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Answer the following:

1. Why is Pericles considered „ the first citizen”

Ans: Pericles' name means "surrounded by glory" and he would live up to his name
through his efforts to make Athens the greatest of the Greek city-states. His influence on
Athenian society, politics, and culture was so great that the historian Thucydides , his
contemporary and admirer, called him "the first citizen of Athens" .

2. What were the three goals that Pericles planned for Athens?
A] Strengthening democracy
B] Expand thempire
C] Beautify Athens

3. According to Pericles, what duties did Athenian citizens have?

Ans: All Athenian citizens were expected to have military training, be educated,
pay their taxes and serve Athens in times of war. Any citizen over the age of thirty
whose name is drawn for the legislature must comply. They are responsible for
governing. Voting is not only a privilege but also a responsibility for a citizen

4. For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.

a. Direct democracy : Direct democracy, also called pure democracy, forms

the direct participation of citizens in democratic decision making, in contrast to indirect or
representative democracy. Direct democracies may operate through an assembly of citizens
or by means of referendums and initiatives in which citizens vote on issues instead of for
candidates or parties.

b) league: a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for

mutualprotection or cooperation.

c) Acropolis The Greek root acro- means "high;" thus, an acropolis is

basically a "high city". Ancient cities often grew up around a high point, inorder
that they could easily be defended.

d) Parthenon : The Parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian

Acropolis,Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens
considered their patroness.

6. What was the nickname given to Pericles?

Ans: Born with an unusually large skull that made Pericles a target for ridicule—
comedians nicknamed him “Squill-head.”

7. How did Pericles die?

Ans :His morale undermined, overwhelmed with grief, Pericles weptfor his loss and no
one could console him. He himself died of the plague later in the year.

8. Why did Pericles decide to pay public officials?

Ans: Athens never paid public officials. By paying the people who would serve in public
offices, the citizens would never have to worry about how he would feed his family and this
opened positions to all Athenian citizens whether rich or poor, to serve in the government.
(Simple explanation: Consider Athens before public officials were paid. The only people
who would be willing to perform public service were the those who could afford to be away
from their farms for many days, and sometimes weeks at a time. Ancient Greece) was
intensely agriculture based and the vast majority of farmers had few or no slaves. Therefore,
public offices would filled by the wealthiest Athenians. By giving a payment would allow a
citizen to serve on the government without having to worry about how he would feed his
family, and thus opened those positions to all Athenian citizens regardless of wealth)

9. What did Pericles say while honouring Athenian soldiers?

Ans: Pericles states that he had been emphasising the
greatness of Athens in order to convey that the citizens
of Athens must continue to support the war, to show
them that what they were fighting for was of the utmost

10. According to Pericles, what are the requirements to become

a public official?
Ans: He should be an Athenian citizen
He should have skills and abilities rather than wealth

11. How is direct democracy different from representative democracy?


Representative Democracy
Direct Democracy

People choose their representatives, to represent

Citizens outrightly take part in the administration them in Parliament.
of the government.
Representatives decide the government policies
The government policies are decided by the on their behalf.
It is suitable for countries with a large population.

It is suitable for countries with less population.

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