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Key Logging

What is the issue of keylogging?

Key logging is the action of using a computer program to view what a person types onto their
device, they can record every letter and word the person types. They then use the recorded
information to access unauthorized data as well as confidential accounts. Not only can the
hacker see what you type, they can access conversations and download word-to-word chats.
The person typing on their laptops would be oblivious of any action occurring on their
device. They then distribute all the data from your device onto other hackers for them to also
keep a file of your data. Most of the time, the hacker’s information and data they retrieve
from you gets sent to a third-party hacker and the process repeats over and over again.
Who uses keylogging?
People using the format of keylogging can be varied, whilst hackers may be using them to
gain your data and confidential passwords, employers use them to keep up with the actions of
what employees do. Some keylogging events occur where the hacker stops your screen
during an event that captures them and take data at random times of the day, they can be
known as screen recorders, the work that they do are like keyloggers.
Who does it impact?
Keyloggers can pass on or even steal things such as credit card numbers or passport directors,
which can soon lead to the victim having their identity stolen. Things like cyber attacks will
soon occur to you online and your actions will be recorded, no matter how innocent and
strong your laptop is. You can financially be impacted, or even be struck down from your
job, since the keylogger can see all the things you type and record it, it makes it harder for
you to report any fraud information, leading to vulnerability and trauma within the victim.
Such things as your Facebook account can be reversed and posts that you may not agree with,
or even private screenshots and photos will be posted if the attacks do occur.
How does keylogging work?
Keyloggers locate your device by downloading a type of virus from an application
installation, probably accessed from the dark web. They then install it onto a download that
you may make and process your download to include the virus installation. Keyloggers
access your device with an even better hardware that can track your typing without you even
installing an app. They use things such as keyboard sniffing with signals, the hacker would
then use keyboard overlays, where they can steal your pins and the program is installed to
blend into your laptop, so that you are completely unaware of you.
A keylogger’s software includes the following:
- It is remote; they can access data from the local locations as well as remote places by
using a communication method.
1. Uploading data to a website, database, or FTP server
2. Chronologically sending data to an established(aligned) email address
3. The hackers use wireless transportation to link the data to the victim’s software
4. They then begin access in logging into the remote machine
For better usage, the keyloggers update their software with extra data, they include:
- Clipboard logging; copying anything to the hacker’s device
- Screen logging; Randomly taking screenshots of your computer
- Control text capture; the hacker can access programs such as passwords even if it is
highly secured
Keylogging statistics

In July 2017, a breach at Equifax reported that there were about 145 500 000 citizens that
were key logged, adding it as the highest breach in history. Not only can they see influential
things, but they also see things like Business records, medical and health activity,
government, and military forces, as well as schools. Over the past 10 years, it was reported
that there were large increases in Keylogger malware. Although it sometimes can be easy to
detect a virus, about 80% of all keyloggers are not easily detected by antivirus or firewalls. If
a keylogger is caught, they will be sentenced to jail for 10 years, providing them with more
faith in expanding their keystroking to avoid jail.

How to prevent keylogging

The best way to detect a keylogger is to go to your device’s taskbar and check the memory
and activity, if the device reads that it remembers no recent data, or something is at 0%
within recent data statistics. If anything goes wrong, and you suspect anything fishy, it would
be best to visit the IT or computer specialists to seek further advice.
1. Always use verification via your phone or device whilst logging in, use things like
fingerprints or face verification. To ensure to extra safety connect your phone to your
device and use a different code every time. By using the step, even if the keylogger
can steal your username, they are unable to go into your account. If you want to
secure your accounts, always use a two-step entry, so that if someone who is not you
tries to access your account, you will immediately get notified.

2. Always update your software. By upgrading your laptop software over time, it adds
extra security for the hacker to break through, preventing them from accessing your
device. Install new features of security (if they are safe) to make the security much
more efficient and secure. Ensure that you always log out of accounts when you are
done with them, just to prevent extra information being easily stolen. Key Encryption
is also a great software to prevent the keylogger from seeing the exact strokes that you

3. Always read the terms and conditions before downloading an app and check out the
reviews first. The reviews page always has complaints, therefore, if you do see
repeated complaints about something within the app that you do not agree with or am
upset with, it is better to not download it.


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