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Awareness Course

Improving performance,
August 2021_V1
reducing risk
Session 1
Welcome and introductions

Improving performance,
reducing risk

• Name
• Employer and current role.
• GHG experience
• Why are they on this V002 course?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Course objectives
The objectives of this course are to provide information and case study practice on the following:
• Structure and vocabulary of ISO14064-1
• Relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and schemes
• The five fundamental principles
• Establishing organizational boundaries
• Establishing operational boundaries
• Quantification steps
• Exclusion management and transparency
• GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs
• Quantification methodologies
• Uncertainty
• Emission / removal factors
• Directed actions
• Base-year management
• GHG inventory quality management
• The GHG Assertion and GHG Report
• GHG quantification and verification
• Current GHG reporting environment

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Course programme
1. Welcome and introductions
2. The structure and vocabulary of ISO14064-1
3. The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and schemes
4. The principles
5. Organisational boundaries
6. Operational boundaries – GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs
7. Quantification steps including exclusion management and transparency
8. Quantification methods
9. Uncertainty
10. Emission factors
11. Directed actions
12. Base-year management
13. GHG inventory quality management
14. The GHG assertion and GHG report
15. GHG verification
16. Current GHG reporting environment
17. Course review

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 2
The structure and vocabulary of ISO14064-1

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Illustrate the structure of ISO14064-1

2. Introduce some (not all) of the terms and vocabulary of this standard

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Structure of ISO14064-1 (Organizational GHG inventories)
The sections of this standard are as follows (excluding some sub-clauses):
1. Scope
2. Terms and definitions
3. Principles
4. GHG inventory design and development
4.1 Organizational boundaries
4.2 Operational boundaries
4.3 Quantification of GHG emissions and removals
5. GHG inventory components
5.1 GHG emissions and removals
5.2 Organizational activities to reduce GHG emissions or increase GHG removals
5.3 Base-year GHG inventory
5.4 Assessing and reducing uncertainty
6. GHG inventory quality management
6.1 GHG information management
6.2 Document retention and record keeping
7. Reporting of GHG
8. Organization’s role in verification activities

Improving performance,
reducing risk

GHG emission
GHG emission is the ‘release of a GHG into the atmosphere’.
• GHGs refer to a number of gases, but most commonly the Kyoto Protocol GHGs:
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),
perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

• GHG emissions are stated (quantified) in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). This is the
common unit which make emissions of different GHGs comparable. It is the unit of measure for
carbon credits/offsets within various GHG programs, e.g. VCS (i.e. VCUs), CDM (i.e. CERs), JI (i.e.
ERUs), EU ETS (i.e. EUAs).
• GHGs are emitted from a ‘GHG source’.

GHG source
A GHG source is ‘a process that releases a GHG to the atmosphere’.
• This may be a human induced process, such as the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil or
industrial processes like the production of cement.
• GHG emissions also result from natural processes such as the decomposition of organic matter.

Improving performance,
reducing risk

GHG reduction initiative

GHG emission reduction is a ‘specific activity or initiative, not organized as a GHG project,
implemented by an organization on a discrete or continuous basis, to reduce or prevent
direct or indirect GHG emissions or enhance direct or indirect GHG removals’.
• Think of an emission reduction as any deliberate action to reduce GHG emissions from a
source compared to previous levels of GHG emissions from that source.

GHG removal
GHG removal is the ‘withdrawal of a GHG
from the atmosphere by GHG sinks’.
• The opposite of a GHG emission is a GHG
• GHGs are removed from the atmosphere
by ‘GHG sinks’ and stored in ‘GHG

Improving performance,
reducing risk

GHG sink
A GHG sink is a ‘process that removes a GHG from the atmosphere’.
• The simplest sinks to understand are trees, which absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and release O2 as
they photosynthesise.
• It is important to note that sinks refer to the process of removing GHGs from the atmosphere only (i.e.
it is a flux). The storage of GHGs is in a GHG reservoir.

GHG reservoir
A GHG reservoir is a ‘component, other than the atmosphere, that has the capacity to accumulate GHGs,
and to store and release them’.
• In plain language, reservoirs store GHGs.
• Examples of reservoirs include oceans, soils and forests, storage of GHGs in underground geological
formations and potentially in deep-sea storage.
Note: The permanence & credibility of GHG reservoirs is a particularly controversial area of climate change

Improving performance,
reducing risk

GHG project
GHG removal enhancement refers to ‘activity or activities that alter the conditions of a GHG baseline and
which cause GHG emission reductions or GHG removal enhancements’.
• Think of removal enhancements as any deliberate action to increase the amount of GHGs removed
from the atmosphere by sinks compared to previous levels of GHGs removed.
• Common examples include projects which avoid deforestation which was scheduled to occur or
afforestation (tree planting).

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 3
The relationship with other GHG standards,
protocols, programmes and schemes

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Provide context for ISO14064-1

2. What is it’s relationship with other standards and GHG regimes

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and

Other standards: Protocols:

• ISO14064-2 • GHG Protocol
• ISO14064-3
• ISO14065 Programmes / schemes:
• ISO14001 • Emissions trading schemes

Regional / national legislation:

• Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report & Directors' Report) Regulations 2013

• Sector specific
• National guidance, e.g. DEFRA/DECC in the UK

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and

ISO14064-1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas
emissions and removals.

It is the standard for GHG inventories at the organisational level. A GHG inventory is a detailed, quantified list of an
organisation’s GHG emissions and sources.

ISO14064-2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas
emissions reductions and removals enhancements.

It is the standard for GHG projects. A GHG project is a specific action designed to either reduce GHGs emitted to the
atmosphere or increase the capture and storage of GHGs from the atmosphere.

ISO 14064-3: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions.

It is the standard for auditing GHG projects and inventories. Validation and verification are undertaken to ensure the veracity
of reported information about GHG projects and inventories.

ISO14065: Greenhouse gases – Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation
and other forms of recognition.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and

The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol

• A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard
• Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard
• Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard
• Scope 2 Guidance
• Project Accounting

Also lots of supporting guidance – www.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and

Programmes / schemes:
• Emissions trading schemes
• Clean Development Mechanism
• Joint Implementation
• Voluntary Carbon Standard

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols,
programmes and schemes

Improving performance, August 2021 reducing risk
The relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and

Sector specific
• GHG Protocol sector toolsets
• The Cement CO2 and Energy Protocol (WBCSD)
• API Compendium 2009
• Many others

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 4
The five principles of ISO14064-1

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Illuminate the five basic principles of ISO14064-1

2. Introduce other related GHG quantification principles

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The five principles of ISO14064-1

• Principles are the ‘ground rules’ to ensure true and fair accounting of GHG- Relevance
related information.

• Principles form the basis for any justifications and explanations required. Completeness

• The adjacent principles are fundamental to the ISO14064 requirements.




Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Relevance

Is it appropriate?
Relevance means that the data set is appropriate to the needs of the intended end-user.
The quantification and reporting of data and information should include only that which users need for their
decision making.

‘Select the GHG sources, GHG sinks, GHG reservoirs (SSRs), data and methodologies appropriate to the
needs of the intended user’

• The GHG inventory must contain the information that users (both internal and external to the company)
need for their decision making.
• It is closely linked to the principle of ‘completeness’. In order to be complete, all relevant information
should be considered.
• Conversely, the report must not contain superfluous or peripheral information that may impact the
transparency of the report or mislead the intended user.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Relevance

Key considerations when applying the principle of relevance are:

• The intended purpose of information, and the needs of the users.
• Organizational structures: control (operational and financial), ownership, legal agreements, joint
ventures, etc.
• Operational boundaries: on-site and off-site activities, processes, services, and impacts
• Business context: nature of activities, geographic locations, industry sectors

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Completeness

Nothing must be forgotten.

Completeness means that all sources related to the monitoring and reporting of the data set are included,
that are appropriate to the requirements of ISO14064 and the end user.

‘Include all relevant Greenhouse Gas emissions and removals.’

All relevant emissions sources within the chosen boundary need to be accounted for so that a comprehensive
and meaningful emissions quantification is completed.

For cases where emissions have been estimated, or estimated at an insufficient level of quality, it is important
that this is transparently documented and justified.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Completeness


Standby Generator
Production Process

Nothing must be forgotten. Boiler

In summary, the application of the principle

of completeness, means that everything must
be included within the data and information to
be verified, that is mandated by the
requirements of ISO14064 or the relevant Site Boundary Fence
GHG compliance obligation.

This is to ensure that there are no material omissions from the data and information that would substantively
influence the assessments and decisions of stakeholders, i.e. end users of the data.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Consistency

Comparable over time.

Consistency means that the organisation uses the same / constant
processes for gathering, calculating and measuring each data set.
‘Enable meaningful comparisons in GHG-related information.’

Consistency ensures that year on year comparison (or other period) is comparing like with like, i.e.
significant decreases in the inventory size are not due to changes in the way emissions are calculated. This
enables users of GHG information to reliably track and compare GHG emissions information over time,
identify trends and assess the performance of the reporting company.

Nevertheless, it may be justifiable for organisations to change the method of data and information
management, if the accuracy in the reported data or information is improved. However, any changes in the
inventory boundary, methods, data or any other factors affecting the emissions quantification must be
transparently documented and justified. Consistency is commonly achieved by recalculating all inventories
in a time series when a change is made to the quantification approach.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Accuracy

How close is it to the actual truth?

Accuracy means:
• that the data set (determinant) is systematically neither over
nor under its true value, as far as can be judged, and that
uncertainties are reduced as far as practicable and quantified
where required;

and for data management systems:

• that due diligence has been exercised to ensure that the
process(es) for gathering, calculating and measuring data
sets exhibit the highest degree of correctness.

‘Reduce bias and uncertainties as far as is practical.’

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principal of Accuracy

How close is it to the actual truth?

Accuracy is the closeness of the agreement between the result of a measurement and the true value of the
particular quantity, taking into account both random and systematic errors. Systematic errors are any biasing
effect, which introduces error into an experiment such that it always affects the results of an experiment in the
same direction.

Do not confuse accuracy with precision which refers to the repeatability of the measurement.

A high level of A high level of

accuracy but a precision but a
low level of low level of
precision accuracy

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principal of Accuracy

How close is it to the actual truth?

Data should be sufficiently precise to enable intended users to make decisions with a degree of confidence
that the reported information is credible.

Remember that the intended user is the ‘individual or organisation identified by those reporting GHG-related
information as being the one who relies on that information to make decisions’.

GHG measurements, estimates, or calculations should not be systemically over nor under the actual
emissions value, as far as can be judged

Uncertainties must be reduced as far as practicable.

Reporting on measures taken to ensure accuracy in the accounting of emissions can help promote credibility
and enhance transparency.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The Principle of Transparency
Reproducible by being clear

Transparency means that data sets shall be in a manner that enables reproduction. This includes assumptions,
references, final figures, etc. It can also be defined as the complete disclosure of information and data required to
enable intended users to make informed decisions.

‘Disclose sufficient and appropriate GHG-related information to allow intended users to make decisions with
reasonable confidence.’

If the data and information management process and derivation are not sufficiently clear for it to be readily
reproduced, then it is not transparent. The provenance or source of all information and data must be clear and
reliable. In other words, the information should be sufficient to enable a third party to derive the same results if
provided with the same source data.

A “transparent” GHG report will provide a clear understanding of the issues in the context of the reporting
organisation and a meaningful assessment of performance.

Information needs to be recorded, compiled, and analysed in a way that enables internal reviewers and external
verifiers to attest to its credibility.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Other Principals

Other principles in associated schemes / standards:

• Conservativeness (ISO14064-2 – projects)
• Comparability / Trueness / Faithfulness (UK ETS)

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 5
Establishing organisational boundaries

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Explain the crucial importance of organisational boundaries.

2. Clarify the boundaries of: operational control; financial control; and equity share.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Questions for delegates
1. Can you explain:
- Operational control?
- Financial control?
- Equity share?

2. What is the ‘organisational boundary’ for an Annual Report?

3. What do the following mean?

- Fully consolidated
- Proportionally consolidated
- Incorporated / non-incorporated
- Subsidiary
- Joint venture
- Associate
- Equity accounted investment
- Cost dividend accounted
- Operating versus capital / financial lease

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

The first tasks in compiling a GHG inventory is to determine the boundary of the GHG inventory i.e. which
GHG emissions and sources will be accounted for and reported by the organisation.

Complex ownership arrangements, corporate structures and international operations often make this a
difficult task.

ISO14064-1 (clauses 5.1 and 5.2) deal with this issue by defining boundaries at 2 levels:
• the organisational level; and
• the reporting boundary.

In setting organisational boundaries, the organisation defines its approach as to which operations will form
part of its inventory. The purpose of setting organisational boundaries to ensure that data is consolidated in
the organisational inventory, consistently across all facilities.

NOTE: if document hyperlinks malfunction please locate required documents

within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Fundamentally, there are three requirements:
1. Organisations must adopt a ‘control’ or ‘equity share’ approach to consolidation
2. This choice must be documented
3. Changes to this approach must be justified

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Control approach to consolidation

An organisation using a control approach will include all operations over which it has financial or operational control.

If the organisation has control of the operation then all GHG emissions and removals (100%) from the operation must
be included in the inventory.

Financial approach to consolidation

At its simplest level, an organisation has financial control if it retains the majority of risks and rewards from the
company’s assets. The financial control approach is derived from the financial accounting standards. Using this strict
definition, financial control exists if the company is a ‘group company’ or a ‘subsidiary’.

Example: the products on the right are all made by

Companies financially controlled by PepsiCo. Using this
approach PepsiCo must include 100% of the emissions
from these companies.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Control approach to consolidation

An organisation has operational control if it has full authority to introduce and implement operating policies
at the facility.
• This does not necessarily mean it has the authority to make all decisions (e.g. large CAPEX may require
approval of all parties with a financial interest).
• But the day to day operations of the facility are controlled by the organisation.

Case study: McDonald’s restaurants are franchises with each

restaurant having an individual ‘owner’, the franchisee.
McDonald’s corporate makes all and introduces all operational
policies (thus all McDonald’s restaurant’s are fundamentally the
same). Therefore, McDonald’s corporate would include 100% of
emissions from each franchise under the operational control

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Equity share approach to consolidation

Organisations using an equity share approach account for proportion of the emissions
which corresponds to their percentage ownership in the operation.

For example, if an organisation owns 100% it accounts for 100% of the GHG emissions
and removals in its inventory. If it owns 20% then 20% of emissions/removals are

Improving performance,
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Organisational boundaries

Case study: the equity share and

control approaches

Improving performance,
reducing risk
In this example, Holland America
(not Holland Industries) holds a 50
percent interest in BGB and a 75
percent interest in IRW. If the
activities of Holland Industries itself
produce GHG emissions (e.g.,
emissions associated with electricity
use at the head office), then these
emissions should also be included in
the consolidation at 100 percent.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Basic accountancy definitions

Fully consolidated: A parent entity presents consolidated financial statements for the parent and all

Proportionally consolidated: Under proportionate consolidation, the balance sheet of the venturer includes its
share of the assets that it controls jointly and its share of the liabilities for which it is jointly responsible. The
income statement of the venturer includes its share of the income and expenses of the jointly controlled entity.

Incorporated: A firm or company that has been formed into a legal corporation separate from its owners by
completing the required procedures.

Un or Non-incorporated: A business that does not possess a separate legal identity from its owner(s). The
owner(s) bear full liability for any action or inaction of the business: Unincorporated enterprises include sole
proprietorships, partnerships and family trusts.

Subsidiary: an enterprise controlled by another (called the parent) through the ownership of greater than 50%
of its voting stock.

Venturer: a party to a joint venture and has joint control over that joint venture.

Unincorporated Joint Venture (JV): A JV that is set up by contract. It does not own assets in its own name.
The assets and the operations are owned and controlled by the investors according to the terms of the relevant
JV documentation. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Basic accountancy definitions

Associates: an entity in which an investor has significant influence but not control or joint control. Significant
influence is presumed if the investor has 20% or greater interest (i.e. voting power/equity) or participation in the
entity’s affairs. If less than 20%, the investor will be presumed not to have significant influence unless such
influence can be clearly demonstrated.

Other Equity Investment or Fixed Asset Investment: these are the terms used for less than 20% equity.
The cost dividend accounting method (CDA) is generally applied to these investments.

Cost Dividend Accounting (CDA): If the investment is such that there is no substantial influence of the
investment holder over the company invested in (i.e. generally equates to <20% equity), or if there is no readily
determinable fair value of the investment, the cost method of accounting for investments is usually the one used.
Under this method, the investment is recorded in the balance sheet at historical cost.

Equity Accounted Investment (EAI): An accounting technique used by firms to assess the profits earned by
their investments in other companies. The firm reports the income earned on the investment on its income
statement and the reported value is based on the firm's share of the company assets. The reported profit
is proportional to the size of the equity investment. This is the standard technique used when one company has
significant influence over another, i.e. generally >20% equity.

Improving performance,
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The GHG Protocol – A Corporate
Accounting and Reporting
Standard provides guidance.

This table is based on a

comparison of UK, US,
Netherlands and International
Financial Reporting Standards.

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reducing risk
The GHG Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard

Improving performance,
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Organisational boundaries

Financial Control (FC) GHG Inventories

Fully / Proportionally Consolidated Group Companies and Subsidiaries: 100% of their GHG
emissions are included under FC.

Unincorporated Joint Ventures / Partnerships: their equity % of their GHG emissions are included
under FC.

Associates & other Equity Accounted Investments (EAI): 0% of their GHG emissions are included
under FC.

Other Equity Investments / Fixed Asset Investments (20% equity) - Cost Dividend Accounted
(CDA): 0% of their GHG emissions are included under FC.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Leased Assets

Financial lease: a finance lease transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset to the
lessee. The asset leased is be treated as an asset wholly owned by the lessee (i.e. 100% equity) as defined in
financial accounting standards and is recorded as such on the company’s balance sheet.

Therefore, GHG emissions from such financially leased assets must be consolidated into an equity inventory and
obviously a financial control inventory. Assets under financial lease are GHG Protocol scope 1 emissions.

Operating lease: an operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease, where the lessee will have operational
control but not ownership or financial control.

Associated GHG emissions should therefore not be included in an equity inventory or a financial control inventory.
Assets under operational lease are GHG Protocol scope 3 emissions.

This interpretation is compliant with the GHG Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and the
UK Defra guidance on how to measure and report your GHG emissions. The GHG Protocol also provides Appendix
F – Categorising GHG Emissions Associated with Leased Assets.

This means that even if an asset is correctly excluded on the basis of cost dividend accounting method, due to the
organisation having less than 20% equity, this is overridden by the fact that the asset is financially leased, and the
asset is therefore included in the GHG inventory consolidation (either for equity of financial control inventories).
Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Omni is a international organisation with a variety of assets.

• Study the provided asset database. Case study - Organisational boundary

• Identify any errors and issues.

• Consider any additional questions you may have.

One hour

Output in a word document per team and annotated spreadsheet

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries


One team to present their findings, including:

• Errors / issues?
• Any additional questions?

Case study - Organisational boundary

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Common issues

• Incorrect inclusions

• Lack of knowledge regarding the operational, financial or equity status of an asset

• Complex organisational structures can cause a lack of transparency

• Incorrect calculations

• Other?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 6
Establishing reporting boundaries

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. To explain the process for establishing reporting boundaries.

2. Clarify the types of emissions.

Improving performance,
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Reporting boundaries
Once the organisation has determined which companies and facilities it will include in its GHG inventory, the
organisation must determine the scope of operations at each of the identified facilities.

ISO14064-1 clause 5.2 sets out the requirements for this step of inventory compilation
Essentially these are:
1. Establish and document the reporting boundaries
2. Identify and categorise all sources and sinks within these boundaries
3. Explain any changes to the boundaries

ISO14064-1 defines the boundaries of the facility using three key terms:
a) Direct GHG emissions and removals (GHG Protocol calls these Scope 1)
b) Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy (GHG Protocol calls these Scope 2)
c) Indirect GHG emissions from transportation (GHG Protocol calls these Scope 3)
d) Indirect GHG emissions from products used by organization (GHG Protocol calls these Scope 3)
e) Indirect GHG emissions associated with the use of products from the organization (GHG Protocol calls
these Scope 3)
f) Indirect GHG emissions from other sources (GHG Protocol calls these Scope 3)

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Reporting boundaries

GHG source 1

GHG source 2

GHG source 3

GHG source 1
Oil & Gas
Company A

GHG source 2

GHG source 3

GHG source 1

GHG source 2
Company B

GHG source 1
Parent Company


GHG source 1

GHG sink 1

GHG source 1
Company C

Power generation

reducing risk

GHG source 2

GHG source 3
Improving performance,
Reporting boundaries

Direct GHG emissions

GHG emission from GHG sources that are owned or controlled by the organisation.
Organisations are required to quantify all direct GHG emissions from their operations along with all removals of

Examples of direct emissions are:

• Generation of electricity, heat, or steam. These emissions result from combustion of fuels in stationary
sources, e.g. boilers, furnaces, turbines.
• Physical or chemical processing. Most of these emissions result from manufacture or processing of chemicals
and materials, e.g., cement, aluminium, adipic acid, ammonia manufacture, and waste processing.
• Transportation of materials, products, waste, and employees. These emissions result from the combustion
of fuels in company owned/controlled mobile combustion sources, e.g., trucks, trains, ships, airplanes, buses, and
• Fugitive emissions. These emissions result from intentional or unintentional releases, e.g. equipment leaks from
joints, seals, packing, and gaskets; methane emissions from coal mines and venting; hydrofluoro-carbon (HFC)
emissions during the use of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment; and methane leakages from gas

Improving performance,
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Reporting boundaries

GHG emissions - a special case

ISO14064-1 requires that all biogenic GHG emissions
be quantified separately from other GHG emissions.

UNFCCC and IPCC reporting guidelines require that

CO2 emissions from the burning of biomass be
quantified but not included in the inventory total.
These emissions are excluded it is assumed that
combusted biomass is replaced by growing biomass.
Growing biomass, in turn, reabsorbs the same amount
of CO2 as was given off by the combusted material.

However, the IPCC Guidelines require that CH4 and N2O emissions from biomass combustion must be quantified
and included in the inventory total. This is because biomass does not remove these gases from the

Improving performance,
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Reporting boundaries

Indirect GHG emissions

GHG emission that is a consequence of an organisation’s operations and activities, but that arises from GHG
sources that are not owned or controlled by the organisation.

The easiest example to understand is electricity use. Most companies purchase electricity from the grid and
therefore there are no GHG emissions directly from their operations. The GHG emissions associated with the
electricity production occur offsite at the power station where the electricity is generated. Similarly, imported
heat and steam have GHG emissions at the point of production not the point of use.

ISO14064-1 requires indirect GHG emissions to be quantified (clause 5.2.3).

Indirect GHG emissions:
• from imported energy
• from transportation
• from products used by the organization
• associated with the use of products from the organization
• indirect GHG emissions from other sources

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Reporting boundaries

Indirect GHG emissions

The organization must have a documented process to determine which indirect emissions to include in its GHG
• This must define and explain the significance criteria. These may be periodically revised, provided this is
transparent and documented information retained.
• The criteria should not be used to exclude substantial quantities of indirect emissions or evade compliance
• Using those criteria select the significant indirect emissions.
• The quantify and report the indirect emissions.
• Justify any exclusions of significant indirect emissions.

The criteria to evaluate significance may include:

• magnitude/volume of the emissions
• level of influence on sources/sinks
• access to information
• the level of accuracy of associated data (complexity of organization and monitoring).

Improving performance,
reducing risk
What processes generate greenhouse gases?


GHG Protocol

Indirect GHG Protocol GHG Protocol Indirect

(ISO14064) Direct GHGs (ISO14064)

Improving performance,
reducing risk


What processes produce

the most common GHGs?

Direct GHGs Indirect GHGs Indirect GHGs

Examples only..... (ISO14064) (ISO14064) (ISO14064)

• Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – fuel combustion (electricity generation, heating, vehicle use, industrial processes using heat)
• Methane (CH4) – fuel combustion as above plus others, e.g. landfills, industrial processes, etc.
• Nitrous Oxide (N2O) - fuel combustion as above plus others.
• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – refrigerant gas system leakage (air conditioning, chilling processes).
• Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) – variety of industrial processes.
• Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) – electrical insulation, e.g. switchgear.
• Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) – etchant in microelectronics Improving performance,
reducing risk

The co-operative bank -

sources & types of GHG

In groups brainstorm the bank’s sources & types of GHG emissions

Answers on a flipchart

15 minutes

Improving performance,
reducing risk
The co-operative bank
Offices / data centres:
Probable sources & types of GHGs • Heating (gas boilers, etc)
• Air conditioning (refrigerant gas loss)
• Fridges, freezers, vending machines (refrigerant gas
• Fire suppression systems / CO2 extinguishers
• Other?
Company cars: Fuel use / Air conditioning leaks
Electricity use in
offices / data centres

Indirect Indirect
Direct GHGs (ISO14064)

• Commuting and business travel by employees;

• Outsourced activities, e.g. couriers;
• GHG emissions from waste generated by the organization but managed by
another organization;
• GHG emissions arising from the production and distribution of energy
products, other than electricity, steam and heat, consumed by the
• GHG emissions from the production of purchased materials.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Reporting boundaries
Problem areas:
• Omission of GHG sources
• Mis-categorisation - Direct (Scope 1) vs indirect (Scope 2/3)
• Removals versus reservoirs
• Combustion versus process emissions
• Other?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 7
Quantification steps including exclusion
management and transparency

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

• Provide an introduction to the GHG inventory quantification process

• Explain the identification of sources and sinks
• Clarify methodologies and emissions factors
• Explain activity data and calculations

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk

Quantification steps including exclusion management and transparency

Quantification steps
ISO14064-1 sets out the following steps for quantification.

Identify the GHG sources and sinks Choose what you are going to quantify

Select the quantification methodology Choose how you are going to quantify

Select and collect the activity data Collect the information you need

Find or develop the factor to convert your

Select or develop the emissions factors
information to tCO2e

Calculate the emissions and removals Perform the maths to reach tCO2e values

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps including exclusion management and transparency
ISO14064-1 allows organisations to exclude an indirect significant GHG emission if it justifiable:

Examples only:
1. not material to the inventory; and/or
2. not technically feasible, or not cost effective to quantify.

A source or sink is considered immaterial if it is too small to impact the decisions of the user of the GHG
inventory. GHG programs may set a threshold for what sources and sinks may be excluded from
quantification. These are called de minimus thresholds.

Initial quantification of the size of the source, sink or reservoir (SSR) is required to demonstrate that the de
minimus threshold has not been exceeded, so that it can then be excluded from the ongoing calculation and

For exclusions, the decision to exclude sources or sinks is a trade-off between the completeness of the
inventory and its accuracy.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps including exclusion management and transparency

Case study: Freightizeus’ organisational GHG inventory is summarised in the pie chart.

The combustion of fuel by, and the maintenance of, the company’s fleet of vehicles accounted for 95% of GHG emissions. The
remaining 5% of emissions were electricity and natural gas consumption at the 126 administrative sites of the organisation which
included the head office and many single room sales offices.

Freightizeus decided to exclude the

126 administrative sites on the basis Electricity consumption at 126
Vehicle workshop 2 small sites
of their negligible contribution to the 5%
organisation's inventory and the
relative cost of compiling the data
Vehicle workshop 2
necessary to calculate these 5%
emissions. However, in order to
uphold the principle of completeness,
Freightizeus decided that, each year,
it would estimate these emissions at
5% of inventory and include this
estimate in the total.
Combustion of diesel fuel in

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Exercise - Freightizeus

1. Can they exclude the 126 administrative sites?

2. Are they permitted to simply estimate the associated emissions?
3. What else would they be expected to do?
4. What should the external verifier do?
5. What is the external verifier’s protection?

In Groups provide answers in a Word document

15 minutes

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Identification of sources and sinks

Organisations need to:
1. Identify and document direct sources, sinks and indirect emissions.
2. Suppliers of energy need to be identified and listed.
3. Sources and sinks needs to be categorised as direct, indirect (including sub-categories) or sinks.
4. Steps 1 to 3 need to be consistent with the quantification method.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps
Case study: cement production
Cement is made by heating a crushed mixture of limestone and clay, or slag, to a very high temperature.

Direct emission sources: Cement production accounts for about 4% of global GHG emissions from human sources
because when the limestone and clay are heated to very high temperatures the following chemical reaction occurs:

CaCO3 + MgCO3 + heat => CaO + MgO + CO2

This is the major direct source of GHG emissions from cement plants.

Other direct emissions on-site from sources including:

• Equipment combusting fuels like natural gas e.g. preheater vessels, precalcinators, rotary kilns, raw material dryers.
• On-site transportation e.g. forklifts, trucks, bulldozers.
• CO2 from cement kiln dust and bypass dust (from clinker production).
• HFCs from refrigeration.

Generally, a detailed map of the industrial process and/or a mass balance model is the best tool for identifying direct
process GHG emissions.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Case study: cement production

Indirect sources: All energy imported to the site, like
electricity, heat or steam need to be identified and the
suppliers documented. As these are generally large
operational costs to the facility, this is usually

Other indirect sources also need to be considered at this

time, such as offsite disposal of waste and any shipping
emissions from the transport of limestone or other raw
materials to the facility.

Sinks: A typical cement production facility will not have

GHG sinks.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Identifying sources and sinks

Identifying all potential sources and sinks inside the organisational and reporting boundaries – think

Sources and sinks cannot be excluded using a de minimus criteria until the final tCO2e from those sources
and sinks has been quantified. Therefore all steps in ISO14064-1 clause 6 must be undertaken for the first
GHG inventory.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Quantification methodologies
A quantification methodology is a ‘recipe’ for calculating the tCO2e for the inventory. The organisation
must justify it’s choice of methodology and outline how it will:

‘minimise uncertainty and yield accurate, consistent and reproducible results” (ISO14064-1
clause 6.2.1)

The quantification approach should also consider technical feasibility and cost.
• Measurement or
• Modelling.

The organization shall explain and document its quantification approach and any changes in quantification

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Direct measurement
Direct measurement of GHG emissions by metering flow rates and concentrations is very expensive and highly
uncommon. Technology for this purpose is limited and it only applies to point source emissions (such as stack

Biological GHG removals cannot be directly measured.

Direct measurement of indirect emissions is complex, as these emissions occur at operations not controlled by
the organisation.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps
Example – Combustion of landfill gas
Methane (CH4) is emitted from landfills as buried organic matter decomposes (i.e. under anaerobic
conditions). CH4 has a global warming potential (GWP) of ??, which means it has ?? times more than CO2.
Therefore, by burning CH4, and converting it to the more benign CO2, we reduce GHG emissions
significantly. This is shown by the following chemical equation:
CH4 + 2O2 + N2 => CO2 + 2H2O + N2

A landfill gas power generation plant

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

A model is a representation of how the source or sink data used for quantification are converted into emissions or
removals. A model is a simplification of physical processes that has assumptions and limitations.

The organization shall explain and document the justification for the selection or development of the model, considering
the following model characteristics:
a) how the model accurately represents the emissions and removals;
b) its limits of application;
c) its uncertainty and rigour;
d) the reproducibility of results;
e) the acceptability of the model;
f) the origin and level of recognition of the model;
g) the consistency with the intended use.

NOTE Several types of models make use of activity data multiplied by emission factors.

Emission factors
The use of emissions factors is by far the most common approach to calculating GHG emissions. Emissions factors are
a streamlined approach to calculating GHG emissions, which take easily accessed information and produce a tCO2e
value through simple multiplication. For example:
GHG emissions = activity data x emission factor = units of carbon dioxide equivalent
Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps

Accuracy of emissions factors

Different types of emissions factors have different levels of accuracy.

Technology specific emissions factors based on:
• Empirical evidence of GHG emissions for measured inputs under known


Empirical evidence for comparable processes

• Manufacturer’s specification
Generally accepted
• Specific to an area, region, state or province
• Specific to a country or region of countries
• Average for international use (IPCC)

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification steps
Selecting emission factors
ISO14064-1:2006 presented specific criteria for emissions factors. These are imposed by different phrasing
within ISO14064-1:2018 clause 6.2.3.

The organisation shall select or develop GHG emission and removal factors that:
a) are derived from a recognized origin,
b) are appropriate for the GHG source or sink concerned,
c) are current at the time of quantification,
d) take account of quantification uncertainty and are calculated in a manner intended to yield accurate
and reproducible results, and
e) are consistent with the intended use of the GHG inventory.

ISO14064-1 provides a sound decision-making framework for selecting emissions factors.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 8
Quantification methods

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Understand ‘activity data’ and its identification

2. Appreciate the difference between reasonable and limited assurance
3. Provide guidance on centralised and decentralised data management systems

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

Professional scepticism
From a practical perspective, all quantification methodologies must be assessed on a case-by-case level
considering the specific characteristics of the process being quantified. Every variable should be viewed with a
sceptical eye to ensure its applicability to the circumstances.

Activity data
Once the quantification method is selected by the organisation, there should have a clear idea of the
information needed to collect in order to apply that quantification method.

The handling of activity data is a crucial aspect of managing data quality.

Reasonable assurance versus limited assurance

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

What is the activity data for the following?

• Gaseous fuel consumption at a refinery

• Back-up diesel generators
• Coal consumption by a power station
• Gas flared

15 minutes
In groups
Answers in a Word document

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 5 – Basics of the EU ETS
Quantification methods

What is the activity data for the following?

• Gaseous fuel consumption at a refinery

 Data from consumption meters via a distributed control
system (DCS) and interrogated via software, i.e. Plant
Information (PI) software such as SCADA.
 Invoices / meter reads unlikely
 Other?

• Back-up diesel generators

 Flow meter data / readings
 Level gauge data / readings
 Supplier invoices
 Fuel management system software
 Other?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

What is the activity data for the following?

• Coal consumption by a power station

 Weighing device (road and/or rail) hard copy tickets /
print outs
 Electronic data generated direct from the weighing device
 Handwritten log maintained by weighing device operator
 Supplier invoices
 Other?

• Gas flared
 Data from flow meters via a distributed control system
(DCS) and interrogated via software, i.e. Plant Information
(PI) software such as SCADA.
 Meter reads unlikely
 By calculation
 Other?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

A quantification method needs to be applied to the activity data to produce a final tCO2e value.

It is rare you that an organisation will execute this step without errors in converting the units of the activity
data or transcription errors. It is important that meticulous care is taken with these aspects of the

The second important consideration in calculations is how the information is aggregated or ‘rolled up’ from
different emission sources to the final total amount of tCO2e.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

Aggregation of GHG emissions data to corporate level

Gather and summarize data from multiple facilities, possibly in different countries and business divisions.
This needs to be designed and planned carefully:
• To minimize the reporting burden
• Reduce the risk of errors that might occur while compiling data
• Ensure that all facilities are collecting information on an approved, consistent basis

Data collection and management tools could include:

• Secure databases available over the company intranet or internet, for direct data entry by facilities
• Spreadsheet templates filled out and e-mailed to a corporate or division office, where data is processed further
• Paper reporting forms sent to a corporate or division office where data is re-entered in a corporate database.
However, this method may increase the likelihood of errors if there are not sufficient checks in place to ensure the
accurate transfer of the data

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

Aggregation of GHG emissions data to corporate level

Recommended that standardized reporting formats be used to ensure that data received from different business
units and facilities is comparable, and that internal reporting rules are observed. Standardized formats can
significantly reduce the risk of errors.

Centralised or decentralised

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

Guidance on reporting to corporate level

Reports from facility level to corporate or division should include all relevant information including as a
minimum for centralized or decentralized approaches:
• A brief description of the emission sources
• A list and justification of specific exclusion or inclusion of sources
• Comparative information from previous years
• The reporting period covered
• Any trends evident in the data
• Progress towards any business targets
• A discussion of uncertainties in activity/fuel use or emissions data reported, their likely cause, and
recommendations for how data can be improved
• A description of events and changes that have an impact on reported data (acquisitions, divestitures,
closures, technology upgrades, changes of reporting boundaries or calculation methods, etc.).

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Quantification methods

Guidance on reporting to corporate level

Plus if centralised approach:
• Clear records of any calculations undertaken to derive activity/fuel use data
• Local emission factors necessary to translate fuel use and/or electricity consumption into CO2 emissions

Plus if decentralised approach:

• A description of GHG calculation methods and any changes made to those methods relative to previous
reporting periods
• Ratio indicators / intensity metrics
• Details on any data references used for the calculations, in particular information on emission factors

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 5 – Basics of the EU ETS
Quantification methods

Combustion emissions:
CO2 emissions = Activity data x Emission factor x Oxidation factor
CO2 emissions = Activity data (e.g. TJ) x Emission factor (e.g. tCO2/TJ) x Oxidation factor

Process emissions:
CO2 emissions = Activity data x Emission factor x Conversion factor
CO2 emissions = Activity data (e.g. t or Nm3) x Emission factor (e.g. tCO2/t or tCO2/Nm3) x Conversion factor

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 9

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

• To define and explain the different types and sources of uncertainty

Improving performance,
reducing risk

Defining uncertainty
ISO14064-1 provides the formal, statistical definition of uncertainty:
“parameter associated with the result of quantification that characterises the dispersion of the
values that could be reasonably attributed to the quantified amount”.

Simply put, this means, every time you take a measurement or do a calculation you may get a slightly
different result even if all other things are exactly the same. This range of different results is called
‘uncertainty’. We use it to describe the ‘unknowns’ or the ‘miscellaneous’ factors which could be impacting our

Types of uncertainty
Scientific uncertainty
This arises when we don’t fully understand the scientific processes behind the GHG emissions or removals. A
good example of this is in forestry sinks. There is considerable and ongoing debate in the scientific community
as to whether forests (and other ecosystems) are a net source or a net sink for GHGs.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Estimation uncertainty arises from the process of quantifying GHG emissions. There are several types of estimation uncertainty
which are shown in the figure below:



Model uncertainty is associated with uncertainty in a model used to calculate GHG Emissions. Forestry carbon models often have
high uncertainty as assumptions are made about the species composition of ecosystems and rates of growth.

Parameter uncertainty relates to the inputs to any quantification model i.e. the activity data.
• Systematic uncertainty occurs when values are consistently over or under the actual value. Poorly calibrated metering equipment
is a common source of systematic uncertainty.
• Statistical uncertainty occurs due to random variability in sample data. It is assumed to average out over time.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
It is essential to have an awareness of the factors that can contribute to
ISO14064-1: systematic uncertainty as the organisation should be managing these.
Systematic uncertainty
Temperature Pressure correction
probe transducer computer
Distributed Control
Systems –
infrastructure that INSTRUMENT e.g.
collect data volume flow rate gas meter

All elements of
Data collation,
MANY OTHER the device
Human factors:
inherent uncertainty
transposition, etc. Calibration of the test
HOW INSTRUMENT equipment used

USED IN PRACTICE Any adjustments made &

the impact on past
This is not an exhaustive readings since previous
MAINTENANCE calibration event
identification of factors that
contribute to systematic CORRECT DESIGN &
uncertainty. POSITIONING


Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk

ISO14064-1 clause 8.3 states:

“The organization shall assess the uncertainty associated with the quantification approaches
(e.g. data used for quantification and models) and conduct an assessment that determines the
uncertainty at the GHG inventory category level.

Where quantitative estimation of uncertainty is not possible or cost effective, it shall be justified
and a qualitative assessment shall be conducted.”

The assessment of uncertainty is a highly complex exercise and it is important that it is performed by people
with the detailed technical competency needed for the task.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk

Regulatory schemes
• Impose uncertainty requirements that must be met and demonstrated to the relevant regulator and/or
external verifier, e.g. the EU ETS

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Uncertainty assessments / calculations

Various sources of uncertainty that need to be appropriately combined to determine overall source stream,
e.g. fuel data, uncertainty. Various calculations that must be used depending on the relationship of the
elements in the monitoring process.



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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 10
Emission factors

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Introduce calculation factors

2. Explain global warming potentials
3. Provide an appreciation of the IPCC’s Assessment Reports

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Calculation factors

• Net calorific value

• Emission factor
• Preliminary emission factor
• Grid factor
• Oxidation factor
• Conversion factor
• Carbon content
• Biomass fraction

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Global warming potential (GWP)

GWP is a relative measure of how much heat a GHG traps in the atmosphere. It compares the amount of heat
trapped by a certain mass of the gas in question to the amount of heat trapped by a similar mass of CO2. A
GWP is calculated over a specific time interval, commonly 20, 100 or 500 years.

Many others.
The table includes the 100-year time horizon global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2. This table is adapted from the
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, 2014 (AR5)i . The AR5 values are the most recent, but the second assessment report (1995) and
fourth assessment report (2007) values are also listed because they are sometimes used for inventory and reporting purposes.
For more information, please see the IPCC website ( The use of the latest (AR5) values is recommended. Please
note that the GWP values provided here from the AR5 for non-CO2 gases do not include climate-carbon feedbacks.
Improving performance,
reducing risk
Carbon Dioxide Equivalence (CO2e)

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Global warming potential (GWP)

GWPs in the Kyoto first commitment period 2008 – 2012

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) GWP – 1
• Methane (CH4) GWP – 21
• Nitrous oxide (N2O); GWP – 310
• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) GWP – varies from 140 – 11,700
• Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) GWP – varies from 6,500 - 9,200
• Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) GWP - 23,900

GWPs in the Kyoto second commitment period 2013 – 2020

• Carbon dioxide (CO2) GWP – 1
• Methane (CH4) GWP – 25
• Nitrous oxide (N2O); GWP – 298
• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) GWP – varies from 124 – 14,800
• Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) GWP – varies from 7,390 – 12,200

• Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) GWP – 22,800

Improving performance,
reducing risk

Calculate the factory’s annual GHG emissions in CO2e

Totals in 2012 CY:

• 10,000tCO2, 100tCH4, 20tN2O from burning gas in
the boiler (GWP of: CH4 = 21; N20 = 310)

• Uses 500,000kWh/yr grid electricity

(UK grid factor = ~0.5kgCO2e/kWh)

• 1 pollution incident releasing 300 kgs of refrigerant

gas HFC407c
(GWP of HFC407c = 1526)

Q1. What is the total tCO2e in 2012?

Q2. What GHG emissions are excluded?

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Emission factors (examples of)
BEIS/DECC spreadsheet UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting

Activity Country Unit Year kg CO2e kg CO2 kg CH4 kg N2O

Electricity generatedElectricity: UK kWh 2021 0.21233 0.21016 0.0008 0.00137

Activity Fuel Unit kg CO2e kg CO2 kg CH4 kg N2O

tonnes 2538.48 2533.69 3.44 1.34
cubic metres 2.02135 2.01754 0.00274 0.00107
Natural gas
kWh (Net CV) 0.20297 0.20258 0.00028 0.00011
kWh (Gross CV) 0.18316 0.18282 0.00025 0.00010
Gaseous fuels
tonnes 2997.55000 2993.40000 2.31000 1.85000
litres 1.54354 1.54140 0.00119 0.00095
kWh (Net CV) 0.23257 0.23225 0.00018 0.00014
kWh (Gross CV) 0.21411 0.21381 0.00016 0.00013
tonnes 2,969.07 2,925.03 0.31 43.73
litres 2.51233 2.47507 0.00026 0.03700
Diesel (average biofuel blend)
kWh (Net CV) 0.25165 0.24792 0.00003 0.00371
kWh (Gross CV) 0.23686 0.23335 0.00002 0.00349
Liquid fuels
tonnes 2,947.62 2,929.08 9.68 8.87
litres 2.19352 2.17972 0.00720 0.00660
Petrol (average biofuel blend)
kWh (Net CV) 0.24227 0.24075 0.00080 0.00073
Improving performance,
kWh (Gross CV) 0.22980 0.22836 0.00075 0.00069
reducing risk
Emission factors
BEIS/DEFRA Emission factor spreadsheet

Title: UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting

Note: updated annually

Sample of spreadsheet tabs:

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Emission factors UK Government GHG Conversion
Factors for Company Reporting

Refrigerant gas emissions (extract only)

Activity Emission Unit kg CO2e

R404A kg 3922
R407A kg 2107
R407C kg 1774
R407F kg 1825
Kyoto protocol-
R408A kg 3152
R410A kg 2088
R507A kg 3985
R508B kg 13396
R403A kg 3124

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Emission factors UK Government GHG Conversion
Factors for Company Reporting
Delivery vehicles – extract only

0% Laden 50% Laden

Activity Type Unit kg CO2e kg CO2 kg CH4 kg N2O kg CO2e kg CO2 kg CH4 kg N2O
km 0.44543 0.43935 0.0001 0.00598 0.48364 0.47756 0.0001 0.00598
Rigid (>3.5 - 7.5 tonnes)
miles 0.71686 0.70707 0.00016 0.00962 0.77834 0.76856 0.00016 0.00962
km 0.53561 0.5282 0.00012 0.00729 0.61107 0.60365 0.00012 0.00729
Rigid (>7.5 tonnes-17 tonnes)
miles 0.86198 0.85005 0.0002 0.01173 0.98342 0.97149 0.0002 0.01173
km 0.76629 0.75418 0.0002 0.01191 0.93184 0.91973 0.0002 0.01191
Rigid (>17 tonnes)
miles 1.23323 1.21374 0.00033 0.01916 1.49966 1.48017 0.00033 0.01916
km 0.66441 0.65425 0.00017 0.00999 0.78968 0.77952 0.00017 0.00999
All rigids
miles 1.06926 1.05291 0.00027 0.01607 1.27087 1.25452 0.00027 0.01607
HGV (all diesel)
km 0.62342 0.60973 0.00011 0.01359 0.77585 0.76216 0.00011 0.01359
Articulated (>3.5 - 33t)
miles 1.0033 0.98127 0.00017 0.02186 1.24862 1.22658 0.00017 0.02186
km 0.65023 0.63394 0.00013 0.01617 0.86154 0.84525 0.00013 0.01617
Articulated (>33t)
miles 1.04644 1.02023 0.0002 0.02602 1.38652 1.3603 0.0002 0.02602
km 0.64913 0.63295 0.00013 0.01606 0.85803 0.84185 0.00013 0.01606
All artics
miles 1.04468 1.01863 0.0002 0.02585 1.38087 1.35482 0.0002 0.02585
km 0.65573 0.64215 0.00014 0.01344 0.82851 0.81492 0.00014 0.01344
All HGVs
miles 1.0553 1.03344 0.00023 0.02162 1.33335 1.31149 0.00023 0.02162

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries

Batida is a manufacturer. You have been asked to verify

the GHG content of this report.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Organisational boundaries
• Study the provided information [Case study 2 - Reporting boundary\Delegate materials\DELEGATE GHG Data 2013.xlsx]
• Identify any errors, omissions or misstatements.
• Consider any additional questions you may have.

90 minutes
Output on a flipchart and annotated spreadsheet [Case study 2 - Reporting boundary\Tutor materials\TUTOR GHG Data 2013 uncorrected.xlsx]

Terms of engagement
Verification Approach: ISAE3000
Scope of work: - to verify all of the GHG information within the Batida Braganca Paulista Refinery Report 2013

Reporting period: see boundaries below.

Assurance Criteria: ISO14064-1
Level of Assurance: reasonable assurance
Materiality: 5%

• Geographical: the Refinery only but this also includes a waste landfill and a CHP construction project.

• Temporal: 2013 CY data and base year. Plus % reduction performance calculations.
Deliverable: Assurance Statement for inclusion within the Report. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 11
GHG reduction initiatives

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

• Explain GHG reduction initiatives

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG reduction initiatives

Once a company has compiled its GHG inventory, it may take deliberate steps to reduce the total tCO2e it
emits each year.

Actions to reduce or prevent GHG emissions are termed ‘GHG reduction initiatives’ by ISO14064-1.
Examples include:
• Energy demand and use management
• Energy efficiency
• Technology or process improvements
• GHG capture and storage in, typically, a GHG reservoir
• Management of transport and travel demands
• Fuel switching or substitution
• Afforestation.

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reducing risk
GHG reduction initiatives

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG project

The second way an organisation may seek to reduce its net GHG emissions is to develop GHG projects or
purchase GHG credits to ‘offset’ its GHG profile.

In other words, pay someone else to reduce emissions on their behalf and counts these towards their own total

A company may choose to do this when it is too expensive, or not practical, for it to undertake GHG reduction
initiatives e.g. it is not possible to reduce direct CO2 emissions from cement without producing less cement.

The quantification and use of carbon credits is the subject of ISO14064-2.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 12
Base-year management

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. To explain the concept of base-year.

2. The rules for recalculation of base-years.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Base-year management

What is a base-year?
A base-year is a selected period which future GHG inventories are compared to, in order to track GHG
emissions levels over time. It allows organisations to monitor progress and make comparisons to determine
whether emissions have increased or decreased.
For example, the bar chart illustrates an increase in emissions in year 1 (comparative to the base-year)
followed by a steady decrease.



Improving performance,
reducing risk
Base-year management
Choosing a representative base-year
In selecting a base-year it is important that it is representative of the normal operation of the organisation.

Example: An aluminium smelter proposed a base-year based on an average of five years GHG emissions for entry into a GHG
program. The trend in the chart was observed. It was discovered that an earthquake in Year 4 interrupted the power supply to
the smelter. When this happens the molten alumina emits PFCs (highly potent GHGs). As this was not representative of normal
conditions at the smelter the GHG program Authority requested that Year 4 be excluded from the base-year calculation.

Actual GHG
50 emissions
0 NOTE: if document hyperlinks malfunction please locate required documents
1 theYear 2 Year
organised 3 Year 4 Year 5
folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Base-year management

Choosing a verifiable base-year

It seems obvious, but when organisations choose a base-year they need to consider whether adequate data
exists for that base-year. The data and records need to be accurate enough to pass a GHG verification.

Another consideration is the legal requirements in the jurisdiction of the facility. It is quite common that
corporations’ laws only require records to be held for 5-7 years with older records having been disposed of.

They may also select the base year most appropriate to their needs.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Base-year management

Base-year recalculations
From time to time it will become necessary for organisations to recalculate their base-year.

This may be due to a number of reasons including changes to:

a) a structural change in reporting or organizational boundaries (i.e. merger, acquisition or divestiture), or
b) a change in calculation methodologies or emission factors, or
c) the discovery of an error or a number of cumulative errors that are collectively substantial.

It is important that the base-year is recalculated so that the comparison remains valid.

The organization shall not recalculate its base-year GHG inventory to account for changes in facility
production levels, including the closing or opening of facilities.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 13
GHG information management

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. To introduce the basics of data quality management.

2. Highlight the principles of good record keeping.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG inventory quality management

The goal of inventory quality management is to ensure that the inventory is:
• Complete
• Accurate
• Relevant
• Transparent
• Consistent
In other words – that the principles of ISO14064-1 are upheld.

Quality Assurance versus Quality Control

Quality Assurance refers to plans and procedures to ensure that data is as precise, repeatable and
reproducible as possible, e.g. data collection templates to ensure data has been properly entered to
prevent/correct errors.

Quality Control refers to measures regulating the data collection processes and the standard of the data, e.g.
procedures for sample collection and instrument calibration.

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reducing risk
GHG inventory quality management
Examples of quality management measures

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG inventory quality management
Examples of quality management measures

Source - GHG Protocol: Corporate Accounting & Reporting Standard p51

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG inventory quality management

GHG inventory quality management system

A GHG inventory QMS brings together all the various quality procedures into a cohesive framework.

This framework allows companies to ensure that all requirements of ISO14064-1 clause 8 have been taken
into consideration and no significant aspect of the inventory has been left uncontrolled.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG inventory quality management

Record keeping
ISO14064-1 fundamentally requires the organisation to maintain adequate records to substantiate its inventory to a
GHG verifier. ISO14001 provides guidance for record management for environmental management systems. These
concepts are equally relevant to records for GHG inventories.

The organisation shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance and disposition of
records to ensure that:
(a) they can be located
(b) they are periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by authorised personnel
(c) the current versions of relevant documents are available at all locations where operations essential to the
effective functioning of the environmental management system are performed
(d) obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue and points of use, or otherwise assured
against unintended use, and
(e) any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge preservation purposes are suitably identified.
Documents shall be legible, dated (with date of revision) and readily identifiable, maintained in an orderly manner
and retained for a specified period.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 14
GHG reporting

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

• Describe the GHG reporting requirements of ISO14064-1.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Reporting requirements

It is not a requirement of ISO14064-1 that the organisation produce or publish a report on its GHG
information. Clause 9.1 of ISO14064-1 is a ‘should’ clause and is therefore optional.

However, if an organisation chooses to have its GHG inventory verified or makes a public GHG statement
claiming conformance with ISO14064-1, this clause must be followed.

Clauses 9.2 and 9.3 are mandatory for publishers of GHG reports. Clause 9.3.2 (Recommended information)
is for consideration only and clause 9.3.3 provides optional reporting information.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Reporting requirements

Clause 9.3.1 of ISO14064-1 provides a list of all
the essential elements a GHG report must have
if it is to comply with the standard.

Compare the GHG section of this report to the
requirements of clause 9.3.1.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 15
GHG verification

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

1. Highlight different types of verification risk.

2. Clarify sampling plans.
3. Explain the hierarchy of evidence.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

There are three types of risk

Inherent – risk that the data and information reported automatically contains, either individually or when
aggregated, any actual or potential material discrepancies (errors, omissions, or misstatements).
• For example, inherent risk is related to the:
• complexity of the data and information management processes
• number of people involved in the data and information management, and
• number of steps taken to arrive at an aggregated figure.

Control – risk that the client’s internal control systems do not prevent, detect, or correct in a timely manner,
either individually or when aggregated, any actual or potential material discrepancies, and

Detection – risk that the assurance provider will either not address or not detect any material discrepancies that
have not been corrected by the client’s control system.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

Indicators of high detection risk

• Multiple sites / jurisdictions
• Data collection and management varies by site
• Remote locations
• Adversarial attitude to the verifier

• Only detection risk can be controlled by the verifier
• If control and inherent risks are high, then the verifier must take steps to lower the detection risk
• A primary tool is the sampling plan

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification
Relationship between types of risk


Level of risk

Inherent Control Detection Overall

+ risk
+ risk
= audit risk

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

Sampling plans
A sampling plan is part of the verification plan that describes the amount and type of evidence the
verification body requires to successfully complete in order to potentially issue a ‘positive’ (i.e. passing)

It is usually impossible for a verification body to examine every record.

Example: natural gas usage including flow and CH4 concentration data is recorded every 2 minutes which
could mean over 262,000 records for a year.

The sampling plan sets out:

• The number of records to be examined.
• The type of records to be examined.
• The methodology used to determine the sample and its justification.

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification
Choosing a sampling tool
The appropriate tool for selecting a sample depends on the nature and type of GHG information and GHG
controls being assessed.

Tools include statistical methods: Non-statistical methods:

• Random number selection • Purposive selection

• Quota selection
• Systematic selection
• Convenience selection
• Stratified random selection

The sampling plan is difficult, technical and very important.

It is the way the verifier can manage the risk on the project.

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within the organised folder structure. Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

Types of evidence
During fieldwork the verifier will be presented with different types of evidence including:

Type of evidence Description

Physical examination Visual identification of a tangible device

Re-performance Recalculation of information

Documentation and records Examination of written materials

Confirmation Communication with a third party e.g. testing laboratories

Analysis Quantitative testing

Enquiry Interviews with the responsible party

Observation Observing an activity being conducted

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

Fieldwork - adequate evidence

Adequate evidence is a balance between the amount (sufficiency) and quality (appropriateness) of the
evidence presented. One or two very good documents may be adequate to form an opinion. Many
poorer quality documents may be necessary to convince you.

Sufficiency (Amount)
of Evidence


Low High
Appropriateness of Evidence

Improving performance,
reducing risk
GHG Verification

Fieldwork - hierarchy of evidence

Some types of evidence are more reliable than others.

high 1. Direct, personal knowledge, obtained through physical observation and/or your own
mathematical computations.
2. Documentary evidence obtained directly from reliable, independent external sources.
3. Documentary evidence that has originated outside the organisation’s data processing system
but has been received and processed by the responsible party.
4. Internal evidence, including documents produced, circulated, & stored within the
organisation’s information system. Internal evidence can typically be relied upon if produced
under satisfactory conditions of internal control.
5. Spoken & written representations by the organisation’s officers, directors, owners, &
employees - these should be corroborated by other types of evidence.


Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 16
Current GHG reporting environment

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session objectives

• Discuss the current GHG reporting drivers

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Current GHG reporting environment
• Legislative (examples):
- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Trading Scheme Regulations
- Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report & Directors’ Report) Regulations
- Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regs 2018
- Non Financial Information Reporting Directive
- Carbon Reduction Commitment
- Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

• NGOs including investor groups (examples):

- Shareholder resolutions regards climate change risks and increased disclosure (BP, Shell, etc)
- Carbon Disclosures Standard Board
- Environmental Defense Fund e.g. Methane emissions disclosure in the oil and gas industry report

• Carbon pricing – external and internal (examples):

- External - trading scheme costs per tCO2e and additional penalties associated with noncompliance
- Internal - Unilever, M&S, BT, GE, Nestle, Nissan, etc. use an internal carbon pricing mechanism as a planning tool

• Other:
- Paris Agreement
- Financial Stability Board – Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- Incidents

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 17
Course review

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Session 17
Course review

Improving performance,
performance, reducing
risk reducing risk
Course objectives
The objectives of this course are to provide information and case study practice on the following:
• Structure and vocabulary of ISO14064-1
• Relationship with other GHG standards, protocols, programmes and schemes
• The five fundamental principles
• Establishing organizational boundaries
• Establishing operational boundaries
• Quantification steps
• Exclusion management and transparency
• GHG sources, sinks and reservoirs
• Quantification methodologies
• Uncertainty
• Emission / removal factors
• Directed actions
• Base-year management
• GHG inventory quality management
• The GHG Assertion and GHG Report
• GHG quantification and verification
• Current GHG reporting environment

Improving performance,
reducing risk

Improving performance,
reducing risk
Improving performance,
reducing risk

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