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Complaints Policy

November 2016

Version 1 DATE

Change note 5
Responsible Robert Smith 23/12/2016


Change To

1 Purpose
The purpose of the Complaints Policy is to set out, for all members and volunteers, the format and
procedure by which they may appeal or complain about any of GRACE’s Activities.

2 Scope
All members, and Volunteers.

3 Accessibility
This policy is written in English but can be translated into Community Languages and also large
print and audio for people with sight impairments and hearing difficulties.

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

Complaints Policy
Aim of Policy
GRACE endeavours to offer a high standard of member services and to be open and accountable.
Whilst GRACE aims to provide a high-quality service to all its members, there may be occasions
when the member is dissatisfied with the service we deliver.
Although the group will make every effort to resolve any complaint it receives a complaints system
will not solve every problem nor prevent dissatisfaction. We will, however, undertake to monitor
all complaints received.
Monitoring of complaints will assist in highlighting areas of members concern and where GRACE
can make improvements or changes to the way we deliver a particular service.
GRACE will treat all complaints seriously. Every complaint will be investigated fairly in accordance
with GRACE’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
GRACE will seek to resolve complaints quickly and effectively in a fair and impartial manner and to
agreed performance standards.
GRACE will issue clear guidance on how to make and progress a complaint about any aspect of the
service provided by GRACE.
Where a member has a justified complaint, GRACE will apologise and take appropriate action to
remedy the situation. Complaints will be monitored on a regular basis and justified complaints will
be considered when reviewing policies and procedures.
The formal complaints procedure is open to any individual member, prospective member, family
or friends of members, Social Services, and other statutory services or organisations that receive
or expect to receive services from GRACE.
Formal complaints can be made in writing, on the telephone, in person to a staff member or
through another organisation or individual.
The following list gives examples of what can be complained about, however, is not exhaustive.
A complaint should be made when there is:
A failure to provide a service, for example, not responding to a member enquiry, not carrying out
an agreed training, a rude or unhelpful employee, any dissatisfaction with how a decision is
A complaint should not be made when there is:
Disagreement with a legally taken decision. This will only be a complaint if the process taken to
reach the decision is at fault.
It is important that complaints are dealt with sympathetically, quickly, and efficiently.
Confidentiality will be respected and all complaints recorded.

Stage 1 - Project Team

The person originally involved or the manager of that team will deal with a complaint, particularly
if the complaint is about the conduct of an employee. Even if a complainant bypasses the staff
member or manager, they will be requested to try and resolve the matter at the service level.
Complaints will be fully investigated and a full response should be made within 5 working days of
receipt of the complaint.
Stage 2 – Management Team

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

If the member is dissatisfied with the response received, then the complaint will be referred to
GRACE’s Management Team. The appropriate Senior Manager will respond within 5 working days.
Stage 3 – Board
Where GRACE’s Senior Manager is not able to resolve the problem to the member’s satisfaction,
then the complaint will be referred to the next Board Meeting and a response will be provided, in
writing, from the Chair of the Board within 5 working days of this meeting.
Stage 4 – Statutory Body
If having followed the above steps, the complaint still not resolved to the member’s satisfaction
they have the right to appeal to the appropriate statutory body. (See attached list)

If at any stage in the process described above, GRACE is not able to provide a response within the
timescale indicated, the member or complainant will be informed, in writing, and given an
explanation of the reason for the delay, and advised when the issue will be dealt with. Complaints
will only be accepted if they are made within one calendar year of the event or issue.

GRACE’s offices will make available on public display, a simplified version of the formal Complaints
Policy (Appendix 2), which includes a form (Appendix 3), that members may wish to use to lodge
or make their complaint.

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551


Complaint received - by Investigation and response

Stage 1 within 5 working days.
Service originally involved.

Complaint resolved to
Members satisfaction?

Referred to Management Investigation and response

Stage 2 within 5 working days.

Complaint resolved to
Members satisfaction?

Referred to Board Stage 3 Discussed at next scheduled

meeting, Reply within 5
working days of Meeting.

Complaint resolved to
NO Members satisfaction? YES

Stage 4 Complaint still not resolved to member’s satisfaction, they have the
right to appeal to representatives of the appropriate statutory body.


GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

GRACE aims to provide the best possible service, but there may be occasions when you are not
happy about something, and if this is the case it is important you tell us.
Anyone who receives or requests a service from GRACE can use the Complaints Procedure. The
formal complaints procedure is open to any individual members, prospective members, family or
friends of members, Social Services, and other statutory services or organisations that receive or
expect to receive services from GRACE. Formal complaints can be made in writing, on the
telephone, in person to a staff member or through another organisation or individual.
You can complain about any aspect of our service, which you are unhappy about, for example:
 If you have not received the service agreed on
 If you have not received information you have asked for
 If you feel that a GRACE member of staff, a Committee member. or a Contractor has not
behaved reasonably towards you.
 If you feel you have been unfairly discriminated against
We will try to deal with complaints sympathetically, but there are some things we will not be able
to give you information about.
You have every right to make a formal complaint whenever you wish to, but in the first instance it
can often be quicker and easier for everyone if the problem can be sorted out informally — the
choice is yours! To try and resolve a problem informally, the best thing for you to do is to talk to
(or drop a line to) project staff or the Manager of the team, letting them know what you would like
to be put right. He or she will let you know how long it should take for the problem to be sorted
out, and hopefully a solution will be reached.
We will, as far as possible, respect the confidentiality of your complaint. Whilst we are looking
into your complaint, your name will not be divulged any more than is absolutely necessary within
GRACE’s data protection policy. You will appreciate, however, that if your complaint involved
another member or a member of staff, it may be very difficult for us to look into this without
talking to that member or staff member.
Anonymous Complaints
If you don’t want to give us your name and contact details, we will try to investigate your
complaint but we cannot guarantee to resolve your concerns to your satisfaction.
Complaints can help us as well as you! All formal complaints made to GRACE are recorded and
reported to the Board together with changes or improvements GRACE may be taking as a result of
the complaint received.
We would always hope that a problem could be sorted out informally. However, you may feel it is
important for you to get independent advice before you decide whether to complain to us
formally. Available advice agencies include: -
 Welfare Rights Service
 Citizens Advice Bureau
 Third Sector Organisations

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

 Law Centres
 Solicitors

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

Appendix 3 - Complaints Form

Complainer Details: Complaint received by:

Name: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________

Service: _______________________________ Date received: __________________________

Date of event: ___________________________ Investigated by: ________________________

Date complaint submitted: _________________ Date investigated: _______________________

Nature of complaint Outcome of complaint

(If insufficient room please continue on the back (If insufficient room please continue on the back
of this page or attach complaint in writing to this of this page or attach outcome in writing to this
form.) form.)

Are you as the member satisfied with the Who participated in the investigation?
outcome? If not please explain.

Do you wish to take this further? If outcome is satisfactory investigator should

sign below; if unsatisfactory explain next step
and who the complaint is now passed on to.

Signed: Signed:

GRACE is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) Number SC043551

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