Is Genetic Testing Necessary Academic Paper

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Is Genetic Testing necessary?

Why is genetic testing needed?




Because it examines for mutations in our DNA, genetic testing has proven useful to our

civilization. This test is beneficial to those who are suffering with medical problems. Genetic

testing is used for a number of reasons, such as establishing if a genetic condition runs in your

family or, more simply, revealing abnormalities in our bodies that might lead to disease. This

type of testing identifies our health and helps us educate each other, especially our families,

about the risks shown by the results. It's a good idea to periodically examine our health to

determine if we're disease-free and whether we're at a low or high risk of becoming unwell. It's

ideal if we seek assistance sooner rather than later so that we can search things up for cure or

medicines for prevention.


What is genetic testing? Genetic testing is used in many ways in medicine for it can

change the medical care everyone receives. There are a few different kinds of genetic tests like

the usage of blood and a spit sample which the results will later on be available. There are

several reasons why genetic testing is done and some of these are that plenty of people or

families rather, needs to learn whether a genetic condition is occurring in their body that is

running in their family before they have symptoms, to be acknowledged about the chances in the

current pregnancy or future pregnancies if it will have a genetic condition, to have a better

understanding for the prevention of cancer or treatment plans and to diagnose a genetic condition

if a child may have symptoms. Although genetic testing will definitely help us figure out

symptoms, this may be too expensive for some people and the results do not always turn out the

way we want it to be.

It is proven that not only a single genetic test will be able to determine genetic disorders

because it is based on our medical and family history and what type of condition you are being

tested for. There are 3 types of tests; Single gene testing, Panel testing, Large-sample genetic

testing. Single gene testing is examining only a single gene and is used when a genetic mutation

is found in a family. Panel testing is looking forward to some changes in multiple genes in a

single test and these are usually grouped because it is based on different kinds of medical

concerns like epilepsy, short stature, and low muscle tone. Lasty, Large-scale genetic testing, in

this type of testing, there are two different types of sequencing. The Exome sequencing is where

only the genes are being focused at which are related to medical conditions. Genome sequencing

is a large genetic test which looks at a DNA and not just focuses on the genes.

The results of a genetic test can either be positive, negative, and uncertain. Positive is

when the test has seen a genetic change known to cause illness or disease and negative is the

opposite while uncertain is when there is not enough information whether to declare it as positive

or negative therefore some tests will be done to make sure.


Doing tests earlier will be a great idea to perceive cures or medicines that can possibly

prevent a disease from worsening. It will help you think, decide and have numerous options if

you get checked before feeling weak and tired. It is always best to be advanced especially when

you are a pregnant woman who is unsure about the health of your infant. Genetic testing is

mostly done to pregnant people which is done between 15 weeks and 22 weeks of pregnancy in

which an ultrasound is done to detect a lot of things in the womb.

Genetic testing is usually done once in a lifetime because genetic information normally

does not change and doing this often is not necessary and may increase your anxiety and cause

stress. The results may affect the mental health if the outcome is dreadful and may affect

relationships between relatives or family.



“Genetic Testing.” CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 23 March 2020, Accessed 17 May 2022.

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