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Derivation of dedign epualions Tack ofrdr Consider a tuck coobled Uyirclesinyaadbaact Boece a + Tk te dosernee aoe adonens o tha eb nds Sie eauiprrent Longe Bay the axstumplion gi uniform Abiais, dighribulisy in wit emry 10 Pypatifed for Hick twoolled vessel Ut @ cbsorved Rok Pee \eodalion ty tle Abies dictei bulkier from Ht Inner aonpece ep ouker Avrface es Considarad und toe ong A5uss formulae Ou rata solistaetn indiakion fe Significant Abies + In sun Cores, home's Is W Used: 14 a di densfunt tsall Hachrass bb subjected yan inttinnel presse Pe oud ey preset p. tan deformation twill be agrarnebatcod absut ifs axis and ull at chowgd along oS Jongh. Yeroe on elament mnnm of unit Length From the tool vy Cons for orca babeunce » The bump abrens ackiy on Hae sidox mm, end nn, Ges The wrodiol glow normal oe Aida mn ts 6 nd tis Abuss varies totter the nadie y adhe Cr BULA 0. dugtance dor - ‘ The normal vealiad Stars on the ridla m,n, os G+ AG de ay Ft BT oe oo ( ems lol 7 t % ed Fig. domed aes arly ina thoh-ollde At equilibrium the sare foree balance ty veolial direchon th sven od (ode) (r+ ded = 5 1d + G AO br iraplifiyiny tea albove eqh ook ignoring Hes Aecord ordsn lows gives AG 4 HG gi+ EE 20 bi pauiiens teat —(‘) The cba ey? Fives ore relation b/s tu shames % anol Fp, A second yalokion Gun be sblanad foam ku dsbormokionn Gitte ard tron Hea orsumplion foot He Longitudinal sheoth all fibres tb ebal . Tu be redial daaplatamant a cylirdlrciond panfacr radios, faa odio Aisplacamenk J a surface 5f recbios vtdr ts wr de de Par fore tte elemant inna, undergees, wnt veolial eLangalten arora voobiak strasin & given ors eyo Utdu-w . du ar as Ty He cricumprunttal Breotion the unit elengakion & hop sraln et B Coe he | = Ie per Hu Priter'srolio od ae pee sane jocks ular block ty subjecld to tensile sbioss un 790 perpend Jai oiors an ta dlorgalion tin one donschior (dependant withe sbietk th the perpendicular direction - i Theat elisryohur or Aha in ta Urech on Hu densi stress oT & G Je eshere Eu fia Youngs io ipa uri pts rdiculer direchor pall predutr Lobiial contreolf on a Oioye do thal if hottes the sfresses ack simultenenly Han He Unit ebmgation in dus cir ection AF ooilh be a= - Ae ——@) bE Bion laley, tin Pe direction 4 G ut have ep > 2s Se —— eis) From €qr® aal als Ra a cod bob of expressions fer ths sleexses tn bums we (ewe ARSOS (er + ee) — & ra eR g, eee © g = Affe pul uae oe Eons —_ _O G 23 + be de sisal) Ldn 2yDed a Ooveyt Substituling H od % jrow aod XB te gh) onset Ab (dup - {4s 4 Wdur\ . ("art eer) bir Be + ears 20 Bae ar Inte raking Hes abou <9" wae 5 ag eee 2 DC, dle ae ae aaa gam be get = Gece cb Co. _ rosie —& n&) un egr® val @ vm gel pa Gals hl 2.)] EE Mie r x £, [6 -~& AG tA al a or Us "Zp g £,[ obt- a goa =e 5. doll mea wee [SAA (O-8)] : ; wf [008 4 & (1-4) Aebng Heeany em to ca) mse Ope-by ot ver rack ob vem sn get lra on a Gay 2 A | lb) & (1-49) = ) ee | : ely] spe er ®) from ear(i) we get : ; — lA) (A, S(r-4]-tan Tay z Ex afl - Ble bor ox ve Cs ee % Or (p.- lie, 6 e E . > he P. ca ne _ » ® Substitwle ¢, > fram 24N({5) tin oo -b emf etal joa. Tyr (rk i. (- el ye yh Ps a “he Hse See See aise hehe GL (=H low’ %: @o) “5 wh wht Picks | rea S tae “ as a Pet (a “H+ hey Baty? GE we)? ty “byt th ttt bith bet fi E Q. ay Mere eer: yey, we Ct Boe a GE € a 2) A (ea), (eth) c (rw Shae ne Rati AA GA won “ebleniee 1? (Book a4” Bs oP OlOuys ee (1), ba Rah ae wrt. (b-) \ (1-4) Pe Ol a ras ee ee) Oo, = bi vit — Pe Ye _ Patlh-& ie ae aah, ay * (572) =a Set lees ba eS (enirsf v rant OP Mee ston — Ue *) es REE, Ee loa) é > Coe a the Longer, Babess surlece ound maxi ee at ae es toatl, The maximum shearing shies of any brink un the culinclar is given v. ais th *, ae a Te ead tyr Sel tly ml ply ae ye For a oyfinclon subjected % only inkiicnal pressure p, fhe expression for the chasse we , a ft Ge a Tete ('- 5) ioeaiite i = UP 1125) bo ee Te should be mated that og ts grealir than o¢ ard it ts the maximsenn at the inner pox periphery of the cylinder + € for the doxign ee fees aoe at a AGuss tb given (Gein = f= Plt en) ag construct ov + The process epeuipments fobricaled rath melal Aheole makin the enol joink reduces Rie allowalole shri of the maleria With of factor called yoink afticien Jockey. BILT denotes joint efficiency fect then i a fi aue CecaeD TWP a 7h p= F (Ra =) TE ®t & the minimum Wall tricknoss sequired for the rhell bo fTdarey— (gr ty + Ws (e+ antt - It ay ay tt Ee pecgialrs setae MTS! B01 1969 for unciy dodizn equate b/d; Ko ohare Deomd bj are the citi oid inner cliame lot Af He wersel rays From bee olen ; rraximen Voli of Be t/D, = 0257 TE evidonl: tot for the veluos gf t/0; b]to 0 4 O28 the mognrhade of the expression tote yeriics, fron Lh. As am abproximalion 1 1 2828- 1969 Ls hos accepted 1:0 fery es this expsasion for t/D: not excooding 0-26. anal. expressions tho Sas Comsidoration oe thorsfere pou LS fa i oe vassals a pe ogre . 2£5¢ Rte R-t tas Re papil2d.. afs-P < afitP In flo Core scol Yyessel under intinal pressunt, the induced WV ‘Ig: 2826-1969 has : It tp. 5 voues ble a ee Hat pete de G7 Thais gives Csptorrveline estinsalion for higher rabies ¢)2:. The code expression are Hhorofore p. 4#te, . 44Tt Dt t R-t t+ PD. PD» usg-p tI tb The abaw toro expressions for poll Huchmess inclicale dhe theerehically “tage » wa minimenn coal dick raat te : isidhslord ty feck f iNienal pression Aapely ;

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