accountability involves assessing how juveniles differ from adults in
their understanding of criminal behavior. Risk evaluation involves determining the
chances that a juvenile will commit an offense. Susceptibility to change involves
assessing how likely it is that a juvenile may respond to treatment.

50. ANSWER: Conducting more research in relevant fields / Spreading knowledge

among professionals and the community
EXPLANATION: The professor recommends that research into the key areas be
based on a thorough understanding of the related fields of child and adolescent
development and that this knowledge be spread among professionals and throughout
the community.

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