States of Matter-Ii Liquids: Mcqs 2 Course Outline

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States of matter-ii


MCQs = 2
Course Outline

• Properties of liquids
• Intermolecular forces
• Dipole-dipole forces
• Dipole-induced dipole forces
• Vapor pressure
• Boiling point and external pressure
Learning Outcomes
• Describe simple properties of liquids e.g; diffusion, compression, expansion, motion of molecules,
spaces between them, intermolecular forces and kinetic energy based on kinetic molecular theory.
• Explain applications of dipole-dipole forces and Dipole-induced dipole forces.
• Explain physical properties of liquids such as evaporation, vapor pressure, boiling point, viscosity and
surface tension.
• Use the concept of hydrogen bonding to explain the following properties of water: high surface tension,
high specific heat, low vapor pressure, high heat of vaporization, and high boiling point
• Anomalous behavior of water when its density shows maximum at 4 degree centigrade

• Define vol
• No definite shape
• K.E (Gas > Liquid > Solid)
• I.M.F (Solid > Liquid > Gas)
• Inter-molecular distance (Gas > Liquid > Solid)
• Can diffuse
• Incompressible
• Fluidity
• Evaporation
Intramoleaular forces Inter-molecular forces
• Primary Bond • Secondary Bond
• Within molecule • B/w molecule
• Strong • Weak
• Holds the atoms • Holds molecule
• Determine chemical behavior • Determine physical state
• High thermodynamic values • Low values
• Distance is Angstroms • Distance is microns
• B/w all type of molecules • B/w covalent or non-ionic molecule
• Measured by bond energy • Measure by,, ∆Hv
• Ionic bond, Covalent bond, Coordinate • Ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole forces,
covalent bond L.D.F, induce-Dipole forces H-bonding,

The heat of vaporization of the liquid A, B and C are 60, 30 and 40 recall/mule respectively the
order of decreasing inter molecular forces among their molecules is:
(a) A > B > C (b) C > B > A (c) A > C > B (d) B > C > A

Dipole-dipole forces
• Force b/w permanent poles
• Dipole-dipole forces  Polarity   .E.N  Thermodynamic parameter (Heat of
vaporization, M.Pt, B.Pt, Heat of sublimation 
• 1% effective as covalent bond.
• HCl, HBr, HI, H2S, PH3, SO2, Aldehyde, Ketones, CO
Hydrogen Bonding (5)
• In involve FON
• Slightly coordinate covalent
• 20 time weaker than covalent
• Directional
• Form network & chains
• Strength of H-bond (HF > H2O > NH3)
• Max H-bonding (H2O > NH3 = HF)
• CHCl3 & Acetone
• Group V, VI, VII top member have high B.pts due to H-bonding
• HF, H2O, NH3, Glycerol, H2O2, Alcohol, Amines, Amino acid, Glycol, Sucrose, Glue, Honey, Glucose
• Inter-H-Bonding(Association) (B/w molecules, Stability of molecule =  , of molecule =  , Para-
• Intramolecular H-bonding (chelation)
Application  On melting the ice H-bonds are broken and space between water molecules decreases and
density of water increases upto 4ºC.
Which one of the following does not show hydrogen bonding?
A. Water B. Ethyl alcohol C. Phenol D. Diethyl ether
Compound with a greater number of hydrogen bonding is:
(a) CH3OH (b) H2O (c) HF (d) H2SO4
In which of the following pairs hydrogen-bonding is not possible?
(a) NH3, NH3 (b) NH3, CH4 (c) H2O, CH3OCH3 (d) CH3OH, CH3OCH3
(i) Highest network of H-bonding (ii) Highest =?
(a) HF (b) H2O (c) NH3 (d) CH4
Hydrogen bonding is involved in
A. Solubility B. Cleansing action of detergents
C. Biological molecules D. All
When water freezes at 0 C its density decreases due to
A. Change of bond angles B. Cubic structure of ice
C. Empty space present in the structure of ice D. Change of bond length

Hydrogen bonding in 𝐻 − 𝐹 is stronger than 𝐻2𝑂 and 𝑁𝐻3. The highest boiling point among the three
is of: (Med 2018)
A) 𝐻𝐹 B) 𝑁𝐻3 C) 𝐻2𝑂 D) All have equal boiling points
Compound with a greater number of hydrogen bonding is: (Eng-2018)
(a) CH3OH (b) H2O (c) HF (d) H2SO4
The compound which can form hydrogen bond with water is (Med-2017)
A. CH3–O-CH3 B. CH3–CH2-OH C. CH3 –CH2-NH2 D. None of the above.
Which one of the following compounds participates in hydrogen bonding (Med-2013)
(A) CCIH3 (B) CH3OCH3 (C) CH3NH2 (D) C6H5OCH3
Choose the compound in which hydrogen bonding is not possible (Med-2014)
(A) H2O (B) HCl (C) CH3COOH (D) CH3OCH3

Dipole-Induce Dipole forces

• Force b/w polar (Dipole moment is non-zero) and non-polar ( Dipole moment is zero)
• Debye forces
London Dispersion Forces (Instantaneous diploe-induced dipole) (3)
• Temporary dipoles, short lived, Short rang forces
• Signification in Non-polar
• L.D.F  Size  No. of atoms in chain  Straight chain
• Polarizability  Size of atom
• Polarizing power 
Size of atom
Order of strength:
Chain covalent bond > Ionic bond > Metallic bond > Polar covalent bond > Coordinate covalent > Non-
Polar bond > Ion-dipole forces > H-bonding > Dipole-dipole forces > L.D.F
Atomic size of xenon is larger than Neon. Considering the London dispersion forces which one of the
following is true. (Eng-2016)
(a) Neon molecules have weaker London dispersion forces
(b) Xenon molecules have weaker London dispersion forces
(c) Xenon and Neon have almost same London dispersion forces
(d) Xenon have lower boiling point than neon
London forces are stronger in: (Eng-2015)
(A) Br2 (B) I2 (C) F2 (D) Cl2
Halogens in uncombined state exist as diatomic covalent molecule (X 2), their discrete molecules are
held together by: (Eng-2015)
(A) Dipole – dipole attraction (B) Electrostatic attraction
(C) Weak Vander Waal‘s forces (D) Strong Vander Waal‘s forces

Evaporation (4)
• Spontaneous
• Occur at all temp
• Before boiling point = Evaporation, At boiling point = Vaporization
• Surface phenomenon
• Endothermic
• Cause cooling
• Need no catalyst
• Physical process
• Earthenware vessels keep water cool due to evaporation
• Temperature of the liquid decrease
1 1 1 1
• Evaporation  Surface area  Wind velocity    
I.M.F Polarity Size of molecule Impurities
1 1 1
  
External Pressure Density Humidity in Air

When substance moves from a solid to a liquid state all of the following changes occur except
A. Molecules become more disordered B. K.E of the molecules decreases
C. Intermolecular forces become weaker D. Molecule become further separated

The liquid with highest rate of evaporation among the following is: (Eng-2018)
(a) Water (b) Ethyl alcohol (c) Ammonia (d) n-pentane
Evaporation depends upon: (Med 2018)
A) Surface area B) Temperature C) Both (A) & (B) D) None of the above
The heat of vaporization of the liquid A, B and C are 60, 30 and 40 recall/mule respectively the order
of decreasing inter molecular forces among their molecules is: (Eng-2016)
(a) A > B > C (b) C > B > A (c) A > C > B (d) B > C > A
Earthen pots keep water cool in hot summer due to: (Eng-2016)
(a) Capillary action (b) Surface tension
(c) Evaporation (d) Combined effect of (a)&(b)
Steam causes severe burns than boiling water. It is due to (Eng-2016)
a) Absence of hydrogen bonding b) High latent heat of vaporization
c) Freely moving molecules d) Statement is incorrect
The rate of evaporation of gasoline is greater than that of ethanol at the same temperature because:
a) The gasoline molecules does not have hydrogen bonds.
b) The gasoline molecules are comparatively of small size.
c) The gasoline molecules are of linear shape.
d) The gasoline molecules are optically active.

Vapour pressure (2)

Dynamic Equilibrium
Pressure exerted by vapors when Liqiud Vapours

Unit : mmHg.
1 1 1 1
• V.P  volatility  Temp    
B.Pt I.M.F Size of molecule Polarity
• Not effected by Amount of liquid, surface area,
• Glycerol < Mercury < H2O < CCl4 < Chloroform < Isopentane (V.P & Volatility)
• Measuring tool = Barometer, Manometer (accurate method)
• V.P = P + h
Vapor pressure of a liquid in a closed container depends upon:
(a) Surface area of container (b) Temperature
(c) Amount of liquid (d) All of these
Which one of the following has highest volatility
A. Diethyl ether B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Water D. Ethylene glycol

Which one of the following liquids is more volatile? (Eng-2019)

A) Chloroform B) Ethanol C) Water D) Glycine
Vapor pressure of liquid does not depend on (Eng-2019)
A) Temperature B) Intermolecular forces
C) Amount of liquid D) Amount of solid dissolved in liquid
Vapour pressure of a liquid can be measured by the Barometric method and Manometric: (Med-2014)
(a) Barometric method is more accurate than Manometric method.
(b) Manometric method is more accurate than Barometric method.
(c) Both are equally accurate and applicable.
(d) Both methods are in use but are not reliable.
Ethyl alcohol was added to water to form a clear solution. What do you expect to be the vapour
pressure? (Eng-2013)
A) It will be equal to V.P of water B) It will be more than V.P of water
C) It will be less than V.P of water D) It will be equal to V.P of ethyl alcohol

Boiling point
• Temp at which Pexternal = V.P
• Temp is constant for boiling water
• CH3COOH = 118.50°C, H2O = 100°C, C6H6 = 80.15°C, C2H5OH = 78.26°C,
CCl4 = 76.50°C, CS2 = 46.30°C, C2H5OC2H5 = 34.5°C
1 1
• B.Pt   impurties  I.M.F  molecular weight  Polarity  Straight Chain  
V.P Branching
No. of atoms in chain  No. of polar part
i. Pressure cooking
ii. Vacuum distillation
• Glycerin = 290°C = 760 mm Hg
= 210°C = 50 mm Hg
Place Pressure B.Pt
Sea level 1 atm 373 K
Murree Hills 0.921 atm 371 K
Mount Everest 0.425 atm 345 K

If we provide very high amount of heat to a liquid its boiling point will
A. Increase B. remains constant
C. Decrease D. there will be no boiling
Boiling points of hydrocarbons increase with the increase in number of carbon atoms. It is mainly
due to
A. More strength of H-bonding B. More strength of London forces
C. Less polarizability D. All of the above
The boiling point of the halogens:
(a) Increase down the group (b) Decrease down the group
(c) Remains constant (d) can't be predicted
At high altitude the boiling point of water is less than 100oC this is because of (Med-2019)
a) High atmospheric pressure b) Weak hydrogen bonding
c) No change in atmospheric pressure d) Lower atmospheric pressure

Energetic of phase change

• Energy change for one mole substance at constant P
• Solid ⎯⎯⎯
→ Liquid H f (Ice = 6 KJmol-1 )
• Liquid ⎯⎯⎯⎯→
Vapours H v (Water = 40.7KJmol-1 )
• Solid ⎯⎯⎯⎯
→ Vapours HS (Iodine = 62.3KJmol-1 )
• ∆Hs > ∆Hv > ∆Hf
•  H  Size of molecule  I.M.F  polarity
• H2O, SO2, NH3 = Higher H
Change of state and dynamic equilibrium
• Two reversible process at same rate

• Solid
vapors (ak jaga)

Solid Deposition
Given that, H2O(l) ⎯⎯ → H2O(g) ; ∆H = +43.7 kJ
H2O(s) ⎯⎯ → H2O(l) ; ∆H = + 6.05 kJ
The value of ∆H(sublimation) of ice is
A. 49.75 kJ mol-1 B. 37.65 kJ mol-1
C. 43.7 kJ mol D. -43.67 kJ mol-1
∆H Sublimation = ∆H Fusion + ∆H vap
Surface tension
• Energy required to expand unit area of liquid
• Unit = Jm-2, Nm-1
• Representation = η
• Surface tension = F/ = Nm-1
• Water surface tension = High due to H-bonding tension
• Water drop spherical = least surface to volume ratio, high surface tension
1 1
• Surface tension  I.M.F    Highly soluble impurities

• Soap, Detergents, salts of higher sulphonic acids & higher amines reduce surface tension by breaking
• Surface tension = Zero at boiling
• Surface tension = Vanish at critical temp
• Sugar = No effect little effect
• Increase = Inorganic salt
i. Torsion method.
ii. Capillary method
iii. Drop method or stalagmometer
n d
• γ = w  γw
n dw
• Resistance for a liquid to flow
• Measurement of internal resistance to flow
• Unit: Kgm-1s-1
• Honey > Milk > Glycerin > Blood > Ethanol > Water > Methanol
• Ostwald’s viscometer
• Viscosity  Molecular mass  Irregular shape  I.M.F 
Viscosity of liquid
• Relative viscosity = (Unit = Centipoises)
Viscosity of standard
• Coefficient of viscosity = Force to maintain the differences of one ms-1 b/w two parallel layer (1
poise = 10-1 Kgm-1s-1)
Liquid crystals have a structure (Eng-2014)
(a) Like liquids (b) Like crystalline solids (c) Like amorphous solids (d) Between solids and liquids

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