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Nazi Germany

● The events leading to the rise to power of Hitler, and the Nazis’
consolidation of power.
● Elements of the Nazi terror state
● Life under the Nazi regime.
● Impact of the Second World War


Let’s know more about Adolf Hitler!

Also known as the Führer, Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany
between 1933 and 1945. He served as chancellor and later on as dictator
of Germany during the Second World War. After Germany’s defeat in WWI,
Hitler entered politics and joined the German Workers’ Party (DAP) in
Munich, in 1919.

Come 1920, he was in charge of the party’s

propaganda, for which he showed talent, and
devoted himself to improving his position within
the party. The German Worker’s Party was then
renamed the National-sozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei (Nazi).
Because of his talent with propaganda, he
leveraged his importance by threatening to resign
to increase his power within the party. By July
1921, he’d become the leader with almost
unlimited powers.
● As the leader, Hitler set out to create a mass movement using
mystique and power to foster loyalty to him. He used constant
propaganda through the party newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter,
to achieve this.
● Hitler was a charismatic and dynamic leader able to attract devoted
cadre, including Johann Dietrich Eckart, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf
Hess, Hermann Göring, and Julius Streicher.
Rise of the Nazis

With spiralling hyperinflation and the Weimar government falling

increasingly into crisis, Adolf Hitler along with other nationalist leaders
instigated a revolution in Munich in 1923. For them, it was the perfect
opportunity to take over the city, but Hitler failed and was sent to prison.
● Hitler was placed on trial for
treason. He used the publicity to
his advantage to further spread
his ideology.
● He also realised from the failed
Putsch that for the movement to
succeed, it had to be through
legal means, not a coup.
During the hyperinflation crisis of 1923, Adolf Hitler, leader of
the Nazi Party, wanted to take advantage of the situation and
● Hitler was sentenced to five
instigated a revolution known as the Munich Putsch. years in prison, but only served
nine months and in relative
comfort. During this time, he
● The Treaty of Versailles blamed
created the first volume of his
Germany for the First World War.
political autobiography, Mein
As a result, Germany was held
Kampf, in which he articulated
accountable for the cost of the
many of his ideas including
war and the Treaty dictated that
racial superiority, natural order
compensation be paid to the
exulting the Aryan race,
Allies. The payments were called
Germans as the greatest people,
that the state existed to serve
● The economic might of Germany
the people - something the
had been stretched to the limits Weimar government failed at -
during the war. Having to rebuild unity of the people manifest in a
the economy while paying Führer with absolute authority,
reparations made it a particularly and that the greatest threats
difficult task. were Marxism and
the Jews.

BUILDING VOCABULARY. Given your knowledge about the Great

1 War. Define the following terms below. (X marks)

A. LEBENSBORN - _________________________________________________
B. AUTARKY - _____________________________________________________
C. GESTAPO - _____________________________________________________
D. FÜHRER - _______________________________________________________
E. HYPERINFLATION -______________________________________________

IN PICTURE AND TEXT. Upon Hitler’s rise to power, his government

1 enacted a law among the German troops. Using the sources,
discuss in detail the nature of his rule. (X marks)

The Reich Government has enacted

the following law which is hereby
Section 1. The office of Reich
President will be combined with that
of Reich Chancellor. The existing
authority of the Reich President will
consequently be transferred to the
Führer and Reich Chancellor, Adolf
Hitler. He will select his deputy.
Section 2. This law is effective as of
the time of the death of Reich
President von Hindenburg.
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