Chapter 6 - Part 1 Practice

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CHAPTER 6 Ww Practice Test 1 Questions DIRECTIONS (Questions 1 through 200): Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is followed by answers or by comple- tions of the statement. Select the one lettered an- swer or completion that is best in each case. TYLENOL 1. The drug icetaminopherjis classified as a(n) (A) diuretic, = “nwt ®) antipyretic. ~To heii FOVIER, @ g. ark) A radiolucent contrast agent 1, absorbs a high number of x-ray photons. 2. causes anatomy to appear dark on the ra- “diograph, 3. is composed of elements with low atomic numbers. (A) Land2only vice yet (Q)2and3 only AC) antihistamine. - aler7yy (D) emetic. — yeni thing ) tandSonly OF RADYAGQME 2 ») 1,2, and 3 | 5. An exposure was made using 500 mA and 25 A graphic diagram of signal values represent- : ing various densities within the part being eae cme chaeed le me, imaged is called a (A) processing algorithm. AB) DICOM (Digital Imaging and Commu- nications in Medicine), (© histogram, © wi 3. Which of the following is (are) characteris- tic(s) of anemia? 1, Decreased number of circulating red blood ae, ss 2. Decreased hemoglobin. 3. Hematuria (A) 1only (8) Land 2only © 1and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 which of the following milliamperage selec- tions would most closely approximate the original radiographic density? _ (A) 300 mA (B) 400 mA Laan, (0) 700 ma To demonstrate the glenoid fossa in profile, the patient is positioned (A) 45 degrees oblique, affected side up, (B)_45 degrees oblique, affected side down. (C) 25 degrees oblique, affected side up. (D) 25 degrees oblique, affected side down. 8 Practice Tast 1 7. the image shown in Figure 6-1 could best be 9. Which of the following exposures will deliver improved by the greatest dose to the thyroid? IA) flexing the knee mre (A)_AP skull UB) flexing the knev lew (B) PAskull (C) angling the central ray (CR) about § de. (©) PAcesophagus grees caudaci (D) PA chest (D)_angling the CR about 5 degrees eepha- lad 10. Which of the dose-response curves showr Figure 6-2 illustrate(s) that a minimum expo- sure dose is required before effects will occus? 1, Curve number 1 2 Curve number 2 3: Curve number 3 See (A) Lonly (B), 3only and 3 only = Figure 6-1. Coutesy of Stamioré Hospital, Department of Radclogy 8. Which of the following types of adult tissues is (are) particularly radiosensitive? ——> mozovemn ———5 1, Epithelial tissue Nerve tissue 3. Muscle tissue (A) only = = ae igure 6-2 (@Y Land 2 only (C) 2and3 only (©) 1,2,and3 ——_— = ei 1, The carpal scaphoidl can be demonstrated in which of the following projection(s) of the wrist? 1. PA oblique 2. PA with ulnir flexion 3. PA with elbow elevated 20 degrees (A) lonly (@) 1 and 2 only (C) Land 3 only (D) L2and3 12. Linear energy transfer (LET) may be best de- scribed as the amount of energy delivered per dis- fance traveled in tissue. (B) the unit af absorbed dose. (©) radiation equivalent man. {D) radiation absorbed dose. 13. Ventral decubitus projections of the chest are used to evaluate small amounts of 1. fluid in the posterior chest. 2. air in the posterior chest. 3, fluid in the anterior chest (A) Lonly land 2 only 2 and 3 only ) 1,2,and3 14, Which of the following is (are) evaluation cri- teria for a PA chest radiograph of the heart and lungs? 1, Ten posterior ribs should be seen above the diaphragm. 2. The medial ends of the clavicles should be equidistant from the vertebral column. 3, The scapulae should beseen through the upper lung fields. NOT Be (A) 1only Land 2 only 2and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 Questions: 7-17 318 15. Which of the following waveforms has the lowest percentage voltage tipple? (A) Single-phase (B) Three-phase, six-pulse (©) Three-phase, 12-pulse (D)_ High-frequency 16. Body substances and fluids that are consid- ered infectious or potentially infectious in- dude ‘ Ac feces. A breast milk Bewound drainage. (A) lonly (B) Land 2 only (©)_2and 3 only O 12et3) 17. The effective energy of an x-ray beam is in- creased by increasing the Added filtration. _AeRilovoltage. 3. milliamperage. @) lonly (B)_2 on} (©) Land 2 onl; (D) 1,2,and3 316 18, 6: Practice Test 1 eal The radiograph in Figure 6-3 could be im- proved in which of the following ways? (A) The midsagittal plane (MSP) should be placed 45 degrees to the plane of the cas- sette (B) The MSP should be placed 90 degrees to the plane of the cassette (©) The chin should be elevated slightly. (D) The head should be flexed slightly. Figure 6-3. Courtesy of Starlord Hospkal, Department of Radiology. 19, 20. What is the anatomic structure indicated by the number? in the radiograph in Figure 6-3? (A) Spinous process (B) Transverse process Pedicle (D) Intervertebral foramen While measuring blood pressure, the first pulse that is heard is recorded as the (A)_diastolic pressure {8)_systolic pressure) (©) venous pressure. (D) valvular pressure, 21. Characteristics of a patient with pulmonary emphysema include 1, shoulder girdle elevation, 2. increased AP diameter of the chest 3. hyperventilation. (A) 1only (B))1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only (©) 1,2,and3 22, The gantry of a computed tomographic (C1) imaging system includes which of the follow- ing components? “A, X-ray tube V2. Detector array x8. Control panel (A) tony Disease 2and 3 only (D) 1,2,and 3 only 23, Which of the following is (are) included in whole-body dose equivalents? |. Gonads. x 5. Extremities: Lont 8) Land 2 onl (C) 2andSonly (©) 1,2,and3 24. The radiation dose to an individual depends on which of the following? ZB AC ype of tissue interaction(s) 2, Quantity of radiation < Biologic differences (A) lonly (B) Land 2 only (©) Land 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 4 25, To radiograph an infant for suspected free air within the abdominal cavity, which of the fol- lowing projections of the abdomen will demonstrate the condition with the least pa- tient exposure? (A) PAcrect with grid (B) Right lateral decubitus with grid ight lateral decubitus without grid 1) Recumbent AP without grid 26. An APoblique projection (lateral rotation) of the elbow demonstrates which of the following? Radial head free of superimposition Capitulum of the humerus 3. Olecranon process within the olecranon fossa (A) Lonly (© 2and3only (©) 1,2,and3 27. Whatpercentage of x-ray attenuation does a 0.5- mum lead equivalent apron at 75 kVp provide? (A) 51 percent (B) 66 percent (©) 75 percent (© _B8percend) 28, Which portion of the characteristic curve would most likely represent a density of 1.0? (A) Toe @) Straight-line portio (Osnoutaer D) Danas Questions: 18-0317 29. The risk of inoculation with HIV is considered high for which of the following entry sites? 1. Broken skin— 2. Perinatal exposure 3. Accidental needle stick (A) 1only )1 and 2 only (© 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and 3 30. The term parenteral refers to the following medication routes? 1. Subcutaneous 2. Thtramuscular 3. Oral (CY 2and3 only ©) 1,2,and3 31. The position illustrated in Figure 6-4 can be used successfully to demonstrate the M PA oblique sternut A oblique ste A? barium-filled pylorus and duode 3: leftanterior ribs. (A) Tonly (B) land2only and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 Figure 6-4, 318 32, 33. 34. 6: Practice Test 1 Which of the following po: can be used to effectively demonstrate thé left tolic flexure during radiographic examination of the large bowel? 1 RAO 2 LAO. 3. RPO (A) Tonly (B) Land 2only (Land 3 only (Opa sens Which of the following is an acceptable ap- proximate entrance skin vxposure (ESE) for a PA chest radiograph? (A) 6mR (8) 20mR (C) mR (D) 06R It was a busy Monday morning, and the schedule was packed. There was a multiple- vehicle trauma, and two technologists were pulled from the main department to handle the emergency situation in the trauma depart- ment, With the department now short staffed, the patients’ wait time soon increased. By 10 am,, there were eight patients waiting—six were for routine x-rays, including two lumbar spines, a cervical spine with a pelvis and hip, a routine chest and abdomen, a hand, anda 43 forearm including the elbow. There were also two patients waiting for contrast studies. Sally, Namini, lead technologist, was busy helping with the patient load when the direc- tor of radiology approached. His friend from out of town needed radiographs of his lumbar spine, pelvis, and hip. The friend had seen a physician in his hometown because he was 3g, suffering from back pain. The friend no longer had any pain, so the request for radiographs was forgotten until he walked into the x-ray department. The director wanted Sally to im- age his friend now because he and the friend had a lunch reservation at noon and needed to leave by 11:00 a.m, The friend also had a flight reservation for later that evening and had to leave the area by 1:00 p.m. 1. What is the most appropriate immediate re- sponse for Sally to make? 2, What is the least appropriate immediate re- sponse for Sally to make? Directions: Indicate Most and Least by checking on the appropriate box. Most Least DO A) Reply incredulously, “Def- initely 20t now! Have you seen the patient's waiting room?" CQ © ©) Explain that they were very busy but could squeeze the friend in. Get the friend into the next available changing room. Image the friend immediately. oo ‘Tell another technologist to lecut image the director's friend immediately. ic. Apologize to the director, ‘but explain that the depart- moc ™entsimply cannot image his friend at that moment. Give alternatives such as canceling the lunch reser- vation. By then, the depart ment would no longer be short staffed, and the pa- tiont load would be lower. Differences between body habitus types are likely to affect all the following except (A) the size and shape of an organ. (B) the position of an organ. (©) the position of the diaphragm. © the degree of bone poro: Geometric unsharpness will be least obvious LACat long SIDs. .2-Wwith small focal spots. 3 at the anode end of the image. (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (©) 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and3 our ce nduchen z 37, x sts A ® Eyes 1 CAVITOTRANLFOTAAEN, = pe Seup becwichen S £ = be Fe Spt | nmioieenonat soo ~ T anucenty ~ bro (110) Figure 6-5. Which of the x-ray circuit devices shown in Figure 6-5 requires unidirectional current to operate? (A) Number1 (B) Number3 (©) Number 5 Number 7 38. Referring to the simplified x-ray circuit 39. 40. shown in Figure 6-5, what is indicated by the = number 1? (A)_Step-up transformer Autotransformer (C) Filament creat (D) Rectification system Another name for Hirschsprung disease, the ‘most common cause of lower GI obstruction in neonates, is (A) intussusception. (B) volvulus (©)_congenital megacolon. (D) pyloric stenosis. Which of the following terms/units is used to express the resolution oFa diagndstic image? Line pairs per millimeter((pf fmm) ) (B) Speed (©) Latitude (D) Kiloelectronvolts (keV) (A) 41. The advantages of high-frequency generators over earlier types of generators include A smaller size. 2, nearly constant potential _Belower patient dose. (A) only (B) 1and2 only (©) Land 3 only @) 1,2and3_) 42. A radiograph exposed using a 12:1 ratio grid may exhibit a ea of density at its lateral edges because (A)_SID was too great, (8) grid failed to move during the exposure. (©) ray tube was angled in the direction of the lead strips. (D) CRwas off-center. 43, Routine excretory urography usually includes a postmicturition radiograph of the bladder. ‘This is done to demonstrate “AC humor masses. residual urine, Be prostatic enlargement. (A) only (B) Land 3only (C)_2and3only (@)4,2, and 3‘ Practice Test 1 44, The best projection to demonstrate the articu- lar surfaces of the femoropatellar articulation is the (A) AP knee. ) PA knee. (C) tangential (“sunrise” ) projection. (Dy tunnel view. 45, Which of the follow: ) valid evalua~ tion criteria fora ay rojection of the forearm? ey (© The radius and the ulna should be super: imposed distally. The coronoid process and the radial head a oe) "hata pions shouldbe sper iimeoaee oa 05% (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (C) 2and3 only ©) 1,2,and3 All Gaperimprne 46, In amorphous selenium flat-panel detectors, the term amorphous refers to!a (A) crystalline material having typical crys- talline structure (B) crystalline material lacking typical crys- ‘alline structure. — (©) toxic crystalline material (D) homogeneous crystalline material 47. ‘The collimator light and actual irradiated area must be accurate to within (A)_2 percent of the SID. (B) 5 percent of the SID. (©) 10 percent of the SID. (D) 15 percent of the SID. rectifier operation in a single-phase x- ray machine. rectifier operation in a three-phase x-ray timer accuracy in single phase xzay timer accuracy in a three-phase x-ray 1. To eject a K-shell. electron from a tungsten atom, the incoming electron must have an en- 48, ‘The image in Figure 6-6 was obtained while ‘ =~ Figure 6-6, All the following procedures demonstrate re- nal function except (A) WR Xx (B) descending urography. Fx — (C)_setrograde urography. (Dalividinnechionacsachnesee ~ REReREETHEUwWHE HEEB Hee Ss eS eo 51. Thesternoclavicular joints will be best demon- stratedl in Which of the following positions? (A) Apical lordotic (B)_Anterior oblique (© lateral ——— (D) Weight-bearing ACR eriglvion lay goint 52. The input phosphor can be coupled with the ‘Vidicon TV camera or charge-coupled device (CCD) via Souris yas, 2 an image distributor or lens. X closed-circuit TV. RAO = right C4 LAO * bef Radiation quality (A) lonly (B) land 2 only (©) 2and 3 only (B) 1,2, and3 55. Which of the.following radiographic acces- sories functions to produce uniform density ona radiograph? (A) Grid (B)_Intensifying screens (© Compensating Aer ~) (D) Penetiometer — Questions: 44-9 321 56. The late effects of radiation are considered to 1. have no threshold dose. 2. be directly related to dose. 3. occur within hours of exposure. (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (©) 2and3 only () 1,2,and3 57. A satisfactory radiograph was made without a grid using a 72-inch SID and 8 mAs. IF the distance is changed to 40 inches and an 12:1 ratio grid is added, what should be the new milliampere-seconds value? (A). 95.mAs - Mima A _ Oa may ~ OS (D) 26mAs 38. Which of the followi misconduct? involve(s) intentional 1, Invasion of privacy 2. False imprisonment ~ nvicestetrg, watt 3. Patient sustaining injury from a fall while left unattended — nmienerinat /Negtigene (A) 1only (B) ki y Land 2 only ‘and 3 only 59, All the following statements regarding three phase current are true except a thro fase urrent is o direot curgent. Ouavext (2) ens ghee tipment paces cto fay pallanpare secre (C) thrge-phase equipment produces higher- average-energy x-rays than single-phase equipment. (D) the three-phase waveform has less rip ple than the single-phase waveform. 922__b:Practco Tost 1 60. Which of the following contribute to the radi- 63, The radiograph of the pelvis shown in Figure ographic contrast present in the finished radi- 6-7 is unacceptable because of oer (A) motion. A Tissue density (B), inadequate penetration. 7%. Pathology (C) Scattered ra _3- Muscle development (A) Land 2 only (8) Land 3 only (C_2and 3 only excessive density. 61. In 1906, Bergonié and Tribondeau theorized that undifferentiated cells are highly ra- diosensitive. Which of the following is (are) characteristic(s) of undifferentiated cells? Young cells Highly mitot cat | jo BWINE 3,) Precursor cells + (A) Lonly (B) land2only = wiiteivd - nyt (©) Land 3 only recliokertitive @) 1,2,and3 Figure 6-7. From the American College of Radiology Leaming Fie. Courtesy ofthe ACR. 62. Exposure factors of 80 kVp and 8 mAs are used for a particular nongrid exposure. What should be the new milliampere-seconds value 64. The effect that differential absorption has on ifan 8:1 grid is added? radiographic contrast of a high-subject-con- fajias han trast part canbe minimized by B)_24mAs g using a compensating filter. (C) 32mAS 9 using high-Kilovoltage exposure factors. ‘ i = >) Imac x 4-32 3, increased collimation. (A) Lonly Land 2 only © 2and3 only () 1,2,and3 _ 8 2 2 Se ee eee eee ee 65. Questions: 60-67 323 Figure 6-8. Courtesy FUWIFILM Medical Systems USA, ne. ‘The vertical lines present in the radiograph in Figure 6-8 represent which of the following? (A) Improperly placed guide shoes (B) Sediment on processor rollers (©) Pilines (D) Grid tines Which of the following is most likely to occur as a result of using a 30-inch SID with a 14 x 17 inch IR to radiograph a fairly homoge- neous structure? (A) Production of quantum mottle (8) Density variation between opposite nds oftheTR (Cy Production of scatter radiation fog (D) Excessively short-scale contrast 67. Which of the following is (are) correct regard- ing care of protective leaded apparel? 1 Lead aprons should be fluoroscoped yearly to check for cracks. Z. Lead gloves should be fluoroscoped yearly to check for cracks, .& Lead aprons should be hung on appropri- ate racks when not in use. (A) lonly (B) Land 2only (© 1and3 only CO) 1,2,and 5, CEES) $246: Precio Test | : 68. An exposure was made at a 36-inch SID using 12 mAs and 75 kVp with a 400-speed imaging system and an '1 grid. A second radiograph is requested with improved recorded detail. Which of the following groups of technical factors will best accomplish this task? (A) 15 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 400-speed system, 36-inch SID (B) 15 mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 400-speed a system, 40-inch SID (©) 30mAs, 12:1 grid, 75 kVp, 200-5 ‘system, Bin Stra (D) 12 mAs, 8: grid, 86 kVp, 200-ppeed sys- tem, 36-inch SID 69. Which of the following is (are) considered long-term somatic effect(s) of exposure to ion- izing radiation? B utesoen shortening “~ ‘Carcinogenesis @ Cataractogenesis (A) Lonly (B) Land 2only (©) 2and 3 only 70. Advantages of digital radiography (DR) over ‘computer radiography (CR) include Ris less expensive. EX ~ENiew We ‘DR has immediate readout. 3, Cassettes are not needed for DR. (A) Lonly {B)_Land 2 only _ CO) 2and3 only} 72, an mL 73. 74. ‘The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) recommends an annual occupational effective (stochastic) dose equivalent limit of (A)_50 mSv ( rem)- (B) 100 mSv (I0rem). (C) 25mSv (25 rem). {D) 200 mSv (20 rem). All the following statements regarding the bony thorax are true except (A)-the first seven pairs of ribs are referred toas vertebrosternal, or true, ribs. the only articulation between the thorax and the upper extremity is the stern- oclavicular joint. the gladiolus is the upper part of the sternum and is quadrilateral in shape. (D)_ the anterior ends of the ribs are about 4 inches below the level of the vertebral ends. Several types of exposure timers may be found on x-ray equipment. Which of the fol- lowing types of timers functions to accurately duplicate radiographic densities? (A) Synchronous (8) Impulse (©) Electronic ‘The device that is used for the direct measure- ment of optical density is the (A)_sensitometer, densitometer « netromeler. (D) Hurter and Driffield (H&D) curve. 75. The lesser tubercle of the humerus will be vi sualized in profile in the (A) AP shoulder external rotation radi- ograph. (B) AP shoulder internal rotation radi- Comey a. a (©) “AP elbow radiograph. (D) Lateral elbow radiograph. 76, Which of the following is (are) used to control the production of scattered radiation? 1, Restricted field size 2. Use of optimal kilovolta; 3. Use of grids, (A) Lonly (B) 1and2only (© 2and3 only (©) 1,2,ana3 77. Improper spectral matching between rare earth intensifying screens and film emulsion results in Questions:¢8-82 926 79. Silver reclamation may be accomplished in which of the following ways? Metallic replacement cartridge {2-Blectrolytic plating unit {3 Removal from used film (A) Lonly (B) 2only (©) Land 2only ) 1,2, and 80. Acceptable methods) of minimizing motion ‘unsharpness is (are) _ACiuspended respiration. 2 short exposure time. _3cfatient instruction. (A) Lonly (B) 1and2only (© 1and3only @® 12,and3 81. If a quantity of radiation is delivered to a body over a long period of time, its effect (A) will be greater than if it were delivered (A)_longer-scale contrast. ) insufficient density>>~imeroren SPECIAL reas premier han ye (© decreasedreconied detail, = "THING ®) pet pestod of tne (D) excessive density. 78. Which of the following groups of exposure factors would deliver the lowest patient dose? (A)_2.5 mAs, 100 kVp, 400-speed screens (B) 10 mAs, 90 kVp, 200-speed screens (©) 10 mAs, 70 kVp, 800-speed screens (D) 10mAs, 80 kVp, 400-speed screens will be less than if it were delivered over a short period of time. = (© hasno relation to how it is delivered in time. (D) depends solely on the radiation quality. 82. According to the line-focus principle, an an- cote Rath esol an gle peony 1. improved recorded detail. 2. improved heat capacity. 3. Tess hee effect. ——" (A) Land 2 only (B) Land 3 only (©) 2and 3 only () 1,2,and3 STEEP 0 QmaALL ANGLE INCLEPED ANODE Prov /Oes Hee ET EECT @ acces ed Stn ETAL ” HME xo STWER Bro 7 kiack 83. Which section of the automatic processor shown in Figure 6-9 is associated with preser- vation of the x-ray image? (A) Section 1 (B)_Section 2 (D) Section 4 84. Which of the following expresses the gonadal dose that, if received by every member of the population, would be expected to produce the same total genetic effect on that population as the actual doses received by each of the indi- viduals? (A)_Genetically significant dose {B) Somatically significant dose (C) Maximum permissible dose (D) Lethal dose 85. A patient with an upper respiratory tract in- fection is transported to the radiology depart ment for a chest examination. Who should be masked? 1. Technologist (A) only (B) 1and2only (C) Sonly~. er 3 86. Which of the following is (are) classified as a rare earth phosphor? 7) Lanthanum oxybromide 2) Gadolinium oxysulfide 3. Cesium iodide — | ¢ (©) 2and3 only (©) 1,2,ana3 87, The radiograph shown in Figure 6-10 exhibits a loss of radiographic density as a result of (A) xray tube angulation across grid lines. (B) exceeding the focusing distance. (C)_incorrect grid placement, (D) insufficient SID. te! Racioiony Figure 6-10, Courtary o Stators Hosp, Depa 88, The housing surrounding an x-ray tube func- tions to retain heat within the glass envelope. protect from electric shock, ag Wakes len io asa (A) Tand only (B) Land 3, oat ) 1 2and3 89. The reduction in x-ray photon intensity as the photon passes through a materic1 is termed (A) absorption. (B)_scattering. attenuation. (D) divergence. 30. 1. 92. 93. 94. 95. Questions:a3-95 er It is recommenced that a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) or film badge be worn (A) under the lead apron at waist level. (B) outside the lead apron at waist level. (C)_under the lz 1. )_outside the lead apron at collar level. Which of the following groups of exposure factors will produce the shortest scale of con- trast? ® 200 mA, 0.25 5,70 kVp, 124] grid TF 500 mA, 0.10s, 90 kVp, Bel grid (©) 400 mA, 0.125 s, 80 kVp, 12:1 grid (D) 300mA, 0.16 s, 70 kVp, 8:1 grid Which of the following is the most likely site for a lumbar puncture? (a) S12 (a = (D) C6-7 How are LET end biologic response relsted? y are inversely related are directly related (©) They are related iva reciprocal fashion. (D) They are unrelated. An overall image density arising from factors other than the light or radiation used to ex- pose the image is called (B) log-relative exposure. (©) optical density. (D) artifact. If the quantity of black metallic silver on a particular radiograph is such that it allows 1 percent of the illuminator light to pass through the x-ray image, that image has a density of (A) 001. ‘, ®) 01. © 10, wile - min Semen Pum Con Ae 328 6: Practice Test SCREEN SPEER 96, Replacing 200-speed intensifying screens with 400-speed screens will require the ex ‘Z)enable the radi e exposure time % intbeaie the production of scattered radiation (A) Tonly Bhar (Tamar sonly AD) 1,2,2nd3 7, Ifthe primary col ofthe high-voltage trans- former is supplied by 110 V and has 100 turns and the secondary coil has 80,000 turns, what is the voltage induced in the secondary coil? (A)_135kV (®) 33kV > (C) 135V (D) 38V 98. Figme 6-11 is an example of a (A)_bas-pattern te Figure 6-11. Fee. the American Colage of Rediology Learning File, Courtesy ofthe ACR. 99, The fact that x-ray intensity across the pri mary beam can vary as much as 45 percent describes the (A9_line-focus principle. (B)_transformer law. © anode neet effec) card VARY 4C%o (Dy anverse-square Law. Which of the following conditions requite(s) a decrease in technical factors? 100. A, Enphysemna, Osteomalacia 3. Atcloctasis (a), only @)1 and 2only © 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and 3 101. Which of the following cells is the least ra- diosensitive? (A)_Myelocytes (C) Megakaryocytes (D) Erythroblasts . pat 102. Which of the following is (are) characteris- eft a Les grid? on than an jdg than an 8:1 fis used with higher-kilovoltage expo: sures than an 8:1 grid. (A) Leniy gelato (© 2and3only (D) 1,2,and3 = ae nm nemeesftaesea@aH = 103. An exposure was made at 40-inch SID using 5 mAs and 105 kVp with an 8:1 grid. In an effort to improve radiographic contrast, the image is repeated using a 12:1 grid and 90 kVp. Which of the following exposure times will be most appropriate, using 400 mA, to maintain the original density? (A) 001s (B) 0035 Dis (D) 035 104, The brightness level of the fluoroscopic image depends on ACmilliamperage. aA falovalinge 3. patient thickness. (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only eis (D) 1,2, and 105, The pyloric canal and duodenal bulb are best demonstrated during an upper GI series in which oF the following positions? (C) Recumbent PA (D) Recumbent AP 106, ‘The most common cause of x-ray tube failure is (A) acracked anode (8) apitted anode. Questions: 36-110 (920 108. With milliamperage adjusted to produce equal exposures, all the following statements are true except A) a single-phase examination done at 10 mAs can be duplicated with three-phase, 12-pulse at 5 mAs. ‘There is greater patient dose with three- equipment. “6 ‘Three-phase equipment can produce comparable radiographs with less heat ‘unit (HU) buildup. 9) Three-phase equipment produces lower- contrast radiographs than single-phase equipment. 109. In which of the following examinations would a cassette front with very low absorp- tion properties be especially desirable? (A) Extremity radiogeaphy (B) Abdominal radiography ) Mammography’ (D) Angiography 110. As the conversion efficiency of intensifying- screen phosphors increases >. patient dose increases. A. noise increases, 3. speed increases. (A) Lonly (B) Land2only 2and 3 0 (D) 1,2, anc (© _vaporized tungsten on glass envelope, —Common GUE (D) insufficient heat production. 107. Ifa radiograph were made of an average-size knee using automatic exposure control (AEC) and all three photocells were selected, the re- sulting radiograph would demonstrate (A)_excessive density, (8) insufcient denis) (©) poorer (D) adequate exposure. OF Exvosuna EARLY TERMINATION 990 _6:Praction Tost 1 IL. Which of the following statements is true 112. with regard to the two radiographs shown in Figure 6-12? (A)_Image 1 was exposed on expiration, {B) Image 2 was exposed on expiration. (©) Image 1is a lordotic position. (D) Image 2 isa ventral decubitus position. 113, Figure 6-12. Courtesy of Stanvord Hospital, apartment ot Rasioiogy. JL The amount of replenisher solution added as a film enters the automatic processor is re- lated to the Dasize of the film, 2, temperature of the solution, CGumber of films processed (A) Lonly _ @®) 1and3 only” (Cy 2andFonly (D) 12,and3 With the patient positioned as shown in Figure 6-13, how should the CR be directed to best demonstrate the intercondyloid fossa? (A) Perpendicular to the popliteal depres- sion (B) 40 degrees caudad to the popliteal de- presi (C) Perpendicular to the long axis of the fe- mur (D) 40 degrees cephalad to the popliteal de- pression ke fi = ee aa ) ee Figuro 6-13. ee ee eT ee ee ee ee 114. The cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure for infants differs from that of adults with respect to achand placement. ‘2Tumber of compressions. B-volume of air delivered. (A) Land 2 only (B) 1and3 only (© 2and3 only ES 115. The decision as to whether to deliver ionic or non-ionic contrast medium should include a preliminary patient history including, limited to, vf patient age. history of respiratory disease. _2ikistory of cardiac disease. (A) land 2 (B) Land3 2and3 (O)1,2,an03 116. Which’of the following is a functional study used to demonstrate the degree of AP motion present in the cervical spine? (A) Moving mandible position (B) AP open-mouth projection (©)_ Flexion and extension laterals (D) AP right and left bending 117. The automatic film processor's recirculation system functions to Questions: 111-119 891 118. Which of the labeled bones in Figure 6-14 identifies the tarsal cuboid? (A) \ber 2 (B) Number 3 (Na (D) Number? FHGIAL g MEDIA. PAL revo, ATT AL mALLevond CAlcenions? ouso1o ® Figure 6-14 119. What does the number 1 in Figure 6-14 iden- tify? (A)_ Medial matleolus 1, add quantities of solution as required. k €p "nthe 5) ateral malleol A. maintain uniform temperatures, dousea nalts Media amaiform A, sac and agitate sotutons. () tony (B) Land 3 only fon and 3 cnly W) Lands ~ (D) Talus 982 _6: Practice Tast 1 : 120. In what order should the following examina- tions be scheduled? Upper GI 31 7 2. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) 2 3. Barium enema (BE) (A) 3,12 121, TV camera tubes used in image intensifica- tion, such as the Plumbicon and Vidicon, function to (A) increase the brightness of the input- phosphor image, ) transfer the output hosphor image to hemor (C) focus and accelerate electrons toward the output phosphor (D) record the output-phosphor image on 16- or 35-mm film 122, Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered (A) through a nasogastric tube, (B)_intrathecally. © rectal (0) orally. 123. Which of the following groups of exposure factors would be mast appropriate for a sthenic adult IVP? conTHast (A) 300mA, 0.025, 72kVp “iri (8) 300mA, 0015, 82kVP _ py yyy (©) 150 mA, 0.015, 94 kVp (D) 100 mA, 0.03 s, 82 kVp 124. Which of the four baselines illustrated in Fig- ure 6-15 should be used for a lateral projec- tion of facial bones? (A) Baseline 1 (D) Baseline 4 ys 3 Lateeat. Figure 6-15. 125. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the radiograph shown in Figure 6-16? 1, The partis rotated Gitte atient is not shielded correctly. 3, There is excessive (A) Lonly (B) 2only (©) 1and 2only (D) 1,2,and3 * Figure 6-16. Courtesy ot Samtors Hospital, Department of Faison, 126. Which of the following is the approximate skin dose for § minutes of fluoroscopy per- formed at 1.5 mA? (A) 3.7 rad (B)_25rad (©_15 rad) (Dy 21rad 127. Drugs that may be used to prolong blood clot- ting time include Aheparin. — Liver /pnevenst cvornn 2. diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 3. lidocaine. (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (©) Land 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 128. The instre:ment that is used frequently in quality control programs to measure varying degrees of Fay exposiite is the = m step wedge, JPENE Tie OmeTER, VOLTA Rec (A) aluminum step wedge. (B)_ spinning top. ier © Aensitomet (D) sensitometer. erm 129, When the collimated field must extend past the edge of the body, allowing primary radia- tion to strike the tabletop, as in a lateral lum- bar spine radiograph, what may be done to prevent excessive radiographic density owing to undercutting? (A) Reduce the milliampere-seconds. (B) Reduce the peak kilovoltage. (©)_ Use a shorter SID. (D) Use lead rubber to absorb tabletop pri- ‘mary fadiation. — 994 6-Pracioa Tost 1 130. Whatis the name of the plane indicated by the number 1 in Figure 6-17? (A) Midcoronal plane > ee (C) Transverse plane (D) Horizontal plane 131. In which of the following procedures is quiet, shallow breathing recommended during the exposure to obliterate prominent pulmonary vascular markings? oT RAO sternum v- Lateral thoracic spine ®& AP scapula (A) Tonly (B) 1and2only (©) 2and3 only D)) 1, 2,and 3 Figur 182, “The infection streptococcal pharyngitis ("strep throat”) is caused by a (A) virus, (B) fungus. rotozo0n. (D) bacterium? 133. Abdominal viscera located in the retroperi- toneum include the S-ascending and descending colon. SH ES Eg aU SENSE Colm (A) Lonly (8) Land 2 only (©)_2and3 only @)i2anas 134, 135, ‘The submentovertical (SMV) oblique axial Projection of the zygomatic arches requires that the skull be rotate (@)GS degrees toward the affected side.y (B) 15 degrees away from the affected side. (© 45 degrees toward the affected side. (D) 45 degrees away from the affected side. ‘The radiographic position illustrated in Fig- ure 6-18 is used to demonstrate @ etnmoidel ancl frontal sinus (B) maxillary sinu: (©) sphenoidal sinuses through the open mouth. (D) mastoid sinuses. eninntioxte. 2 PRON. Gienenso vei x {5° | Amare AFtLCED | Sigg | Figure 6-18. Courtesy of Siamord Hospital, Dopariment of Raioiog. 136. Which of the following functions to protect the x-ray tube and the patient from overexpo- sure in the event that the phototimer fails to terminate an exposure? (A) Circuit breaker (8), Fuse @ Backup timer By Rheostat 137. 138, 139, 140. 141. Questions: 190-141 335 ‘The AP axial projection of the pulmonary apices requires the CR to be directed (A)_15 degrees cephalad) (B) 15 degrees caudad. (©) 30 degrees cephalad. (D) 30 degrees caudad. Which cholangiographic procedure uses an indwelling drainage tube for contrast medium administration? (A) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiographic pancreatography (ERCP) * (B)_ Operative cholangiography ) T-tube cholangiography~) (D) Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogra- phy Maslow’s hierarchy of basic human needs in- Sera oF Following? Self-esteem 2) Love an Bélongingness 3. Death with dignity (A) Lonly @) 1 and 2only (© 2and3only (D) 1,2,and3 Which of the following combinations would deliver the least amount of heat to the anode ofa three-phase, 12- pulse x-ray unit? (A) 400 mA, «112,90 kVp. (B) 300 mA, “25,70 kVp (C500 mA, 95,85 kVp_ (D) 700 mA, 0.06 5, 120 kVp Which of the tollowing is inost likely te permit the greatest decrease 1n patient exposure? (A) Changing from a 200-speed system toa 400-spreed! system (Gin pt oan 1 pe cent and cutting the milliampere-seconds value in half (C) Changing collimation from 10 x 12 to 14 x7 (D)_ Changigy from an 8:1 grid technique to 3366: Practice Tost 1 142. Which of the following statements is (are) cor- rect regarding the chest radiograph in Figure 6-19? py ption of the chest is demonstrated, 2. The pulmonary apices are not visualized, 3. The costophrenic angles are demonstrated, (A) 1only @) 1 and3 only (© 2and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 Figure 6-18, Courtesy o Stamfors Hospi! Gepartment of Radiology. 143. The major difterence between excretory and retrograde urography is that (A) they each require a ditterent type of con- trast agent, {B) intravenous studies require more im- ages. retrograde studies do not demonstrate fer Ses (0) more contrast medium. induced adverse reactions occur in retrograde studies, 144, In myelography, the contrast medium gener- ally is injected into the (A) cisterna magna (B) individual intervertebral disks. (C) subarachnoid space between the first and second vertebrae. (©) subarachnoid space between the and fourth lumbar vertebrae. 145, When interviewing a patient, what is it that the health care professional can observe? (A) Symptoms (B) History (Q) Objective signs Hear) (D) Chief complaint SURIETIVE 7 PX of PROFESIONAL 146, Which of the following is (are) demonstrated in the lateral projection of the cervical spine? GZ imtervertebral joints (2 Apophyseal joints =~ 3. Intervertebral foramina A) (8) Land 2 only) (© 2and3only (D) 1,2,and3 147, Which of the following stat-ments is (are) co ~ "rect with respect to postoperative cholangiog- raphy? ‘A T-tube isin place in the common bile duct. == 3 Water-soluble contrast siateral is injected 3 dose for a particular radi- ograph is 320 mR, the radiation exposure at 1 1m from the patient will be approximately (A) 32mR. 55, f ee home sa O.32me (D) 0.032 mR. 149. An increase in the kilovoltage applied to the x-ray tube increases the @ percentage of high-energy photons pro- duced. (2) exposure rate, 3, patient absorption. (8) only __ @_1and 2 only (©) 2andsonly (©) 1,2,and3 150. Which of the following would be the safest in- terval of time for a fertile woman to undergo abdominal radiography without significant concer for irradiating a recently fertilized ovum? (A) The first 10 days following the cessation of menstruation (B) The first-10 days following the onset of menstruation replays eens the cnet (©) The 10 days préceding the onset of men- struation (D) About 14 days before menstruation Questions: 42-153 397 151, What is the anatomic structure indicated by number 1 in the radiograph shown in Figure 6-20? (A) Mandibular angle_ (B) Coronoid process (© Zygomatic arch (D) Maxillary sinus Figure ¢-20. Courtesy of Stamor! Hospital, Department of Raiciogy. 152. What is the anatomic structure indicated by number 3 in the radiograph in Figure 6-20? (A) Mandibular angle (B)_Coronoid pr “© Zygomaticarch ~ (©) Maxillary sinus 153. Esophageal varices are best demonstrated in which of the following positions? (A) Erect @®) Recumbent (© Fowler (©) Sims 338 154. 155. 156. 157. eprcteoTestt 3 Great latitude availble to the radiogras 158, What is the anatomic structure indicated by pher when-usi number 1 in the radiograph shown in Figure AC high-kilovoltage factors. 621? 4 slow film-screen combination. G@ Superior articular process) 3. ahigh-ratio grid. (B) Inferior articular process (A only (©) Transverse process (8) Dand 2 only (D) Lamina (C) 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and3 Recorded detail is directly related to G. sip) tab current. 3, focal-spot size. (A) lonly (®) Land 2only (©) 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and3 With the patient supine, the left side of the pelvis elevated 25 degrees, and the CR enter- ing 1 inch medial to the left anterosuperior il- iac spine (AIS), which of the following is demonstrated? (A) _Left sacroiliac joint (B) Leftilium (© Right sacroiliac joint (D) Rightitium Double-focus x-ray tubes have two 1. focal spots, 2. filaments. 3. anodes. (A), 1 only B) yl and 2 only (Cy Land 3 only (D) 2and3 only Figure 6-21. Courtesy of Stamford Hospital, Department of Racology. 159, What is the anatomic structure indicated by number 3 in the radiograph in Figure 6-217 (A) Superior articular process (B) Inferior articular process {C)_Pedicle 2) Laming) ~BODy 160. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the lateral projection of the lumbar spine? The MSP is parallel to the tabletop. rhe vertebral foramina are well visual (WV) s 0/4 — ized. MERVEKIEKRAL 3c The pedicles are well visualized. (A) only B) on (C) 1and3 only ) (D) TZands 161. Ifa patient received 4500 mrad during a 6- minute fluoroscopic examination, what was the dose rate? (A) 0.75 rad/1 a 75 rad/min (B) 27 rad/min ST 40 (© Ziad/min > (D) 27 rad/hr 162. Which of the following is (are) essential to high-quality mammographic examinations? A, Small-focal-spot x-ray tube -2. High rafiographic contrast 73, Use of a compression devi (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (C) Land 3 only 1,2,and3, 163. The primary fenction of filtration is to reduce (A)_patient skin dose. (B) operator dose. (©) image noise (D) scattered :adiation. Questions: 154-165 939 164. What is the anatomic structure indicated by the number 7 in Figure 6-227 (A) Coracoid process (8) Coronoid process (©) Trochlear notch (D) Radial notch ne KTCH THLE eons 5 ani Cotoncio Pheer Notes vLna® Figure 6-22. 165. Which of the following correctly identifies the ‘head of the ulna in the illustration in Figure Ca et (A) Number 3 (B) Numbers (C)_Number 5, 340 6:Practice Test 1 166. Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the PA axial projection of the paranasal sinuses? A. The CR is directed caudally to the orbito- meatal line = V2. The petrous pyramids are projected into the lower third of the orbits. U& The fron! isualiz (A) Lonly (B) 1and2only (© 1and3only (D)-4.2, and 3 167. Which of the following x-ray circuit devices operate(s) on the principle of mutual induc- tion? 1. High-voltage transformer 2. Filament transformer 3. Autotransformer eth iv ovicnon (A) Lonly (@) Land 2 only, (© Tand-sonly ©) 1,2,and3 168. Shape distortion is influenced by the relation- ship between the We xray tube and the part to be imaged. 2, body part to be imaged and the IR- 7 IRand the xray tube, (A) Land 2 only () 1Land3 only © 169. To better demonstrate the interphalangeal joints of the toes, which of the following pro- cedures may be employed? 1, Angle the CR 15 degrees caudad. @ Angle the CR 15 degrocs cephalad. G Place a sponge wedge under the foot wit deloesdlevster Seam es (A) Lonly (B) 1 and 2 only (©) Land 3only Or and 3only\, 170. 171, 172. 173, The most commonly used method of low-flow oxygen delivery is the (A)_oxygen mask. HH FLow Op }) nasal cannulay Fok Bow FLow Op (C) respirator. Gevper peer ATOEY grease (D) oxyhood. ~ Penarpeve The femoral neck can be located (A) parallel to the femoral shaft. (8) perpendicular to the femoral shaft < (©) perpendicular toa line drawn from the ASIS to the pubic symphysis. (D) perpendicular toa line from the iliac crest to the pubic symphysis. A signed consent form is necessary prior to performing all the following procedures except (A) myelogram. (B) cardiac catheterization. lupper GI series (D) interventional vascular procedure. Improper support of a patient’s fractured lower leg (tibia /fibula) while performing ra- diography could result in (1) movement of fracture fragments, /@) tearing of soft tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. (3) initiation of muscle spasm. (A) 1and2 only () 1and3 only (© 2and3 only @) 1,2andd> wa 175, The intertrochanteric crest is located on the 176. 177. Which of the following statements is (are! ue reganding the control dosimeter that accom panies each shipment of personal radiation monitors? 1. Itshould be stor jiation sources, 2 Teshould be stored in the main work area. 3, Itshould be used to replace an employee's lost monitor. & only 2only (C) Land 3 only (D) 2and3 only (A) proximal posterior femur. (B) proximal anterior femur. (C) distal posterior femur. (D) distal anterior femur ‘The ethical principle that aspires never to, above all, do harm describes (A) fidelity, (B)_veracity. {O)_nonmalficence> (D) beneficence. ‘A radiographer would be in violation of the American Registry of Radiologic Technolo- gists (ARRT) Code of Ethics for the Profession of Radiologic Technology for ail of the following except failing to wear a lead apron when per- ring mobile radiography. failing to participate in continuing edu- cae (eotommuricating ifganalion Sanne ‘suspected child abuse to the referring. physician. seta i pacers Ta sw Ca vative technical procedures. AS Hospitals and ocher health care providers must ensure patent sonfdentiality in compli- ance with which of the following legislation? (A) MQSA. @) A Jy HIPAANIEALTI War cance. PORTABILITY 1 HPPA eg acuuntAagurt Aor OF 1994 179. The term dysplasia refers to (A)_difficulty speaking (B)_abnormal development of tissue. (C)_malposition. Ps (D) difficult or painful breathing. 180. The ethical principl about good, or benef (A) fidelity. (B) veracity. (C)_nonmalficence {D) beneficence. Which of the following radiographic exami- nations require(s) the patient to be NPO 8-10 hours prior to examination for proper patient preparation? 1, Abdomingtsurvey L-Z_Upper Glseries,_ ABE {A) Land 2only (B)_1and 3 only Y 2and 3 only (D) LZ ands that refers to bringing ing others, is called 181. 182. What is the established fetal dose-limit guide- line for pregnant radiographers di entire gestation period? (A)_ 01 rem @ O5remty 5ov mrem / 5 mv (©) 50rem (D) 10rem 342_ 6: Practice Test 1 183. The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus may be transmitted A by sharing contaminated needles, from mother to child during birth. 4° by intimate contact with body fluids, (A) only (8) land 2 only (QU 1 and 3 only Oi 2anas 184. Which of the following vessels does not carry oxygenated blood? (A) Pulmonary vein C2 (Bi Fuimonaryaries) Now! Op (C) Coronary artery (D) Chordae tendineae 185. Which of the following ore considered most radiosensitive? Ova (C) Neurons neve “itt (D) Myocytes quivitnt crus 186. Proper body mechanics includes a wide base of support. The base of support is the portion of the body (A) in contact with the floor or other hori- {B) in the midportion of the pelvis or lower abdomen. (C) passing through the center of gravity, (D) None of the above. 187, Phosphors suitable for use in intensifying screens should have which of the following, characteristics? VA. igh conversion efficiency _-& High xray absorption. 3 Afterglow” Not Good (A) Loaly | (@) Land 2 only (©) 3only (D) 1,2,and3 188. An illness of unknown or obscure cause is said to be ore APFEGED (A) systemic. - Lory (B) epidemic. < tue Lidiopathio> Mk NowN Oba casse (D) pathogenic. ~ 47) 189. A patient who has been recumbent for some time and gets up quickly may suffer from light-headedness or feel faint. This is referred toas (A) dyspnea. (B) orthopnea, (© hypertension. (D) orthostatic hypotension. 190. Contaminated needles are disposed of in spe- cial containers in which of the following ways? (A) Recap the needle, rernove syringe, dis- ose of (8) Donot recap needle, remove from sy- tinge, dispose of (©) Recap the needle, dispose of entire sy- ringe & Do not recap needle, dispose of ent syange 191. Which of the following is a fast-acting va- sodilator used to lower blood pressure and re- lieve the pain of angina pectoris? (A) Digitalis (6) Disa Lng aS (D) Cimetidine (Tagamet) 192. An increase in peak kilovoltage with appro- priate compensation of milliampere-seconds will result in (G. increased exposure latitude. 2. higher contrast. 3. increased density, (A) Lonly (8) Tand2 only (C) 2and3 only (D) Land 3 only We OStASE FE oo) 193, The annual dose limit for occupationally ex- posed individuals is valid for (A) alpha, beta, and x-radiations. (8)_x-and gamma radiations only. (© _beta, x, and gamma radiations) (D) all ionizing radiations. 194, If 85 kVp, 400 mA, and % s were used for a particular exposure using single-phase equip- ‘ment, which of the following milliamperage or time values would be required, all other factors being constant, to produce a similar density using three-phase, 12-pulse equipment? C@ 2000a) ‘@) CMA (©) 0125s (©) 0.258 195, When examifing a patient whose elbow is in partial flexion, (A) the AP projection requires two separate sitions and exposures. (B) the AP projection is made through the partially flexed elbow, resting on the ole- cranén process, CR perpendicular to IR. (©) the AP projection is made through the par- tially flexed elbow, resting on the olecra- - non process, CR parallel to the humerus. (D) the AP projection is eliminated from the routine, 196. With which of the following does the lateral extremity of the clavicle articulate? (A) Manubrium, (B) Coracoid process (©) Coronoid process (®) Acromion peey ea Questions: 183-200 343 197, The Centers for Disease Control and Preven- tion (CDC) suggests that health care workers protect themselves and their patients from blood and body fluid contamination by using (A)_sitict isolation precautions. (B)_ standard precautions.» fe respiratory precautions. (D) sterilization 198, ray tube life may be extended by 1. using high-milliampere-second, low-kilo- voltage exposure factors. 2. avoiding lengthy anode rotation. 3, avoiding exposures to a cold anode. (A) Tonly (B)_1and2 only (© Band only) (D) 1,2,and3 199, Which of the following functions to increase the milliamperage? (A) Incteasing the speed of anode rotation (B) Increasing the transformer turns ratio OU (D)_ Increasing the heat of the filament 200. A technique chart should include which of the following information? VA, Recommencted SID 5. Grid ratio jcreen-film combination (A) Lonly (B) Land 2only (C)_Land 3 only () 1,2,and)

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