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BY :


3. PUTU PRATIWI ARSIANI (P07120121004)
7. NI KETUT DIAH PUSPITA (P07120121021)






Praise the presence of God Almighty, for having given His mercy and grace so that
the preparation of this paper can be completed. In the preparation of this paper, we
encountered obstacles and difficulties, but thanks to God Almighty who is accompanied by
patience, perseverance, and effort as well as assistance from various parties who are sincerely
good, energy and thoughts so that the paper entitled " Talking About Homecare And Walking
Aid " can be completed precisely in time.

We sincerely hope that this paper can be useful for the purpose of increasing
knowledge and insight regarding the title of this paper. We are very aware that this paper has
many shortcomings and is far from perfect.

Therefore, we are looking forward to any criticism as well as suggestions for

improving the paper that we want to write in the future. Nothing is perfect without criticism
and suggestions. We hope that this paper can be understood by everyone who reads it. We
apologize profusely if there is an error or something else so that it is understood and forgiven.

Bali, 29 July 2022


Group 4


PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background Of The Paper ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Problem Formulation .................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose Of The Paper ................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Benefits Of The Paper ................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II THEORY & DISCUSSION ..................................................................... 3
2.1 Definition of Homecare ................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Benefits of Using Homecare Service ............................................................................ 3
2.3 Home Care Principles .................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Home Care .................................................. 4
2.5 Definition of Walking Aids .......................................................................................... 5
2.6 Types of Walking Aids ................................................................................................. 5
2.7 How to Use Walking Aids (Cratches, Canes, and Walkers) ................................................ 7
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Suggest .......................................................................................................................... 11



1.1 Background of The Paper

Nowadays, health development is being intensively carried out. The goal of health
development is to increase awareness, willingness and the ability to live healthy for
everyone so that achieve the highest degree of health. Health efforts have been made to
overcome various health problems yet implemented in a comprehensive, integrated and
In this case, the role of health workers, it is very necessary to be a pioneer in driving
health development. Nurses are one of the health workers who constantly and
continuously in contact with individuals, families and groups in the community, because
it has the potential to provide comprehensive, integrated health services and sustainable in
various settings.
The development of nursing in Indonesia is currently very rapid, this is due to the
rapid development of science and technology so that information can be quickly accessed
by everyone so that information is quickly known by the public. The development of the
era of globalization which causes nursing in Indonesia to adapt to the development of
nursing in developing countries, the socio-economic community is increasing so that
people demand high-quality health services, but on the other hand for economically weak
people they want cheap and affordable health services. So it requires longer treatment in
the hospital.
Length of hospital stay has decreased in an era of increasing health care costs, large
budget cuts, managed care, Due to the rapid development of technology, and advanced
service delivery, due to the direct causes, or direct effects of these variables, the home
care industry has become a tool to reduce costs and length of treatment. Home care is a
service that meets the needs of patients, individuals and families, planned, coordinated
and provided, by service providers, organized to provide home care through staff or
arrangements based on employment agreements or contracts. Homecare service users are
usually intended for patients who are no longer able to carry out daily activities

In addition to helping with daily activities, homecare nurses also help treat patients,
for example, patients who cannot walk properly and use walking aid. With a note that the
nurse already knows the patient's medical record. In this paper, the author is interested in
discussing homecare and walking aids

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the description of the background above, the following problems can be
1. What is the definition of homecare?
2. What is the benefits of using homecare service?
3. What are the principles of homecare?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using homecare?
5. What is the definition of walking aids?
6. What are the types of walking aids?
7. How to use walking aids?

1.3 Purpose of The Paper

The aim of this paper is :
1. Knowing the definition of homecare.
2. Knowing the benefits of using homecare service
3. Knowing the principles of homecare.
4. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of using homecare.
5. Knowing the definition of walking aids.
6. Knowing the types of walking aids.
7. Knowing to use walking aids.

1.4 Benefits of The Paper

Through this paper, it is hoped that it will provide the following benefits:
1. Writers and readers are able to understand about homecare and walking aids.
2. As an additional insight to readers and writers about homecare and walking



2.1 Definition of Homecare

Home care is part of the nursing process in the hospital, which is a continuation of the
repatriation plan (Discharge planning), for clients who have time to go home from the
hospital. Treatment at house can be carried out by nurses from the original hospital,
where is the community nurse the client is located, or carried out by a special team who
handle home care (Suardana, 2001).

Homecare Is a component of comprehensive health care, where health services are

provided to individuals and family in their residence with the intent to improve, maintain,
restore and maximize the level of independence in the field of health while reducing the
impact of disability and illness, including terminal diseases (Swanson, 1997).

Home care is a health service that is carried out at the patient's home, so that home
care in nursing is a nursing service at the patient's home (Suharyati, 2003).

2.2 Benefits of Using Homecare Service

The benefits of home care are:

A. For clients and families

1) Home Care Program can help reduce hospitalization costs which is increasingly
expensive, because it can reduce patient accommodation and transportation
costs as well as family consumption;
2) Tighten the bond family, because they can always be close to when a family
member is sick;
3) Feel more comfortable because it’s their own house.
4) More and more women are work outside the home, so the task of caring people
who are sick are usually done by mother hampered, therefore it is necessary to
be present nurse to replace him.

B. For nurses
1) Provide a variety of environments work, so it is not saturated with the
environment which remains the same;
2) Can get to know clients and good environment;
3) So that appropriate health education with the situation and family conditions,
so that nurse job satisfaction increases.

2.3 Home Care Principles

There are various homecare services which consist of :

 Manage and implement nursing services performed by health workers in accordance

with the patient's condition at home.
 Perform nursing documentation in a systematic, accurate, comprehensive, and
sustainable manner.
 Develop a nursing plan from nursing diagnoses that have been made, especially
those related to prevention, therapy or recovery.
 Perform nursing services to provide comfort that has an impact on improving
healing and preventing complications.
 Conduct ongoing evaluation of nursing services provided to patients and families.
 Fully responsible for nursing services performed to patients or families using case
 Improving the professional competence of individuals as well as other teams of
health workers.
 Participate and contribute to research activities related to the development of
knowledge of home care health nursing services.
 Uphold the nursing code of ethics every time you perform home care nursing

2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Home Care

The advantages of using home care services are :

1) A guaranteed treatment process because it use nurses who are experts in their field
2) More flexible time

3) Cost-effective because you only need to pay for maintenance service
4) More controlled treatment process
5) Can be done at our home so it’s can be more efficient

The disadvantages of using home care services are :

1) Treatment when critical patients become less fast and effective

2) Lack of supervision from other medical personnel
3) Sometimes the patient does not match the character of the nurse.

2.5 Definition of Walking Aids

Walking aids are sometimes also referred to as ambulatory assistive devices. A

walking aid is one of several devices a patient may be issued in order to improve their
walking pattern, balance or safety while mobilising independently. They can also be a
means of transferring weight from the upper limb to the ground, in cases where reducing
weight bearing through the lower limb is desired.

2.6 Types of Walking Aids

1. Canes
Canes are similar to crutches in that they support the body’s weight and help
transmit the load from the legs to the upper body. However, they take less weight
off the lower body than crutches and place greater pressure on the hands and wrists.
Assistive canes are useful for people who have problems balancing and who are at
risk of falling.
Common types of canes include:
 White canes.
 Quad canes.
 Forearm canes.
2. Crutches
Crutches help to transfer weight from the legs to the upper body. They can be
used singly or in pairs. Crutches help keep a person upright and may be used by
those with short-term injuries or permanent disabilities.
There are many different types of crutches, including:

 Axillary (underarm) crutches.
 Lofstrand (forearm) crutches.
 Platform crutches.
3. Walkers
Walkers, also known as Zimmer frames, are made up of a metal framework
with four legs that provide stability and support to the user. Basic walkers have a 3-
sided frame that surrounds the user. Users lift the frame and place it further in front
of them, they then step forward to meet it, before repeating the process.
Some walkers have wheels or glides on the base of the legs, which means the
user can slide the walker rather than lift it. This is especially helpful for people with
limited arm strength. Walkers provide more support and balance than canes and
crutches because they have much wider contact with the ground. The user will
generally place weight on the two sides of the frame, receiving great stability whilst
maintaining a fair level of independence.
Types of walkers beyond the basic model include:
 Rollators.
 Knee walkers
 Walker-cane hybrids .
4. Wheelchairs
Wheelchairs are used by people who should not put weight on their lower
limbs or who are unable to walk. They can be more suitable than walkers for people
with severe disabilities or when travel over greater distances is required.
Wheelchairs can be manually propelled by the user, pushed by someone else, or
electrically powered.
Examples of specialized types of wheelchairs include standing wheelchairs,
where users are supported in an almost upright position, and sports wheelchairs,
which have been developed for use during specific sports.
5. Mobility Scooters
Similar to a wheelchair, these devices have a seat set on top of either 3, 4, or 5
wheels. The user’s feet rest on foot plates, and there are handlebars or steering
wheels to control direction. Mobility scooters are beneficial for those without the
upper body strength or flexibility to use a manual wheelchair. While they’re similar
to wheelchairs, mobility scooters are bulkier machines, usually designed to be used

outdoors, battery powered and with steering controls. Rules for the use of mobility
scooters on sidewalks and roads vary by location. Training is usually available for
people wanting to use a mobility scooter for the first time.

2.7 How to Use Walking Aids (Cratches, Canes, and Walkers)

 Cratches
If your injury or surgery requires you to get around without putting any weight
on your leg or foot, you may have to use crutches.
Proper Positioning
 When standing up straight, the top of your crutches should be about 1-2
inches below your armpits.
 The handgrips of the crutches should be even with the top of your hip
 Your elbows should be slightly bent when you hold the handgrips.
 To avoid damage to the nerves and blood vessels in your armpits, your
weight should rest on your hands, not on the underarm supports.
 Lean forward slightly and put your crutches about one foot in front of
 Begin your step as if you were going to use the injured foot or leg but,
instead, shift your weight to the crutches.
 Bring your body forward slowly between the crutches.
 Finish the step normally with your good leg.
 When your good leg is on the ground, move your crutches ahead in
preparation for your next step.
 Always look forward, not down at your feet.
To sit:
 Back up to a sturdy chair.
 Put your injured foot in front of you and hold both crutches in one hand.
 Use the other hand to feel behind you for the seat of your chair.
 Slowly lower yourself into the chair.

 When you are seated, lean your crutches in a nearby spot. Be sure to
lean them upside down — crutches tend to fall over when they are
leaned on their tips.
To stand up:
 Inch yourself to the front of the chair.
 Hold both crutches in the hand on your injured side.
 Push yourself up and stand on your good leg.
To walk up and down stairs with crutches, you need to be both strong and
flexible. You may want someone to help you, at least at first.
 Facing the stairway, hold the handrail with one hand and tuck both
crutches under your armpit on the other side.
 When you are going up, lead with your good foot, keeping your injured
foot raised behind you. When you are going down, hold your injured
foot up in front, and hop down each step on your good foot.
 Take it one step at a time.
 If you encounter a stairway with no handrails, use the crutches under
both arms and hop up or down each step on your good leg.
If you feel unsteady, it may be easier to sit on each step and move up or down
on your bottom.
 Start by sitting on the lowest step with your injured leg out in front.
 Hold both crutches flat against the stairs in your opposite hand.
 Scoot your bottom up to the next step, using your free hand and good
leg for support. Face the same direction when you go down the steps in
this manner.
 Canes
A cane can be helpful if you have minor problems with balance or stability,
some weakness in your leg or trunk, an injury, or a pain. If you are elderly, using a
single point cane may help you to walk more comfortably and safely and, in some
cases, may make it easier for you to continue living independently.
Proper Positioning
 When standing up straight, the top of your cane should reach to the
crease in your wrist.

 Your elbow should be slightly bent when you hold your cane.
 Hold the cane in the hand opposite the side that needs support. For
example, if your right leg is injured, hold the cane in your left hand.
 To start, set your cane about one small stride ahead of you and step off
on your injured leg.
 Finish the step with your good leg.
To climb stairs:
 Place your cane in the hand opposite your injured leg.
 With your free hand, grasp the handrail.
 Step up on your good leg first, thn step up on the injured leg.
 To come down stairs:
 Put your cane on the step first
 Then, put your injured leg on the step.
 Finally, put your good leg, which carries your body weight, on the step.
 Walkers
 When standing up straight, the top of your walker should reach to the
crease in your wrist.
 Your elbows should be slightly bent when you hold the handgrips of
the walker.
 Keep your back straight. Don't hunch over the walker.
 Check to be sure the rubber tips on your walker's legs are in good
shape. If they become uneven or worn, you can purchase new tips at a
drug store or medical supply store.
 First, position your walker about one step ahead of you, making sure
that all four legs of the walker are on even ground.
 With both hands, grip the top of the walker for support and move your
injured leg into the middle area of the walker. Do not step all the way
to the front.

 Push straight down on the handgrips of the walker as you bring your
good leg up so it is even with your injured leg. Always take small steps
when you turn and move slowly.
To sit:
 Back up until your legs touch the chair.
 Use your hands to feel behind you for the seat of the chair.
 Slowly lower yourself into the chair.
To stand up:
 Push yourself up using the strength of your arms and grasp the walker's
 Do not pull on or tilt the walker to help you stand up.



3.1 Conclusion
Homecare is a health service that is carried out at the patient's home. Usually carried
out by nurses or other health workers. Homecare Program can help reduce hospitalization
costs which is increasingly expensive, because it can reduce patient accommodation and
transportation costs as well as family consumption and the patient will feel more
comfortable because it’s their own house. Walking aids are used for people with new
injuries or chronic conditions that prevent normal ambulation. Some examples of walking
aids such as canes, crutches, walker, wheelchairs, etc.

3.2 Suggest
It would be nice, the concepts and principles of homecare and walking aid are known
and studied by many people, especially nurse because the concepts and principles of
homecare and walking aid play an important and influential role in health services. In
addition, the material concepts and principles of homecare and walking aid are very
interesting to learn and add insight and knowledge. We realize that this paper still has
many shortcomings. Therefore, we expect suggestions and constructive criticism from
readers so that we can compile better papers in the future.


Kholifah, Siti Nur. (2012). Home Care. Available from: http://journal.poltekkesdepkes- (Accessed on 29 July 2022).

Leonard, Jayne. (2017). What types of mobility aids are available?. Available from: (Accessed on 29 July 2022).

Mobility Expert Margaret Sellars. (2020). Types of Walking Assistance Devices for Seniors.
Available from:
elderly-people/. (Accessed on 29 July 2022).

Orthoinfo. (2020). How to Use Crutches, Canes, and Walkers. Available from:
(Accessed on 29 July 2022).

Sebastian, Ivan. (2021). Definition, Types, Benefits, and Principles of Home Care. Available from:
(Accessed on 29 July 2022).

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