History II

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Question paper

End term Exam

Max marks- 50

Duration – 24 Hours

Word limit : 1500 words

History II

Please follow the instructions carefully and answer any two of the following questions.

Q1. “The rule of law in colonial law was never about restraining executive authority or
weakening the ability of the British to punish recalcitrant colonial subjects. Rather, it was
about finding new ways of regulating and making the exercise of sovereign power more
uniform and respectable” (Mark Condos, pp. 514). Discuss rule of British India with respects
to comments made by Mark Condos.

Q2. Why was the Indian constitution deemed as an imperial one? Explain.

Q3. Do you believe that 19th century gender reforms were not merely about women, but
rather, instances in which the moral challenge of the colonial rule was confronted and
negotiated? What was lost or gained in this process of forging a colonial modernity?

Q4. The Criminal Tribes and Thugee Act of 1836 represented some real social and legal
challenges for the East India Company? Explain with reference to the methods adopted to
catch, try and prosecute alleged thugs under the said Act?

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