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In our poster, we decided to do a comic strip style as our slogan is Be

your own hero, brush your teeth like a pro. We included the steps of
brushing teeth in our poster to emphasize the proper care of oral

When it comes to oral hygiene, children are already practicing it at

home. It can get a little mundane when they are told to do it every
time. Hence, it is our role as an educator to ensure that children are
aware of the importance of oral hygiene and to enjoy doing it.

Personally, I feel that one of the ways we can achieve that is to make
it fun! Instead of instructing the children to brush their teeth, we can
encourage them to brush their teeth by singing a song related to
brushing teeth. Another example is to use the poster like the one we
have created.

(An example would be… “brush your teeth, brush your teeth, brush
your teeth go up and down… when you brush your teeth, you will
keep the germs away, brush your teeth is the way to go”) – only when

Secondly, action speaks louder than words! It would be nicer if we

brush our teeth with the children together. When we emphasize the
importance of good oral hygiene, we need to ensure that we are also
practicing good oral hygiene.

My next point is a little support goes a long way. This means that we
allow children to take control of how they practice their oral hygiene
such as brushing their teeth. For example, we can encourage them to
squeeze out their own toothpaste onto their toothbrush. At the same
time, we compliment them for their actions. We can also encourage
older children to brush their teeth on their own. While doing so
themselves, they can understand the act of brushing their teeth and
hopefully, cultivate the good habit.

(Compliment such as “I see you squeezing out your toothpaste! That’s

great!”) – only when prompted.

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