Adenosine: Facial Flushing, Sweating

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Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications

Slows conduction through the Restores normal sinus rhythm Conversion to sinus rhythm of AV block, preexisting second-
atrioventricular (AV) and in patients with paroxysmal paroxysmal supraventricular and third-degree heart block or
sinoatrial (SA) nodes. Can supraventricular tachycardia. tachycardia (PSVT) including sick sinus rhythm without
interrupt the reentry pathways PSVT associated with accessory pacemaker, since a heart block
through the AV node. bypass tracts (Wolff-Parkinson- may result. Also
Depresses left ventricular White syndrome). "Chemical" contraindicated in atrial flutter,
function, but effect is transient thallium stress test. atrial fibrillation, and
due to short half-life. ventricular tachycardia
because the drug is ineffective.

Asthmatics, pregnancy
(category C), hepatic and renal

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
SVT Adult: CNS: Headache, • Monitor for S&S of Note: Flushing may occur along
IV 6 mg rapid IV bolus (over 1– lightheadedness, dizziness, bronchospasm in with a feeling of warmth as
2 s); may repeat in 1–2 min with tingling in arms (from IV asthma patients. Notify drug is injected.
12 mg IV push, 2 times (total of infusion), apprehension, physician immediately.
3 doses with max: 12 mg dose) blurred vision, burning • Use a hemodynamic
sensation (from IV infusion). monitoring system
Neonate/Infant/Child: during administration;
IV 0.05 mg/kg; may increase CV: Transient facial monitor BP and heart
dose by 0.05 mg/kg q2 min flushing, sweating, rate and rhythm
continuously for several
(max: 0.25 mg/kg/dose or 12 palpitations, chest pain, atrial minutes after
mg/dose) fibrillation or flutter. administration.

Respiratory: Shortness of Note: Adverse effects are

breath, generally self-limiting due to
transient dyspnea, chest short half-life (10 s).
Note: At the time of conversion
GI: Nausea, metallic taste, to normal sinus rhythm, PVCs,
tightness in PACs, sinus bradycardia, and
throat. Other: Irritability in sinus tachycardia, as well as
children. various degrees of AV block, are
seen on the ECG. These usually
last only a few seconds and
resolve without intervention.

Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Structurally related to By direct action on smooth Prophylaxis and treatment of Hypersensitivity to
thyroxine. Class III muscle, decreases peripheral life-threatening ventricular amiodarone, or benzyl alcohol;
antiarrhythmic; also has resistance and increases arrhythmias and cardiogenic shock, severe sinus
antianginal and antiadrenergic coronary blood flow. Blocks supraventricular arrhythmias, bradycardia, advanced AV
properties. Totally unrelated to effects of sympathetic particularly with atrial block unless a pacemaker is
other antiarrhythmics. Acts stimulation. fibrillation. available, severe sinus-node
directly on all cardiac tissues. dysfunction or sick sinus
Prolongs duration of action syndrome, bradycardia,
potential and refractory period congenital or acquired QR
without significantly affecting prolongation syndromes, or
resting membrane potential. history of torsade de pointes;
severe liver disease, children.
Safety during pregnancy
(category D) or lactation is not

Hepatic disease, cirrhosis;
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, goiter,
thyrotoxicosis, or history of
other thyroid dysfunction; CHF,
left ventricular dysfunction;
hypersensitivity to iodine; older
adults; Fabry disease, especially
with visual disturbances;
electrolyte imbalance,
hypovolemia; preexisting lung
disease, COPD; open heart

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Arrhythmias CNS: Peripheral neuropathy • Monitor BP • Check pulse daily once
Adult: PO Loading Dose 800– (muscle weakness, wasting carefully during infusion stabilized, or as
1600 mg/d in 1–2 doses for 1– numbness, tingling), fatigue, and slow the infusion if prescribed. Report a
3 wk PO Maintenance Dose abnormal gait, dyskinesias, significant hypotension pulse <60.
400–600 mg/d in 1–2 doses IV dizziness, paresthesia, occurs; bradycardia • Take oral drug
Loading Dose 150 mg over 10 headache. should be treated by consistently with
min followed by 360 mg over slowing the infusion or respect to meals.
next 6 h IV Maintenance Dose discontinuing if
540 mg over 18 h (0.5 mg/min), CV: Bradycardia, hypotension necessary. Monitor • Become familiar with
may continue at 0.5 mg/min (IV), sinus arrest, cardiogenic heart rate and rhythm potential adverse
Convert IV to PO Duration of shock, CHF, arrhythmias; AV and BP until drug reactions and report
infusion <1 wk use 800–1600 block. response has stabilized; those that are
mg PO, 1–3 wk use 600–800 mg report promptly bothersome to the
PO, >3 wk use 400 mg PO Special Senses: Corneal symptomatic physician.
microdeposits, blurred vision, bradycardia. Sustained • Use dark glasses to ease
Child: PO Loading Dose 10–15 optic neuritis, optic monitoring is essential photophobia; some
mg/kg/d or 600–800 mg/1.73 neuropathy, permanent because drug has an patients may not be
m2/d, in 1–2 divided doses for blindness, corneal unusually long half-life. able to go outdoors in
4–14 d cycle or until adequate degeneration, macular • Monitor for S&S the daytime even with
control of arrhythmia PO degeneration, photosensitivity. of: Adverse effects, such protection.
Maintenance Dose 5 mg/kg/d particularly conduction • Follow
or 200–400 mg/1.73 m2/d GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, disturbances and recommendation for
once daily, may be able to constipation, hepatotoxicity. exacerbation of regular ophthalmic
reduce to 2–5 mg/kg/d 5 d per arrhythmias, in patients exams, including
week Metabolic: Hyperthyroidism or receiving concomitant funduscopy and slit-
hypothyroidism; may cause antiarrhythmic therapy lamp exam.
Note: Correct hypokalemia and neonatal hypo- or (reduce dosage of • Wear protective
hypomagnesemia prior to hyperthyroidism if taken during previous agent by 30– clothing and a barrier-
initiation of therapy. pregnancy. 50% several days after type sunscreen that
amiodarone therapy is physically blocks
Respiratory: (Pulmonary started); drug-induced penetration of skin by
toxicity) Alveolitis, pneumonitis hypothyroidism or ultraviolet light (e.g.,
(fever, dry cough, dyspnea), hyperthyroidism (see titanium oxide or zinc
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, Appendix F), especially formulations) to
fatal gasping syndrome with IV during early treatment prevent a
in children. period; pulmonary photosensitivity
toxicity (progressive reaction (erythema,
dyspnea, fatigue, pruritus); avoid
cough, pleuritic pain,
Skin: Slate-blue pigmentation, fever) throughout exposure to sun and
photosensitivity, rash. Other: therapy. sunlamps.
With chronic use, angioedema. • Lab tests: • Do not breast feed
Baseline and periodic while taking this drug
assessments should be without consulting
made of liver, lung, physician.
thyroid, neurologic, and
GI function. Drug may
cause thyroid function
test abnormalities in
the absence of thyroid
function impairment.
• Monitor for
elevations of AST and
ALT. If elevations persist
or if they are 2–3 times
above normal baseline
readings, reduce
dosage or withdraw
drug promptly to
prevent hepatotoxicity
and liver damage.
• Auscultate chest
periodically or when
patient complains of
respiratory symptoms.
Check for diminished
breath sounds, rales,
pleuritic friction rub;
observe breathing
pattern. Drug-induced
pulmonary function
problems must be
distinguished from CHF
or pneumonia. Keep
physician informed.
• Anticipate
possible CNS symptoms
within a week after
amiodarone therapy
begins. Proximal muscle
weakness, a common
side effect, intensified
by tremors presents a
great hazard to the
ambulating patient.
• Assess severity
of symptoms.
Supervision of
ambulation may be

Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Widely used cardiac glycoside Increases the contractility of Rapid digitalization and for Digitalis hypersensitivity,
of Digitalis lanata. Acts by the heart muscle (positive maintenance therapy in CHF, ventricular fibrillation,
increasing the force and inotropic effect). atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia unless
velocity of myocardial systolic paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. due to CHF. Full digitalizing
contraction (positive inotropic dose not given if patient has
effect). It also decreases received digoxin during
conduction velocity through previous week or if slowly
the atrioventricular node. excreted cardiotonic glycoside
Action is more prompt and less has been given during previous
prolonged than that of digitalis 2 wk.
and digitoxin.
Renal insufficiency,
hypokalemia, advanced heart
disease, acute MI, incomplete
AV block, cor pulmonale;
hypothyroidism; lung disease;
pregnancy (category A),
lactation, premature and
immature infants, children,
older adults, or debilitated

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Digitalizing Dose CNS: Fatigue, muscle weakness, • Take apical • Report to physician if
Adult: PO 10–15 mcg/kg (1 mg) headache, facial neuralgia, pulse for 1 full min, pulse falls below 60 or
in divided doses over 24–48 h mental depression, noting rate, rhythm, rises above 110 or if you
IV 10–15 mcg/kg (1 mg) in paresthesias, hallucinations, and quality before detect skipped beats or
divided doses over 24 h confusion, drowsiness, administering drug. other changes in
agitation, dizziness. • Withold rhythm, when digoxin is
Child: PO/IV <2 y, 40–60 medication and notify prescribed for atrial
mcg/kg; 2–10 y, 20–40 mcg/kg; CV: Arrhythmias, hypotension, physician if apical pulse fibrillation.
>10 y, 10–15 mcg/kg (1.5–2 AV block. Special Senses: Visual falls below ordered • Suspect toxicity and
mg) disturbances. parameters (e.g., <50 or report to physician if
Neonate: PO/IV 30–50 mcg/kg GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, 60/min in adults and any of the following
diarrhea. occur: Anorexia,
Premature neonate: PO/IV 20 Other: Diaphoresis, recurrent <60 or 70/min in nausea, vomiting,
mcg/kg malaise, dysphagia. children). diarrhea, or visual
• Be familiar with disturbances.
Maintenance Dose patient's baseline data • Weigh each day under
Adult: PO/IV 0.1–0.375 mg/d (e.g., quality of standard conditions.
Child: PO/IV <2 y, 7.5–9 peripheral pulses, blood Report weight gain >1
mcg/kg/d; 2–10 y, 6–7.5 pressure, clinical kg (2 lb)/d.
mcg/kg/d; >10 y, 0.125–0.25 symptoms, serum • Take
mg/d electrolytes, creatinine digoxin PRECISELY as
Neonate: 6–7.5 mcg/kg/d clearance) as a prescribed, do not skip
Premature neonate: 3.75 foundation for making or double a dose or
mcg/kg/d assessments. change dose intervals,
• Lab tests: and take it at same time
Baseline and periodic each day.
serum digoxin, • Do not to take OTC
potassium, magnesium, medications, especially
and calcium. Draw those for coughs, colds,
blood samples for allergy, GI upset, or
determining plasma obesity, without prior
digoxin levels at least 6 approval of physician.
h after daily dose and • Continue with brand
preferably just before originally prescribed
next scheduled daily unless otherwise
dose. directed by physician.
• Monitor for S&S • Do not breast feed
of drug toxicity: In while taking this drug
children, cardiac without consulting
arrhythmias are usually physician.
reliable signs of early
toxicity. Early indicators
in adults (anorexia,
nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, visual
disturbances) are rarely
initial signs in children.
• Monitor I&O
ratio during
particularly in patients
with impaired renal
function. Also monitor
for edema daily and
auscultate chest for
• Monitor serum
digoxin levels closely
during concurrent
therapy, which can
precipitate toxicity
because of altered
intestinal flora.
• Observe
patients closely when
being transferred from
one preparation (tablet,
elixir, or parenteral) to
another; when tablet is
replaced by elixir
potential for toxicity
increases since 30% of
drug is absorbed.
Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Slow channel blocker with Dilates coronary arteries and Vasospastic angina Known hypersensitivity to drug;
pharmacologic actions similar arterioles and inhibits coronary (Prinzmetal's variant or at rest sick sinus syndrome (unless
to those of verapamil. Inhibits artery spasm; thus myocardial angina), chronic stable (classic pacemaker is in place and
calcium ion influx through slow oxygen delivery is increased effort-associated) angina, functioning); second- or third-
channels into cell of myocardial (antianginal effect). essential hypertension. IV degree AV block; severe
and arterial smooth muscle form: Atrial fibrillation, atrial hypotension (systolic <90 mm
(both coronary and peripheral By vasodilation of peripheral flutter, supraventricular Hg or diastolic <60 mm Hg);
blood vessels). As a result, arterioles, drug decreases total tachycardia. patients undergoing
intracellular calcium remains at peripheral vascular resistance intracranial surgery; bleeding
subthreshold levels insufficient and reduces arterial BP at rest aneurysms. Safe use during
to stimulate cell excitation and (antihypertensive effect). pregnancy (category C),
contraction. Slows SA and AV lactation, or in children is not
node conduction established.
(antiarrhythmic effect) without
affecting normal arterial action CAUTIOUS USE:
potential or intraventricular CHF (especially if patient is also
conduction. receiving beta blocker),
conduction abnormalities;
renal or hepatic impairment;
older adults.

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Hypertension CNS: Headache, fatigue, • Check BP and ECG • Make position changes
Adult: PO 60–120 mg dizziness, asthenia, drowsiness, before initiation of slowly and in stages;
sustained-release b.i.d. (usual nervousness, insomnia, therapy and monitor light-headedness and
range: 240–360 mg/d) or 120– confusion, tremor, gait particularly during dizziness (hypotension)
540 mg of CD or LA once daily abnormality. dosage adjustment are possible.
period. • Do not drive or engage
Atrial Fibrillation CV: Edema, arrhythmias, • Lab tests: Do baseline in other potentially
Adult: IV 0.25 mg/kg IV bolus angina, second- or third-degree and periodic liver and hazardous activities
over 2 min, if inadequate AV block, bradycardia, CHF, renal function tests. until reaction to drug is
response, may repeat in 15 min flushing, hypotension, syncope, • Monitor for and report known.
with 0.35 mg/kg, followed by a palpitations. S&S of CHF. • Keep follow-up
continuous infusion of 5–10 • Monitor for headache. appointments and
mg/h (max: 15 mg/h for 24 h) GI: Nausea, constipation, An analgesic may be physician informed.
anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, required. • Do not breast feed
impaired taste, weight • Supervise ambulation while taking this drug
increase. Skin: Rash. as indicated. without consulting

Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Constricts bronchial arterioles Temporary relief of Hypersensitivity to
Naturally occurring and inhibits histamine release, bronchospasm, acute sympathomimetic amines;
catecholamine obtained from thus reducing congestion and asthmatic attack, mucosal narrow-angle glaucoma;
animal adrenal glands; also edema and increasing tidal congestion, hypersensitivity hemorrhagic, traumatic, or
prepared synthetically. Acts volume and vital capacity. and anaphylactic reactions, cardiogenic shock; cardiac
directly on both alpha and beta Relaxes uterine smooth syncope due to heart block or dilatation, cerebral
receptors; the most potent musculature and inhibits carotid sinus hypersensitivity, arteriosclerosis, coronary
activator of alpha receptors. uterine contractions. Imitates and to restore cardiac rhythm insufficiency, arrhythmias,
Strengthens myocardial all actions of sympathetic in cardiac arrest. Ophthalmic organic heart or brain disease;
contraction; increases systolic nervous system except those preparation is used in during second stage of labor;
but may decrease diastolic on arteries of the face and management of simple (open- for local anesthesia of fingers,
blood pressure; increases sweat glands. angle) glaucoma, generally as toes, ears, nose, genitalia.
cardiac rate and cardiac output. an adjunct to topical miotics Safety during pregnancy
and oral carbonic anhydrase (category C) or lactation is not
inhibitors; also used as established.
ophthalmic decongestant.
Relaxes myometrium and CAUTIOUS USE:
inhibits uterine contractions; Older adult or debilitated
prolongs action and delays patients; prostatic
systemic absorption of local hypertrophy; hypertension;
and intraspinal anesthetics. diabetes mellitus;
Used topically to control hyperthyroidism; Parkinson's
superficial bleeding. disease; tuberculosis;
psychoneurosis; in patients
with long-standing bronchial
asthma and emphysema with
degenerative heart disease; in
children <6 y of age.

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Cardiac Arrest Special Senses: Nasal burning or • Monitor BP, pulse, • Be aware intranasal
Adult: IV 0.1–1 mg (1–10 mL stinging, dryness of nasal mucosa, respirations, and application may sting
of 1:10,000) q5min as sneezing, rebound urinary output and slightly.
needed Intracardiac 0.1–1 congestion. Transient stinging or observe patient • Administer ophthalmic
mg burning of eyes, lacrimation, closely following IV drug at bedtime or
browache, headache, rebound administration. following prescribed
Child: IV 0.01 mg/kg (0.1 conjunctival hyperemia, allergy, Epinephrine may miotic to minimize
mL/kg of 1:10,000) q5min as iritis; with prolonged use: melanin- widen pulse pressure. mydriasis, with blurred
like deposits on lids, conjunctiva, If disturbances in vision and sensitivity to
needed Intracardiac 0.05– and cornea; corneal edema; loss of cardiac rhythm occur, light (possible in some
0.1 mg/kg lashes (reversible); maculopathy withhold epinephrine patients being treated
with central scotoma in aphakic and notify physician for glaucoma).
patients (reversible). immediately. • Transitory stinging
• Keep physician may follow initial
Body as a informed of any ophthalmic
Whole: Nervousness, restlessness, changes in intake- administration and
sleeplessness, fear, output ratio. that headache and
anxiety, tremors, severe headache, • Use cardiac monitor browache occur
cerebrovascular accident, with patients receiving frequently at first but
weakness, dizziness, syncope, pallor, epinephrine IV. Have usually subside with
sweating, dyspnea. full crash cart continued use. Notify
immediately available. physician if symptoms
Digestive: Nausea, vomiting. • Check BP repeatedly persist.
when epinephrine is • Discontinue
Cardiovascular: Precordial administered IV during epinephrine eye drops
pain, palpitations, hypertension, MI, first 5 min, then q3– and consult a physician
tachyarrhythmias 5min until stabilized. if signs of
including ventricular fibrillation. • Advise patient to hypersensitivity
report to physician if develop (edema of
Respiratory: Bronchial symptoms are not lids, itching, discharge,
and pulmonary edema. relieved in 20 min or if crusting eyelids).
they become worse • Learn how to
Urogenital: Urinary following inhalation. administer
retention. Skin: Tissue necrosis with • Advise patient to epinephrine
repeated injections. report bronchial subcutaneously. Keep
irritation, medication and
Metabolic: Metabolic acidoses, nervousness, or equipment available
elevated serum lactic acid, transient sleeplessness. Dosage for home emergency.
elevations of blood should be reduced. Confer with physician.
glucose. Nervous System: Altered
state of perception and thought, • Monitor blood glucose • Note: Inhalation
psychosis. & HbA1c for loss of epinephrine reduces
glycemic control if bronchial secretions
diabetic. and thus may make
mucous plugs more
difficult to dislodge.
• Report tolerance to
physician; may occur
with repeated or
prolonged use.
Continued use of
epinephrine in the
presence of tolerance
can be dangerous.
• Take medication only
as prescribed and
immediately notify
physician of onset of
systemic effects of
• Discard discolored or
precipitated solutions.
• Do not breast feed
while taking this drug
without consulting
Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Parenterally: Acts as a CNS Effective parenterally as a CNS Orally to relieve acute Myocardial damage; heart
depressant and also as a depressant, smooth muscle constipation and to evacuate block; cardiac arrest except for
depressant of smooth, skeletal, relaxant and anticonvulsant in bowel in preparation for x-ray certain arrhythmias; IV
and cardiac muscle function. labor and delivery, and cardiac of intestines. Parenterally to administration during the 2 h
Anticonvulsant properties disorders. It is a laxative when control seizures in toxemia of preceding delivery; PO use in
thought to be produced by CNS taken orally. pregnancy, epilepsy, and acute patients with abdominal pain,
depression, principally by nephritis and for prophylaxis nausea, vomiting, fecal
decreasing the amount of and treatment of impaction, or intestinal
acetylcholine liberated from hypomagnesemia. Topically to irritation, obstruction, or
motor nerve terminals, thus reduce edema, inflammation, perforation.
producing peripheral and itching.
neuromuscular blockade. CAUTIOUS USE:
Impaired kidney function;
digitalized patients;
concomitant use of other CNS
depressants; neuromuscular
blocking agents, or cardiac
glycosides; pregnancy
(category A), lactation,

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Hypomagnesemia Seizures Body as a Whole: Flushing, • Observe constantly • Drink sufficient water
Adult: IM/IV Mild, 1 g q6h for 4 sweating, extreme thirst, when given IV. Check BP during the day when
doses; Severe, 250 mg/kg sedation, confusion, depressed and pulse q10–15 min drug is administered
infused over 4 h reflexes or no reflexes, muscle
Child: IV 20–100 mg/kg q4–6h weakness, flaccid paralysis, or more often if orally to prevent net
prn hypothermia. indicated. loss of body water.
• Lab tests: Monitor • Recommended daily
Total Parenteral Nutrition CV: Hypotension, depressed plasma magnesium allowances of
Adult: IV 0.5–3 g/d cardiac function, complete levels in patients magnesium are
heart block, circulatory receiving drug obtained in a normal
collapse. parenterally (normal: diet. Rich sources are
1.8–3.0 mEq/L). Plasma whole-grain cereals,
Respiratory: Respiratory levels in excess of 4 legumes, nuts, meats,
paralysis. mEq/L are reflected in seafood, milk, most
depressed deep tendon green leafy vegetables,
Metabolic: Hypermagnesemia, reflexes and other and bananas.
hypocalcemia, dehydration, symptoms of • Do not breast feed
electrolyte imbalance including magnesium intoxication while taking this drug
hypocalcemia with repeated (see ADVERSE without consulting
laxative use. EFFECTS). Cardiac physician.
arrest occurs at levels in
excess of 25 mEq/L.
Monitor calcium and
phosphorus levels also.
• Early indicators of
magnesium toxicity
include cathartic effect,
profound thirst, feeling
of warmth, sedation,
confusion, depressed
deep tendon reflexes,
and muscle weakness.
• Monitor respiratory
rate closely. Report
immediately if rate falls
below 12.
• Test patellar reflex
before each repeated
parenteral dose.
Depression or absence
of reflexes is a useful
index of early
• Check urinary output,
especially in patients
with impaired kidney
function. Therapy is
generally not continued
if urinary output is less
than 100 mL during the
4 h preceding each
• Observe newborns of
mothers who received
parenteral magnesium
sulfate within a few
hours of delivery for
signs of toxicity,
including respiratory
and neuromuscular
• Observe patients
receiving drug for
hypomagnesemia for
improvement in these
signs of deficiency:
Irritability, choreiform
movements, tremors,
tetany, twitching,
muscle cramps,
hypertension, psychotic
• Have calcium gluconate
readily available in case
of magnesium sulfate

Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Amide analog of procaine Produces slight change in Prophylactically to maintain Myasthenia gravis;
hydrochloride with cardiac contractility of cardiac muscle normal sinus rhythm following hypersensitivity to
actions similar to those of and cardiac output; suppresses conversion of atrial flutter or procainamide or procaine;
quinine. Class IA antiarrhythmic automaticity of His-Purkinje fibrillation by other methods. blood dyscrasias; complete AV
agent. Depresses excitability of ventricular muscle. Produces Also to prevent recurrence of block, second and third degree
myocardium to electrical peripheral vasodilation and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation AV block unassisted by
stimulation, reduces hypotension, especially with IV and tachycardia, paroxysmal pacemaker.
conduction velocity in atria, use. AV junctional rhythm,
ventricles, and His-Purkinje ventricular tachycardia, CAUTIOUS USE:
system. Increases duration of ventricular and atrial Patient who has undergone
refractory period, especially in premature contractions. Also electrical conversion to sinus
the atria. cardiac arrhythmias associated rhythm; hypotension, cardiac
with surgery and anesthesia. enlargement, CHF, MI,
coronary occlusion, ventricular
dysrhythmia from digitalis
intoxication; hepatic or renal
insufficiency; electrolyte
imbalance; bronchial asthma;
history of SLE. Safety during
pregnancy (category C) or
lactation is not established.

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Arrhythmias CNS: Dizziness, psychosis. • Check apical • Keep a record of
Adult: PO 1 g followed by 250– radial pulses before weekly weight. Notify
500 mg q3h or 500 mg–1 g q6h CV: Severe hypotension, each dose during period physician if weight gain
sustained release (b.i.d. for pericarditis, ventricular of adjustment to the of 1 kg (2 lb) or more is
Procanbid) IM 0.5–1 g q4–6h fibrillation, AV block, oral route. accompanied by local
until able to take PO IV 100 mg tachycardia, flushing. • Patients with edema.
q5min at a rate of 25–50 severe heart, liver, or • Record and
mg/min until arrhythmia is GI: Bitter taste, nausea, kidney disease and report date, time, and
controlled or 1 g given, then 2– vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, hypotension are at duration of fibrillation
6 mg/min (all mostly PO). particular risk for episodes when taking
Child: PO 40–60 mg/kg/d adverse effects. maintenance doses:
divided q4–6h IV 3–6 mg/kg q Hematologic: Agranulocytosis • Monitor the Light-headedness,
10–30 min (max: 100 mg/dose), with repeated use; patient's ECG and BP giddiness, weakness, or
then 0.02–0.08 mg/kg/min thrombocytopenia. continuously during IV faintness.
drug administration. • Keep a record of
Body as a Whole: Fever, muscle • Discontinue IV pulse rates. Report to
and joint pain, angioneurotic drug temporarily when physician changes in
edema, myalgia, SLE-like (1) arrhythmia is rate or quality.
syndrome (50% of patients on interrupted, (2) severe
large doses for 1 y):
Polyarthralgias, pleuritic pain, toxic effects are • Report to
pleural effusion. Skin: present, (3) QRS physician signs of
Maculopapular rash, pruritus. complex is excessively reduced procainamide
erythema, skin rash. widened (greater than control: Weakness,
50%), (4) PR interval is irregular pulse,
prolonged, or (5) BP unexplained fatigability,
drops 15 mm Hg or anxiety.
more. Obtain rhythm • Do not double
strip and notify dose or change an
physician. interval because a
• Ventricular previous dose was
dysrhythmias are missed. Take
usually abolished within procainamide at evenly
a few minutes after IV spaced intervals around
dose and within an hour the clock unless
after PO or IM otherwise prescribed.
administration. • Do not breast
• Report feed while taking this
promptly complaints of drug without consulting
chest pain, dyspnea, physician.
and anxiety.
Digitalization may have
preceded procainamide
in patients with atrial
Cardiotonic glycosides
may induce sufficient
increase in atrial
contraction to dislodge
atrial mural emboli,
with subsequent
pulmonary embolism.
• Therapeutic
procainamide blood
levels are reached in
approximately 24 h if
kidney function is
normal but are delayed
in presence of renal

Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Has both class II and class III Produces significant reductions Treatment of life-threatening Hypersensitivity to sotalol;
antiarrhythmic properties. in both systolic and diastolic ventricular arrhythmias bronchial asthma, sinus
Slows heart rate, decreases AV blood pressure. Antiarrhythmic (sustained ventricular bradycardia, sick sinus
nodal conduction, and properties are effective in tachycardia) and maintenance syndrome; second and third
increases AV nodal controlling ventricular of normal sinus rhythm in degree heart block, long QT
refractoriness. arrhythmias as well as atrial patients with atrial syndrome, cardiogenic shock,
fibrillation/flutter. fibrillation/flutter. uncontrolled CHF; chronic
bronchitis, emphysema;
hypokalemia <4 mEq/L;
creatinine clearance of <40
mL/min; lactation.

CHF, electrolyte disturbances,
recent MI, diabetes, sick sinus
rhythm, renal impairment;
pregnancy (category B);
concomitant use of drugs
which prolong the QT segment,
and antiarrhythmic drugs;
excessive diarrhea, or profuse

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Ventricular Arrhythmias CV: AV block, hypotension, • Monitor ECG • Be aware of
(Betapace) aggravation of CHF, although the for initial baseline and risk for hypotension
Adult: PO Initial dose of 80 incidence of heart failure may be periodically thereafter and syncope,
mg b.i.d. or 160 mg q.d. lower than for other beta- (especially when especially with
taken prior to meals, may blockers, life-threatening ventricular doses are increased) concurrent treatment
increase every 3–4 d in 40– arrhythmias, including polymorphous because with catecholamine-
160 mg increments (most ventricular tachycardia or torsades de proarrhythmic events depleting drugs (e.g.,
patients respond to 240– pointes, bradycardia, dyspnea, chest most often occur reserpine,
320 mg/d in 2 or 3 divided pain, palpitation, bleeding (<2%). within 7 d of initiating guanethidine).
doses, doses >640 mg/d therapy or increasing • Take radial
have not been studied) CNS: Headache, fatigue, dose. pulse daily and report
dizziness, weakness, lethargy, • Lab test: marked bradycardia
Atrial Fibrillation/flutter depression, lassitude. Baseline serum (pulse below 60 or
(Betapace AF) electrolytes. Correct other established
Adult: PO Initial dose of 80 GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, electrolyte parameter) to
mg b.i.d., may increase dyspepsia, dry imbalances of physician.
every 3–4 d (max: 240 mg/d mouth. Urogenital: Impotence, hypokalemia or • Type 2
in 1–2 divided doses) decreased libido. hypomagnesemia diabetics are at
prior to initiating increased risk for
Metabolic: Hyperglycemia. Special therapy. hyperglycemia. All
Senses: Visual • Monitor diabetics are at risk of
cardiac status possible masking of
disturbances. Respiratory: Respiratory carefully, including symptoms of
complaints. ECG, throughout hypoglycemia.
therapy. Exercise • Do not
Skin: Rash. special caution when abruptly discontinue
sotalol is used drug because of the
concurrently with risk of exacerbation of
other antiarrhythmics, angina, arrhythmias,
digoxin, or calcium and possible
channel blockers. myocardial infarction.
• Monitor • Do not breast
patients with feed while taking this
bronchospastic drug.
disease (e.g.,
emphysema) carefully
for inhibition of
• Monitor
diabetics for loss of
glycemic control. Beta
blockage reduces the
release of
endogenous insulin in
response to
hyperglycemia and
may blunt symptoms
of acute hypoglycemia
(e.g., tachycardia, BP
Action Therapeutic Effects Uses Contraindications
Inhibits calcium ion influx Dilates coronary arteries and Supraventricular Severe hypotension (systolic
through slow channels into inhibits coronary artery spasm, tachyarrhythmias; Prinzmetal's <90 mm Hg), cardiogenic shock,
cells of myocardial and arterial which increases myocardial (variant) angina, chronic stable cardiomegaly, digitalis toxicity,
smooth muscle. Dilates oxygen delivery and produces angina; unstable, crescendo or second- or third-degree AV
coronary arteries and arterioles an antianginal effect. Also preinfarctive angina and block; Wolff-Parkinson-White
and inhibits coronary artery decreases nodal conduction, essential hypertension. syndrome including atrial
spasm. Decreases and slows SA which results in an flutter and fibrillation;
and AV node conduction antiarrhythmic effect. accessory AV pathway, left
without affecting normal ventricular dysfunction, severe
arterial action potential or CHF, sinus node disease, sick
intraventricular conduction. sinus syndrome (except in
Associated vasodilation of patients with functioning
arterioles decreases total ventricular pacemaker). Safe
peripheral vascular resistance use during pregnancy (category
and reduces arterial BP at rest. C), lactation, or in children
May slightly decrease heart (oral) is not established.

Route & Dosage Adverse Effects Nursing Assessment Patient & Family Education
& Drug Effects
Angina CNS: Dizziness, vertigo, • Monitor • Monitor radial
Adult: PO 80 mg q6–8h, may headache, fatigue, sleep therapeutic pulse before each dose,
increase up to 320–480 mg/d in disturbances, depression, effectiveness. Drug notify physician of an
divided doses (Note: Covera-HS syncope. should decrease angina irregular pulse or one
must be given once daily h.s.) frequency, nitroglycerin slower than established
CV: Hypotension, congestive consumption, and guideline.
Hypertension heart failure, bradycardia,
Adult: PO 40–80 mg t.i.d. or 90– severe tachycardia, peripheral episodes of ST segment • Adhere to
240 mg sustained-release 1–2 edema, AV block. deviation. established guidelines
times/d up to 480 mg/d (Note: • Establish for exercise program.
Covera-HS must be given once GI: Nausea, abdominal baseline data and • Do not drive or
daily h.s.) discomfort, constipation, periodically monitor: BP engage in potentially
elevated liver enzymes. and pulse. hazardous activities
Supraventricular Tachycardia, • Lab tests: until response to drug is
Atrial Fibrillation Body as a Whole: Flushing, Baseline and periodic known.
Adult: PO 240–480 mg/d in pulmonary edema, muscle liver and kidney • Decrease intake
divided doses IV 5–10 mg IV fatigue, diaphoresis. functions. of caffeine-containing
direct, may repeat in 15–30 min • Instruct patient beverage (i.e., coffee,
if needed Skin: Pruritus. to remain in recumbent tea, chocolate).
Child: IV <1 y, 0.1–0.2 mg/kg; position for at least 1 h • Change
1–15 y, 0.1–0.3 mg/kg (2–5 mg) after dose is given to positions slowly from
diminish subjective lying down to standing
effects of transient to prevent falls because
asymptomatic of drug-related vertigo
hypotension that may until tolerance to
accompany infusion. reduced BP is
• Monitor for AV established.
block or excessive • Notify physician
bradycardia when of easy bruising,
infusion is given petechiae, unexplained
concurrently with bleeding.
digitalis. • Do not use OTC
• Monitor I&O drugs, especially
ratio during IV and early aspirin, unless they are
oral maintenance specifically prescribed
therapy. Renal by physician.
impairment prolongs • Do not breast
duration of action, feed while taking this
increasing potential for drug without consulting
toxicity and incidence of physician.
adverse effects. Advise
patient to report
gradual weight gain and
evidence of edema.
• Monitor ECG
continuously during IV
Essential because drug
action may be
prolonged and
incidence of adverse
reactions is highest
during IV
administration in older
adults, patients with
impaired kidney
function, and patients
of small stature.
• Check BP shortly
before administration
of next dose to evaluate
degree of control

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