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Everyone agrees that the head of each person plays in his life no less
important function than the heart. In fact, the human skull is a complex
system, which has a very interesting structure and performs serious
functions. The bones of the head protect the brain and senses. Between
them, they are joined by seams and give support to the digestive and
respiratory systems

The skull is divided into the facial and brain departments. The bones of
the brain part form a cavity for the brain and, in part, for the sensory
organs. In addition, they serve as the basis for the face and skeleton of the
primary parts of the digestive and respiratory systems. Some skull bones
have cavities that are filled with air. They are connected to the nasal cavity.
Thanks to this structure of bones, the mass of the skull is not very large,
but at the same time its strength does not decrease from this. The brain
skull consists of eight bones: two temporal, two parietal, frontal, wedge-
shaped, latticed and occipital bones. Some bones of the facial part of the
skull serve as the basis of the skeleton of the masticatory apparatus

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