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nam CHAPTER 7 Practice Test 2 Questions DIRECTIONS (Questions 1 through 200): Each of the numbered items or incomplete statements in this section is followed by answers or by comple- tions of the statement. Select the one lettered an- swer or completion that is best in each case. 1. In the 45-degree medial oblique projection of the ankle, the 1, talotibial joint is visualized. 4, tibiofibular joint is visualized. 7%: plantar surface shoul be vertical. (A) 1only (B) land 2 only (Y2. and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 2, For which of the following can atadiographer be found liable for a negligent tort? 7, Radiographer images the wrong forearm. A Patient is injured while being positioned oe the x-ray table. Radiographer fails to question patient about possible pregnancy before perform- ing x-ray examination. (A) lonly (B) 1ané 2 only (©) 2and 3 only ©)1,2,and3 IP's relative 3. Which of the ines indicated in Figure 7-1 cor- rectly demonstrates the relationship between the expostire received by the photostimulable phosphor (PSP) and its resulting lumines- cence as itis laser scanned? @yuie Ais representative of PSP exposure, (B) Line B is representative of PSP exposure (C) Neither line is representative of PSP exposure. (D) Both lines are representative of PSP exposure. 101 a] a 5 io Denety Bo a B00 © 10 qo? 40" 1? 0’? Exposure dose (mA) Figure 7-1. Courtesy FLWIFILM Medical Systems USA, Inc. 378 LAO 976 __7:Practie Test RAO - H 4. An automatic exposure control (AEC) device can operate on which of the following princi- ples? (A photomultiplier tube charged by a fluo- Fescenf screen @ Kparallel-plate ionization chamber charged by x-ray photor 3. Motion of magnetic fields inducing cur- rent ina conductor (A) Lonly (B)_2only (© 1and2 only (D) 1,2,and3 5. As the computed radiography (CR) laser scanner recognizes various tissue densities, it constructs a graphic representation of pixel. value distribultion called a * (A) processing algorithm. B))_ histogram. (D) exposure index. 6. An accurately positioned oblique projection of the first through fourth lumbar vertebrae will demonstrate the classic “Scotty dog.” What bony structure does the Scotty dog’s neck represent? (A) Superior articular process (8) Pedicle {Q) Transverse process (0) Pars interarticulari 7. How is source-to-image distance (SID) related to exposure raté and radiographic density? (A)_AsSID increases, exposure rate in creases, and radiographic density in- creases (B) As SID increases, exposure rate in- creases, and radioxraphic density de- creases. {C)_ ASSID increases, exposure rate decreases, and radiographic density iricreases. ©) AsSID increases, exposure rate decreases, ¥ SPLENIC EPANG LER ie ts. FLEXURE 8. Which of the following barium-filled anatomic structures is best demonstrated in the deft (A) Hepatic flexure (@)_Splenic exure (© Sigmoid colon (D) liocecal valve 9. Figure 7-2 illustrates a sectional image of the abdomen. Which of the following is repre- sented by the number 13? (A) Gallbladder (©) Inter fena cava (D) Aorta 10. The principle late effects of ionizing radiation on humans include 1, local tissue damage. 2 geneticeffects, 3. malignant disease. (A) Tonly (B) 1 and 2 only (©)2and 3 only (D) 1,2,ana3 eee IL. Which of the following procedures requires that contrast medium be injected into the ureters? (A) Cystogram (B)_Urethrogram ©) Retrograde pyelogram (D) Cystourethrogram 12, The roentgen is the unit of (A) radiation dose. KAO (B) biologit dose. MEN) (C)_dose equivalent. @) ionization inair ) MOENDEN 13. Which of the following combinations would pose the least hazard to a particular anode? (A) 0.6-mn: focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs (B) 0.6-mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs (C) 1.2mm focal spot, 75 kVp, 30 mAs @h 1.2-mm focal spot, 85 kVp, 15 mAs | 14. Which of the following structures is best demonstrated in Figure 7-3? (A) Sigmoid colon (8) Splenic flexure (C)_ Hepatic flexu (D) Rectosigmoia 15. The radiogreph shown in Figure 7-3 was made in which of the following positions? (A) Anteroposterior (AP) position recum- bent (B) Right lateral decubitus (©)_Right posterior oblique (RPO) (@) Bight anterior obique (RAT) 16. How can the radiographer reduce the amount of scattered radiation generated during a ra- diographic examination? A Use optimal peak kilovoltage. 72. Collimate closely. Sar 3. Use a grid. y ee (8) Land 2 only (© 1and3 only (D) 1,2,and3 Questions:4-18 377 Figure7-s. Couresy of Stamtors Hospial, Deparment of Racology. 47. Federal regulations regarding infection con- trol in the workplace, as amended by the Oc- cupational Satety and Health Administration quirements? a Hepatitis B immunizations must be made available te all hospital employees 26 Puncture:proof containers must be pto- vided for all used needles. 6 Follow-up care must be provi staff accidentially exposed to blood splash essttestick. (A) Lonly (B)_Land 2 only (Oy 2andd 18. An animal host of an infectious organism that transmits the infection via a bite or sting is a (A) vector.) ANIMA L (B) fomite. ¢MIECT (C) host. (D) reservoir. (TE 578__7:Practce Tost? 19, Ar(emetic)s used to ((A) induce vomiting (B) stimulate defecation (©) promote elimination of urine. (D) inhibit coughing 20. The presence of dust or s ratches on intensify- ing screens will cause (Qe) density in those areas of the clecreased density in thasmareds of he age. © (B) increased density in those areas of the image. (C) decreased density in all areas of the image. (D) increased density in all areas of the image. 21. Which of the following is (are) feature(s) of fluoroscopic equipment that are designed es- pecially to eliminate unnecessary radiation to patient and personnel? AProtective curtain .20 Filtration _3-Collimation (A) Lonly (8) and 2 only (©) Land 3 only 22, Which of the following will best demonstrate the lumbosacral junction in the AP position? (A) CR perpencicular to L3 (B) CR perpendicular to L5-S1 (©) CR caudad 30-35 degrees (6) CR cephalad legrees 4 iss 23, Which interaction between x-ray photons and matter involves partial transfer of the incident photon energy to the involved atom? (A) Photoelectric effect (@) Compton scattering (© Coherent scattering () Pair production 24, 23. 26. 274 28, During endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan- creatography (ERCP) examination, contrast medium is injected into the (A) hepatic duct. (B) cystic duct. (©) pancreatic duct. @)commonbile duct. How can OID be reduced for a PA projection of the wrist? (A) Extend the fingers. B) )Flex the metacarpophalangeal joints (C) Extend the forearm. {D) Oblique the metacarpals 45 degrees. Which of the following is most likely to pro- duce a high-quality image: (A), Small image matrix High signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (C) Large pixel size (D) Low resolution A decrease from 90-77 kVp will result ina de- crease in which of the following? 1, Wavelength 2) Scale of grays 3.) Optical density y KP (A) Lonly (B) 1 and 2 only 1 SAVE OF CRAY, eo CPTAL DENSI (D) 1,2,and3 4 ae mn: The image shown in Figure 7-4 exhibits @) adhesive tape artifact. (B) quantum mottle. (C) insufficient optical density. (D) motion. Figure 7-4. From the American Collegeof Radiology Learning Fil. Courtesy of the ACR. 29, Terms that refer to size distortion include © magnification 2. affenvation — 3. elongation. Caspr @) 1only @®) Land 2 only (©) Land 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 30. The function of the 5-minute fluoroscopy timer is to a) ® (8) terminate the procedure. (C) alert the technologist to reload the cam- (D) signal completion of the examination, 31. Biologic material is most sensitive to radiation ‘exposure under which of the following condi- tions? (A) Anoxic (B) Hypoxic ©) Oxygenated 9” Deoxygenated Questions: 19-96 __ 378 32 Which of the following is the preferred sched- uling sequence? (A) Lower GI series, abdomen ultrasound, upper GI series Abdomen ultrasound, lower Gl series, upper GI series (©) Abdomen ultrasound, upper Gl series, lower GI series (D) Upper GI series, lower GI series, ab- domen ultrasound 33. The RAO position is used to project the ster- num to the left of the thoracic vertebrae in or- der to take advantage of (A)_pulmonary markings. (© posterior ribs. (D) costal cartilages. 34. How would the introduction of a 6-inch OID affect image contrast? 9 (B) Contrast would be decreased. (C) Contrast would not change. (D) The scale of contrest would not change. 35. Exposure factors of 400 mA, 20 ms, 68 kVp, 400-speed system, at 40-inch SID were used to produce a satisfactory radiographic image. A change to 4 mAs can be best compensated for by which of the following? (A) Increasing the SID to 60 inches (B) Decreasing the SID to 20 inches (C) Decreasing the speed to 200 Increasing the kilovoltage to 78 kVp 36. Rapid onset of severe respiratory or cardio- vascular symptoms after ingestion or injec tion of a drug, vaceine, contrast agent, or food or after an insect bite best describes (A) asthma. (©) myocardial infarction. (D) rhinitis. 380__7:Pracive Test 2 37, Figure 7-5 llustrates which of the following? (A) Screen resolution test (B) Nine-penny test Collimator accuracy test (D) Focal-spot size test 38. The RPO projection of the cervical spine re- quires which of the following combinations of tube angle and direction? (A) 15-20 degrees caudad (@)_15-20 degrees cephalad) (C) 2-30 degrees caudad (D) 25-30 degrees cephalad 39. The patient usually is required to drink bar- ium sulfate suspension in order to demon- Strate which of the following structures? 2 Tum 1 3, Splenic flexure (A) Lonly (B) 1and3 only (© 2and3 only ©) 3only : 40, Which of the following can have an effect on patient dose? “{ Screen speed f 4. Filtration [ores ors A. SID s (A) 1only @p and 3 i 41. Which of the following positions would best demonstrate the lumbar intervertebral joints (B) Land 2 only (©) 2and3 only I and foramina? i (a) LPO cs LSS i Lay LATERAL (8) RPO “AOOVYGAL MTEKY Cee hrt6 LI@ue 4d 01 & | Foran, APO PH/KEA L 42, ‘The National Council an Kadiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) has recommended what total equivalent dose limit to the embryo/fetus? (A)_0.5 mSv (C) 50mSv (D) 500 mSv fee Questios:37-46 981 43. Fluids and medications are administered to patients intravenously for which of the fol- lowing reasons? To promote rapid response . eg To administer parenteral nutrition 3. To dchivea lel each) (A) Lonly LoTIoN © and 2 only TET Land 3 only X(D) 1,2,and3 44. Occupational exposure received by the radi- ographer is rcostly from @)) Compton scatter, (B) the photoelectric effect. (C) coherent scatter. (D) pair preduction. 45. The line-focus principle refers to the fact that @ the actual focal spot is larger than the ef fective focal spot Hosue red ent Neeson OTS PENI lees Fs (B) ‘the effective focal spot is larger than the Courtesy of he ACR, actual focal spot. (C) rays travel in straight lines. (D) xrays cannot be focused. 47. Which of the following effects does an antibi otic have on the body? 46. Which of the following positions will move the fundus of the gallbladder shown in Figure 7-6 away from the superimposed transverse process? (©) Increases urine output (a) RAO « (D)_Combats bacterial growth (A) Decreases pain - (B) Helps delay clotting (@).Lao 48, Examples of primary radiation barriers in- (© LPO clude (D) Left lateral decubitus @ rao room walls lead aprons F jadiosraphic room floor. (pon eee (@)_Land 2 only Land Sonly (D) 1,2,and 7 982_7:Pracioo Tost 2 49, Which of the following can affect histogram 53, The legal doctrine respondeat superior relates to appearance? which of the following? “A. Centering accuracy HISTOGRAM (A) Let the master answer. A Positioning accuracy (B) ‘The thing speaks for itselt. +> Processing algorithm accuracy (© A thing or matter settled by justice. (A) Tonly (D) Amatter settled by precedent. (B) Land 2 only (9 Bendsony see oop acne (D) 1,2,end3 Slee on . 1A, tube current, 50. Bone densitometry is often performed to 2. Target material, \. square of the Kilovoltage. (Eomeasure degree of bone (de)mineralize- ES equate ithe elovolge: ~ EXPOSURE Figure 7-8. 986 __7:Practvo Tost 2 78. Which of the following pathologic conditions 80. require(s) a decrease in exposure factors? ACPneumothorax - Cougcrion OF AIR AL EMPHYSEMA Size OF AI > Multiple myeloma ~ gg ere yrerton OF (A) Tonly Rone 2 meanrew (B) 1and2only (©) 2and3only 1,2, and 3. 79. Which of the following projections require(s) that the shoulder be placed in external rota~ tion? ateral forearm 3, Lateral humerus (A) Lonly (8) 1and2only (©) 2and3only (D) 1,2,and3 Figure 7-8, 81. In which section of the automatic processor shown in Figure 7-9 are the exposed silver halide crystals changed to black metallic silver? (B) Section? (©) Section 3 (D) Section 4 It is essential to question female patients of childbearing age regaraing the & date of their last menstrual period, possibility of their being pregnant. Scnumber oF Tay ‘examinations they have ad in the past 12 months. (A) only ‘and 2 only (© 1and 3 only (0) 1,.2and3 Film ext a = = Ss Se ee MODULATOR TILANSFER_ Function (MEF) CRESCLUTIONS. ReLORDE: Which of the following’ 1. Distance from object to image 2, Distance from source to object 3. Distance from source to image (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (©) Land 3cnly 1,2, and 3 Which of the following adult radiographic ex- aminations usually require(s) use of a grid? A Ribs “BNertebrae ee | (A) Lonly (B) Land 2only (Q) Land 3 only 1,2, and3 84. Which of the following radiologic examina- tions would deliver the greatest ESE? (A) Chest (B)_Skull ©) Abdomen (D) Thoracic spine 85. Combinations of milliamperage and exposure time that produce a particular milliampere seconds value will produce identical radi oprephic. density “TS Statement Boh CxO OFTHE (A) inverse-square law. (B)_line-focus principle. (rxiprocity hw) (D) Diog curve. 86. If single-emulsion film were loaded into its cassette with the emulsion facing away from the intensifying screen, the resulting Image would demonstrate (A) decreased density. (B) increased density: (©) crossover. (D) fog. DETAIL) _Questions:78-01 387 87. Which of the following is (are) well demon- strated in the oblique position of the cervical vertebrae? ‘+t. Intervertebral foramina, Disk spac A Apophyseal joints Jonly B) Land 2 only (© 1and3 only S (D) 1,2,and3 88. When medications are administered purenter- ally, they are given (A) orally. (B) orally or intravenously. (C) intravenously or intramuscularly. (D) by any route other than orally, 89. During an intravenous urogram (IVU), the RPO position is used to demonstrate the Weft kidney parallel to the IR. . 2. right kidney parallel to the IR. Q tight kidne} rendicular to the I (A) Lonly (8) 2only () Land 2 only ©) Land 3 only 90. Which of the following terms is used to, ex- press resolution/recorded detail? (A)_Kiloelectronvolts (keV) (C) Relative speed 91. Allother f ining the same, ifa 14 x17 inch field(is collimated to a 4-inch-square field, the radiographic image will demonstrate (A)_more density. less density. (Dy fess detail. 9887: Practice Test 2 92. Component part(s) of x-ray film include which of the following? Phosphor layer — TTENGIP>ING COREE (2,)Excessive kilovoltage was used. 2) Gelatin emulsion @) Adhesive layer (A) Lonly (B) Land 3 only (C) 2and 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 93. An increase from 78-92 kVp will result in an increase in which of the following? jae ) 2. Scale of grays ais | KVP “ate Tonly, (8) 1 and 2 only (C)_2and3 only OA 94, What should be done to correct for magnifica- thon when using air-gap technique? (A) Decrease O1D (8) Increase O1D , ee (D) Increase SID >) = a 95. In the AP projection of an asthenie patient whose knee measures less than 19 em from the anterosuperior iliac spine (ASIS) to table- top, the CR should be directed {A)_ perpendicularly. (B) 5 degrees medially. {Q) Sdegrees cephalad.» {HYPE RATENIC (OY) Segrees caudad.. & CHENIC CHAR POCIERTER 7 Ake AONESVE LaveK ——7 Emvgion ———* Saver 96. Which of the following statements is (aze) true regarding Figure 7-10? 2, High contrast is demonstrated. 3, Insufficient penetration is evident. (A) 1only (B) 1and2only ©) 2and3 only (D) 1,2,and3 is Figure 7-10. Courtesy of Stamord Hospital, Dopartment of Raology. 97. Most laser-film must be handled (A) under a Wratten 68 safelight. (B)_under a GBX safelight. (©) in total darkness: ©) wit peFafure processors, HaLice CrAIN CucPEN RED IN GELATIN 10-10 -nrtt G0 GO um Hg 98. During measurement of blood pressure, which of the following occurs as the radiogra- pher controls arterial tension with the sphyg- ™momanometer? (A) The brachial vein is collapsed, (B) The brachial artery is temporarily col- lapsed, (C) The antecubital vein is monitored. (D) Oxygen saturation of arterial blood is monitored. 99. Which of the following may be used as land- mark(s) for an AP projection of the hip? 1, Two-inch medial to the ASIS _ 2. Prominence of the greater trochanter ' Midway between the iliac crest and the ‘pubic symphysis (A) lonly &) land 2 onty land 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 160. Unlawful touching of a person without his or her consent is termed. (A)_assault battery. (© Talse imprisonment. (D) invasion of privacy. 101. Exposure factors of 100 kVp and 6 mAs are used with a 6:1 grid for a particular exposure. ‘What should be the new milliampere-seconds value if a 12:1 grid is substituted? (A) 75mAs 10mAs_ > mAs {D) 18mAs KATTERY~ n) PROPER HANDLING Questions: 92-106 389 102, A diabetic patient who has not taken insulin while preparing for a fasting radiologic exam- ination is susceptible to a hypoglycemic reac- tion. This is characterized by AC fatigue. 2 eyanowe. VA. restlessness. (a) Tonly (BL Land 2 only and 3 only () 1,2,and3 103. Which of the following conditions will require an increase in xray photon energy /penetration? (A) Fibrosarcoma (B) Osteomatacia (©) Paralytic ileus Ossites, op Kve 104. Which of the following affect both radiographic density and intensifying screen speed? 1) Thickness of phosphor layer Type oF prosproreused Heenes oP spongy Sgfeen support (A) Lonly (8) 1and2only (C)-1and 3 only (©) 1,2,and3 105. What js the name of the device that exposes a filmmulsion with an optical ste e having a number of densities ranging from white to black? (A) Densitometer — Md? vorrmnm ctasily , (©) Penetrometer ~ Qluuminvior Gep Wedd’ (D) Potentiometer ~ 106. A controlled area is one that is (A) restricted to access by non-radiation workers only. (B) monitored by survey meters. (C)Lecupied by radiation workers. (D) occupied By the generat population. 390 107. The AP axial projection of the chest for pul- 109. The process of radiation passing through tis- monary apices sue and depositing energy through ionization ACrequites 15-20 degrees of cephalad angu- SE lation. (A) the characteristic effect. 2. projects the apices above the clavicles. (B)_Compton scatter should demonstrate the jvedalemaat © linear energy transfer clavicles equidistant from the vertebral Re ee ue See (D) the photoelectric effect. 7 (A) lonly (B) 1and2 only * ©) 1and3 only ©) 1,2,and3 108. Which of the following statements referring to Figure 7-11 is (are) correct? 1, Image A was performed AP. 2, Image B was performed AP. 3. The AP image was obtained using ureteral compression. (A) only (@) 2only (C) land sonly (D) 2and3 only 110. The radiograph shown in Figure 7-12 can be produced with the me axis of the plantar surface xpendi- Galar to the IR. V2, CRAD degrees cephalad to the base of the third metatarsal ¢CRAD degrees cephalad to the talotibial joint (A) Lonly B, 2 only < (Q)) 1 and 2 only ) Land 3 only Figure 7-12. Courtesy of Stamford Hoepital, Department of Recology 111. An acute reaction caused by ingestion or in- jection of a sensitizing agent describes, (A)_asthma. Gas ALLEKGIC REACICN (CY myocandiaDintarction. 7 Contract (D) rhinitis. MEDIA 112, The collimator light and actual irradiated area must be accurate to within what percentage of the SID? CG cs (B) 5 percent (©) 10 percent (©) 15percent Questions: 107-116 __ 391 113. The brightness level of the fluoroscopic mage can vary with changes in AL, milliamperage. V2 KilovoTiage— Z@ patient thickness. (A) Lonly (B) Land 2 only (C) 1 and 3 only (D))1, 2, and 3 114. Which of the following methods can be used cffectively to decrease differential absorption, providing a longer scale of contrast in the agnostic range? A. Using high peak kilovoltage and low mil- fampere-seconds factors & Using compensating filtration “BNUping factors that increase the photoelee- ‘Theale (A) Lonly @) 1 and 2 only (© 2and3only (D) 1,2,and3 415. Which of the following pathologic conditions are considered additive conditions with re- spect to selection of exposure factors? 4 Osteoma KONY Tum ADOMONAL 2 Bronchiectasis 01.4 TA TIoa/ 3 Preumonla ieiananon / WSUE (A) Land 2 only (B) Land 3 only (C) 2and3 only (B) 1,2,and3 116. Compared with that of the hypersthenic and sthenic body types, the gallbladder of an. a5 thenie patient is most likely to be located (A)_higher and more medial. = a4" © lower and more medial s— Pr A (©) higher and more lateral (D) lower and more lateral. 992 _7:Practoe Tast2 117, Which of the following correctly identifies the 118, letter T in the radiograph shown in Figure 7-13? (A) Gliding joint (B)_Pivot joint (C)Diarthroticjoint) (D) Amphiarthrotic joint 19, 120. 121. 12, Figure 7-13. Courtesy of Bob Wong, A.T.(R), Which of the following correctly identifies the letter L in the radiograph shown in Figure 7-132 (A)_Hamate (8) Lunate) Gey (D) Trapezium Electronic imaging terms used to indicate the intensity of radiation reaching the IR include 1. exposure index, 2, Sensitivity (S) number. 3. field of view (FOV). (A) Lonly @) Land 2only © 2and3 only ©) 1,2,and3 Crescent-shaped black marks ona finished ra- diograph usually are due to proper developmen (B) (©) improper film storage. (D) static electricity. If 300 mA has been selected for a particular exposure, what exposure time should be se- lected to produce 18 mAs? (A) 40ms @ oms> |2 => Wo (©) 400 ms (©) 600 ms If the center photocell were selected for a lat- eral projection of the lumbar spine that was positioned with the spinous processes instead Of the vertebral bodies centered to the grid, how would the resulting radiograph look? Th tmage would bended) (B) The image would be overexpos © The image would be correctly exposed. (D) Anexposure could not be made. si 123. 124, 125. 126, 27. What type of shock results from loss of blood? (A) Septic ~ RACE AL (B) Neurogenic (©) Cardiogenic (@)Hypovolemi What is the most superior structure of the scapula? = (A) Apex ©@®) Acromion process (© Coracoid process (D) Superior angle Which of the following contribute(s) to base- plus fog? Chemical fog ‘Base tint 3, Background radiation (A) 1only (B) Land 2only (© 1and3 only () 12cnd3 ‘The roentgen, as a unit of measurement, ex- presses (A). absorbed dose. J dose equivalent. (D) dose to biologic material Which reducing agent is responsible for pro- ducing the gray tones on a radiographic im- agcieab ane Ki ol (A) Hydroquinone BLACK (@ Prenton GAY (© Sodium sulfite (D) Ammonium thiosulfate 128. 129. 130, 131, 132. Questions: 117-192 993 Which of the following cell types has the low- est radiosensitivity? (B) Muscle cells, (© Spermatids (D) Lymphocytes Which of the following radiologic examina- tions requires preparation consisting of a low- residue diet, cathartics, and enemas? (A) Upper Gl series (B)_Small bowel series (©_Barium enema (BE) (D) Intravenous (IV) cystogram Although the stated focal-spot size is meas- ured directly under the actual focal spot, fo- cal-spot size in fact varies along the length of the x-ray beam. At which portion of the x-ray beam is the effective focal spot the largest? (A) Atits outer edge (B)_Along the path of the CR (D) At the anode end Extravasation occurs when, (A) there is an absence of collateral circula- tion. (B) there is a multitude of vessels supplying, one area. (©) excessive contrast medium is injected. contrast medium is injected into sur- lesion with a stalk projecting from the intes- tinal mucosa into the humen is a(n) ($A) fistula (8) polyp. jiverticulum, (D) abscess. 304 __7:Practice ast2 ii fb: 4133, Both radiographic images shown in Figure 135. Which of the following would be most likely to 7-14 were made of the same subject using cause the greatest skin dose (ESE)? identical exposure factors. Which of the fol- ID. ee a eee nam CO) RED images? igh Kilovoltage e Ad 1 ld (C) Increased filtration 1. Image A demonstrates less optical density se cea because a shorter SID was used. ©) ca ge 2, Image A demonstrates more optical den- 136. Stochastic effects of radiation include sity because the subject was turned PA. 3, Image B demonstrates more optical den- (A)_blood changes. sity because a shorter SID was used, (B) genetic alterations, (A) 1only (C) cataractogenesis. (8) 2only (D) reduced fertility. {C) 3only 137. The cycle of infection includes which of the (D) Tand2only following components? 134. What is the minimum requirement for lead ‘Fh eserros fates infection aprons, according to CFR 20? 2 Pee poe nite (A) 0.05 mm Pb (B)_0.50 mm Pb Co ely, Sy 025 mea FD 2 (D) 1.0mm (B) 1and2only (©) 1and3 only ©)12and3 ee ee 138. Which of the following is (are) located on the proximal aspect of the humerus? 1. Intertubercular groove) 2. Capitulum 3. Coronoid fossa @) 1only (@) Land 2 only (©) 1and3 only (0) 1,2,and3 139. Adiuretic is used to (A) induce vomiting. (B) stimulate defecation. C= (D) inhibit coughing. 140. Which of the following positions is most likely to offer the best visualization of the pul monary apices? (A) Lateral decubitus (8) Dorsal decubitus Erect lateral AP axial lordotic 141. Which of the following is used to obtain a lat- eral projection of the upper humerus on pa- tients who are unable to abduct their arm? (A) Bicipital groove projection (B) Superoinferior lateral (©) Inferosuperior axial ‘Transthoracic lateral 12. The positive electrode of the x-ray tube is the (A) capacitor, (B) grid. | cathode (D)) anode. Questions: 129-147 395 143. Which of the following is (are) demonstrated in the lateral projection of the thoracie spine? at 2. Apophyseat joints 43. Intervertebral foramina (A) Lonly (B) 2only and 3 only Dy 1,2,and3 144, Which of the following positions would demonstrate the right lumbar apophyseal ar- ticulations closest to the IR? (A) LAO, 145. All the following are related to recorded detail except GB) motion, (B)_focal-spot size. SID scattered radiation. yor ney ate? ee 146. Grid interspace material can be made of 7 plastic. * 2 leak (A) Lonly B) Land 2only © land 3 only (©) 1,2,and3 147, What is the annual TEDE limit for radiation workers? (A) Smsv (8) 500 msv (© _5000 msv 996 _7:Pracica Tast2 hpeittear lc cans : 1 148, All the following statements regarding beam 153._An advantage of coupling the image intensi- restriction are true except fier to the TV camera or CCD via a fiberoptic Ah) wean resicon improvesconastreso”_colingevicae is t lation: ae compact size WW beam restriction improves spatial resolu- 2),durability. fon. aby fo accommodate auxilary imaging Vt) field size should never exceed IR dimen, devices. sions. (A) lonly I Ye Juices patient dose, (B}) 1 and 2 only 149, Body subst id fluids that a mM eae |. Body substances and fluids that are consid- a ered infectious or potentially infectious in- ae i Suds; 154. Which of the following is (are) tested as part Sputum. ofa QC program? ay 4 eis See {Beam alignment go ee (2rReproducibility f (A) Lonly Linearity 1 (B) Land 2 only ety i (©) 2and3 only eee 1 @) anPiande! (Q) Land 3 only Q and j, 150. Verbal disclosure of corvidential information ey Aegean? 1 thtis detrimental tothe potiot i efeed 1955 he bone labled number in Fgute7-15 isthe J (A) talus. ; (A) invasion of privacy ( J B)_ slander, ) eels i (©) libel. aa (D) assault (0): lateral cuneiform. a i 151. Which of the following, medications com- | monly found on emergency carts functions to raise blood pressure? (A)_Heparin Gh Nowpine RAD) (C) Nitroglycenin (D) Lidocaine 152, Focal-spot blur is greatest (A) toward the anode end of the x-ray beam, {B)_toward the cathode end of the x-ray eam. (©) directly along the course of the CR. (D) as the SID is increased. Tie Figure 7-18. Courtosy of Stamfoxd Hospital, Dopertmont of Rasiology 156, . Stemnal compressions during with the heels of the hands located about CPR are made - Questions: 148-165 567 161. Which of the foflowing is most useful for bone age evaluation? (A)_1W4 inches superior to the viphoid tip) \h inch (A) Lateral skull (B) [finches inferior to the xiphoid Hp. peAVEB) PA chest AG inches superior to the xiphcid tip. (D) 3 inches inferior to the xiphoia tip. 157. The processor rollers that are out of solution and function to transfer the film from ane so- Jutjon to another are the (A) deflector plates. (B)_guide shoes. G@ crossover rollers) (Dy tammaraand assembly. 158. Which of the following tures are located in th ups of organs/struc- Ceit}inper quadrant? (Ar Left kidney, left suprarenal tric fundus (B) Left suprarenal gland, pvlorus, and duo- denal bulb (©) Hepatic flexure, cecum, and pancreas {D) Gastric fundus, liver, and cecum 159. if 32 mAs and H-speed sereens were used to produce a particular radiographic density, what new mas value would be required to produce the same density if the screen speed. were changed to 400? (A) amas) (B) mAs (©) i75mAs (D) 256maAs 160. Recommended method{s) of minimizing mo- tion unsharpness include L-sspended respiration Deshort exposure time. ~ ‘3, patient instruction. ~ (A) Lonly (B) Land 2only {©)_1and 3 enly y LLand Sw (C)_AP pelvis 162. The function of the developer solution chemi- calsis to (A) reduce the manifest image to a latent im- age. (B) increase production of silver halide crys- tals. 4G) reduce the latent image to a manifest im- (D) remove the unexposed crystals from the file 163. Which of the following interactions between scray photons and matter is most responsitle for patient dose? ) The photoelectric effect (By Compton scatier (C) Classic scatter (D) ‘Thompson scatter 64. A minor reaction to the 1V administration of a contrast agent can include 77a few hives -2hrausea 3a flushed face (A) Lonly (B) Land 2only and 3 only ,2,and 3 165. In an AP abdomen radiograph taken at 105- em SID during an IVU series, one renal shadow measures 9 cm in width. If the OID is 18 cm, what is the actual width of the kidney? maven 398 __7:Pracioa Test 2 166. Which of the following affect(s) both the quantity and quality of the primary beam? —tHalf-value layer (HYL) 2 Kilovoliage 3. Milliamperage (A) 1only 2only and 2 only ©) 1,2,and3 What is the best position/projection to demonstrate the longitudinal arch of the foot? 167. (A) Mediolateral (B) Lateromedial (Q__Mediolateral weight-bearing lateral (©) _Lateromedial weight-bearing lateral Which of the xray cire.tit devices shown in Figure 7-16 operates on the principle of self induction? 1. Number 1 2. Number 2 3. Number 3 ; (©) 2and3 only ¥¢ x ed (D) 1,2,and3 A 168. 169. 170. a7. Referring tn the simplified x-ray circuit show? in Figure 7-16, what is indicaced by the number 4? (A) Step-up transformer {B)_Kitovoltage meter (by Reaiification system ‘The line-focus principle expresses the rela- tionship between GF actual and effective focal spot 1D) SID ws NT TESUTFing TENSITY (©) exposure given the IR and resulting den- sity. (D) Kilovoltage used and the resulting con: rast The typeof isolation practiced to prevent the spread of infectious agents in aerosol form is (Dy rspiratory isolation, (B) pORRETE Bolation: (©) contact isolation. (D) strict § 2 c 4 Ee 4 Gun OF JAIL AmPERE Figure 7-16 172. Which of the following is (are) essential to high-quality mammographic examinations? AeGpall-focal-spot x-ray tube _ Short-scale contrast _3-Tse of a compression dévice - (A) Lonly (8) Land 2 only (Q. Land 3 only (©) 1,2,ana3 173. As the conversion efficiency of intensifying- screen phosphors increases, witt Re@ui Re vo mas A, patient dose increases. 2) noise increases. Opeth | (A) Lonly {B) Land 2only (©) 2and only (@) 1,2,and3 174, X-ray tube life may be extended by 1. using low-milliampere-seconds /high-kilo- fae 23 Srolinglengihy aroek lengthy anode rotation. 3, avolding exposmresigs Conanode, (A) only (B) land 2 only (C) land 3 only © 22 anas 175. A focal-spot size of 0.3 mm or smaller is es- sential for which of the following procedures? )}-Bone radiography (B)_ Magnification radiography (©) Tomography (D) Fluoroscopy 176. What type of x-ray imaging uses an area beam, and a photostimulable phosphor as the IR? ( onal radiography B) Computed radiography (© Digital radiography (D) Cineradiography - Questions: 66-18 399 177. The term used to describe the gradual de- crease in exposure rate as an xray beam passes through matter is ) attenuation: (B) absorption (C) scattered radiation (D) secondary radiation. 178. The principal function of filtration in the x-ray tube is to reduce x (B) operator exposure. (C) scattered radiation. (D) image noise. = GO J) ParteNT COSE 179, The effects of radiation on biologic material depend on several factors. If a quantity of ra- diation is delivered to a body over a long pe- tiod of time, the effect (A) will be greater than if itis delivered all atone time. (©) willbe less than if it is delivered al at one time. (C) Tas no relation to how it is delivered in time. (D) solely depends on the radiation quality. 180. Which of the following shoulder projection can be used to evaluate the lesser tubercle in profile? (A) External rotation position (@®_Intemal rotation position (©) Neutral rotation position (D) Inferosuperior axial position 181. The x must coincide to within (A) 10 percent of the OID. (B) 2 percent of the OID. beam and collimator light field 400__7:Practce Test 2 182. The use of which of the following is (are) es- sential in magnification radiography 1 Highsratingrid ZX Fractional focal spot )¢.3nm FOCAL COT 3, Direct exposure Technique (A) Lonly (B) 2only (©) Land 3 only (D) 1,2,and3 183. A minimum total amount of aluminum filtra- tion (inherent plus added) of 2.5 mm is re- (A) above 50 kVp. (B)_above 60 kVp. (D) above 80 kVp. a 184, Which type of error results in grid cutoff at the periphery of the radiographic image? OFT OMI 48) Offcenter (C) Off-level (D) Offangle 185, Each of the following statements regarding respiatory structure is tre exept (A) the left lung has two lobes. (B)_ the lower portion of the lung is the base. (©) each ung is enclosed in pee the main stem bronchus enters the iy hih e 186, ‘The term differential absorption is related to an, FIEHAQ 187. Which of the following techniques might have been employed in the production of Fig ure 7-17? _ Motion“ 2, Anode heel effect \a-Compression (A) Lonly Vand 2 only © 1and3 only () 1,2,and3 Figure 7-17. Reproduced, with permission, from Shephard CT. Radiographic Image Production and Manipulation. New York: MeGraw-Hi, 2003, intensity. oe pibapemeass DuUbanertic! Ahkerptin pathology. i (A) Lonly (B)_ Land 2 only ((Q)2and 3 only \py 1,2,and 3 agich Orwtiedd 4+ patty intow'ly mi inctuckel in Ofperertial Abarplen Se = ES ee 188. Which of the following statements is (are) true with respect to the differences between the male and female bony pelvis? AC The female pelvic outlet is wider. (The pubic angle 1s 0 degrees or less in the male 3. The male pelvis is more shallow. (AY 1 only oi and 2only (© 2andvonly (D) 1,2,and 3 189. All the following are rules of good body me- chanics except (A) Resprbeelslraigheavatd twisting (B) keep the load close to the body. i wr (C)_ push, do not pull, the load @ keep a saynoy base of suppor 180. An exposed image plato will elain is image (A).2 hours. shows) (C) 24 hours: (D) 48 hours. 191. Europium-activated. barium fluorohalide is associated with (A) rare earth intensifying screens, B)_image intensifiers. (C)_image plates. (D) filament material EUROPiuM “ACTWATEN BARIUM FLUO Kola bs Questions: 182-19 401 192, Which of the following formulas would the radiographer use to determine the total num- ber of heat units (HU) produced with a given exposure using three-phase, 12-pulse equip- ‘ment? (A) mA x kVp Xs {B) mAX kVp Xs x 3.0 (OQ. mA x kVp Xs x 1.38 (D) mA x kVp x s x 1.41 193. An increase in exposuce factors usually is re- quired in which of the following circum- stances? Ai Edema A Bcites 5: Raromegaly (A) lonly (B) Land 2only (©) land 3 only @) 1,2, and 3 194. The control dosimeter that comes from the monitoring company should be tored in a radiation-free area kept in a designated control Booth (C) keptin the film processing area. (D) used as an extra badge for new person: nel. READING KM ETL 402 __ 1: Practica Test2 195, What is the appropriate action if a patient has 197. Impingement on the wrist’s median nerve signed consent for a procedure but, once on causing pain and disability of the affected the radiographic table, refuses the procedure? hand and wrist is known as (A) Proceed—the consent form is signed. (A) carpal boss syndrome. (B) Send the patient back to his or her room. (B)) carpal tunnel syndrome, {C) Honor the patient's request and proceed ) carpopedal syndre=ne with the next patient. (D) radioulnar syndrome. (0) Immediately stop the procedure and in- form the radiologist and the referring, 198, What is the function of the x-ray tube compo- 196. physician of the patient’s reque3t. ‘To maintain image clarity, the path of electron flow from photocathode to output phosphor is controlled by (A)_the accelerating anode. ) electrostatic lenses) (©) the vacuum glass envelope. {D) the input phosphor. nent numbered 2 in Figure 7-18? (A) To release electrons when heated (B)_To release light when heated (© To direct electrons the focal track? (D) To direct light to focal track = um. 2 ees a a_i 199. Of what material is the x-ray tube component numbered 5 in Figure 7-18 made? (A) Cesium. (B) Copper (©) Molybdenum ~ Questions: 195-200 403 200. Of what material is the x-ray tube component numbered 2 in Figure 7-18 made? (A) Cesium PRET (©) Molybdenum >

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