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Is Lithium biologically an important or toxic element to living organisms? An


Article  in  Environmental Science and Pollution Research · January 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7898-0


60 5,436

5 authors, including:

Babar Shahzad Mudassar N Mughal

University of Tasmania Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen


Mohsin Tanveer Dorin Gupta

University of Tasmania University of Melbourne


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Environ Sci Pollut Res
DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-7898-0


Is lithium biologically an important or toxic element to living

organisms? An overview
Babar Shahzad 1 & Mudassar Niaz Mughal 2 & Mohsin Tanveer 3 & Dorin Gupta 4 &
Ghazanfar Abbas 5

Received: 8 February 2016 / Accepted: 11 October 2016

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Industrialized world is exposing living organisms might have future implications for Li’s long-term effects on
to different chemicals and metals such as lithium (Li). Due to living organisms.
their use in common household items to industrial applica-
tions, it is imperative to examine their bioavailability. Keywords Biology . Food chain . Metal . Lithium . Living
Lithium belongs to the group IA and also has wider uses such organism
as in batteries, air conditioners to atomic reactors. Lithium
occurs naturally in soil and water, mostly at low concentra-
tions, and enters the food chain. It is not one of the essential Introduction
minerals though various studies indicate that low levels of Li
have beneficial effects on living organisms, whereas high Lithium (Li), an alkali metal, belongs to the group IA of peri-
levels expose them to toxicity and related detrimental effects. odic system and has similar properties with other members of
This review suggests that Li could be biologically important to group IA and some of group IIA. Natural Li exists as a mixture
living organism depending upon its concentration/exposure. of the isotopes 7Li (92 %) and 6Li (8 %) and is mined from
Little is known about its biological importance and molecular petalite, triphylite, lepidolite, spodumene, and amblygonite
understanding of its accumulation and mode of action, which (Léonard et al. 1995). Li has numerous industrial applications
such as Li batteries, detectors for radionuclide Li-based alloys,
in air conditioners as humectants, in ceramics, atomic reactors,
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues
and future fusion reactors, etc. (Léonard et al. 1995; Scrosati
and Garche 2010; Bonino et al. 2011). Lithium is present in
* Babar Shahzad trace amounts in soil (7–200 g/kg), mainly in clay fraction of
soil (Morris 1958; Tölgyesi and Die Verbreitung des 1983). It
* Mudassar Niaz Mughal is also present in surface water (1–10 g/L) and in seawater (0.18 g/L) (Lambert 1983). Surprisingly, higher lithium levels
(up to 100 mg/L) are found in some natural mineral waters
Mohsin Tanveer (Dawson 1991). The occurrence of Li in soil and water, and its; uptake through plants, lets it enter in the food chain. Total Li
intake up to 10 mg/day has not shown any adverse effect on
Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, human health. Though biological functions and essentiality of
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Li in living organisms are not fully studied, however, Li has
State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong remarkably high affinity for replacing cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+,
Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
and Ca2+) in living organism due to its smaller radius and high
School of Land and Food, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia polarizing strength (Sapse and Schleyer 1995). Lithium can
Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of act as substitute for K+ or Mg2+ and can also bind to sites not
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia occupied by K+ or Mg2+ (Birch 2012). Li can substitute up to
The Equine Centre, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA 50 % of K+ in plants (Shahzad et al. 2016). Furthermore,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC) is a key transporter Another laboratory model, Drosophila melanogaster, is wide-
that is involved in Na+ homeostasis observed in pancreatic duct ly used in the studies for promoting longevity and increasing the
cells and has approximately equal permeability to Li, thus can healthy life span. Upon treating with Li, inhibition of glycogen
alter Na+ homeostasis (Lenox et al. 1998; Holstein-Rathlou synthase kinase (GSK-3) and activation of a nuclear factor
1990). Greger (1990) also suggested that Li can enter in cells (NRF-2) are found responsible for extending the life span of both
through Na+/H+ transporter by replacing Na+, although the max- genders of Drosophila (Castillo-Quan et al. 2016). As GSK-3 is a
imal transport rate is 2-fold slower for Li than Na+ and is a major well-known therapeutic target for aging, thus possibly have same
pathway for lithium transport into cells. Lithium also interferes life-extending role in mammalian individuals, however this may
with magnesium ion (Mg2+); Birch (1976) found that all alkali needs continuous Li therapy, which also have some drawbacks to
metal ions are exchanged more than 1000 times more rapidly use. In stark contrast, Zhu et al. (2015) demonstrated diminishing
than Mg2+; this may explain why Li preferably affects the activity effect of LiCl treatment on the D. melanogaster female’s aging
of Mg2+ containing enzymes. Although Li is not required bio- process. However, the results regarding aging process and its
logically for plant growth and development, however, some pos- mechanisms are still inconclusive but proposes lithium vital role
itive effects of Li on plant growth have been observed under low in healthy life span thus if goes unmaintained could lead to health
Li concentration (Schrauzer et al. 1992), while high concentra- issues in mammals.
tions of Li are toxic to plants and cause chlorosis-like conditions
(Naranjo et al. 2003). In humans and animals, Li in high concen- Negative effects of lithium
trations disrupts numerous biological functions and causes acute
to chronic toxicity (Timmer and Sands 1999). This review article In comparison, the presence of significantly increased number of
provides an overview of various detrimental or beneficial effects polychromatic erythrocytes in mice treated with an intraperitone-
of Li and also some of known basic mechanisms in different al injection of 1.1 g/kg lithium twice provided some evidence of
living organisms. We aim to pull together so far the most of lithium effect on chromosome distribution (King et al. 1979).
available information/data to understand the role of Li as biolog- Keeping in mind the potential role of Li in nervous system and
ically important and/or detrimental toxic element. in quest to explore the underlying mechanism, recent study has
characterized the selective dysfunction of ASJ chemosensory
neurons and suggested selective toxicity to the specific neurons
Lithium in microbes and model organisms in C. elegans (Meisel and Kim 2016). Tsuruta (2005) studied Li
accumulation in 70 strains of different microorganism including
Positive effects of lithium 20 bacteria, 18 actinomycetes, 18 fungi, and 14 yeasts and found
that a high Li accumulation ability was exhibited preferably by
Biologically, lithium (Li) is known to bind with selective DNA strains of the bacteria Arthrobacter nicotianae (1.0 mg/g dry
(Kuznetsov et al. 1971) and competes with magnesium ions, thus weight cells) and Brevibacterium helvovolum (0.7 mg/g dry
may involve in DNA synthesis and repair (Becker and Tyobeka weight cells). These results suggest some species predilection
1990). These results stimulated the studies on microbes and bio- phenomenon existing specific for such species of organisms,
logical model organisms to investigate the potential effects of Li. which needs to be determined with threshold concentration caus-
Studies mainly focused on the mutagenic changes on molecular ing them more prone to the toxicity level.
level but did not reveal any significant changes in Bacillus
aluminum strain with the LiCl treatment (Nishioka 1975; Lithium in aquatic environment
Kanematsux et al. 1980). King et al. (1979) also performed var-
ious in vitro biological tests by using lithium citrate, including Naturally occurring aquatic Li concentration has been neglected
Salmonella typhimurium Ames test, Escherichia coli test, and for years because of its usually minor quantities and importance
host and mice assay with E. coli, but could not detect any at ecological level. Lithium is present in surface water at levels
DNA malformation or synthesis defect. Related to developmen- between 1 and 10 g/L and in seawater at 0.18 g/L (Weiner 1991).
tal biology, Caenorhabditis elegans, a free-living nematode mod- The lithium concentrations in groundwater may reach 500 mg/L,
el, suffered significantly decreased growth, maturation, and re- whereas in the lithium-rich regions of northern Chile, the lithium
productive capacity upon treatment of 313, 1250, and 10,000 μm content of the surface waters could be as high as 5.2 mg/L
concentration of LiCl, and a similar effect was observed follow- (Zaldivar 1989; Schrauzer 2002). Worldwide, mineral water re-
ing lithium carbonate treatment, as well. In the same study, au- sources contain 0.05–1 mg/L Li; however, higher levels up to
thors have utilized an ecotoxicogenomic approach and per- 100 mg/L can be found in some natural mineral waters
formed DNA microarray analysis to represent a number of (Schrauzer 2002). A review of lithium in the aquatic environment
downregulated genes related to metabolism upon Li treatments in the USA (Kszos and Stewart 2003a) found that lithium was
(Inokuchi et al. 2015). This may indicate an essential role of Li in detected at low concentrations (0.002 mg/L) in the major rivers
biological and physiological activities in C. elegans. of the USA. Further studies (Kszos et al. 2003b) identified
Environ Sci Pollut Res

lithium concentrations in surface waters that were 0.04 mg/L but releases of domoic acid with the influx of Li. This might be
could be elevated in contaminated streams. In addition to the an explanation of how Li may contribute to different toxicity
surface water, Li and its isotopes have been identified in the levels by stimulating the growth of naturally inhabiting toxic
lower half of the 13 world’s major rivers (Huh et al. 1998), where organisms.
their concentrations appeared to be associated with fractionation In amphibians, studies about Li toxicity levels mainly have
processes (aluminosilicate rocks weathering to clays) and in the focused on its effects at embryonic development stage
formation of evaporates (mineral rocks formed by mineralized (Backstrom 1954; Bustuoabad et al. 1977; Biwa and
water evaporation). Moreover, the bedrock type effect has made Gimlich 1989) and plasma membrane proteins in early embry-
the composition of the Li isotopes much complicated to be os (Lazou and Beis 1993). Induced microcephaly was also
assessed in lower level water specimens and thus, nothing is observed in frogs (Rana pipiens, Rana catesbiana, Rana
known about its beneficial properties for water living organisms sylvatica, Rana clamitans) and in salamanders (Ambylstoma
(Aral and Vecchio-Sadus 2008). tigrinum, Ambylstoma punctatum) (Hall 1942).
Recent studies aiming to determine the threshold levels for
inducing Li toxicity identified 33 to 197 mg/L as acute Li
Negative effects of lithium concentration range for Daphnia magna (freshwater flea; rec-
ognized as laboratory animal), which is about 10-fold higher
Lithium toxicity in aquatic environment should be addressed than commonly observed level in freshwater reservoirs
to examine the effect of Li on aquatic life. Different studies (Lenntech 2007; US EPA 2008).
have reported concentration-based Li toxic effects on different Poor waste disposal or recycling facilities and chemical or
aquatic species. For instance, sensitivity of different species of manufacturing spills are the main anthropogenic sources of Li
fish was ranged from 13 to >100 mg/L based on Li lethal entry to freshwater and groundwater. However, we suggest
concentration (LC50) in growth medium (Dwyer et al. 1992; that putting the efforts for critical investigation of Li toxicity
Hamilton 1995; Long et al. 1998). Similarly, Emery et al. levels especially for endangered aquatic species would be of
(1981) noted lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) great value for the protection of biodiversity at ecosystem
of 0.6 mg/L in Oncorhynchus mykiss (juvenile rainbow trout). level; this should be done with given priority in known Li-
Numerous studies indicated toxic effects of Li at different rich areas, at least. Following determination of Li toxic levels,
LOC and LOEC on different aquatic organisms (Table 1). evaluation criteria can be designed to regulate its level either
Importantly, exposure duration of aquatic species to Li dos- by avoiding water pollution or by mechanical measures to
ages also influenced the magnitude of Li toxicity. Lenntech regulate alkali metals.
(2007) noted that Pimephales promelas showed LC50 of 1.2–
8.7 mg/L when exposed for 26 days to Li stress, while
Tanichthys albonubes exhibited 9.2–62 mg/L LC50 after Lithium in humans and animals
48 h of exposure to Li stress.
In a study from algae, Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (a dia- Lithium is a microelement required in minute quantity to
tom) was tested in marine-enriched cultures for the assessment maintain body functions, as it plays an important role in me-
of Li toxicity levels, and results indicated the release of sig- tabolism, neural communication, and cell proliferation
nificant higher levels of domoic acid (a neurotoxin) (Rao et al. (Schrauzer 2002; Birch 2012). Studies delineating potential
1998), which suggested an association between significant causes, effects, and consequences of Li residues also revealed

Table 1 Experimental determination of lithium toxicity in aquatic species

Experimental species English name Lithium concentration (mg/L) Experiment endpoint Reference

Chironomus spp. Insect larvae 0.4 15-day LOEC (habitation) Emery et al. (1981)
Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow trout 0.6 10-day LOEC (juvenile survival)
Ptychocheilus lucius Colorado squawfish 41 96-h LC50 Hamilton (1995)
Xyrauchen texanus Razorback sucker 156 96-h LC50
Pimephales promelas Fathead minnow 42 96-h LC50 Long et al. (1998)
Gila elegans Bonytail 65 96-h LC50
Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog 1.7 Embryo development Stockard (1906)
Morone saxatilis Striped bass >105 96-h LC50 Dwyer et al. (1992)
Daphnia magna Freshwater flea <1.2 64-h immobilization Anderson (1948)
Periphyton 3.5 10-day LOEC (algal biomas)
Environ Sci Pollut Res

the therapeutic levels of Li, which can inhibit functions of supplements for attaining a therapeutic response in humans.
multiple enzymes in mammals (Busa and Gimlich 1989). Chemically, Li resembles Na+, but Li is relatively more toxic,
Moreover, multiple effects of Li (regardless of Li concentra- and other heavy (toxic) metals and essential elements have also
tion) on hematopoiesis, differentiation of stem cells, fetal de- been reported to interact with Li metabolism at renal/glomerular
velopment, and glycogen synthesis have been reported (Phiel level as it also competes with sodium, calcium, magnesium, and
and Klein 2001). potassium (Chmielnicka and Nasiadek 2003). Lithium uptake is
Oral intake of metallic Li toxicity can be of varying degree preferred by thyroid, kidney, and bone over liver and muscles
from mild to chronic in humans; however, individual meta- (Finley et al. 1995). Biological activities of Li in the body of
bolic rate and tolerance level differ among individuals. In living organism have been summarized in Fig. 1, illustrating
humans, ingestion of 5 g of LiCl can result in fatal toxicity the biological importance of Li.
(Aral and Vecchio-Sadus 2008). Published literature does not Normally, serum therapeutic concentration of Li is about
have sufficient information on the mode of action and biolog- 5.6–8.4 mg/L; however; clinical signs of mild toxicity are
ical assimilation of Li, which is quite understandable as it is observed at 10.5–17.5 mg/L which can lead to severe toxicity
often neglected due to the general acceptance for lithium as symptoms at >24.5 mg/L (Jaeger 2003), and toxicological
non-essential element for life (Léonard et al. 1995; Lenntech symptoms in kidneys like tubular damage and sclerotic glo-
2007). Hence it has been recommended as 1 mg/day for an meruli can be observed with Li intoxication cases
adult of 70 kg in dietary intake (Schrauzer 2002). (Chmielnicka and Nasiadek 2003). Routinely, physiological
Li level may occur above normal following strenuous physical
Positive effects of lithium exertion and in patients under dialysis treatment.
In animals, experimental evidence for the Li deficiency has
Lithium has been recognized as a pharmacological therapeutic been observed in the form of the poor conception rate and high
option for more than 45 years, especially in patients with abortion rate. Furthermore, reduced milk production and over-
bipolar disorder for which it is recognized as treatment of all fat content in milk have been observed in lithium-deficit
choice (Léonard et al. 1995). In this aspect, some behavioral lactating goats (Schrauzer 2002). To the best of our knowl-
disorders have been observed in individuals with Li deficien- edge, there is no information about the normal Li concentra-
cy (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus 2008). As the primary target site tions in animals and its recommended proportion in the daily
for its action is the central nervous system in the body, there- feed intake as food additives.
fore, it has been recommended as psychiatry therapeutics in
the form of lithium carbonate for the patients of manic depres- Negative effects of lithium
sion (Kjølholt et al. 2003). Lithium being a univalent cation
should always be administered orally with an anion, either in GIT disturbances, hand tremor, and edema are the common side
the form of capsule (lithium carbonate) or as a liquid prepara- effects of the Li overdose (Kato et al. 1996; Tandon et al. 1998).
tion (lithium citrate). A tablet of lithium carbonate encloses Cardiac arrhythmia, hypothyroidism, and convulsion are also
8.12 mEq (56.36 mg) of Li ion (Okusa and Crystal 1994) and reported with the frequent Li intakes (Chan et al. 2000). The
is often recommended by the physicians when indicated. The most common source of exposure for its toxicological effects
role of Li in altering mood is still enigmatic; however, signif- may be its psychotropic properties, as lithium salts like lithium
icant higher rate of suicides, crimes, and drug addiction was acetate and lithium carbonate are being extensively used in
observed in countries where Li level in drinking water was manic-depressive ailments in humans (Schou 1968). In one case
below than normal (0.07–0.170 mg/L) (Schrauzer and study, majority of the patients (75–90 %) become Li toxic taking
Shrestha 1990). Therefore, it has been advised to the people therapy dosage for bipolar disorder (Amdisen 1988). A total of
who are residing in Li-deficient areas to include special diets 5120 cases of lithium intolerance were reported to the American
in their regular meal to take sufficient and regular Li supple- Association of Poison Control Centers merely in 1996, of which
ments (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus 2008). 75 % people were seeking serious medical attention (Litovitz
Normal Li level in the body influences the metabolism and is et al. 1997); however, this intoxication can turn into fatal toxicity
mainly assimilated through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and upon ingestion of 5 g of lithium chloride (Aral and Vecchio-
excreted out of the body via kidneys within 24–48 h (Casarett Sadus 2008).
and Doull 1987; Schrauzer 2002; Linakis 2007). Following in- Lithium has wide industrial applications including
gestion, Li does not bind to the serum proteins but resolves manufacturing of ceramics, batteries of laptops and mobile
completely in total body water, thus has a volume of distribution phones, polymers, and pharmaceuticals, and its use is still in-
of about 0.7 to 0.9 l/kg (Okusa and Crystal 1994). Li attains creasing in modern age (Saeidnia and Abdollahi 2013).
equilibration between extracellular and intracellular spaces slow- Professional personnel intoxication from industrial sources along
ly and may take 6 to 10 days to reach Li concentration balance with its major contributing factors may be among the reasons
(Sadosty et al. 1999), which justifies prolonged dosage of Li why Li was banned in the USA due to its potential toxic threats
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 Biological role of Li in living organism (adapted from Klemfuss and Schrauzer 1995; Schrauzer 2002)

in 1949 (Strobusch and Jefferson 1980). Recently, Australian (and/or Li) reabsorption in the proximal tubule of the kidneys
Inventory of Chemical Substance (AICS 2007) also classified thus can cause chronic Li toxicity (Finley et al. 1995).
Li in the physiochemical and ecotoxicological/environmental NSAIDs also pose a significant threat of causing lithium tox-
hazard category under the criteria approved by National icity because of its extra-label use especially in patients taking
Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Kjølholt et al. doses without realizing its effect on lithium metabolism.
2003). Li toxicity caused numerous detrimental effects in human Therefore, potential drug interaction with Li intake should
body based on its acute or chronic toxicity (Fig. 2), indicated that be monitored carefully to ensure the availability of adequate
human nervous system is highly sensitive to Li stress while he- Li serum concentration (Table 2).
matology of human is minimally affected. However, other sites To date, little information is available about lithium toxicity
of Li toxic effects was also noted in renal, gastrointestinal, cardi- in animals; however, studies presenting toxicological effects
ac, endocrine, and neuromuscular system (Fig. 2). in rats can be traced back in literature. A study examining
Clinically, information pertaining to Li concentration in lithium carbonate at 1.1 g/kg in formulized food containing
body is more important for medical nephrologists as medi- variable protein ratios indicated a significant rise (53 %) of
cines from acetyl cholinesterase (ACE) inhibitors, thiazide lipid peroxidation in rats fed with low-protein diets (Tandon
diuretics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs et al. 1998). Terao et al. (2006) showed that a potentially
(NSAID) class can alter the sodium and potassium levels in beneficial effect of lithium is that it may block the accumula-
the kidneys, thus altering Li reabsorption and increasing the tion of amyloid-b (Ab) peptides that cause dementia in mice.
risk for chronic Li intoxication (Okusa and Crystal 1994; Renal toxicity has been reported in rats by the oral adminis-
Lehmann and Ritz 1995; Alderman and Lindsay 1996). tration of lithium carbonate (Chmielnicka and Nasiadek
Further, on continuing such medications can increase the in- 2003), and lithium deficiency also caused significant negative
teraction of ACE inhibitors with Li concentration increased by effect on the litter size and weight at birth (Schrauzer 2002).
36 %, and its clearance through kidneys was reduced by 26 % Genetically, pregnant mice supplemented with lithium car-
in patients of lithium intoxication (Finley et al. 1996). bonate for many days did not reveal any significant effect,
Similarly, thiazide diuretics induce natriuresis that leads to a whereas six times higher dosages produced drastic offspring’s
compensatory mechanism resulting in the increase of the Na+ malformations (Smithberg and Dixit 1982). Lithium
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Semiology associated with lithium intoxication with organ system affected arranged in descending order (nervous and renal symptoms are
commonly observed). Acute intoxication can lead to chronic intoxication if goes unattended (adapted from Timmer and Sands 1999).

concentration in environment is expected to increase with its Lithium in plants

broader impact on environmental and ecological pollution
(Schrauzer 2002; Shahzad et al. 2016). Therefore, there is Positive effects of Li in plants
sufficient room for the future research to establish the lithium
requirement in the maintenance and productivity of food ani- Though, the essentiality and/or positive effects of Li in higher
mals to prevent its toxicity and/or to establish species-specific plants are not yet clear. Nonetheless, some evidences showed
safe dosage levels. The outcomes from these studies would plant growth stimulation when exposed to Li at lower concen-
also provide more explicit understanding for the mode of ac- trations, for instance, Kalinowska et al. (2013) noted stimula-
tion of Li, as these are the key mediators for maintaining a tory effects on the elongation of lettuce roots and shoots with
healthy food chain in the ecosystem. higher relative water contents under low Li level (2.5 mg

Table 2 Interaction of various

drugs with Li (Timmer and Sands Drugs known to increase the Li Drugs do not effect with Li Drugs known to decrease the Li
1999) concentration concentration concentration

NSAIDs NSAIDs Diuretics

Mefenamic acid Aspirin Loop diuretics
Ibuprofen Sulindac Acetazolamide
Naproxen Methyl xanthine
Indomethacin Osmotic diuretics
Diuretics Potassium sparing
ACE inhibitors (acetylcholinesterase
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Li dm−3). Lettuce shoots and roots exhibited higher water the rhythmic leaflet opening of excised leaves of Albizzia
content when exposed to low concentration of LiCl or LiOH juiibrissin. According to these authors, divalent cations would
as compared to the higher concentrations of Li (Kalinowska alter the conformation of membrane macromolecules by alter-
et al. 2013). Vlasyuk et al. (1979) suggested that increased ing electrostatic interactions that occur only during the open
water absorbance under low Li concentration could be asso- phase of the rhythm. These results show that Li has a role in
ciated with the increase in the amount of water adsorbed to leaf movement; further studies are required to further investi-
macromolecules, but at high concentrations, Li competed for gate the role of Li in plant morphology.
water and acted as a dehydrating agent. Hawrylak-Nowak
et al. (2012) observed enhanced maize and sunflower growth Negative effects of Li in plants
when exposed to Li at low concentration of Li. They found
that shoot biomass was increased by 15 and 32 % in maize and Morphological alterations in plants
sunflower, respectively, under low Li level (5 mg dm−3).
Apocynum venetum showed non-significant response to Li at Li salts are highly toxic and trigger chlorosis-like symptoms
low concentration (50 mg kg−1) while exhibited significant (Makus et al. 2006). Nonetheless, Asteraceae and Solanaceae
reduction at high Li concentrations (100 and 200 mg kg−1) families showed tolerance against Li toxicity and exhibited
(Jiang et al. 2014). Anderson et al. (1988) documented that normal plant growth (Kabata-Pendias and Mukherjee 2007),
under low concentration of Li, plants display improved pro- while Aral and Vecchio-Sadus (2008) found that citrus plants
ductivity, faster maturation, and an increased resistance to dis- are sensitive to Li stress. Some plants, notably Cirsium
eases. Besides its positive effects under normal conditions, Li arvense and Solanum dulcamera, accumulated Li 3-fold to
also plays crucial role in plant growth even under stress con- 6-folds over other plants. Halophilic plants such as Carduus
ditions. For instance in spinach, freezing, dehydration, and arvense and Holoschoenus vulgaris may reach lithium con-
supercooling cause depolarization of microtubules in meso- tents of 99.6–226.4 g/kg (Anke et al. 1991). Tobacco plants
phyll cells of spinach (Bartolo and Carter 1991), while treat- exhibited necrotic spots and reduced growth associated with
ment with Li decreased the amount of microtubule depoly- altered rhythmic movements, abnormal pollen germination,
merization in cells subjected to low temperature, suggesting and development under Li toxicity (Naranjo et al. 2003).
that the microtubules in these cells may not be inherently cold Lithium at higher concentrations reduced the assimilating or-
labile (Bartolo and Carter 1991). Reasons behind decrease in gan area of sunflower and maize plants by 27 and 31 % with
depolarization under cold stress due to Li could be due to the increasing concentrations of Li (Hawrylak-Nowak et al.
following: (a) Li-induced ethylene may enhance microtubule 2012). Furthermore, reduction of leaf area of maize plants
cold stability (Roberts et al. 1985; Sato and Theologis 1989) was also observed by 29 % after exposure to 25 mg Li dm−3
or (b) Li may stabilize microtubules against cold-induced de- stress level (Hawrylak-Nowak et al. 2012). Reduction in water
polymerization by stabilizing microfilaments (Colombo et al. contents is another toxic effect of Li thus reduces tissue tur-
1991; Paves et al. 1990; Bartolo and Carter 1991). gidity and growth, (e.g.,) higher concentration of Li in wheat
Concentration of Li in growth medium considerably influ- reduced net water content and dry weight; however, it was not
ences numerous plant morphological growth processes clear whether desiccation of tissues under Li stress was due to
(Shahzad et al. 2016). Gaillochet (1981) noted that Li inhibits reduced water uptake or elevated transpiration rate (Kent
the nyctinastic closure of folioles of the excised leaves of 1941). However, Vlasyuk et al. (1979) suggested that in-
Cassia fistula and enhances their opening at minimal concen- creased water absorbance under low Li concentration could
tration for significant effects on closure that is 0.03 mM, and be associated with the increase in the amount of water
on opening 0.3 mM; the mechanism of its effect would be adsorbed to macromolecules, but at high concentrations, Li
different from those of fusicoccin effect in the pulvini of competed for water and acted as a dehydrating agent.
Mimosa pudica (Roblin 1980) because it is inactive on plas- Magalhães et al. (1990) noted reduced dry weight of the
malemma K+-ATPase and appears to have no significant ef- roots and leaves of radish and leaves of watercress under Li
fect on proton extrusion (Marre et al. 1974). Moreover, though stress, which resulted due to reduced water retention in tissues.
Li can leak through the cellular membrane easily but expelled Duff et al. (2014) substantiated that when plants of
from the cells rather slowly in comparison to some other ions Arabidopsis were exposed to Li for a period of 3 weeks, low
such as Na+ and K+, such an accumulation of Li could always values of relative water content and structural independent
be accompanied with a decrease in cellular K+ contents pigment index were observed.
(Gaillochet 1981). Additionally, opening movement of
folioles was not only promoted by Li but also by Ca2+ salt Physiological alterations in plants
(Gaillochet 1981); however, these results are contradictory
with Satter et al. (1973) who showed that divalent cations Different studies reported different detrimental effects of Li on
are more effective than monovalent ones in the promoting of numerous physiological processes in plants such as Li-
Environ Sci Pollut Res

induced alteration in photoperiodic control of flowering monovalent cations in plant cells (Kabata-Pendias and
(Kandeler 1970), precedence between axillary buds (Desbiez Mukherjee 2007). Allender et al. (1997) suggested that adverse
and Thellier 1975), circadian rhythms (Engelmann 1972, effects of Li in cotton might be related to the readily movement
1973), the thygmomorphogenetic response (Boyer et al. of Li ion across cell membranes and its potential interference
1979), the development of a methyl glucose permeation sys- with calcium metabolism. Naranjo et al. (2003) reported interest-
tem (Carlier and Thellier 1979), and solute uptake mecha- ing results about Li toxicity in tobacco plants; they found that leaf
nisms (Thellier et al. 1980). The period of the circadian petal curling observed in tobacco plants treated with LiCl may reflect
movements of Kalanchoe is increased by about 2 h in 5 mM ethylene production (Boller 1990; Conejero et al. 1990), and this
LiCl (Engelmann 1972). Li is also known to have consider- is one of the pathways triggered during pathogen invasion.
able effects on stomatal regulation and transpiration oscilla- Actually, some plant defense genes are regulated by ethylene
tion, as Brogarh and Johnsson (1974) found that upon the (Ecker and Davis 1987). Li has already been reported to increase
treatment of the seedlings of Avena sativa with Li, stomata ethylene production through induction of 1-aminocyclopropane-
needed longer time to start the opening under Li; however, 1-carboxylate synthase genes (Boller 1984; Liang et al. 1996).
once opening has begun, the opening and the subsequent clos- Further, the ensuing production of ethylene due to Li also in-
ing movements were fairly independent of the Li concentra- duced stress responsive genes, and these effects of Li depict the
tion. During the stomatal regulation, K+ is transported across phenotypes of transgenic plants with alterations in either the
the guard cell membranes and water passively follows this ion ubiquitin system (Becker et al. 1993), proton transport (Mittler
(Roelfsema and Hedrich 2005). Therefore, it is reasonable to et al. 1995), or sugar metabolism (Herbers et al. 1996; Tadege
suggest that K+ activated reaction could be responsible for the et al. 1998). Myo-inositol monophosphatase (IMP) is a soluble
rate-limiting processes of the oscillatory system and Li might protein that catalyzes the removal of a phosphate from myo-
then act as an inhibitor and slow down the oscillations. inositol phosphate substrates (Zonia and Tupy 1995b). IMP is
The plant endogenous movement named circumnutation is required for the de novo inositol synthesis from glucose C phos-
commonly considered as an inevitable consequence of organ phate and for breakdown of inositol trisphosphate (Majerus
growth (Stolarz et al. 2008), but its quantitative relation to 1992). Reduction of cellular inositol levels has been linked to
growth is still not well established (Stolarz et al. 2010). In inhibition of cell division in plant tissue culture cells (Biffen and
sunflower, Li significantly reduced circumnutation intensity Hanke 1990). The activity of inositol monophosphatases in plant
when supplied in high concentration, for instance, under is Li sensitive (Gillaspy et al. 1995), and the effects of Li on
0.2–20 mM, circumnutation intensity was maintained at a plants have also been interpreted in terms of inhibition of the
constant level (0.12 h−1), but it started to decrease significantly inositol cycle and calcium signaling (Zonia and Tupy 1995a;
under 40 and 60 mM LiCl, and under 80 mM LiCl, Liang et al. 1996). Lithium interferes with the activity of dephos-
circumnutation stopped completely (Stolarz et al. 2015). A phorylation of inositol-1-phosphate which is required to yield
similar effect was observed in sunflower seedlings under Li inositol free (Gillaspy et al. 1995).
treatment (Zachariassen and Johnsson 1988). The same effect Besides these findings, Li was also reported to induce ox-
of Li was observed in circumnutating shoots of Phaseolus idative damage to photosynthetic pigments and reduced pho-
vulgaris (Millet and Badot 1996). Therefore, Li in high con- tosynthetic activity. In a study, carotenoid contents were re-
centration causes considerable alterations in the growth and ported to be considerably decreased (16 %) at the concentra-
circumnutation mechanism in plants. tion of 25 mg Li dm−3, while at a higher Li concentration
Lithium toxicity can also lead to the inhibition of glycogen (50 mg dm−3), maize showed a reduction of 47, 43, and
synthase kinase-3b (Klein and Melton 1996), Hal2-like nucle- 67 % in chlorophyll a, b and carotenoid content, respectively,
otidases (Murguía et al. 1996), and/or ribosomal RNA as compared to the control (Hawrylak-Nowak et al. 2012). Li
(rRNA)-processing enzymes (Dichtl et al. 1997) and inhibi- et al. (2009) noted that Li stress depressed chlorophyll con-
tion of inositol monophosphatases, leading to depletion of tents in different Brassica carinata seedlings. This depression
cellular inositol and a rundown of the inositol cycle and cal- could be related to numerous physiological changes observed
cium signaling (Berridge 1993). Inhibition of Hal2-like nucle- in several other plant species under different forms of stresses,
otidases would also influence S-transferase reactions and such as the disintegration of chloroplast fine structure, insta-
rRNA processing (Dichtl et al. 1997; Gil-Mascarell et al. bility of pigment protein complexes, or changes in the quan-
1999). Recently, pre-mRNA splicing in eukaryotic cells also tity and composition of metabolites (Dubey 2005). Other pos-
found to be a target of Li toxicity (Forment et al. 2002). sible reasons were also suggested and were associated with
The exact mechanism behind growth stimulation at low con- chlorophyll degradation in necrotic regions, increase in cata-
centration of Li or growth inhibition at high concentration of Li is lytic action of chlorophyllase, pheophorbide oxygenase, red
not clear, though results from some other studies demonstrated chlorophyll catabolite reductase, and Mg-dechelatase
that Li affects plant metabolism at a membrane level; however, (Harpaz-Saad et al. 2007). Li is considered a non-essential
its role seems to be non-specific as it substitutes other element for plants, though there are some evidences of its
Environ Sci Pollut Res

effects on photosynthesis, biosynthesis of sugars, and several increased significantly in the presence of 50 mg Li dm−3,
enzymatic processes, which suggests that Li may have some which suggests the disturbances of membrane integrity while
biological roles in plant growth and development. there was non-significant effect of Li on melanoaldehyde
(MDA) production in the roots of sunflower. L-Ascorbic acid
Biochemical alterations in plants or vitamin C is another important compound and is involved
in the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and collagen (Iqbal
Lithium toxicity has also been reported to lead to oxidative et al. 2004). This compound can considerably scavenge
conditions and lipid peroxidation in plants due to higher pro- ROS due to Li stress. Kalinowska et al. (2013) noted no sig-
duction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Hawrylak-Nowak nificant effects of Li stress on L-ascorbic acid accumulation in
et al. 2012). Tandon et al. (1998) noted that oxidative nature of the lettuce plant leaves. These findings suggest that different
Li toxicity is mediated by the enhanced levels of lipid perox- plants have different responses to Li stress, which is quite
idation. These ROS react with numerous biological mem- understandable as genetic differences do play a significant role
branes, cellular organelles, and biochemical molecules like in levels of tolerance to various stresses.
proteins, lipids, photosynthetic pigments, and nucleic acids Lithium is also reported to influence DNA, RNA, and
(DNA or RNA) and ultimately abrupt normal cell functions protein biosynthesis. Weeks (1956) found that DNA conden-
and cell metabolism (Clemens 2006). Unsaturated fatty acids sation is partially governed by Na+/K+ ratio; however, Li com-
are major parts of cell membranes. ROS under Li toxicity can petes with K+ and thus binds more readily and causes
react with aldehydes and replace hydrogen from unsaturated alteration in the conformation of DNA. Vlasyuk et al. (1979)
fatty acids, thus affecting cell membrane by distorting lipid reviewed some studies and suggested that Li in high
bilayer; however, the exact mechanism is still not clear. As an concentration interrupts protein and nucleic acid metabolism.
adaptive nature of plants, antioxidants scavenge ROS in se- Evidences from Vlasyuk et al. (1975a,b, 1979) showed direct
vere conditions can also inhibit the production of enzymes toxic effects of Li on expression of some genes by influencing
such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase transcription and translation process. They also found that Li
(GPX), or catalase (CAT) (Richard et al. 1997; Erakovic et al. has primary effect on stability and conformational state of
2000). Nonetheless, some studies indicated upregulation or DNA, and this, in turn, affects the metabolism of RNA and
downregulation of SOD, GPX, and catalase activities which proteins. Nonetheless, we have seen from literature that Li
are closely related to Li concentrations and levels of ROS may have both selective and non-selective effect; selective
production. For instance, GPX activity was inhibited at might be because of its physiochemical properties, and non-
1 mM Li concentration, but at the same time, SOD activity selective might be due to its monovalent nature (Gallicchio
was increased, affirming that Li caused the production of su- 1990; Bach and Gallicchio 2012). Further, it is well evident
peroxide ions (Nciri et al. 2012). Hawrylak-Nowak et al. that inhibitory and stimulatory effects of Li on plant growth
(2012) reported that the level of lipid peroxidation of the cell depend on Li concentration. Figure 3 is showing response of
membranes in the leaves of sunflower and maize plants plants under Li. Therefore, it could be speculated that the

Fig. 3 Summary of the knowledge on the response of plants under lithium

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