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Practice I
Johari Ibrahim. (2015, November 13). Malaysia on Unesco board. New Straits Times,3.
Leech, J. (2020, June 30). 7 Science-based health benefits of drinking enough water. Healthline.
World Health Organization (2021, September 22) Household air pollution and health.
MacKenzie, I. (1997). English for business studies: A course for business studies and economic students.
Cambridge University Press.
Lutsenko, L. (2018). Eliza Haywood’s empathy: Creating a narrative discourse of her own. 3L: The
Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies, 24 (1), 29-39.

Practice II
1. Dancz, V., & Guha, R. (1983). Coming to writing and other essays. Harvard University Press.

2. Walt, J. (2003). Speaking a second language. Language School Journal, 6, 200-211.

3. Lucas, S.E. (2007). The art of public speaking. McGraw Hill.

4. Freedman, D.H. (2009,13 July). Brain boosters. Newsweek, 14.

5. Malloy, J. (Ed.). (n.d) Blood types and personality. http://www.btp/blood.pdf

Practice III
Bachman, L. F., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language testing in practice. Oxford University Press

Bialystock, E., & Sharwood-Smith, M. (1985). Interlanguage is not a state of mind: An evaluation of the
construct for second-language acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 6, 101-117.

Campbell, R., & Wales, R. (1970). The study of language acquisition. In J. Lyons (Ed.), New horizons in
linguistics (pp. 242-260). Penguin.

Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the theory of syntax. MIT Press.

COBUILD English language dictionary. (1991). Harper Collins.

Cooper, R. L. (1970). What do we learn when we learn a language? TESOL Quarterly, 4, 303-314.

Divorced couple fight for frozen embryos. (1999, November 6). The Guardian, 18.

Martinson, J. (1999, November 6). Micosoft faces defining moment. The Guardian, 10.

Sinclair, J. (1991). Corpus, concordance and collocation. Oxford University Press.

Widdowson, H. G. (1983). Learning purpose and language use.Oxford University Press.

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