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When a girl turns 15 years old in Mexico, her family and friends often celebrate with food and dancing, This also happens in many parts of Central and South America. A wedding is always a big celebration! In Egypt, dancers and musicians gather around the married couple and dance for up to one hour! Then people eat a special dinner. People celebrate family reunions all over the world. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents come together to eat and have fun. Folk dance is popular around the world. In Turkey, folk dancers wear colorful costumes and dance at weddings and festivals. People like to watch folk dances, but they also like to dance themselves! A fair is a great place for people to come together and have fun. Many fairs have farm animals, delicious food, fun games, and bands that play music Comprehension 0, CF Think Which pictures do you like the most? Why do you o oO like them? Match each word to a sentence. Write the letters. 1 volleyball a Teams in this sport play in the World Cup. folk dance Children go to parks and zoos with parents. Chinese New Year There are summer and winter games. family reunion People often wear colorful costumes. This often has games and farm animals. fair Winners must reach a score of 25. Children’s Day Children often get money in red paper envelopes. rereang 2 3 4 5 soccer 6 7 8 Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents come together to eat and have fun, Olympic Games Write one fact from the reading. Fact: Words in Context Match a word with a picture. 1 athlete 2 championship 3 band 4 envelope . ° . . Wrap Up Writing © Read this play about children having fun. Tile — Our Fun Day! Listof —= Characters: Marco Jenna Karen Fred characters {The four characters are sitting together in the center ofthe stage.) What Marco: Hey, everyone, What was your most fun day? characters Jenna: Oh, that's easy. It was a party. We had a picnic lunch with lots of food. cas ‘We had a strawberry cake. Then we played games in the yard all day, Writing : 0 Read this play about children having fun. : Tile — Our Fun Day! $ Listof = Characters: Marco Jenna Karen Fred characters [The four characters are siting together in : the center of the stage.) : What Marco: Hey, everyone, What was your most fun day? 3 characters Jenna: Oh, that’s easy. It was a party. We had a picnic lunch with lots of food. ie We had a strawberry cake, Then we played games in the yard all day, enna pretends to kicka ball.) What about you, Karen? Karen: My most fun day was when I went to my family reunion last summer. What saw all of my uncles, aunts, and cousins, We played softball and vicar volleyball together. {Karen pretends to hita ball with a bat.) -_ Fred: My most fun day was when I went fishing with my grandfather, We got in ‘a small boat, and I caught six fish! I put them all back in the water, but it was really fun! {Fred pretends to be fishing.) Marco: And my most fun day is today! ‘All: Really, Marco? Why? Marco: I'm with all of my best friends! That's the most fun I can havel (Everybody laughs.) 6 Answer the questions. 1 What did Jenna eat at the party? WRITING PROCESS STEP 1 2 Who did Karen play with at the family reunion? Brainstorm Ideas ‘* Write down all the ideas that come into your mind. How to Write a Play —————~_* Don't stop to think about what you write, Just keep writing, 3 Whyis today Marco's most fun day? © Write a list of characters at the top of the play. © Choose a title for your play. © Write what each person says using the characters’names. © Inbrackets, write what the characters do. Gurite Now go to the Workbook to plan and write your own play about having fun! [XE 24 Review Do you work out every day? Lesson C Sonversation/ a Conversation strategy Saying more than yes or no A Look at the photo. What do you think Celia and Andy are talking about? B 4) 150 Listen. What do you find out about Celia? How about Andy? Celia Hi! see you here all the time. Do you work out every day? ‘Andy Well, | come here before class. Celia Oh, are you a student? ‘Andy Yeah. Well, 'm a part-time law student And | work at a TV station, too. Celia ATV station? Really? Andy Yeah. I'm an intem. So, do you come here every day? Celia Uh-huh. | run here from home every morning ‘Andy Oh, so do you live around here? Celia_No. live about 10 miles away. Andy So you run 10 miles a day? Wow! C Notice how Andy and Celia answer questions. ‘They say more than yes or no. They want to be friendly, Find examples in the conversation. Le re aT D Find two good answers for each question below. Write the letters 0 toh. Compare with a partner. 1. Do you tive around here? ‘ 2. Doyouhave a job? 3. Are you from here originally? 4. Do you have brothers and sisters? No, | don’t. | live in Oaktown. Yeah. | have a part-time job at a restaurant. Yes, | am. But my patents are from Turkey. Yes. Ihave a sister. a. Well, work at store on the weekends. . No, I'm from Chicago originally. c. Well, I live about two miles away. d. No, I'm an only child. Fone "W851 E Pairwork Ask and answer the questions above with a partner. Give your own answers, and say more than yes or no. A Do you live around here? B No, I don't. live about seven miles away. i ae 4 3 aA Strategy plus well, STAGE 2 Nouns, adjectives and adverbs 31 the and an: definite and indefinite articles She's got a girl and a boy. The girl's ten and the boy's eight. He gave me a book and a cassette. I liked the book but I didn’t like the cassette very much. a + singular noun - the first time we say the noun © a = one. ais not particular. * the + singular/plural noun - the second time we say the noun, the is particular. Practice 31 Complete the sentences using a, an or the. 1 I've got ..2., lighter and .,2.. box of matches but .the., lighter doesn’t work very well 2 There's... doctor and ..2., nurse in ,.the,. village but . the, doctor's getting rather old now. 3° I bought... . Sandwich and .sscsssssees PiCCE OF CAKE, ssssssstnne sandwich was all right but cake was horrible. 4 . woman and two men were here a few moments ago. I think . woman wanted to see you 5 They've got ..... Og AIH sca csrissncs Cy . rabbit and some goldfish but the children like dog best. 6 He sent me two letters and --s«: postcard while he was on holiday, .........0.0. posteard didn’t say much but ..........-. letters were very interesting. 7 You can have ..-..cssece+- apple OF. © OTANGE, --seveseeneee apples are nice and sweet, B There's sesecsseesess PhUM tree and ......0.s..00. peach tree in our garden. peach tree doesn’t produce many peaches but ..........-. plum tree produces lots of plums every year. 9 There's «0.0... theatre and two cinemas in town but one of ... cinemas is closing down, 10 There’s .............., train at 2.00 and one at 3.30. 2.00 train takes two hours and ........000 3 acosssvosiccass Hal 30 train takes ............... hour and Nouns, adjectives and adverbs STAGE2 32 The articles a and the ‘That's a nice car. Did you clean the car? (the car = our car, or this car) We've got a dog. (the dog = our dog, or the dog that Where's the dog? lives here) You've got a big garden, (the garden = our garden, or the garden The dog's in the garden, at this house) Is there a station in this town? ‘The station is in the town centre. (the station = the station in this town) This is an interesting book. The author has some very unusual ideas. (the author = the author of this book) ‘The café next to the station _—_ (We know which café. It is the café next is open all night. to the station.) @, an + singular noun: ‘That's a nice car. ‘There are other nice cars and we are talking about one of them. the + singular or plural noun: the ~ one in particular, We are talking about a known object, person or animal. The speaker and listener know which one it is. It is not one of many. Iti one in particular: Did you clean the car? We are talking about our car. There is only one of these. ME Practice 32 Complete the sentences using a, an or the. 1 This is ..4.. beautiful painting. Does ..the,, artist live near here? 2 [bought ,,4,, new toothbrush this morning and I can’t find it. I'm sure 1 put it in bathroom. 3 Can you get . fresh cream cake when you're out? ... SOP ON ..sessoesses CorMer usually sells them, 4 Its . very nice school and ...... teachers are all really hard-working, 5. ‘Look! There's . eatin. . garden! “Yes, it’s .. cat from next door” 6 There's .esscecscees MAM Ab .e.seeneesee GOOR, He wants to see you! 7 We stayed in . very nice hotel, .. Foom was comfortable and .... food was excellent. 5 What do you do for fun? 41 Vocabulary Leisure activities and places A ©) Listen and repeat ka. hang out play soccer watch movies B ) Listen and repeat. ata club at a restaurant at home at the mall in / at the park Pair work 0 you do the activities in Part A? Where? Tell your partner. ‘A: Iwatch movies at home. Do you? B: Yes, | do, | watch movies at the mall, too. 2 Conversation In our free time Listen and practice. = What: do you do for fun, Chad? Oh, | hang out with friends. Yeah? Where do you hang out? At the mall, We sometimes watch a movie or go shopping. What about you? | play soccer in the park, Sounds fun, Who do you play with? My brother and his friends. Actually, we need another player. Are you interested? Chad: Yeah! unit 3 Grammar ~) iain a cated ‘What do you do for fun? Who do you play soccer with? Ihang out, My brother and his friends. Where do you hang out? When do you usually play soccer? Atthe mall. We usually play on weekends. How do you get there? Why do you play soccer? We take the bus. Because it's my favorite sport. A Read the answers, Write Wh- questions. Then practice with a partner. 1 2. 3 4 5. 6. -Howdoyouget toclass? _____ _| take the bus to class. | eat out on Fi I play sports with my brother. | go shopping at the mall. My friends and | watch movies on Saturday. | sometimes study with my friends. B Pair work Ask and answer the questions in Part A. Answer with your own information. ‘A: How do you get to class? B: | usually walk, but I sometimes take the subway. & Speaking Tell me more! A Pair work interview your partner. Take notes. 11, When do you usually check your email? 2. What time do you go to bed on Sundays? 3. When do you chat with friends? 4. Wiho do you eat out with? Where do you go? 5. Where do you go shopping? How do you get there? 6. What do you do for fun on weekends? Why? B Pair work Tell another classmate about your partner's answers. Are any of your partners’ answers the same? ‘A: Celia usually checks her email at night. B: Luis checks his email at night, too. Go to page 136 for more practice. | eanask and answer questions about leisure activities. ea 51

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