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Continuing Education Department: AELD Program Counseling #: __________

Student’s Name: Teacher’s Name: Level: Skill: Date:

Criteria Score
Inadequate Developing Meet Expectations
(0) (.25) (.5)

Active participation & Sometimes contributions to class discussion;

Never contributes to class discussion; fails to Always Proactively contributes to class
Relevance of Contribution hardly ever volunteers but responds to direct .5
respond direct questions. discussion, asking questions and responding to
to topic under discussion questions.
direct questions.
Class on time Contributions, when made are off-topic or
Contributions are sometimes off-topic or
absence distract class Contributions are always relevant

Listening Skills &

Behavior Never listens when others talk, interrupts, or Occasionally Does not listen carefully and Listens and appropriately responds to the
makes inappropriate comments, displays comments are often nonresponsive to contributions of others. Rarely displays
disruptive behavior during class discussion. disruptive behavior during class
Doing assignments and
Self-study on time
never does any assignments and the self-study Does most of the assignments and the self- Always does all the assignments and the self-
on time study on time study on time
Interacts well with others
Using suitable, accurate Uses a mixture of English and Arabic to
Speaks in English 60% to 80% of class time Speaks in English 100% of class time
forms, especially the ones contribute
Applies the use of new language forms studied Always applies the use of new language forms
studied. Makes frequent errors without trying to
as possible studied

Grade: _____/1.5

Action Plan for next counseling By the next counseling session, the student will:

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