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COOKERY 9, Quarter 2, Week 4

Present a Variety of Salad and Dressings

Name: ___________________________________ Section: __________ Date: __________


Week 4
Mode of Delivery
Monday Home Identify Read Key concepts:
3:00 – 5:00 Economics tools and Modular with parents
(COOKERY equipment > Factors and getting the modules
Techniques in presenting from the advisers
and plating salad
>Structure of Salad For those who opted to
Tuesday Home Special Read and understand have a digital copy of
3:00 – 5:00 Economics lesson the module, it will be
(COOKERY >Guidelines for sent to them through
>Arranging Salad email or messenger.
Sanitary Practices on Your output could be
Arranging Salad submitted through the
email address of the
teacher or it can be
Wednesday Home Special Answer posted or sent through
3:00 – 5:00 Economics lesson Exercise No. 6 & messenger
(COOKERY Exercise No. 7
Thursday Home Special
3:00 – 5:00 Economics lesson Accomplish Activity No. 8
Answer summative test
Friday HR
3:00 – 5:00 Homeroom Guidance

Learning Competencies:

 Present salads and dressing attractively

 Observe sanitary practices in presenting salad and dressing

Key Concepts:

Factors and Techniques in presenting and plating salad

People eat with their eyes. The question is “Does the food say, eat me?” It is very
challenging to prepare salad and present it attractively. A salad presentation is an edible food
styling which could make everyone enjoy eating. Salad is a healthy food and should be presented
beautifully to make it appealing to one’s appetite. (Aida H. Rondilla et. all. Cookery Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood Track: Home Economics Strand.Vol.I. Cubao, Quezon City, Manila,

A salad that is well-presented is beautiful, colorful and captivating. It does not only make
the diner really want to eat, but it also allows the diner to identify the food ingredients, their quality
and the technique used in preparation. (Aida H. Rondilla et. all. Cookery Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood Track: Home Economics Strand.Vol.I. Cubao, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines.2017)

1. Choose salad greens that are fresh and crisp. Crispness is the most desirable
characteristics of vegetable intended to be eaten raw. Vegetables washed thoroughly in
cold running water. Place in a colander and drain. Cover with damp towel and refrigerate
to maintain the crispness of the greens. When the greens are wet and combined with the
dressing, the dressing will be diluted and tasteless and prevent it from coating the leaves
or the greens.
2. Choose pleasing combinations with contrast color, texture, form size and flavor. For green
salad, carrots are added for accentor sometimes tomatoes can be used. The natural colors
of vegetables and fruits make the preparation of salad pleasing not only to the sense of
taste but also to the sense of sight. Vegetables and fruits should be cut uniformly. They
maybe cubes, stripes or shredded. Tiny cherry tomatoes and baby corn maybe confirmed
as whole. Vegetable are bland in flavor.
Chopped onions and celery are added to enhance the flavor.
3. Choose the correct dressing, best use a small amount of it. Dressing should be added
before serving to avoid weltering of the greens. Too much dressing makes the salad limp.
4. In case of potato salad, dressing is added long before serving to have the flavor,
mayonnaise penetrates to potatoes. Dressing can be served separately, in salad.
5. Arrange salad attractively and avoid fixed appearance. Toss ingredients lightly. Too much
mixing will crush or bruise the vegetables.” Fixed arrangement” require too much time and
undue amount of handling the ingredients.
6. Use appropriate salad bowls or salad plates. Salad looks better on white solid plates or
bowls. If should be the focus.
Serve salad cold.
(chill green for a few minutes before serving). (Aida H. Rondilla et. all. Cookery Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood Track: Home Economics Strand.Vol.I. Cubao, Quezon City, Manila,

Salad presentation is an art of modifying processing, arranging and garnishing it, to

enhance its aesthetic appeal. The following factors are considered in preparing and
presenting salad.

Balance. There must be balance in arranging the ingredients according to colors, cuts or
shapes, textures and flavors to enhance the appearance of salad and appealing to one’s
Harmony. Adds ingredients that will harmonize or go with the salad. Chopped herbs, thinly
sliced vegetables, shredded carrots, sprinkles of spices may be mixed with drizzles
sauces or dots of flavor oils. There should be unity of the ingredients and dressing.
Height. Heavy dressing or topping makes salad weighed down and not appealing. Fresh
and crisp greens add height and help create visual appeal.

Color. Salad ingredients of different colors add to eye appeal. Create colorful tossed
green salads by adding shredded carrots or beets or red cabbage.

Texture. Meat or fish has a texture which is contrast with the texture of fresh vegetables
and thru a combination of both is very pleasing and appealing.
(Aida H. Rondilla et. all. Cookery Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track: Home
Economics Strand.Vol.I. Cubao, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines.2017

Structure of a Salad

Plated salad has Five parts

1. Base or Under liner

2. A cup- shaped leaves of iceberg or Boston lettuce make attractive bases. They give
height to salad.
3. Body- main part of the salad

4. Garnish- an edible decorative item that is added to salad to give eye appeal and adds
flavor as well. It should be harmonized with the rest of the salad ingredients
5. Dressing- a seasoned liquid or semi liquid added to the body of the salad to give added
flavor, tartness, spiciness and moistness.
(Dressing may be added at service time, served separately for the costumer to add,
or mixed with the ingredients ahead of time.)
Guidelines for Arranging Salad

1. Keep the salad off the rim of the plate

2. Strive for a good balance texture
3. Height helps make the salad attractive
4. Cut ingredients neatly
5. Make every ingredient identifiable
6. Keep it simple

Sanitary practices in presenting salads and dressings

When plating, you should make sure that all the utensils are clean and safe to be used
by the guests. By following sanitary procedures, you are also ensuring the quality of the salads
you serve. The following standard procedures help ensure both quality and sanitation:
1. Ceramic crockery and cutlery items should be free from cracks.
2.Stainless or iron tableware should not have dents and rust.
3.The garnish should be edible and prepared properly.

4.The doneness and freshness of food should be checked before serving. It should be made
sure that cooked food items will be served cooked and raw items will be served fresh.
5.Thoroughly wash all salad ingredients before using in a salad presentation.
6.Keeping salad ingredients well chilled keep them crisp and sanitary as well.
7. Keep dressings containing egg or dairy products refrigerated at or below 41 degrees
8. Chill salad plates before plating to avoid wilting greens and other ingredients.
9. Use gloves or utensils to handle salad ingredients because it is ready-to- eat food.
10.Mixed tossed salads with dressings as close to service as possible City, Manila,

Guided Practice

Activity/ Exercise No. 6

I. Directions: Put star [ ] in the box if it states a correct practice in preparing salad
and [ ] if wrong.

1. Ceramic crockery and cutlery items should be free from cracks.

2.Stainless or iron tableware should not have dents and rust.
3.The garnish should be edible and prepared properly.
4.The doneness and freshness of food should be checked before serving. It should be made
sure that cooked food items will be served cooked and raw items will be served fresh.
5.Thoroughly wash all salad ingredients before using in a salad presentation.
6.Keeping salad ingredients well chilled keep them crisp and sanitary as well.7. Keep dressings
containing egg or dairy products refrigerated at or below 41 degrees Fahrenheit

II. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong, underline and
change the word or group of words to make the statement correct.

1. Weight make a salad attractive.

2. Make every ingredient identifiable
3. Keep it simple
4. Keep the salad on the rim of the plate
5. Strive for a good balance and texture
MY Perfect Match!
Activity /Exercise No. 7

Direction: Match the description in column A to the terms in column B, write the letter of
your answer on the blank provided before each number.

__________1. a texture which is contrast
with the texture of fresh vegetables and A. Height
thru a combination of both is very pleasing
and appealing.
__________2. arranging the ingredients B. Texture
according to colors, cuts or shapes,
textures and flavors to enhance the
appearance of salad and appealing to
one’s taste. C. Balance
____________ 3. There should be unity of
the ingredients and dressing.
____________ 4. add to eye appeal. D. Color
____________ 5. Fresh and crisp greens
add height and help create visual appeal. E. Harmony

Activity /Exercise No. 8
Food Sketching Making

A structure means, designing the plating in our own imagination. Create a sketch for a POTATO
SALAD presentation then put label on your work.

5 Very creatively done and able to achieve in 60 seconds.
4 Very creatively done and able to achieve in 70 seconds.
3 Creatively done and able to achieve in 80 seconds.
2 Less creatively done and able to achieve in 90 seconds.
1 Untidy done and able to achieve in 100 seconds.
Create here!


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