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Chapter 8 x lengkap Chapter 1,2,3,10

Important History of E-Commerce 1979 Michael Aldrich invent online shopping conceptsof teleshopping 1990 Tim Barners-Lee create www server and browser 1991 The National Science Foundation (NFS) create NFS net. 2000 investment bust 2010 launches mobile commerce

Chapter 3 : Stakeholders: Person or group who affect or can be affected by organizations actions Web Presence: Public images an organization conveys to its stake holder, using the website. Web Presence goals: a) b) c) d) e) f) Attractive website Interesting website Convincing link Creating a consistent with the company branding images Building a trusting relationship Reinforcing positive images

Web Usability: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Learn about company product or services Obtain information about company profile or background Obtain about financial status Obtain information about people that work in that company Want to know more about contact information Buying product, services or both Comment or feedback

Accessible website: a) Use images or animation to describe or support the content b) Provide the graph or chart with summary

c) d) e) f)

Tables or figures with description Includes images map using text using hotspot Organize the use of text (title, subtitle or differentiate each of them ) Place the button at the same corner throughout whole website

Retain Customers: Trust Quality component of web usability a) Learnability : How easy the user explore everything b) Efficiency : How quick to perform a task c) Memorability : How easy to return to the same website, home d) Errors: Should be no errors e) Satisfaction:Nice to see, Nice to view, Enjoy to explore

CHAPTER 4: Marketing on the Web Marketing:Strategy to generate money and sales for example advertisement Involves 4p s: a) Product: Product is physical item or services that provides by an organization for selling purpose b) Price: Amount that customer pays for product or services c) Place: Location to display product or service information d) Promotion:Spreading the news about the product Reach Customers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify the potential group of the customers Select the appropriate media Build the right message Content Context

Market segmentation Geographic (The location of potential customers) Demographic (The age, gender and all about the customer) Psychographic (Social class ,interest ,personality of the potential customers)

CHAPTER 5 B-to-B Strategies Purchasing activities involves 4 processes a) b) c) d) Identify vendors Evaluate vendors Select product Placing orders

Procument involves all purchasing activities and monitoring purchasing transaction. For example, when to deliver, when to do payment and others. Supply management used to describe procument activities Supply chain is a system include of organization, people, technology, information and resource in moving product or services from supplier to a customer. Value Chain is a chain of activities for an organization to produce product or services. For example produce cake (Activity = mix ingredients n others) Sourcing is a procument activity to identify the supplier and to determine its qualification to handle a task or project E-Procument/E-Sourcing is using internet technology for procument or sourcing activities Direct Material is materials need to produce finished product Indirect materials is other material that is need to support to provide finished product Replenishment purchasing is a stock. It is a purchasing materials using long term contract. Logistic is a movement of materials or finished product. There are two types: a) Inbound movement Movement of materials from supplier to client or customer b) Outbound movement Movement or finished product from a company to a customer or client Support activities are an activity that support sales and purchasing include account department, finance, human resource and others. Also known as logistic management. E-Government:Electronic commerce used by government and its agencies. For example, .

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is electronic commerce that is used to transfer electronic document from one computer system to another computer system. Electronic File Transfer (EFT) is E-commerce technology used to transfer electronic account information from one computer system to another computer system. Valued Added Network (VAN) is a private network provider that is paid by a company to facilitate EDI, EFT and others. It includes special protocols to public network. Financial EDIis a set of EDI transaction to provide instruction to a trading partner s bank. a) Automated Clearing House (ACH): Service that the bank use to manage account with each other s. b) EDI Capable Bank is equipped with VAN to exchange payment and account information c) Value Added Bank (VAB) is a bank that offer VAN Services to non-financial transaction d) Financial Value Added Network (FVANS) is non-bank VAN s that can translate financial transactions into ACH Format.

CHAPTER 6 Auction is a product that sells without fixed price Stakeholders is a group of people or person that affect the organization actions Shill Bidders is a person who represent (Disguise) the seller that bid to increase the price of the product General Auction: English Auction is an auction that begins with a low price and stop at high price until no more forthcoming bids Dutch auction is an auction that begins with higher price and stop with lower price Sealed-bidAuction is when the bidder will submit their price independently for example, the tender with the lowest offer will win the bib. Double Auction is when the bidder and the seller give the price Reverse Auction is the seller will bid when in an auction

Chapter 7: The environment of e-Commerce Legal: Following the law. Law: Rules or guideline or a system of rules and guidelines enforce by institution. Ethical: Moral concepts such as good and evil or right or wrong. Contract Law: Agreement between two particular parties in a particular subject a) Contract Essential Elements Offers: Willingness to sell product or services Acceptance: Willingness to accept or buy the product or services Consideration: Agreement upon exchange of something valuable. It is valid after Offer and acceptation occur. b) Implied Contract Contract exist even if no explicit contract exist Explicit Contract Contract with specific statements or description c) Statue of Fraud A requirement that contain contract need to be in writing or sign by all parties. Tort Law: Compensate those who suffer a lost due to another person wrongful act. Warranties: Any contract for the sales of the product or services Implied Contract Contract exist even if no explicit contract exist Explicit Contract Contract with specific statements or description Warranty Disclaimer: Statement which seller declare will not honor for some or all implied warranty

CHAPTER 8: Server: A computer with high capabilities to provide files or program to other program. Client: A computer that requires pulse or program from a server Two-tiers: Involves one client and one server Three-tiers: Involves two servers and one client N-Tiers: Involves one client and more than two servers. (High ordered architecture) Webserver: A computer that response to another computer involves website content a) Distributed b) Decentralize Uses a large number of servers, hence means less power to stripswhere the workloads * Web-Client: A computer that request website content from a web server. Dynamic Webpage: A website that can accept and responses to user s feedback or request. Normally it involves the usage of electronic form Static Webpage: A webpage that do not response to the users where the content unchanged. Webserver components: a) Hardware: Physical parts of computers. b) Software:Intangible parts of servers where the program runs in it.
(APACHE http servers, MIRS-ASP (Server-side script), Sun Java Web Server)

c) Operating System:A software that support hardware and software to generate Input and output. Webserver performance: a) b) c) d) Response Time: Time taken for a server to perform task. Throughput: A number of task that can be perform in unit of time. Response: Branch Marking: Testing use to compare all performance hardware and software combination.

CHAPTER 9: E-Commerce Software Catalog Display: Listing of product, services or both where it has picture, price and distribution. Inside catalog: The information may be static and dynamic. Shopping Cart: Form based method to select the product or services that they want to purchase. It allows the customer to add or remove the item. Transaction Processing: Calculation that a server perform after the user click a checkup button. Electronic Commerce Additional Components Middleware: Software or programs that connect e-commerce software and other system. They can be Oracle, My Sql , Microsoft Access and others CRM System/software (Customer Relationship manager): Program that manage company interaction with the customers. Its goal is to maintain current customers and also to gain new customers. SCM System/Software (Supply Chain management): Program that manage the movement information of direct and indirect materials. CM System/Software (Content Management): Program that manage a large number of people to share and collect data such as picture, documents, movies and others. KM System/Software (Knowledge Management): Program that allows the employees to collect, share and enhance knowledge gain through the use of information. Web Hosting Alternative: A server where it hold or store webpage. CSPs (Commerce service providers): A company that prove internet access to another company or individuals. Also offers e-commerce application management such as developing the website, maintain the security so on. Also rent the hardware, software and space for e-commerce customer. Self-Hosting: Running the server in house. Dedicated Hosting: Company rent space or server to run its e-commerce application where one server is only for one customer. Shared Hosting: One server is rent to many customers Co-Location Hosting: CSP provide space for customer to install its own hardware.

CHAPTER 11 Electronic Cash: Values that can be serve as substitutes to physical currency, usually online Electronic Cash System: A system that is used to manage the payment process services Electronic Wallet: System that can store user id, user password, Current amount of money, Credit card, Visa and others. Server side: The electronic wallet is stored inside the server Client Side: The electronic wallet are stored in a customer computer and owned by a customer. Payment Card: Card that is used to make payment. y y Magnetic Strips Card: Credit card, Debit card and charge card Stored Value Card: H/P prepaid Touch and go card, LRT payment card and others.

CHAPTER 12: PLANNING FOR E-COMMERCE Objective: 1) 2) 3) 4) Increase the sales Opening the new market Serving existing customer better- Customer can give the feedback Coordinating more efficiently more effective- A company can make an order online and the vendors can deliver the item effectively. 5) Recruiting employees more effectively The people can read and apply online, hence, the process is faster

Develop E-Commerce application: a) Internal We can develop using on the existing stuff in the company b) Outsourcing Hire worker from other company o Early Outsourcing: The Company outsources the project at the beginning stage of e commerce development. o Late Outsourcing: Outside staff used to maintain the finished project o Partial Outsourcing: a part of the project is outsource to other staff Staff for E-Commerce: Manager, Web Designer, Network Administrator, and others

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