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| janual o - ; Tropical and B Koenigsbert rs uilding ‘ ey Mayhew, Szokolay eT using .. Climatic Desigh Manual of tropical housing and building Climatic design T. G. Ingersoll former Deputy Hed ol he Hows a Reser Unit Gnmereny of Secs a Techntagy uman, Grane Alan Mayhew Dwectar of Development. University Collage of Cape Coast. hens S. V. Szokolay Orient Longman Contents List of figur List 0 symbols Preface and acknowledgements Introduction ate: The given cond lot ements of climates perature = its use les of thermal design 3.1 Thermal quantities 3.2 Heat exchange of buildings 3.3 Periodic heat flow 4 Means of thermal contro! 4.1 Mechanical controls 42 Structural controls 43 Ventilation and 1 Forward analysis stage in development stage rent design stage dels and analogues 9 Bibliography 10 Appendices Index 131 133 141 169 im tat 201 203 213 221 29 235 237 207 267 275 219 a5 ‘N Daylighting in 62 5.25 The design sky concept 526 Daylighting in the tropics tne sun, but the Hh amving The utimate source of di anh trom the sun may DE By ine atmosphere and the loc See ec eeieic| condos) OO Seca ees a ight wil 12" 9 building Header a oun inside # ding oh may reach (Figure 91) ugh a window oF 7800 seaugn one wine One ground oF other Duna 522 Climate and light 523 The daylight factor concept £24 Dewy, Vatiables Climate conditions will greatly influence both the total quantity of light lative magnitude of the above components In hgh lantude moderate climates. where the Sky is typically overcast the ine shy hemisphere acts as a ight source, Direct sunlight may occur bare relied on The sky itself has a luminance sufficiently high te normal rooms On the basis of many odservations the Commis, 'Eclarage (CIE) has established the luminance distribution sky_ 36 varying according to the function Whole op aN be Provide lighting ‘OM Intemationsie y of a typical overca. (142 xsiny) where £, = luminance at y altitude engle 4, = luminance at the horizon Thus the zenith luminance (L,) = 3 xL,, [75] Hot Ory desen climates are characterised by strong direct suni skies. Direct sunlight is usually excluded from buildings for tn SAY 'sayprcally of a deep blue colour and its luminance may be a¢ nol enough to ensure adequate daylighting. This clear sky usw, ight from cloudiess }ermal reasons The low as 1700 com? ally has the highest angles to the sun 's of other buildings will refec: daylighting. It may. however Strongly lit light surfaces are within the ital Meld Light dust suspended in the ait may create» haze and increase the Sparen sky brightness up to 10000 ed/m?. but the frequent heavy dust and sang storms can reduce it to below 850 cd/m? In warm-humid climates the sky is typically overcast, with a luminance often Sxceeoing 7000 cd/m? The proportion of Giffused or skylight is predominant and the very bright sky viewed from » Moderately lit room can cause discomfort glare |n composite climates wide variations occur in natural lighting. between 9st and clear sky conditi ons, Du to the vatiabiity of eut-door lightin Melt imtetion lighting in ph oven building. at a certai Sut door illumination can Percentage. is 9 levels it is difficult (and perhaps meaning }otometric illumination terms. However 9 2 PDOInt. the rat/0 of the illumination to the simultaneous be taken as constant This constant rato. expressed as 3 the daylight factor (OF) c +100 (%) i at the pont taken, ‘WmNaHON oUt door * from an unobstructed sky hemisphere A conde SO8EEL 8 valid (the taig remains constant only unde ove ponents yearn M8 180 diget suntighe Tien according to 5 21 abe "nls will contubute to the ayliaht factor 4 Component (5 Bean a 1 cana ested componann (Eney 164 Commoner (i hoe oF © “ERE san 4 MeO wach Of these cor PEHVALS depends on the following de>! f Me hago SAY vise OA THY POLL Considered and its average atuude ‘ne a ‘“ ON SKY at that angle) therefore window size and pos! and its Sindow frame members, quality of glass ad Jeanness, any external obsiructions b ERC — the area of external surfaces visible from the point considered and the reflectance of these surfaces IRC the size of room, the ratio of wall, etc., surfaces in relation to window area Sod the reflectance of these indoor surfaces 143 the technique of calculating each.of these components is described in Section 3 When the daylight factor for a given point has been established, it can be converted rte an illumination value, if the out-door illumination is known 5. Bf 42sig" SKY oy example, it DE Brcept 8% and E, = 6000 lux pr = £100 e £4100 f e 6000 8 6000 100 = 480 lux By statistical evaluation of long-term illumination records an out-door illumina tion level (£,) can be established for a given location, which is exceeded in 90% | (or 85%) of the time of daylight hours (the ninetieth or eighty-fifth percentile illumination level). This is taken as the ‘design sky’ illumination value for the partic: ular location. With this the above calculation can be reversed and used as a basis | of design, according to the following steps | 1. establish required illumination level, E. (see appendix 9.1) — e.g. 300 lux fi 2. ascertain local ‘design sky’ illumination, E. ~ e.9. 9000 lux 3. calculate necessary daylight factor | 300 100 = 3:33% 0 factor This method ensures that the required indoor illumination level will be reached oF exceeded in 90% of the time. The remaining 10% of the time is likely to occur in short spells, fairly rarely, when human adaptability may be relied on; the visual task may be taken closer to a window or artificial lighting may be used. To provide for Such tare occurrences would be uneconomical and unduly restrictive, resulting. in _. @xGessive lighting most of the time. ‘Some typical ‘design sky’ illumination values (in lux) are | tendon tat. 52° 5000 Hobart lat, 43°— 5500 Sydney tat. 33° 8000 Brisbane iat | 4 manipulate the design variables (window size, etc.) to achieve this daylight | — 10000 Darwin lat. — 15000 Nairobi lat. — 18000 } 26 | wlihting in [he above method ensures adequate daylight, even witha very low level of out-door {if "picg “ahting, thus most of the time the specified illumination levels will be exceeded. ang YSically ~ physiologically this is advantageous (visual efficiency is improved) | in temperate climates the psychological effect of such over-lighting is likely to an increased sense of well-being By contrast, in warm climates both the physical and the psychological effects Tignid, be disadvantageous. Due to the accompanying thermal radiation over- "8G Would mean overheating. And overheating would cause much greater dis- 5.27 In hot-dry climates. orien dn ora eeernen. oo, cevchologioelly more acceptable, as ght ia au reduced lighting with coolness This, however, requires gFea skin handling pany ilumination for the necessary visual etfciency and pari, loomyetfect Visvel ‘gloominess’ is « subjection Contrast between the very bright out doors and te stengthened by factors affecting the other sense Emell, even by untidiness The tate and probleme of daylighting in topcl cima mmaroed os flows cay 'Ohtly under entaly ssgent as, 80 0 a4 18 to provide adequate daylight. even if the windows are ov grilles for thermal reasons b_ to exclude from the visual field excessively bright (light cou surfaces. which would cause glare How these problems can be solved under various cima ‘examined in the following paragraphs Direct sunlight must be excluded from buildings party for the a8 it would unavoidably create glare As windows in this climate tend to be small. not much sky wou’ ce any point indoors. thus, especially with low luminance blue skies.» Bonent would be insufficient [77] On the other hand. luminance the horizon is greater and it may be a source of glare i not screenes > round and the external surfaces of other buildings are usually ior the strong sunshine these may also create glare (Figure 92) Therefor lected light can only be used providing that great care is taken 2 328 swarm- sumid simates Buildings openings nanging ea Direct st As nowev: angles. av The fore devices. T: summarise 2 permit (up and ai b exclud © daylig: should be Figure 95, ensuring 3 in moder: (OF height (at correspon seveloped ‘interiors Perma nen that the ¢ From. I shading devices are used, sunlit reflective surfaces of these devices can them- 145 gelves become sources of glare. These surfaces should either be non-reflective, or positioned $0 that they are not directly visible ‘Low level windows are acceptable if they open onto a shaded and planted courtyard When a sunlit view through @ window is unavoidable, contiast between the view and the window surround can be strong luminance educed by 4 painting the adjacent wall a light colour 2 painting the inside of window frames white 13 as the walls tend to be thick in this climate, the deep reveals should be splayed {and hight coloured) to provide ‘contrast grading 4 other openings may be placed in opposite oF flanking wal onto the wall surrounding the window to throw some light One solution for the avoidance of an excessively bright view is the use of a vertical strip-window at the corer of the room (Figure 94) This would throw light ‘onto the wall surface (as a ‘wash’) thus providing a larger apparent source of a jesser luminance Buildings in these climates are typically of lightweight construction, with large openings to ensure cross-ventilation and air movement, usually with wide over hanaing eaves or other shading devices. Direct sunlight 1s excluded for thermal reasons. The sky is bright. could provide sufficient light, but its high luminance would also cause glare. For this reason, view of the sky should be screened by shading devices or plants ‘As, however, the sky luminance is much less near the horizon than at higher altitude angles, @ view of the sky up to about 15° from the horizon may be permissible The foregoing establishes rather specific requirements for the design of shading devices. The criteria, far more stringent than just the exclusion of sunlight can be summarised as follows 8 permit view of sky and ground near the horizon only, within about +15” (up and down) exclude view of bright ground and sunlit blade or louvre surtaces © daylight is to be reflected from ground and blades up to the ceiling, which itseit should be of a light colour Figure 95 shows an arrangement which would satisty these requirements, whilst ensuring adequate ventilation (78) fag Wplomey In Moderate climates it is practically impossible to provide adequate daylight "ici Mary (DF = 2%) in side-lit rooms, to a depth greater than three times the window head height (above the working plane). In an average office or class-room this would Conrespond 10 4 depth of 6 m (max.). For coms deeper than this, @ system has been developed, known as PSALI, (permanent supplementary autiicial lighting of the interiors). With this, as the name implies, the interior parts of the room are It Permanently by electric lights, to provide the necessary Mlumination in such a way that the overall improssion of day lighting I maintained From this it was only one step to the use of PAL (permanent artificial hghting) nl Which ignores daylight altogether, possibly lvading to windowless environments "has been claimed that, the window being the weakest point of the bullding ee ‘ahting 146 Fig 95 AA special ouvie system 9.2.10 Electric lamps ‘Two entical points (nearest to window) are taken as ‘A= standing - 170m height , 110 m to window B = sitting -120m height, 080m to window Envelope (in both thermal and noise insulation), great economic teres » be obtained with a windowless building and the use of PAL. The save» ~ Or ay Conditioning would be greater that the cost of artificial lighting sanqounter-argument is that the curpose of windows is not only > pen Ghing. but also to give a visual link with the outside world Wat oe = ‘Ould be satistied with reduced sized windows, and the sir Supplemented by artificial means mabOve i te in moderate climates it must be even more so in heme reasons in Mot-dry regions. where the windows weuld es apal W nee the imran where some form of shading must be Drovided, the daylight ‘he interior i likely to be insutticient 8. iN Which a oa a Current is passed through a tungsten 2 crescent tga 18 10M emvision nah ea no on SY YaPour (mixed with some auvilisty 9 SCENE COMLING OF thi stdbe. i uae wee cea wevelanmnne 1406 alata tube nd and ro-emtted a9 Penn 70 WW Thus to a NESEY OF 10 te 18. L AW. whilst Huore il nara Si Out a much tesse l* pero ‘aith wicandescent lamps Sauteed tate wag ae fa la ise oht th 10 In ut 9 2 ss ae Mt he Ballast co to OW wut ataatan wee eats oun ba 19 Would be 4 "the ewe lamps © thermal point of view the ate. The bulk 1p wattage i i e 10% t. but even oe From 2 peat gait ‘cident on suf hen in circuit wé ps the total Pe slast also produces Neat ‘ded to use PSALI in a hot-dry climate, the heat produced roduced by electric Je fi inerease the indo! ter perature. Iti eat prot ti i js erator nes produ ssn by using fluorescent tubes. In a LO Oe one set nso nig fee 8 ia uation ¢ my fe jent ventil; 7 a eat gain with each nd independ 4p w fluorescent tUPe reduction of some 17% in the h eat gain due to the if it is deci giving a lighting: 147

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