ISC Technical Test 2019

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ISC Technical Test

Technical Test
Revision 17.0 2019-Jul-22 Page 1 of 9

ISC Technical Test

Name: Alexandru Baltoiu

Faculty/Specialization1: Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

Do you have a preference as whether you would like to work for PSS or PWS? Your Choice

Process System and Solutions (PSS) using DeltaV system for industrial installations. True
Power and Water Solutions (PWS) using Ovation system for power plants and water facilities.

I do not have a preference.

Please select % of time you are able to spend working on projects on site mostly abroad. Your Choice

None at all.

No more than 10% of a year.

No more than 25% of a year.

No more than 40% of a year.

No limit. True

Test Evaluation To be completed by EMERSON Remark

Test result (% and points)

Accepted for the next step of the recruitment process (Check mark or X)

1 Faculty/Specialization weight factor is considered for the final result.

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ISC Technical Test
Technical Test
Revision 17.0 2019-Jul-22 Page 2 of 9

The technical test has the following properties:

30 questions, 30 points.

Allocated time: 90 minutes.

Multiple choice, TRUE/FALSE and short answer questions.

Multiple choice questions may have multiple correct answers.

Final result is weighed based on specialization.


o Please mark or write the answer(s) directly on the test.

1.1 General Knowledge

4 10, 16, 4, 12. What number should fill the
1. Look at the series: 4, 8, 12, ___,

A. 6

B. 8

C. 4

D. 5

2. Look at the series: 14, 28, 22, 44, 38, 76, ___. What number should fill the

A. 52

B. 56

C. 64

D. 70

3. The major constituent of air is?

A. Nitrogen

B. Carbon Dioxide

C. Oxygen

D. Hydrogen

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Read the below passage carefully and answer the questions:

Five neighbours John, Sally, Rick, Terry and Andrew passionate about flowers
Rhododendron, Rose, Dandelion, Lilly and Daisy each water the flower of one
neighbour when it is away for one day a week, Monday through Friday. No two
neighbours are missing from home on consecutive days.
John doesn t ike hi eighb R e and does not water them on
Sally waters Rhododendron, but not on Monday or Friday.
The Daisy is watered on Tuesday.
Terry Li i e did c a ed hi eighb Da de i .
Andrew is not home on Tuesdays and has never watered Dandelion.
Rick eighb d ha e Rhododendron Dai , a d he d e ae
them on Thursdays

4. Wha a e A d e f e ?

A. Rhododendron

B. Rose

C. Dandelion

D. Lilly

E. Daisy

5. When is the Rhododendron watered?

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Wednesday

D. Thursday

E. Friday

6. 256 x 256 + 243 x 243 2 x 256 x 243 = ?

A. 255

B. 289

C. 169

D. 189

E. None of these

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7. Calculate the sum of the first 125 numbers?

Sum = [125 x (1 + 125)] / 2 = 15750 / 2 = 7875

1.2 Computer skills

8. Multiple OS running on the same hardware simultaneously and multiple users
working on the same system is enabled by:

A. Containerization

B. Remote access

C. Cloud computing

D. Virtualization
9. SQL database is a:

A. Columnar database management system

B. Relational database management system

C. In-memory database management system

D. All of the above

10. The main functionalities of Excel are:

A. Calculation

B. Graphing tools

C. Pivot tables

D. Macro programming

1.3 Communication Standards

11. If a technician calibrates a 4 20 mA transmitter to measure pressure
between 100 500 psi, then the signal output (in mA) that the transmitter
provides for the following pressures is:
250 psi = ________mA
375 psi = ________mA

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12. Why is 4 20 mA used more often in analog signalling rather than 0 20 mA?

A. Smaller range, thus better accuracy.

B. 0 mA is used for detection of interrupted physical connection.

C. 0 mA is not measurable.

D. It provides means for long distance analog transmission, and

eliminates disturbances from induced currents.

13. A FOUNDATION Fieldbus system allows all control algorithms to be executed

within the field instruments.

A. False

B. True

14. The acronym HART stands for:

A. Highway Addressable Redundant Transducer

B. High Address Redundant Transmitter

C. Highway Addressable Remote Transducer

D. High Analog Read Transmitter

15. A Profibus system can be used to

A. exchange process variable (PV) and manipulated variable (MV)

signals to and from the DCS controllers at digital speeds far exceeding
that of HART

B. Monitor non-critical field devices

C. execute control algorithms within the field instruments.

D. All of the above

16. Open Platform Communication provide a method for many different software
packages (so long as it is an OPC Client) to access data from a process
control device, such as a PLC or DCS.

A. False

B. True

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1.4 Electronics
17. Show the behaviour of the following circuit with a truth table:


0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
18. Convert the following binary number to a decimal system number:

1 x 2^9 + 0 x 2^8 + 1 x 2^7 + 0 x 2^6 + 1 x 2^5 + 1 x 2^4 + 0 x 2^3 + 1 x

2^2 + 1 x 2^1 + 1 x 2^0 = 512 + 128 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 695
19. R1 and R2 are resistors in parallel. Please select the value of the equivalent
𝑅1 +𝑅2
A. 𝑅

𝑅1 𝑅2
B. 𝑅
𝑅1 +𝑅2

𝑅1 𝑅2
C. 𝑅 2𝑅1

D. 𝑅 ∑ =1

20. A voltage across any branch of a parallel circuit:

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A. Is equally applied to all branch conductance.

B. Varies as the total current varies.

C. Is inversely proportional to branch circuit resistance.

D. Is dropped in proportion to each branch resistance.

21. Kirchhoff's current law for parallel circuits states that the:

A. Sum of all branch voltages equals zero.

B. Sum of the total currents flowing out of a junction equals the sum of
the total current into that junction.

C. Total circuit resistance is less than the smallest branch resistor.

D. Sum of currents into a junction is equal to the difference of all the

branch currents.

22. Please draw the circuit for a Low Pass Filter and explain.
A low-pass filter is a filter
that passes signals with
a frequency lower than a
C selected cutoff frequency
and attenuates signals
with frequencies higher
than the cutoff frequency

1.5 Control Theory

23. A control feedback system has the following open loop transfer function:

2𝑠 1
The closed loop transfer function is?

H(s) - closed loop

G(s) - open loop

H(s) = 1/(1 + G(s))

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24. In response to a unit step input, the controller output given in the figure below
is for a_____________________?

A. P Controller

B. I Controller

C. PI Controller

D. None of the above

25. Batch processes setpoints adjustments are:

A. closed loop control method

B. recipe based

C. used in start-up

D. needed only when different product is processed in the same vessel

26. Which simulation is more appropriate for safety training/start-up training?

A. Dynamic

B. Steady state

27. Setpoint override can be done by:

A. Operator manually

B. Optimizer results

C. PLC or function

D. Simulation results

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1.6 Energy
28. From 1t of HP steam which will generate more electricity?

A. Condensing turbine

B. Extraction Condensing turbine

C. Back Pressure turbine

D. All of the above

29. In a power transformer energy can flow

A. From high voltage to low voltage

B. Simultaneously in both directions

C. From low voltage to high voltage

D. Either from low to high or from high to low

30. The energy conservation law states that:

A. energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it transforms from

one form to another.

B. the energy of interacting bodies or particles in a closed system

remains constant

C. the total energy of an closed system remains constant over time

D. the total amount of mechanical energy, in a closed system in the

absence of dissipative forces (e.g. friction, air resistance), remains

Emerson Automation Solutions – Confidential and Proprietary

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