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Adama Science and Technology University

School of Mechanical, Chemical and Material’s Engineering

Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Worksheet I

NB. Assignment from work sheet I (odd number) and submission date is up to
March, 27

1. If the position of a particle is defined by s = [2sin(π/3)t + 4] m, where t is in seconds,

construct the s-t, v-t, and a-t graphs for 0 ≤ t ≤10 s.
2. A particle travels along a straight line with an acceleration of a = (10 - 0.2s) m/s2, where s
is measured in meters. Determine the velocity of the particle when s = 10 m if v = 5 m/s at
s = 0.

3. A particle moves along a straight line such that its acceleration is a = (4t2 - 2) m/s2, where
t is in seconds. When t = 0, the particle is located 2 m to the left of the origin, and when t
= 2 s, it is 20 m to the left of the origin. Determine the position of the particle when t
= 4s.
4. A particle travels along a straight line with a velocity of v = (20 - 0.05s2) m/s, where s is in
meters. Determine the acceleration of the particle at s = 15 m.
5. A car starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration of 1 .5 m/s2 until it achieves
a velocity of 25 m/s. It then travels with constant velocity for 60 seconds. Determine the
average speed and the total distance traveled.
6. Ball A is thrown vertically upward from the top of a 30-m-high-building with an initial
velocity of 5 m/s. At the same instant another ball B is thrown upward from the ground
with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Determine the height from the ground and the time at
which they pass.

Prepared by Biftu H. $ Leulseged T. Page 1

7. A truck is traveling along the straight line with a velocity described by the graph. Construct
the a-s graph
for 0 ≤ s ≤ 1500 ft.

8. If the x and y components of a particle's velocity are Vx = (32t) m/s and Vy = 8 m/s,
determine the equation of the path y = f(x). x = 0 and y = 0 when t = 0.
9. A particle is traveling along the parabolic path y = 0.25*x2. If x =(2t2) m, where t is in
seconds, determine the magnitude of the particle's velocity and acceleration when t = 2 s.
10. The position of a box sliding down the spiral can be described by r = [2*sin(2t)i + 2*cost
j] m, where t is in seconds and the arguments for the sine and cosine are in radians.
Determine the velocity and acceleration of the box when t = 2 s.

11. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity of vA = 150 m/s off the roof of the building.
Determine the range R where it strikes the ground at B.

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12. The car travels along the circular path such that its speed is increased by at = (0.5t) m/s2,
where t is in seconds. Determine the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration after the
car has traveled s = 18 m starting from rest. Neglect the size of the car.

13. The train passes point A with a speed of 30 m/s and begins to decrease its speed at a
constant rate of at = - 0.25 m/s2. Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the train
when it reaches point B, where SAB = 412 m.

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14. The airplane flies along the horizontal circular path AB in 60 s. If its speed at point A is
400 m/s, which decreases at a rate of at = ( m/s2, determine the magnitude of the plane's
acceleration when it reaches point B.

15. A projectile is launched with an initial speed of 200 m/s at an angle of 60o with respect to
the horizontal. Compute the range R as measured up the incline.

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16. A motorcyclist starting from rest travels along a straight road and for 10 s has acceleration
as shown. Draw the v-t graph that describes the motion and find the distance traveled in 10

17. A small object is released from rest in a tank of oil. The downward acceleration of the
object is g – kv, where g is the acceleration due to gravity, k is a constant which depends
on the viscosity of the oil and shape of the object. Derive expressions for the velocity v and
vertical drop y as a function of the time t after release.
18. Suppose you want to approximate the position of a vehicle you are testing by the power
series S = A + Bt + Ct2 + Dt3, where A, B, C and D are constants. The vehicle starts from
rest at t = 0, S = 0, at t = 4, S = 54m and at t = 8s, S = 136m. a) Determine A. B. C and D.
b) what are the approximate velocity and acceleration of the vehicle at t= 8 s?
19. The airplane travels along a straight runway with an acceleration described by the graph.
If it starts from rest and requires a velocity of 90 m/s to take off, determine the minimum
length of runway required and the time t' for takeoff. Construct the v-t and s-t graphs.

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20. Consider the following projectile motion of the ball shown in figure. The initially velocity
of the ball is vo = 35 m/s and it is thrown at an angle ϴ = 400 above the horizontal. Find the
maximum height H, the time it takes theparticle to reach point C, and the total horizontal
range L that the particle travels. Neglect air resistance. [6 marks]

21. Prove that ar = 𝑟̈ – r𝛳̇2 and aϴ = 2𝑟̇ 𝛳̇ + r𝛳̈

22. To anticipate the dip and hump in the road, the driver of a car applies her brakes to produce
a uniform deceleration. Her speed is 100 Km/h at a bottom A of the dip and 50 Km/h at the
top C of the hump, which is 120 m along the road from A. if the passengers experiences a
total acceleration of 3 m/s2 at A and if the radius of curvature of the hump at C is 150 m,
calculate [6 marks]
1. The radius of curvature at A
2. The at the inflection point B and
3. The total acceleration at C.

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23. As it passes the position shown, the particle p moves on curved path with speed v = 100
m/s and acceleration a = 10 m/s2 with angle of 300 from X- axis. Compute instantaneous
values of instantaneous values of r, 𝜃, 𝑟̇ , 𝑟̈ , θ̇, θ̈, n- and t-components of acceleration,
the radius of curvature ρ [7 marks].

24. If end A of the rope moves downward with a speed 5 m/s and down ward acceleration of
3 m/s2, determine the speed and acceleration of cylinder B.

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25. For a pulley system shown, each of the cables at A and B is given velocity of 3m/s and
2m/s respectively in the direction of arrow. Determine the velocity v of the block C.

26. Under the action of force P, the constant acceleration of block B is 6 m/sec2 up the
incline. For the instant when the velocity of B is 3 m/s up the incline, determine the
velocity of B relative to A, the acceleration of B relative to A, and the absolute velocity
of point C of the cable

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27. The car A has a forward speed of 18 Km/hr and accelerating at 3 m/s2. Determine the
velocity and acceleration of the car relative to observer B, who rides in a nonrotating
chair on the Ferris wheel. The angular rate 3 rev/min of the Ferris wheel is constant.

28. Car A is travelling at a constant speed of 60 Km/hr as it rounds the circular curve of 300 m
radius and at instant represented is at the position angle is 450. Car B is travelling at a
constant speed of 80 Km/hr and passes the center of the circle at this instant. Car A is
located with respect to car B by polar cordinates r and with the pole moving with B. for
this instant dettermine velocityy of car A w.r.t B and the value of as measured by
an observer in car B.

Prepared by Biftu H. $ Leulseged T. Page 9

Work sheet II

NB. Assignment from work sheet II (even number) and submission date is up to April, 3

1. The 300 Mg jet airliner has three engines, each of which produces a nearly constant thrust of
240 kN during the takeoff roll. Determine the length s of runway required of the take of speed
is 220 km/h. compute s first for an uphill takeoff direction from A to B on the slightly inclined
runway. Neglect air and rolling resistance.

2. The 10 Mg truck hauls the 20 Mg trailer. If the unit starts from rest on a level road with
attractive force of 20 kN between the driving wheels of the truck and the road, compute the
tension T in the horizontal drawbar and the acceleration a of the rig.

4. The 800-kg car at B is connected to the 350-kg car at A by a spring coupling. Determine
the stretch in the spring if (a) the wheels of both cars are free to roll and (b) the brakes
are applied to all four wheels of car B, causing the wheels to skid. Take (μk)B = 0.4.
Neglect the mass of the wheels.

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5. If the force of the motor M on the cable is shown in the graph, determine the velocity
of the cart when t = 3 s. The load and cart have a mass of 200 kg and the car starts from

6. The nonlinear spring has a tensile force-deflection relationships given by Fs = 150x +

400x2, where x is in meters and Fs is in newtons. Determine the acceleration of the 6-
kg block if it is released from rest at (a) x = 50 mm and (b) x = 100 mm.

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7. A toboggan and rider of total mass 90 kg travel down along the (smooth) slope defined
by the equation y = 0.08x2. At the instant x = 10 m, the toboggan's speed is 5 m/s. At
this point, determine the rate of increase in speed and the normal force which the slope
exerts on the toboggan. Neglect the size of the toboggan and rider for the calculation.

8. If the 180-lb ski-jumper attains a speed of 80 ft/sec as he approaches the takeoff

position, calculate the magnitude N of the normal force exerted by the snow on his skis
just before he reaches A.

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9. Beginning from rest when θ = 20o, a 35-kg child slides with negligible friction down
the sliding board which is in shape of a 2.5-m circular arc. Determine the tangential
acceleration and speed of the child, and the normal force exerted on her (a) when θ =
30o and (b) when θ = 90o.

10. A hollow tube rotates about the horizontal axis through point O with constant angular
velocity ω0. A particle of mass m is introduced with zero relative velocity at r = 0 when
θ = 0 and slides outward through the smooth tube. Determine r as a function of θ.

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11. The 0.5-kg collar C starts from rest at A and slides with negligible friction on the fixed
rod in the vertical plane. Determine the velocity v with which the collar strikes end B
when acted upon by the 5-N force, which is constant in direction. Neglect the small
dimensions of the collar.

12. The 5-lb collar slides on the smooth rod, so that when it is at A it has a speed of 10 ft/s.
If the spring to which it is attached has an un-stretched length of 3 ft and a stiffness of
k = 10 Ib/ft, determine the normal force on the collar and the acceleration of the collar
at this instant.

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13. The 30-lb collar A is released from rest in the position shown and slides with
negligible friction up the fixed rod inclined 30o from the horizontal under the action
of a constant force P = 50-lb applied to the cable. Calculate the required stiffness k of
the spring so that its maximum deflection equals 6 in. the position of the small pulley

at B is fixed.
14. The spring is placed between the wall and the 10-kg block. If the block is subjected to
a force of F = 500 N, determine its velocity when s = 0.5 m. When s = 0, the block is
at rest and the spring is uncompressed. The contact surface is smooth.

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15. If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the l00-kg crate and the plane is μk = 0.25,
determine the speed of the crate at the instant the compression of the spring is x = 1.5
m. Initially the spring is un-stretched and the crate is at rest.

16. A smooth 2-kg collar, shown in the figure below, fits loosely on the vertical shaft. If
the spring is un-stretched when the collar is in the position A, determine the speed at
which the collar is moving when y = 1 m, if (a) it is released from rest at A, and (b) it
is released at A with an upward velocity VA = 2 m/s.

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