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Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

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Original research article

Community energy meets smart grids: Reviewing goals, structure, and roles T
in Virtual Power Plants in Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands

Luc F.M. van Summeren , Anna J. Wieczorek, Gunter J.T. Bombaerts, Geert P.J. Verbong
School of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands


Keywords: Community-driven energy initiatives are seen as important drivers of the energy transition. So far these in-
Community energy itiatives focused mainly on energy generation and conservation. Recently however, some initiatives started to
Virtual Power Plant adopt smart grid technologies like Virtual Power Plants (VPP) which enables them to become involved in the
Community-based Virtual Power Plant distribution, trading and management of energy. By adopting a multiple-methods approach consisting of lit-
Energy transition
erature reviews on community energy and Virtual Power Plant, action research, semi-structured interviews and
Smart grid
by mobilizing Family Resemblance, this article explores the community-based Virtual Power Plants as a novel
Energy cooperatives
model for energy provision. We identified five building blocks that together form a cVPP: the community in-
volved, the community-logic under which the project operates, the portfolio of distributed energy resources
aggregated and controlled by an ICT control architecture, and the roles communities can collectively play in the
energy system by means of cVPP. Three practical cases in Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands highlight the
diversity of cVPPs, that results from different choices and trade-offs made by various communities in diverse
institutional contexts. Applying the cVPP conceptualization made visible that the three cVPPs had to comply
with the incumbent energy system, making it difficult to play the preferred roles in the energy system, operate on
the scale of their community and to keep their own needs and values center stage.

1. Introduction of the European Commission defines Citizen Energy Community as: “a

legal entity which is based on voluntary and open participation, effectively
Traditionally electricity has been generated by large scale power controlled by shareholders or members who are natural persons, local au-
plants connected to the transmission network. As a result, the operation thorities, including municipalities, or small enterprises and microenterprises.
of electricity markets, control of the network and matching generation The primary purpose of a citizens energy community is to provide environ-
and demand have been limited to the transmission network, while the mental, economic or social community benefits for its members or the local
distribution network only provides passive network capacity to supply areas where it operates rather than financial profits. A citizens energy
electricity to passive consumers [1,2]. However, the way this incum- community can be engaged in electricity generation, distribution and supply,
bent electricity system is planned, operated and regulated is under consumption, aggregation, storage or energy efficiency services, generation of
pressure due to a rise of often small and weather dependent renewable renewable electricity, charging services for electric vehicles or provide other
energy sources connected to the distribution rather than the transmis- energy services to its shareholders or members” [9]. These community
sion network [1,3]. The rise of these renewable energy sources is part of initiatives are considered to be a site for grassroots innovations, e.g.
efforts to decarbonize the energy system in response to challenges like “novel bottom–up solutions for sustainable development that respond
climate change and environmental issues related to the use of fossil to the local situation and the interests and values of the communities
fuels, energy security and rising and unstable fuel prices [4–6]. involved” [10]. As such, communities might develop innovative local
These renewable energy sources enable passive energy consumers to (collective) energy practices that challenge the way energy is generated
become prosumers, who actively invest in and become owners of re- and managed in the incumbent electricity system [11]. Next, this so
newables, either individually or as part of a community-driven energy called ‘community energy’ is seen as a vehicle for raising awareness and
initiative [3]. The latter are receiving increasing attention from both social acceptance regarding efforts to decarbonize the energy system
researchers and policymakers as important drivers of this energy tran- [7,8,12,13].
sition [7,8]. For instance, the recent 2019 Electricity Directive (recast) Until recently community-driven energy initiatives and projects

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (L.F.M. van Summeren).
Received 6 May 2019; Received in revised form 16 December 2019; Accepted 16 December 2019
Available online 30 December 2019
2214-6296/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

focused on collective ownership of energy generation technology, joint ‘community energy’. Keywords used for searching literature on VPP
purchasing, energy efficiency and energy conservation [3,11]. In- were: ‘((virtual AND power AND plant) OR vpp) AND (energy OR
creasingly however, communities begin to actively manage electricity electricity) AND (renewable OR distributed OR der))’. This resulted in
systems by means of added intelligence and ICT enabled communica- 864 abstracts, which were screened manually. A total of 41 publications
tion [11]. They thereby enter the incumbent-dominated field of smart were selected and analyzed in detail to identify definitions of VPP, cVPP
grids [14,15]. Virtual Power Plant (VPP) is an increasingly popular related concepts and main characteristics of VPP. Keywords for com-
smart grid-type of application that aggregates distributed energy re- munity energy included: ‘((communit* OR citizen OR prosumer OR
sources (DER) (e.g. distributed generation, controllable loads and en- grassroots) AND (project OR initiative OR collective OR cooperative)
ergy storage systems) in a coordinated portfolio [16]. VPPs are cur- AND (renewable OR green OR clean OR sustainab*) AND (energy OR
rently mainly used to provide grid support services to grid operators electricity))’. In total 2765 abstracts were identified, which were
and/or to enable energy trading on wholesale energy markets [5,17]. screened manually. A total of 25 publications were selected and ana-
By means of a VPP a community could potentially manage the way lyzed in detail to identify definitions and main characteristics of com-
community-generated energy is used within their community [11] and/ munity-based projects. Regarding analysis of the literature sources, in
or play a role in and gain revenues from energy trade, network support both cases data was categorized into emergent categories using concept
and balancing services [18,19]. coding (“assigning meso or macro levels of meaning to data”), and in
While both VPP and community energy have recently received pre-defined categories using elaborative coding (“building on previous
much scholarly attention, VPP driven by a community, which we refer study's categories”) [32]. The pre-defined categories were based on
to as community-based VPP or cVPP, is a novel, emerging and un- preliminary knowledge and included e.g. definition, goals, functions,
explored phenomenon [3,20–22]. Scholars who do explore cVPP re- activities, types, scales and actors involved. Next, the categories were
lated concepts focus on technological and economic aspects, while reorganized in meta-categories [32], which represent building blocks
using the term ‘community’ merely to refer to the scale of the project and characteristics of respectively VPP and community energy. Finally
[23,24]. Others limit their focus to a limited set of functions that their a brief summary was written for each of these meta-categories, which
cVPP-like initiatives can fulfil [20,25]. However, the many un- formed the input for Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
certainties regarding the directions of the unfolding energy transition in Action research comprised of the authors not only observing but
different countries, different institutional barriers posed by the in- also participating and sharing their preliminary research results in a
cumbent energy system and its regulatory framework in particular [21], number of face-to-face and online meetings between January and
as well as the diversity of community energy initiatives [26], make it November 2018 (Table 1). These meetings were part of the ongoing
hard to accurately demarcate future functions of cVPP. In addition, cVPP project, of which the researchers are the project leaders. In this
although Koirala et al. [20] and Wainstein et al. [25] do give some project three communities from respectively Ireland (Tipperary), the
attention to a community organizational structure and community va- Netherlands (Loenen) and Belgium (Gent) develop and implement their
lues, they largely neglect the ongoing debate on what makes a project own cVPPs. Data was collected from transcribed recordings, notes by
community-based [3,27,28]. Therefore in this paper we argue that to the researchers and the review of projects’ PowerPoint presentations,
better understand the benefits of cVPP for communities and its poten- project reports and websites of the community initiatives involved in
tial role in the transition to a more sustainable energy system, we first the three pilots. The empirical data derived from action research pro-
need better understanding of cVPP and what makes it community- vided complementary insights to the literature review on what a cVPP
based. Although not the main focus of this paper, studying cVPP will is or should be according to practitioners involved in developing cVPP.
also shed some light on its struggles with the incumbent energy system. They also provided data about the three cVPP pilots. Data derived from
This leads to the following research question: action research and semi-structured interviews were analyzed si-
How can community-based Virtual Power Plant be conceptualized and multaneously, data analysis will therefore be discussed below.
practically operationalized as a community-driven model for the generation, Semi-structured interviews with representatives of the three cVPP
consumption, distribution and management of electricity? pilots (Table 2) provided the third source of data. The interviews were
Our research approach consists of several steps. First we review carried out in two rounds between June 2018 and April 2019. The aim
existing literature and complement it with insights from an ongoing was to gather more in-depth data about the choices made in three cVPP
Interreg NWE cVPP project1, to identify what a VPP is (Section 3.1) and pilots given their own national institutional context. Interview ques-
establish what makes cVPP (or energy project in general) community- tions were formulated following the categories of the cVPP con-
based (Section 3.2). Then, we mobilize Family Resemblance to con- ceptualization – derived from the literature and informed by the action
ceptualize cVPP (Section 3.3). Family Resemblance refers to a way of research insights (see Section 3). All interviews were recorded, tran-
concept formation characterized by a set of substitutable rather than scribed and complimented by researcher's notes.
fixed attributes [29,30]. In Section 4 this conceptual framework is ap- Data from both action research and semi-structured interviews were
plied to three cVPP cases for verification and to learn about cVPP op- simultaneously coded in two cycles using software Nvivo. Initial coding
erationalization in practice. This paper ends by discussing the appli- was used during the first cycle to break down the data in discrete parts
cation of the cVPP conceptualization to three cases, drawing based on their content [32]. In the second coding cycle elaborative
conclusions and discussing future research directions. coding was used to categorize codes into pre-defined categories [32],
derived from the cVPP conceptualization discussed in Section 3.
It is important to explain that in this project the process of theo-
2. Methods
rizing and implementing cVPPs were parallel, which means they mu-
tually talked to and influenced each other. On several occasions pre-
We adopted a multiple-methods approach [31]: literature review,
liminary results were shared and discussed with project partners for
action research and semi-structured interviews.
validation. By doing this, the action research probably has influenced
The literature review was conducted using two Scopus-based lit-
the operationalization of the concept in practice. To limit bias and
erature reviews between April and July 2018. The sources were
ensure reliability of the results several measures were taken. First, ac-
screened with the aim to characterize ‘Virtual Power Plant’ and
tion research was triangulated by literature reviews and interviews.
Secondly, rather than taking a snapshot in the development process of
‘cVPP project’ refers to the Interreg NWE funded project (588) ‘Community- the three cVPPs, data was collected over a longer period through both
based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP): a novel model of radical decarbonisation participation in meetings and by conducting two rounds of interviews.
based on empowerment of low-carbon community driven energy initiatives’. Thirdly, to prevent that one person's opinion would have too much

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Table. 1
Overview cVPP project meetings, F2 F denotes face to face meeting, tele call was carried out using GoTo platform and recorded.
Reference Date Topic and type of the project meeting

M1 17-01-2018 Telecall on replicating cVPP to new areas

M2 19-02-2018 First general quarterly consortium telecall
M3 22-02-2018 Telecall on how to design a cVPP
M4 19-03-2018 First F2 F meeting on how to design a cVPP
M5 27-03-2018 F2 F meeting on communication with external stakeholders
M6 06-04-2018 Second F2 F meeting on how to design a cVPP
M7 11-04-2018 F2 F consortium meeting in Tipperary, Ireland
M8 07-06-2018 Second general quarterly consortium telecall
M9 07-06-2018 Telecall on replicating cVPP
M10 13-09-2018 Third general quarterly consortium telecall
M11 23-10-2018 Telecall on replicating cVPP
M12 23-10-2018 Telecall on impacts of the institutional context
M13 31-10-2018 Telecall on defining Community & cVPP
M14 07-11-2018 Consortium meeting Gent
M15 30-11-2018 Telecall on defining Community & cVPP

Table. 2
Overview interviewees.
Reference Date Interviewee

IR1 25-06-2018 Initiator of energy community ‘Tait House Community Enterprise’

IR2 26-06-2018 Employee of energy community ‘Community Renewable Energy Supplier’
IR3 26-06-2018 Initiator of energy community ‘Templederry Wind Farm’
IR4 27-06-2018 Initiator of energy community ‘Energy cooperative Aran Islands’
IR5 04-07-2018 CEO of regional energy agency ‘Tipperary Energy Agency’
IR6 27-02-2019 Employee of energy community ‘Community Renewable Energy Supplier (CRES)’
NL1 10-12-2018 Initiator of energy community ‘Loenen Energie Neutraal’
NL2 07-03-2019 Board member of energy community ‘Duurzame Projecten Loenen’
NL3 07-03-2019 Initiator of energy community ‘Loenen Energie Neutraal’
BE1 05-03-2019 Employee of energy community ‘EnerGent’
BE2 16-04-2019 Employee of energy community ‘EnerGent’

impact on the results, multiple community representatives were in- (M7,14). This paper uses the term ‘community-logic’ to refer to the
cluded during interviews and/or meetings. principles under which (many) community energy projects and in-
itiatives operate. Below findings of the literature review will be dis-
cussed regarding respectively community and community-logic.
3. Conceptualizing cVPP
3.1.1. Community
3.1. Defining community energy
In the analyzed literature sample acting as a community has a strong
normative dimension and is generally seen as something positive [36].
The concept ‘community energy’ is used as an elastic concept
However, the term community can refer to different types and mean-
without clear boundaries [27,33] to represent a diverse sector involving
ings. Heiskanen et al. [37] distinguish between four different types of
various actors and organizational forms [26], serving various objectives
community: place-based (e.g. neighborhood), sectoral networks (e.g.
not necessarily directly related to energy [3,12,13,27,34], and which
company, sector), interest-based (e.g. shared interests) and virtual
involves a large range of activities, strategies and technologies [3,13].
communities (e.g. online communities enabled by ICT). Walker [36]
This elasticity was also mentioned as an issue during a project meeting:
goes into more detail on the various meanings of the term ‘community’.
“Different people have different opinions about community, and they are all
In relation to energy the term community is used as: an actor with
correct even though they are different” (M13). Indeed, the literature re-
agency, a scale between individual households and local government, a
view revealed a variety of definitions of community energy; one often
place like a neighborhood or village, a social network not necessarily
cited being the definition by Seyfang et al. [13]: “Projects where com-
limited to one geographical location, a collaborative process which
munities (of place or interest) exhibit a high degree of ownership and control
involves citizens in decision making, and as an identity or way of living.
of the energy project, as well as benefiting collectively from the outcomes
In relation to community energy the term community mainly refers to a
(either energy-saving or revenue-generation).” After reviewing several
social network of people (and organizations) within one 1) geo-
definitions in the literature, Klein and Coffey [35] derived an all-in-
graphical area (place-based) and/or with 2) shared interests [13,35].
clusive definition, which considers community energy as “a project or
program initiated by a group of people united by a common local geographic
location (town level or smaller) and/or set of common interests; in which 3.1.2. Community-logic
some or all of the benefits and costs of the initiative are applied to this same The diverse and elastic nature of the term community energy is seen
group of people; and which incorporates a distributed energy generation as a key strength because it allows for tailoring projects to local needs,
technology (for electricity, heat, or transportation) based on renewable en- objectives and contexts [27]. However, due to its elasticity the term
ergy resources (solar, wind, water, biomass, geothermal) and/or energy community energy is often used as a rhetorical device to capture public
conservation/efficiency methods/technologies.” What these definitions, as support and to make commercial approaches seem less controversial
well as various discussions in the cVPP project, show is that what makes [28], which tarnishes the concept for other communities [27,38].
an energy project or initiative community-based is not only the in- Walker and Devine-Wright [28] attempted to provide more clarity on
volvement of a community but also the way in which they operate what distinguishes community energy projects from commercial

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

projects by highlighting two dimensions: process and outcome; the ar- connected to the main electricity grid [16,45–47]. Research on VPP has
gument being that the more a community is involved in the operation focused mainly on modelling of uncertainties of intermittent energy
and the higher the share of benefits that flow back to the community, generation and on linear and nonlinear grid optimization problems
the more a project can be considered to be a community energy project [48]. Less effort is put into formulating a generic definition of VPP [44].
[28]. However useful, it is argued that the process and outcome di- Several scholars did however made attempts to develop a generic de-
mensions are not specific and detailed enough to say what makes a finition of VPP. For instance, an often cited one by Pudjianto et al. [49]
legitimate community process or outcome [27]. Based on findings from considers VPP as “a flexible representation of a portfolio of DER, which
the literature on community energy complemented with insights from aggregates the capacity of many diverse DER to create a single operating
cVPP project meetings, we derived a list of seven characteristics that profile from a composite of the parameters characterizing each DER and
describe the logic in which community-based initiatives operate. incorporating spatial (i.e. network) constraints.” Another often cited de-
(1) Community-based initiatives are largely driven by (a plurality finition by Asmus [16] is: “Virtual Power Plants rely upon software sys-
of) community’ needs, motivations and values [12,13,27] (M14,15). tems to remotely and automatically dispatch and optimize generation- or
These values are diverse and can be financial (e.g. reduce energy bills, demand side or storage resources in a single, secure web-connected system.”
improve local economy), institutional (e.g. increase support for RES, According to Vandoorn et al. [47] “VPPs consist of an aggregation of DER
prevent commercial large-scale energy projects), environmental (e.g. to operate as a conventional generation system with respect to controllability
reduce emissions, ensure appropriate siting and scales), technical (e.g. and market participation.” From these VPP definitions three main VPP
reliable energy supply, energy independence) and social (e.g. commu- attributes can be identified [17]. (1) A VPP aggregates distributed en-
nity building, capacity building) [12,13,27]. (2) Community-based in- ergy resources (DER), consisting of distributed generation, controllable
itiatives are often characterized by high degrees of community own- loads (e.g. demand response assets) and/or energy storage systems, into
ership over the entity and assets [12,13,39]. There are different one coordinated portfolio [5,16,50,51]. (2) Information technology
ownership models ranging from full community owned to co-ownership systems (ICT) and software are described as the “glue holding the VPP
models [40,41]. (3) Closely related to ownership, is the high degree of together” [16]. These software systems, often referred to as control ar-
community involvement in governance and decision making chitecture, are responsible for remotely coordinating and controlling
[12,13,27,28]. In the commonly used cooperative model all members the power flows coming from DER [5,16]. (3) Aggregation of DER into
have equal voting rights, regardless of the amount of shares they own one portfolio allows a VPP to act as a single virtual and visible entity in
[40]. In this model members vote for long-term strategies and elect the energy system, similar to a large conventional and dispatchable
representatives who take place in the executive board and who are power plant [4,16,17,49,50,52]. This allows a VPP to play a role in the
responsible for the cooperatives’ daily operation [28,40]. (4) Commu- current centralized energy system related to participation in energy
nity-based initiatives strive for a fair distribution of (collective) values, markets and/or provision of grid services to system operators [5,17,49].
costs and risks [13,28]. Fairness relates to what is perceived as fair by Following the three main building blocks of VPP, we define VPP as:
the community and its members. (5) Community initiatives often en- A software-based solution that aggregates distributed energy resources
gage people from the community beyond the group of initial enthusiasts into one coordinated and controlled portfolio that operates as one single
and throughout the whole course of a project. Although these initiatives entity similar to a conventional power plant, and which allows for per-
are mostly driven by networks of likeminded people [42](M7,14), their forming roles in the electricity system related to managing and trading of
success depends largely on whether they become locally embedded by electricity.
engaging with the wider community [12,13,39,43]. (6) Community- The three VPP building blocks (DER portfolio, control architecture
based initiatives and projects tend to be more open and inclusive to all, and the role in the energy system) can be used to distinguish between
regardless of status and resources [38–40]. For instance, energy co- different types of VPPs, and will be briefly discussed and illustrated
operatives are characterized by its voluntary and open membership with empirical data below.
[40]. Finally, (7) rather than solely focusing on maximizing economic
benefits, community-based initiatives tend to link the scale of energy 3.2.1. DER portfolio
technology to their own energy demand, needs and values [27]. For Aggregating DER into one coordinated and managed portfolio en-
instance, one common motivation for communities to set up an energy ables VPP to act as one large entity similar to a conventional power
initiative is to gain control over both the scale and siting of renewable plant, allowing for better integration of DER into the existing cen-
energy generation in their local environment, often as reaction to the tralized energy system [20]. The literature distinguishes three main
development of commercial projects [27]. categories of DER: (1) Distributed generation (DG) consisting of con-
The different community energy characteristics emerged during trollable or intermittent, renewable or non-renewable and often small
various discussions in the cVPP project, which allowed to update and capacity energy generators connected to the distribution network. (2)
verify the list. Although it was stated during the project meetings that Controllable loads include various electrical appliances that can be
these characteristics very well reflect what makes a project community- controlled to shift or alter energy demand [53]. (3) Energy storage
based, they do not provide a fixed boundary between what is meant by systems provide flexibility to the grid by providing backup energy, or
cVPP in contrast to VPP (M14,15). During project meetings it was by either acting as a load (when charging) or as a generator (when
furthermore argued that the community-logic should be both flexible discharging) [44,53].
and decided upon by the community itself (M14).
3.2.2. Control architecture
3.2. Defining Virtual Power Plant Literature on VPP distinguishes three different control architectures.
However, the literature shows a varied use of names for these control
The Virtual Power Plant (VPP) concept emerged in the late 1990 s. It architectures. In this paper we adopt the terms Centralized Controlled
is increasingly seen as a viable solution for grid issues and challenges VPP, Decentralized Controlled VPP and Distributed Controlled VPP,
related to the integration of large quantities of (intermittent) renewable because of their clarity. In a Centralized Controlled VPP one central
energy sources (RES) into the existing electricity grid in a cost effective system controls all DER and receives information about their limitations
manner [16,17,23,25,44]. Another Smart Grid solution that is receiving as well as owners’ preferences [17,47,54,55]. Decentralized Controlled
a lot of attention, and which shows many similarities to VPPs, is a VPP (sometimes referred to as Hierarchical Controlled VPP [47]) are
microgrid. A microgrid is a physical integrated energy system that can operated on different levels (e.g. local, regional and large scale VPPs)
operate either in parallel to or islanded from the main electricity grid, [54,55]. A local VPP is responsible for coordinating a limited number of
while a VPP relies on software systems that coordinate DER that are DER units from the same geographical location, enabling local

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Fig. 1. From left to right: Centralized Controlled VPP, Decentralized Controlled VPP and Distributed Controlled VPP.

Fig. 2. Roles in the energy system, figure retrieved from USEF (2015) and adapted for the cVPP project (facilitator role is added).

operation, while the actual decisions are made by a VPP that acts on a (commercial aspect). They are an emergent response of the utilities and
higher level [54,55]. In contrast to Centralized and Decentralized network operators to the growing intermitted energy flows from de-
Controlled VPPs, a Distributed Controlled VPP does not have direct centralized sources. Technical/commercial distinction therefore refers
access to DER. Instead of a VPP that actively controls DER, it consists of to VPPs as deployed by utilities or DSOs, with a focus on integrating
an ‘information exchange agent’ that sends data (e.g. market data, DER into the grid and/or energy markets. However, the community
weather forecasts, dynamic energy prices) to local controllers which in aspect, including that a community can also configure their own com-
turn optimize their own individual strategies [17,47,54,55]. Fig. 1 munity-based VPP in response to their own needs and values, is ne-
shows visual representations of the three control architectures. glected.
To deal with this limitation, in this research, six differently con-
3.2.3. Role in the energy system ceptualized roles were identified based on the USEF market roles model
A widely adopted VPP classification in the literature distinguishes developed as part of the Universal Smart Energy Framework [59]. This
Commercial- and Technical VPP on the basis of their complementary framework describes “an integral market design for the trading of
roles in the energy system [5,6,17,49,50,56,57]. A Commercial VPP flexible energy use”, complementary to the existing market design. The
creates one operating profile representing its DER portfolio, which USEF market design reflects how the incumbent energy system cur-
enables energy trading on the wholesale market [5,6,50]. Commercial rently operates and what challenges it faces [59]. In this framework
VPPs are not limited to aggregating DER connected to one distribution major focus is on trading ‘flexibility' which communities can provide to
system or from one geographical location [49,50,58]. A Technical VPP help utilities to deal with the unpredicted supply of renewable decen-
aggregates DER from one geographic location connected to the same tralized energy. Through provision and trade of flexibility, communities
distribution system and takes into account system impacts and oper- instead of just being selfless sources of flex capacity, can become a
ating characteristics of DER (e.g. capacities, production and consump- relevant player in the energy system, condition to regulatory change
tion forecasts and contractual obligations). A technical VPP provides that would allow such a construct. The USEF roles model, by describing
ancillary and balancing services directly to system operators the roles, tasks and responsibilities within the current, yet slightly ex-
[5,6,48–50]. tended, market design, allows to speculate who can do what. Following
The distinction between technical and commercial functions of VPP Klaassen and Van Der Laan [19], who applied the USEF roles model to
identified in the engineering literature on VPP however is not suitable Citizens Energy Communities, we identified the following roles: energy
to grasp the plurality of roles communities could play in the energy service company (ESCo), facilitator, producer, supplier (SUP), ag-
system by means of cVPP (M3,4,7). VPPs have originally been designed gregator and distribution system operator (DSO) (see figure 2). These
to deal either with grid issues on the distribution network (technical roles are aligned with the logic of the current European centralized
aspect) or with trading energy or flexibility on energy markets energy system. This implies that although the cVPP operates on a

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

different rationale than only provision of energy and flexibility, in the structures consider cases to be members of a concept when they share a
current conditions, cVPPs have to adjust to the incumbent system and minimal number of substitutable attributes. Finally, mixed structures
comply with the pre-defined roles, tasks and responsibilities in the consider cases to be members of a concept if they possess both non-
energy system. At the moment of this research it is not expected that substitutable attributes and INUS attributes.
communities will be able to play the roles of Balance Responsible Party Based on the literature review and discussions in project meetings
(BRP) and Transmission System Operator (TSO) [19], therefore these five non-substitutable building blocks of cVPP can be identified: com-
roles fall beyond the scope of this paper. munity, community-logic, DER portfolio, control architecture and role
The facilitator role refers to the activities that contribute to the in the energy system. In turn each of these five building blocks can be
implementation and/or expansion of the DER portfolio, like e.g. in- seen as a separate concept, with its own attributes and conceptual
forming, financing, advising, organizing, lobbying and joint purchasing structure (see Fig. 3). Community, DER portfolio, control architecture
(M13,14,15). Another role communities can play is that of producer2 and role in the energy system all can be regarded as individually suf-
(or prosumer). Produced energy can be used or sold to the energy ficient structures, since the presence of one attribute is enough for
supplier. The facilitator and producer roles relate to promoting home concept membership. Community-logic on the other hand does not
energy practices (e.g. energy generation and conservation) and devel- have clear boundaries [27,28,38] but instead can be seen as an INUS
oping collective energy generation, they do not focus on energy man- structure, in which a minimum number or certain combination of at-
agement and therefore do not require a VPP. We include these two roles tributes is sufficient for something to be considered community-based.
because they represent the core activities of energy communities [11]. Based on the above discussion we propose the following cVPP
Communities that take the role of energy supplier can supply (self- conceptualization:
generated) energy to customers or community members, trade energy A cVPP is a portfolio of DER aggregated and coordinated by an ICT-
on the wholesale energy market and/or facilitate local or peer-to-peer based control architecture, adopted by a (place- and/or interest-based)
energy trading. A community could also (partly) take over the role of network of people who collectively perform a certain role in the energy
the DSO when it becomes responsible for management and main- system. What makes it community based is not only the involvement of a
tenance of their own microgrid (M14). The ESCo3 role covers all ac- community, but also the community-logic under which it operates.
tivities related to the optimization of individual and/or community
energy profiles in response to signals like e.g. dynamic prices (implicit 4. Applying the cVPP conceptualization to three cases
demand response) and/or the availability of (locally generated) re-
newable energy. By acting as an aggregator a community can sell ag- To verify this theoretical conceptualization and to explore how it
gregated flexibility provided by dispatching generation, controllable can be operated in practice, we analyze the process of cVPP set up in
loads and energy storage systems on wholesale energy markets or to the three ongoing pilots in: Loenen (NL), Gent (BE) and Tipperary (IR). The
DSO (explicit demand response). pilots were part of the cVPP project. In presenting the three cases we
first explain the legacy of the community initiative and the community-
logic under which it operates. Next, we mobilize the three VPP building
3.3. Towards a flexible cVPP conceptualization blocks: DER portfolio, control architecture and role in the energy
system. It is important to note that at the time of the interviews, the
The classical way in which concepts are understood is ‘based on a cVPPs were not fully developed and that the three cases discussed
set of necessary and jointly sufficient attributes’ [29]. The major ad- below represent the state of affairs at that time (April 2019).
vantage is that such classical concepts have clear boundaries based on
fixed properties. However, the energy system is in flux and it is unclear 4.1. cVPP Loenen
how the future energy system will be organized. To remain useful in the
future, we argue that the cVPP conceptualization needs to be flexible, as 4.1.1. Community and community-logic
was acknowledged by a project partner: “We need to keep in mind that it In 2013 a group of citizens from the rural village Loenen won
becomes an emergent definition, not something on how it is now, or what it 200.000 euros in a contest called ‘Energetic Villages’, as part of which
will be in 5 years, but something that it is changeable, that evolves in ways villages were asked to develop ideas to make them more sustainable
we cannot foresee, because of changes in the political context” (M14). This [60](M14). The contest, in which in total six villages participated, was
is also in line with the literature review on community energy, which organized by the municipality of Apeldoorn as part of an EU funded
showed that there is a large diversity of community energy initiatives project (M14). As a first step, the community founded ‘Loenen Energy
and no fixed boundary that defines what can be considered to be Neutral’ (LEN) that up until today manages a revolving fund intended to
community-based. To be able to conceptualize cVPP we therefore mo- support and encourage local investments in insulation, solar panels and
bilize Family Resemblance conceptual structures as an alternative way other sustainable technologies like heat pumps (M14). Having invested
of understanding concepts [29,30]. Family Resemblance provides more over a million euros through the revolving fund, the community now
flexibility since it defines concepts based on substitutable rather than aims to scale up and professionalize by developing collective energy
fixed attributes. generation, founding an energy cooperative and by exploring possibi-
In their review of Family Resemblance, Barrenechea and Castillo lities for local energy management by means of a cVPP (NL1-3,M14).
[29] identified three general types of Family Resemblance conceptual The idea is that eventually all energy related projects and activities will
structures. First, individual sufficiency structures considers all attri- be integrated in the energy cooperative (NL2-3). The community in-
butes to be substitutable and the presence of one is sufficient to be a itiative involved in the cVPP project, which from now on will be re-
member of a certain concept. Secondly, INUS structure refers to ‘In- ferred to as cVPP Loenen, is considered to be a place-based community
sufficient but Non-redundant components of a combination of condi- limited to the rural village Loenen, which includes not only private
tions that is Unnecessary but Sufficient for an outcome’. Such INUS house owners but also e.g. tenants of social housing, industry, SMEs and
schools (NL2,M4,14). As part of the cVPP project the aim is to test the
2 cVPP with around 100 residents (M14).
The starting point of the USEF role model is that energy communities consist
of a collective of prosumers (and producers) and that they already perform the At the time of the interviews, the community of Loenen is in the
role of producer [19]. In this paper we make the role of producer more explicit. middle of founding the energy cooperative and in developing statutes
The term ‘ESCo’ is often used to describe a much broader variety of activities that describe how the cooperative and cVPP will operate (NL2-3). These
than described here. For the purpose of the cVPP project this role into is split statutes are developed by the initiators of the cooperative and are lar-
into two roles: ESCo and facilitator. gely based on guidelines developed by HierOpgewekt, a Dutch branch

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Figure. 3. cVPP as a combination of four individually sufficient structures (community, DER portfolio, control architecture and role in the energy system) and one
INUS structure (community-logic).

organization for energy cooperatives (NL2). consists of domestic and collective solar projects (M14,NL1-2), with
The initiators of the energy cooperative and cVPP are driven by a potential for developing wind mills and biogas plants in the future
plurality of needs and motivations, including the technical aims to in- (NL2). The cVPP project aims to explore the number and scale of con-
crease local renewable energy generation and to contribute to better trollable loads owned by households and industry, which could be in-
integration of DG and a future proof electricity system (NL1-3,M7). On cluded in the DER portfolio (NL1-2,M14). These controllable loads in-
a societal front the values include: increasing self-reliance and in- clude e.g. electric forklifts, domestic heat pumps and other household
dependency, taking responsibility and ownership over challenges of the appliances (NL1-2,M14). Two different energy storage systems are
energy transition and increasing control over decisions regarding the currently explored to potentially become part of the cVPP: a neigh-
siting and scale of local energy generation (NL1-3,M7). Financially they borhood-battery (day-night balancing) and a power-to-gas installation
want to improve the local economy by increasing local revenues from (seasonal balancing) (NL2).
local generation (NL1-3,M7). At the moment of the interviews work- At the time of the interviews cVPP Loenen is in the middle of a
shops were organized, followed by questionnaires, to engage the whole process in which they together with residents want to formulate the
community, beyond the small group of initiators, in the development of objectives of the cVPP (NL1-3). Based on this input decisions will be
the cVPP. The aim was to identify the needs and motivations of the rest of made regarding roles in the energy system and control architecture
the community which should guide the design and objectives of the (NL2). The expected control architecture will have centralized control
cVPP and the roles to play in the energy system (NL2-3,M13,14). In over the DER portfolio, combined with a local device that controls the
terms of inclusiveness, all inhabitants, including tenants, are invited to DER and communicates with the centralized cVPP (NL2). Ideally the
participate in these workshops (NL2). Next to these efforts to engage cVPP would be used to optimize local self-consumption and to sell
the community in the design of the cVPP, community members will also potential surplus of energy on the energy market (NL1). In practice
be involved in governance and decision making within the energy co- however, the roles to be played by cVPP Loenen depend not only on the
operative. For instance, the statutes will not be fixed but open for dis- input from the community, but also on the availability of (controllable)
cussion and adaptations voted on by (future) cooperative members DER, limitations of the local grid and future technological and institu-
(NL2-3). Every cooperative member will have equal voting rights which tional developments (NL1-3,M14,15). Because of the many un-
they can use to elect the executive board that is responsible for the daily certainties, the aim is to develop a modular cVPP design capable of
operation and to change the long-term strategy and statutes (NL3,M14). controlling DER and playing a variety of roles in the future, including
In addition, a supervisory board will be added that is responsible for ESCo, aggregator and possibly supplier (NL2,M13-15). In the form of
controlling and overseeing the proceedings in the energy cooperative the revolving fund, cVPP Loenen already plays the role of facilitator
(NL3,M13-15). By developing a cooperative ownership structure cVPP (NL1-3,M13-15). Additionally, the village council and the social
Loenen aims to maximize individual and collective ownership of DER housing corporation are also envisaged to play the role of facilitator, by
and the cVPP (NL1-3,M14). In principle everyone from Loenen can be playing a role in governance and in engaging and representing tenants
included as a member of the energy cooperative and participate in the respectively (M14,15). In addition cVPP Loenen aims to expand their
cVPP (NL3). Also LEN aimed to be inclusive by its explicit focus on role as producer by increasing local renewable energy generation
making energy generation and saving measures more affordable for through the development of both individual and collective solar pro-
everyone, including low-income households (NL3). Through voting jects (NL1-2,M13-15). Roles that will be explored in the cVPP project
within the energy cooperative community members will decide them- are ESCo (e.g. maximizing self-consumption within the community)
selves how benefits from energy generation and energy management and aggregator (e.g. selling flexibility on the energy market or provide
will be distributed, e.g. between individual households and the energy grid services to the DSO), which however could also be (partly) out-
cooperative (NL3). Rather than maximizing energy generation, the idea sourced to a third party depending on e.g. legislation and scale needed
is that cVPP could create incentives for taking into account potential (NL2,M15). On the short term cVPP Loenen will outsource the supplier
future grid issues in decisions regarding siting, scale and type of energy role to a third party (NL1,3,M3,13,14). In the future however, when
generation (NL1). The scale needed for the cVPP however depends on generation has grown significantly, cVPP Loenen might want to become
the availability and controllability of DER in Loenen and on energy a licensed supplier themselves (NL1,M14,15). The green line in Fig. 4
market requirements (NL1-2). If necessary, the scale of cVPP could be shows the roles cVPP Loenen envisages to play by 2025.
increased by including not only industry and SMEs, but also neigh-
boring villages and energy cooperatives (NL1-3,M12,14,15).
4.2. cVPP Gent

4.1.2. Virtual Power Plant 4.2.1. Community and community-logic

The DER portfolio to be coordinated and managed through the cVPP The city of Gent is the capital of the province East-Flanders. The

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Fig. 4. The green circle shows the roles cVPP Loenen envisages to play in energy system by the year 2025, adapted from [19].

city's energy cooperative EnerGent is founded in 2013 by a volunteer part of its neighborhood approach EnerGent normally starts with en-
group from the Macharius neighborhood that organized various social gaging residents with newsletters, flyers and questionnaires to explore
activities in their area (BE1). EnerGent is a place-based community the neighborhood’ needs and wishes (BE1). Given the complexity of
driven by the goal to make society more sustainable and ultimately cVPP and the explicit aim to only develop and test the cVPP, engagement
climate neutral, but also to reduce inequality by making energy gen- of the neighborhood as part of cVPP Gent was limited to provision of
eration more accessible for low-income households [61,62]. EnerGent very basic information combined with setting up a physical neighbor-
started with providing services related to retrofitting, including ad- hood platform where people could ask questions regarding e.g. bat-
vising, and guidance (BE1). Later on EnerGent expanded their activities teries and optimizing solar panels (BE1,M7). EnerGent and the
with group purchases for solar panels and facilitated the instalment and Buurzame Stroom project explicitly focus on including low-income and
exploitation of solar panels on roofs of businesses and public buildings vulnerable households as well as tenants to participate in energy pro-
(BE1). In the cVPP project, a cVPP will be tested with over 100 jects by facilitating e.g. language support, support in applying for loans,
households from the St. Amandsberg-Dampoort neighborhood tailored advice and support with clearing the attic (M14,BE1)[61]. In
(BE1,M4), encompassing 2000 households (M15,BE1). The cVPP pro- addition, EnerGent has open membership, meaning that every citizen
ject is strongly connected with the Buurzame Stroom project, which from Gent could become a member (BE1).
encourages and supports residents from St. Amandsberg-Dampoort to Ideally EnerGent aims at developing energy projects on the scale of
install solar panels on their roofs (B1). From now on we refer to this neighborhoods (BE1). However, one of the learning objectives of the
cVPP experiment as cVPP Gent. cVPP experiment is to learn what scale is needed for providing different
In terms of needs and motivations, EnerGent aims to strengthen the energy management and grid services, which, depending on the type of
cooperative energy sector by developing an open-source energy man- services and future legislation, might require a scale beyond the city of
agement system but also to expand the portfolio of services they can Gent (M14).
offer to both individual members and neighborhoods (BE1). EnerGent
furthermore explicitly aims to develop a flexible cVPP design, which
4.2.2. Virtual Power Plant
can be implemented on the neighborhood level, and which can be tai-
The DER portfolio coordinated and managed by the cVPP consists of
lored to the specific needs and motivations of neighborhoods (BE1). The
domestic solar panels and batteries installed in 16 houses, which are
cVPP Gent experiment is driven by two needs stressed by the neigh-
installed as part of cVPP Gent (BE1). In addition, also other households
borhood: increasing local renewable energy generation and becoming
that installed solar panels can choose to participate in cVPP Gent (BE1).
more independent (BE2). At the same time it was driven by future
Furthermore, EnerGent explores the possibility to install a hydrogen
possibilities a cVPP offers on the level of a neighborhood (BE2).
storage system for seasonal energy storage (BE1).
Open-source means that the design of the energy management
The control architecture of the cVPP combines centralized and dis-
system is a public good, not owned by EnerGent nor any other organi-
tributed control. In order to ensure fast responses all houses will have
zation (BE1). EnerGent owns the solar panels and batteries of 16 par-
their own distributed energy management system, which reacts on
ticipating households, while the other solar panels are owned by the
prices, weather forecasts and grid issues (BE1). In turn the centralized
households themselves (BE1). Being a cooperative means that the co-
cVPP will not only send signals to the distributed energy management
operative itself is collectively owned by its members. Within the co-
systems, but will also be able to change local parameters and control
operative decisions are made democratically: every member has equal
assets directly (BE1).
voting rights (BE1). At annual meetings members can vote on general
EnerGent already performs the role of producer: both the co-
strategies and elect who will represent them in the executive board,
operative as well as the individual community members own solar
which is responsible for the cooperative's daily operation (BE1).
panels. Furthermore, EnerGent already performs the role of facilitator
Within EnerGent revenues are distributed in a specific way: Investors
by encouraging and supporting households to install solar panels and to
receive dividends up to 2% of their investments, the remainder is in-
insulate homes by informing households about the possibilities, med-
vested in new projects or covers overhead costs and wages (BE1). As
iating between owners and tenants, providing practical support like

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

cleaning the attic, facilitating group purchases and by providing tai- collectively developed the Templederry Wind Farm, the first commu-
lored advice regarding technology, funding and loans (M7,13-15)[61]. nity owned wind farm in Ireland consisting of two 2.3 MW wind mills
The original aim of cVPP Gent was to facilitate local energy trading [63]. The development process took 12 years, during which they
between neighbors through the cVPP (M7,14). However, due to per- overcame barriers related to securing planning permission, grid con-
ceived institutional barriers the focus of the experiment was shifted nection and funding (IR2,3,M14). Once they realized the wind farm, the
towards roles that were more likely to be possible in the near future and community members decided that they want to supply the energy to
on the level of neighborhoods: ESCo and aggregator (M7,14,BE1-2). As themselves rather than selling it to a third party (IR2,3,M14). That is
part of the experiment energy storage systems and solar panels will why they set up their own supply company: Community Renewable
collectively act as one cVPP in order to test several grid services, in- Energy Supplier (CRES) in 2015 (IR2). As part of the cVPP project the
cluding: maximizing self-consumption within the community and by aim is to expand renewable energy generation and evolve CRES into a
responding to (simulated) dynamic prices (ESCo), and the provision of national community owned energy supplier: ‘Community Power’
peak shaving and voltage control services to the DSO (aggregator) (M14). This expansion is done by incorporating other (place-based)
(BE1-2,M4,7,8,14). The aim of this experiment is to explore if a cVPP communities spread over the country. This means that Community
can provide these services, not to actually offer them on the energy Power, which started from the place-based community Templederry
market (M3,7,14). Wind Farm, is becoming a community of interest. A brief overview of
Regarding energy cooperative EnerGent, different roles are en- communities involved in Community Power is shown in Table 3.
visaged in the future. If energy generation in the DER portfolio in- There are two main drivers behind the expansion into a national
creases significantly, EnerGent eventually might want to become a li- supply company. First, having explored the high costs associated with
censed energy supplier (M15). Furthermore, EnerGent foresees a the administrative and technical requirements for participating on the
possibility to combine the roles of supplier and ESCo (BE2). This way energy market, the community realized that it is not possible to have a
EnerGent could offer their members (or customers) dynamic prices in viable business model as a small local energy supplier (IR2,3,6).
combination with an energy management system, which allows them to Secondly, having experienced many challenges during the development
(collectively) optimize their energy profiles in response to dynamic of the wind farm, the community aims to use the supply company as a
prices (BE2). Potentially the roles of supplier and ESCo could also be vehicle to encourage and enable other communities to develop re-
combined with the role of aggregator, allowing EnerGent to provide newable energy generation and sell the energy through Community
grid services to the DSO or to sell flexibility on the energy market, Power (IR2,3,6,M14,15). This way Community Power aims to reach the
possibly through a third party aggregator (BE2). scale needed for a viable business model as well as to strengthen the
Considering the scale needed and the complexity of the energy national community energy sector (IR2,3). At the moment of this re-
system, EnerGent considers itself not capable to develop the envisaged search, it was not possible for communities to receive revenues for re-
open-source cVPP nor to play the roles of aggregator and ESCo on its newable energy produced by small to medium sized distributed gen-
own (BE1,M14,15). Rather they envisage the cVPP to be developed, and eration.
possibly the roles to be played, collectively by a federation of energy Representatives of the communities involved in Community Power
cooperatives (M14,15). Fig. 5 shows the different roles EnerGent en- were engaged in formulating their own community-logic (M14,IR6).
visages to play (green circle) and the roles they envisage to be played by This community-logic consists of five core principles: local benefit,
a federation of cooperatives (red circle). democracy and cooperation, clean energy, fair prices and resilience
(IR6,M12,14). Here the community-logic will be described using the
seven characteristics identified in Section 3.2. Community Power is
4.3. cVPP Ireland
driven by multiple values, ranging from realizing local financial revenues
from renewable energy generation, sustainability, democratization of
4.3.1. Community and community-logic
the energy system, community ownership of energy generation, local
In 2012 a group of 28 citizens from the rural town Templederry

Fig. 5. The envisaged roles in the energy system played by EnerGent (green circle) and by a federation of cooperatives (red circle) by the year 2025, adapted from

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Table. 3
Overview of communities involved in the Irish cVPP: Community Power.
Community initiative Location Activities and aim

Templederry Wind Farm Templederry Initiator of Community Wind Farm, CRES and Community Power
Energy Communities Tipperary Co-operative County of Tipperary Supports and guides households in home insulation upgrades and retrofitting projects
Tait House Community Enterprise Limerick A community development co-operative, involved in various projects including a cooperative
grocery store, local employment services and energy
Aran Islands Energy Co-operative Aran Islands Involved in various EU funded projects related to e.g. heat pumps, electric cars and solar
Claremorris and Western District Energy Co- Claremorris and Western Involvement in various EU projects related to district heating, solar power and bio-gas
operative District

employment, and increasing independence (IR1-6,M3,4,7,13-15). In ‘satellite’ of Community Power (IR4,6).

terms of ownership the intention is that Community Power, currently In terms of roles in the energy system, the main objective of
owned by Templederry Wind Farm, and future energy generation re- Community Power is to become a national community owned energy
sources will be co-owned by participating energy cooperatives and ci- supplier, which supplies energy to its members and sells excess of en-
tizens, spread over Ireland (IR6,M5,14). In terms of governance, Com- ergy on the energy market (IR1-4,6,M14). In addition, CRES already
munity Power will operate similar to a commercial entity, in which the acts as a facilitator by bringing together the different communities in
executive board consists of representatives from the participating en- Community Power and by supporting and encouraging communities to
ergy cooperatives (IR6,M14). Democratic decision making and transpar- develop both collective and local energy generation projects (IR2,5,6).
ency are considered as guiding principles behind the development of The different communities involved also act as facilitators within their
the governance structure (IR6,M14). In terms of distributing benefits, the own local communities by providing advice and guidance in projects
general idea is that this should be done in a transparent way and that related to retrofitting, renewable energy generation and/or energy
dividends should reflect the investments and risks taken by individual monitoring (IR6,M7,13,15). As part of the cVPP project Community
community members (IR3,5). One of the core principles is fair prices, Power will explore the aggregator role by testing potential grid services
which basically means that energy prices should reflect costs of energy that could be provided to the DSO (M14,15). Tipperary Energy Agency
generation, overhead costs and a share to be re-invested in community (TEA), one of the close partners of Community Power furthermore aims
projects, which should eventually lead to lower energy prices for all to facilitate smart meter rollout and energy monitoring services which
members (IR1). At the moment of the research, representatives of the could be considered as part of the ESCo role (M15). The green circle in
participating communities are engaged through monthly meetings in Fig. 6 shows the roles Community Power aims to play in the energy
which business models, governance and ownership structures, rules and system.
contracts are being developed (IR1-3,6,M5,7). Each individual com- Figs. 7, 8 and 9 respectively show the different cVPP attributes
munity is in turn responsible for engaging their own community mem- present in the cVPP Loenen, EnerGent and Community Power. Green
bers, to develop a customer base for Community Power (IR6). In terms attributes were already present, blue attributes are either tested or
of inclusiveness, all citizens from Ireland potentially could become developed within the cVPP project, white attributes are out of scope
members of Community Power, including the ones that are not a and red attributes were aimed for but turned out to be problematic due
member of a participating energy community (IR6). The necessary shift to constraints in light of the incumbent energy system.
to becoming a large scale national supply company resulted in a focus
on realizing energy generation that matches not with local, but with
total customer demand (IR6). 5. Discussion

The application of the cVPP conceptualization shows that the cVPPs

4.3.2. Virtual Power Plant challenge the way the incumbent energy system operates. For instance,
The DER portfolio of cVPP Ireland or Community Power, currently originally all three cVPPs envisaged to decentralize and decarbonize the
includes three hydropower generators (ranging from 50-120 kW). The energy system by enabling local renewable energy generation in com-
aim is to expand Community Power's DER portfolio by identifying bination with local supply or trade. Furthermore, all three cVPPs aim
community owned renewable energy generation and by developing two for democratizing the energy system by increasing community’ own-
250 kW solar roofs on municipal buildings and a 4 MW solar farm ership, benefits, engagement, and involvement in governance and de-
(IR2,5,M14). Electricity generated by Templederry Wind Farm is cur- cision making. They however do this on different scales. While cVPP
rently not part of the DER portfolio of Community Power because of an Loenen explicitly focusses on the scale of their own community, both
ongoing fifteen-year contract with a third party energy supplier, which Community Power and EnerGent aim for democratization on a national
was required for receiving guaranteed prices for the generated energy scale by respectively becoming a national energy supplier to enable all
(IR3). After this contract expires the energy generated by the wind farm Irish communities to generate and trade energy and by developing an
will be sold through Community Power (IR3). On the short term it is not open-source cVPP to strengthen the cooperative energy sector as a
foreseen that energy storage systems and controllable loads will be part whole.
of the DER portfolio (IR6). At the same time, the previous section also shows that the cVPPs do
In terms of control architecture Community Power can be considered not just challenge the system, but are also constrained and guided (but
as a centralized controlled cVPP: one centralized ‘billing system’ is re- not determined) by the socio-technical regime, a semi-coherent set of
sponsible for coordinating customer demand and energy generation and rules and institutions governing the electricity regime [64]. Despite
for communicating with the energy market (IR6). However, the DER increasing support for renewable energy this incumbent socio-technical
portfolio is not actively controlled. Instead supply is matched with regime still acts as a selection environment that favors innovations that
customer demand by trading energy on the electricity market (IR2,6). fit in the centralized, large-scale and supply-side oriented energy
In line with motivations of the local energy cooperatives to be more system [21,65]. For instance, to trade energy in existing energy mar-
energy independent in the future, the control architecture might evolve kets, one has to be of a minimum size, operate on a national scale and
into a decentralized controlled cVPP, in which local communities will meet high technological and administrative requirements, while peer-
administer and manage their own energy requirements locally as a to-peer energy trading is prohibited [21]. This forces the three cVPPs,

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Fig. 6. The envisaged roles in the energy system of Community Power (green circle) by the year 2025, adapted from [19].

who originally aimed to generate, manage, trade and consume elec- system. For instance, EnerGent and cVPP Loenen explicitly focus on
tricity on the scale of their local community, to both conform to existing supporting the integration of an increasing amount of distributed gen-
market rules and operate on a larger scale, presumably in collaboration eration on the grid by adding storage and increasing control and co-
with incumbent system stakeholders, to ensure large enough trading ordination over DER, while Community Power aims for integrating
volumes to allow for market participation [21]. renewable energy generation in the existing wholesale energy markets.
These issues highlight a potential drawback of the USEF role model: This shows a shift from a focus on a plurality of community values
it reflects the necessary roles that need to be played to survive in the towards financial values in return for delivering services to the TSO and
incumbent centralized energy system, and not the roles originally DSO in the form of grid balancing, or to third party suppliers for
wished for by the three communities. Fulfillment of the latter ones, portfolio optimization [21]. It remains unclear what the potential im-
would not allow communities to play any significant role and could pacts of different cVPPs might be on the electricity grid in terms of
lead to the termination of their (non-bankable) energy initiatives. On integration of DER and (reducing) potential infrastructural risks.
the short term it can be expected that there will be no radical changes to Furthermore, because the DER portfolios of both cVPP Loenen and
the way the (still) centralized (but slowly changing) energy system is EnerGent include domestic DER besides collective energy generation it
organized. On the long term however, and taking into account current is beneficial to make use of a control architecture that combines dis-
dynamics, one can expect that the energy system will be organized tributed and centralized control. The distributed control allows for both
differently, maybe allowing communities more space to play their en- fast responses and for coordinating a large number of DER because it
visaged roles. Methodologically, this may require the cVPP con- limits the amount of data to be transferred towards the central control
ceptualization, especially the potential roles communities can play in unit [16,66]. Centralized control enables coordination between DER to
the energy system, to be updated. act as one large entity in line with the incumbent centralized energy
In addition, rather than using flexibility to optimize self-consump- system, which allows for the provision of grid services and participation
tion and to provide community values, the three cVPPs, in line with in the energy market. In contrast, in Ireland, there is a relatively low
VPPs, need to comply with existing rules which means that they shift number of DER connected to the grid as a result of lack of support for
away from local trading and maximizing self-consumption towards microgeneration, making distributed control redundant. In addition,
supporting the integration of DER in the incumbent centralized energy the absence of DER reduces the possibilities for local balancing and grid

Fig. 7. Attributes of cVPP Loenen that are present (green), under development (blue), problematic (red) and absent (white).

L.F.M. van Summeren, et al. Energy Research & Social Science 63 (2020) 101415

Fig. 8. Attributes of EnerGent that are present (green), under development (blue), problematic (red) and absent (white).

services on the level of the distribution network. Instead Community benefit of the community and the presence of community resilience that
Power focusses on aggregating a relatively lower number of larger scale enables communities to adapt to change and withstand external shocks.
energy generators to enable participation in the energy market. This In this research we did however not extensively explore these micro
indicates that the availability of different renewable energy sources, as dynamics within communities and instead stuck with the distinction
a result of different support measures, can have impacts on both control between place- and interest-based communities, in line with common
architecture and roles. definitions of community energy [13,35]. Furthermore, as this paper
Family Resemblance provides a useful way of thinking about cVPP, showed, the flexibility of the cVPP definition also allows for comparing
which allowed us to develop a flexible cVPP conceptualization that between different cVPPs operating in different contexts. This allows
includes the large variety of cVPPs configurations possible. A limitation evaluating whether communities can play different roles in the energy
of the research design of this paper however is that the flexible cVPP system, as dictated by the EU commission in the new EU Energy Di-
definition is only applied to three cVPPs, which are still in development rective [9], while still operating on their own community-logic rather
and do not cover the full spectrum of cVPPs possible. It can be expected than conforming to the logic dominant in the incumbent system.
that not all possible cVPP configurations will be in reach for commu-
nities in the near future, and that communities will limit themselves to
only a small part of the cVPP spectrum. However, a larger diversity of 6. Conclusion
cVPPs can be expected as a result of the EU Energy Directive [9], and
because many existing initiatives have already installed the basic in- In this paper we argue that instead of focusing on cVPP as a concept
frastructure for cVPP in the forms of DER portfolio and a cooperative with fixed boundaries, we need to acknowledge its potential diversity in
organizational structure. Which is a good starting point for developing a the ongoing energy transition, which results from different choices
cVPP, should this be the ambition of the communities. Furthermore, made by different communities in response to varying (institutional)
this flexibility allows for further specification and alterations of the contexts. This way we can identify different ways in which communities
definition, for instance when new market roles are developed. It can can give substance to ‘Citizens Energy Community’ in line with the new
also be adapted to be more useful for exploring the full diversity of EU energy directive [9]. By mobilizing Family Resemblance we there-
community energy projects, for instance by replacing VPP elements fore propose the following cVPP conceptualization:
with collective energy practices, which include promoting home energy A portfolio of DER aggregated and coordinated by an ICT-based control
practices (e.g. implementation of conservation measures or solar pa- system, adopted by a (place- and/or interest- based) network of people who
nels), developing collective energy generation and developing collec- collectively perform a certain role in the energy system. What makes it
tive energy management [11]. In addition, ‘community’ can also be community based is not only the involvement of a community, but also the
further specified with insights from debates in other fields. For instance community-logic under which it operates.
Parkhill et al. [67] discusses three key concepts relevant for under- Applying this flexible conceptualization to real world cVPPs allows
standing the meaning of community: sense of community that arises for comparison [29] and makes visible some currently underdeveloped
from shared values and visions, participation in social action for the aspects. For instance, it revealed a mutual relationship between context
and cVPP. On the one hand institutional barriers influenced cVPP

Fig. 9. Attributes of Community Power that are present (green), under development (blue), problematic (red) and absent (white).

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