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Intro To Cyber Threats

Confidetiality Integrity Availibilty

Ashish Mishra
What is Cyber Threat ?
A cyber or cybersecurity threat is a malicious act
that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt
digital life in general. Cyber threats include
computer viruses, data breaches, Denial of Service
(DoS) attacks, and other attack vectors.

Cyber threats also refer to the possibility of a

successful cyber attack that aims to gain
unauthorized access, damage, disrupt, or steal
an information technology asset, computer
network, intellectual property or any other form
of sensitive data. Cyber threats can come from
within an organization by trusted users or from
remote locations by unknown parties.
Where Do Cyber Threats Come
Cyber threats come from numerous threat actors including:

Hostile Nation-States ‍ ational cyber warfare programs provide emerging cyber threats
ranging from propaganda, website defacement, espionage,
disruption of key infrastructure to loss of life. Government-
sponsored programs are increasingly sophisticated and pose
advanced threats when compared to other threat actors. Their
developing capabilities could cause widespread, long-term
damages to the national security of many countries including the
United States. Hostile nation-states pose the highest risk due to
their ability to effectively employ technology and tools against
the most difficult targets like classified networks and critical
infrastructure like electricity grids and gas control valves.
Terrorist Groups Corporate Spies and Organized
Crime Organizations
‍ errorist groups are increasingly using cyber attacks to
damage national interests. They are less developed in
‍ orporate spies and organized crime
cyber attacks and have a lower propensity to pursue cyber
means than nation-states. It is likely that terrorist groups
organizations pose a risk due to their ability to
will present substantial cyber threats as more technically conduct industrial espionage to steal trade
competent generations join their ranks. secrets or large-scale monetary theft. Generally,
these parties are interested in profit based
activities, either making a profit or disrupting a
business's ability to make a profit by attacking
key infrastructure of competitors, stealing trade
secrets, or gaining access and blackmail
‍ acktivists activities range across political ideals and issues.
Most hacktivist groups are concerned with spreading
propaganda rather than damaging infrastructure or disrupting
services. Their goal is to support their political agenda rather
than cause maximum damage to an organization.

Derived from combining the words ‘Hack’

and ‘Activism’, hacktivism is the act of
hacking, or breaking into a computer
system, for politically or socially motivated
purposes. The individual who performs an
act of hacktivism is said to be a hacktivist.
‍ isgruntled insiders are a common source of cyber crime. Insiders
often don't need a high degree of computer knowledge to expose
sensitive data because they may be authorized to access the data.
Insider threats also include third-party vendors and employees who
may accidentally introduce malware into systems or may log into a
secure S3 bucket, download its contents and share it online
resulting in a data breach. Check your S3 permissions or someone
else will. Disgruntled Insiders—also known as a
Turncloak, someone who maliciously
and intentionally abuses legitimate
credentials, typically to steal
information for financial or personal

‍ alicious intruders could take advantage of a zero-day

exploit to gain unauthorized access to data. Hackers may
break into information systems for a challenge or
bragging rights. In the past, this required a high level of
skill. Today, automated attack scripts and protocols can What is a Hacker?
be downloaded from the Internet, making sophisticated
A hacker is an individual who uses computer,
attacks simple. networking or other skills to overcome a
technical problem. The term also may refer to
anyone who uses their abilities to gain
unauthorized access to systems or networks
in order to commit crimes
Natural Disasters
‍ atural disasters represent a cyber threat because they
can disrupt your key infrastructure just like a cyber attack
could. Natural disasters include all types of severe weather,
which have the potential to pose a significant threat
to human health and safety, property, critical
infrastructure, and homeland security. Natural
disasters occur both seasonally and without warning,
subjecting the nation to frequent periods of
insecurity, disruption, and economic loss. These
resources serve to prepare IHEs for a variety of
natural disasters, including winter storms, floods,
tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, or any
combination thereof.
How to Protect Against and Identify
Cyber Threats

A good place to start to understand how to protect your organization from cyber threats is with the
National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (NIST Cybersecurity
Framework) and a cyber threat intelligence exercise.
Cyber threat intelligence is what cyber threat information becomes once it is collected, evaluated and
analyzed. Cyber threat intelligence provides a better understanding of cyber threats and allows you to
identify similarities and differences between different types of cyber threats in an accurate and timely
Cyber threat intelligence is developed in a cyclical process referred to as the intelligence cycle. In the
intelligence cycle, data collection is planned, implemented, and evaluated to produce a report that is
then disseminated and revaluated in the context of any new information.
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and information are exploited by
Securing the central government network by setting clear security targets
and placing government agencies accountable to meet these targets.

Security Network
Securing the central government
network by setting clear security targets
and placing government agencies
accountable to meet these targets.

Security Network
Securing the central government
network by setting clear security targets
and placing government agencies
accountable to meet these targets.
Pedro Fernandes Pedro Fernandes
Build customer trust so you don't Build customer trust so you don't
have to worry if sensitive data have to worry if sensitive data
Use an Email Filter and information are exploited by
and information are exploited by

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Phishing Emails

and multi-factor authentication

Secure with strong passwords
Securing the central government

network security
network by setting clear security targets
and placing government agencies
accountable to meet these targets.
Security Network
Some Cyber ​Security
Securing the central government
network by setting clear security
targets and placing government
Tips For Businesses
agencies accountable to meet
these targets.
That Must Know
Security Network
Security Network
Securing the central government
Securing the central government network by setting clear security targets
network by setting clear security and placing government agencies
targets and placing government accountable to meet these targets.
agencies accountable to meet
these targets. Security Network

Securing the central government

Security Network network by setting clear security targets
and placing government agencies
Securing the central government
accountable to meet these targets.
network by setting clear security
targets and placing government
agencies accountable to meet Click Here
these targets.
By studying the triad of actors, it becomes possible to make
informed strategic, operation and tactical assessments: ‍

Strategic Assessments
Strategic assessments Inform decision-makers on broad
and long-term issues, as well as providing timely warnings
of threats. Strategic cyber threat intelligence forms a view
of the intent and capabilities of malicious cyber attackers
and what cyber threats they could pose.
Tactical Assessments
Tactical assessments are real-time assessments of
Operational Assessments events, investigations and activities that provide
day-to-day support.
Operational assessments target potential incidents
related to events, investigations or activities and provide
guidance about how to respond to them. For example,
what to do when a computer is infected with malware.

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