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Construct the following syllogisms.

1. An EIO-2 syllogism with these terms: major: dogmatists; minor: theologians;

middle: scholars who encourage free thinking.

No P-M
Some S-M
Some S is not P

No dogmatist are scholars who encourage free thinking

Some theologians are scholars who encourage free thinking
Therefore, some theologians is not dogmatists.

2. A valid syllogism in the first figure with a particular affirmative conclusion and
these terms: major: people incapable of objectivity; minor: Supreme Court justices;
middle: lockstep ideologues.

All M-P
Some S- M
Some S is P

All lockstep ideologues are people incapable of objectivity

Some Supreme Court justices are lockstep ideologues
Consequently, some Supreme Court justices are people incapable of objectivity.

3. Create a valid syllogism in the fourth figure having two universal premises and
these terms: major: teenage suicides; minor: heroic episodes; middle: tragic

All P-M
No M - S
No S is P

All teenage suicides are tragic occurrences

No tragic occurrences are heroic episodes
Therefore, no heroic episodes are teenage suicides.
4. A valid syllogism having mood OAO and these terms: major: things capable of
replicating by themselves; minor: structures that invade cells; middle: viruses.

Some P not M
All M- S
Some S not P

Some things capable of replicating by themselves are not viruses

All viruses are structures that invade cells
Therefore, some structures that invade cells are not things capable of replicating
by themselves

5. A valid syllogism in the first figure having a universal negative conclusion and
these terms: major: guarantees of marital happiness; minor: prenuptial agreements;
middle: legally enforceable documents.

All M- P
No S- M
No S- P

All legally enforceable documents are guarantees of marital happiness

No prenuptial agreements are legally enforceable
Therefore, no prenuptial agreements are guarantees of marital happiness

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