Trends and IMPreparation

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1. Discuss the latest issues on TIMSS result focusing on the Philippines performance.

-Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides a comprehensive picture of the
mathematics and science achievement of students in each participating country. This includes achievement in
each of the content and cognitive domains as well as overall mathematics and science achievement. Result of
this study revealed a low performance of the Filipino students in mathematical literacy. With this result, there
is an urgency of improving the quality of basic education in the Philippines. Along with this, there should have
an aggressive reforms and strong political will to continually improve the learning environment of the
students. Moreover, the participation of the Philippines in TIMSS will certainly provide our basic education
system an additional tool to measure the effectiveness of the basic education curriculum and its delivery
systems particularly in policy making, and in identifying the areas of weaknesses and strength in the
educational system, and aligning it to the international standards.
2. Discuss issues confronting the graduates of your school.
-One of the issues that comes to my mind when talking about the graduates of our school is their employability.
Because some graduates are forced to take on short-term jobs that are unrelated to their field of study. For
me, the role and relevance of colleges and universities in preparing our future generations for work and
employment must always be looked into. The program offerings of every HEI must respond to the ever-
changing need of the industries and communities at all times. Because graduates, at some point, are using less
than half of what they have learned in the university at work. As jobs in any industry/company are rapidly
transforming into automation and intense business competition, the traditional method of learning and
teaching are slowly fading away. But for me, as a teacher and a man who somewhat observed our present
situation, we should not be bother about the future now. We may know what future skills will be requiring but
we are not sure that this skill are still needed when theses future comes. What we are and should be focusing
is the introduction of work-related and technological skills that could be transferred to other jobs emphasizing
on soft skills like social and emotional skills, and enterprise or higher cognitive skills like problem-solving,
communication, teamwork, creativity as interaction with technology and machines become more prevalent.
3. Cite and discuss at least 3 latest trends/strategies in teaching your area of specialization
There are many teaching trends or strategies that we can look into or adopt these days to suit the smartness of
our learners, the millennial and gen Z, as we are embracing the education 4.0. As a teacher in IT field and
mathematics, a little, I can say that the newest trend in teaching includes blended learning, student driven
learning, and active learning classroom.
Blended learning is a teaching strategy that “blends” online media with the traditional classroom setup. The
idea is, the classroom materials like lectures, videos, textbooks, etc. were put online for student’s access even
outside of school. This strategy brings a broader range of learning resources that are more efficient compare
to conventional teaching. On the other hand, the student driven learning promotes non-conventional learning
style. This strategy replaces lectures with different forms of text, such as electronic books and some
educational videos, for students to research and study prior to a lesson. This provides an incentive for learners
to study for future lessons and it also helps them prepare in a way that suits them. And finally, the active
learning classroom promotes individuality of the learners when it comes to learning style. This strategy inspire
creativity and productivity in an educational environment. This strategy includes flexible learning spaces,
lesson plans and other teaching materials that promotes movement.

4. Discuss latest trends and issues on any one of the following: faculty development.
-Empowering and enabling faculty to create an active learning activities and to use educational technology to
achieve learning objectives is for me the latest trend and issue in faculty development. Meaning, institutions
and educators are constantly looking for a better technology to be integrated into their teaching. This trend
supports educators to adopt learner-centered instructional designs as a way to foster student success. This
issue becomes “hot” because of the society’s movement for competency based-education. This could be an
express way so that learners can adopt to the rapid transformation of society particularly the business sector
into automation and intense business competition. But whatever strategy a teacher may adopt or use, surely
student’s advantage is at the core of this.

1. Printed instructional materials should be reader friendly

-It is a requirement that the instructional materials of any form, is a reader friendly to facilitate an effective reading
comprehension. An effective reading comprehension will lead the learners to grow academically and
eventually pave a way to success. The part of any instructional material that are reader friendly will be the
same part of success it may bring to a reader specially in school where academic progress depends on
understanding, analyzing and applying information gathered through this instructional materials. Readers at
some point should not spend their time decoding words tend to lose the understanding of what is being read.
A not reader friendly instructional material may bring poor comprehension and eventually will bring less
success to the reader.
2. Instructional materials must consider a gender, racial, cultural, ethnic and religious differences of target readers.

-An instructional material must be a bias-free material. Meaning, instructional materials portray accurately and
equitably the cultural racial, gender ethnic or religious diversity of the readers. The bias-free factor is a
requirements in any instructional material that help readers to understand both the roles and the
contributions and the forces that shaped these roles and contributions of any gender, race, culture, ethnic or
religious organization in the society. Considering the differences of every reader, fosters the distinctiveness of
every reader. Author should not consider “one book for all”, for this book will not suit and definitely will not
answer the need of every reader.

2. Development and design of instructional materials must be based on sound educational principles and
theories in which the material should be appropriately anchored.
-Numerous educational principles and theories has been tested and proven over the time from great philosophers
and different school of thoughts. And therefore the instructional materials to be developed must be based on
these educational principles and theories. Since Instructional materials are one of the most important
elements within the curriculum, it must be anchored and aligned to any educational principles and theories to
avoid misperception among the learners. Further, these materials if properly aligned with educational
principles and theories will fosters effective teaching that meet the needs of students and fit the constraints of
the teaching and learning environment. Teaching and activities not anchored in any educational principles and
theories emphasizes teacher delivery rather than student learning.

4. Needs assessment is always necessary as a first step in developing instructional materials.

-Needs assessment is for me the most important step in any instructional materials development process. In this
stage, author identified the audience, the content of the Instructional material, and the expectations of the
readers. In general the “instructional problem” in this stage is defined and learning objectives and goals are
also determined. By assessing the needs of the target audience, author can verify their level of knowledge and
skills, clarify their interests and thoughts, and determine their learning habits and choices in a particular
learning program. Likewise this step is also a way to be able to know and describe the competency gap that is
already possessed or mastered by the learners.

5. Give at least 5 research findings related to development, utilization and evaluation of instructional materials.
Discuss and site the source.

-Numerous studies shown arguments regarding the development, utilization and evaluation of instructional
material. Like the study of Quisumbing, L. A., et. al. (2017) noted the importance of developing an
instructional material for a teacher to guide the student in their academic performance. With the presence of
this instructional material, the learning process can be fun because of the healthy exchange of information
from the student and teacher. The development of an effective instructional material really enriched student
learning because this will help the learners learn greatly in both the design and implementation of teaching
that enhances learning. MWALYEGO, M. S. (2014), on the other hand, revealed that the utilization of
instructional materials was affected by teacher-pupil ratio, whereby the utilization was minimal in school with
high teacher-pupil ratio. Meaning, lesser number of Instructional materials in schools with greater number of
teachers and pupils that shares and utilizes the limited number of these material. On the same note, the
National Academics of Science, Engineering and Medicine conducted a study on the Relationship of
Instructional Materials to Achieving K-12 Science Standards. This aims to produce a tested standards-based
instrument that would be helpful to people who select instructional materials for use in the science classroom.
This is a response to the request of teachers for instructional materials that would enable them to teach
science using a standards-based approach. Without these standards, many teachers will continue to teach
science and the efforts to increase student achievement. Furthermore, Seeletso, M. K. (2015) stressed the
importance of the establishment of a policy for quality assuring an effective content design and development
while the inclusion of information and communication technologies may create a more interactive learning
experience, thus improving content mastery and academic progression. This policy will address issues and will
ensure a standard of competitiveness of every instructional materials to be developed.

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