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Coelentrata Ctenophora (Sea Platyhelminthes Aschelminthes

Parameters Porifera (SPONGES)

(CNIDARIA) Walnuts) (flatworms) (round worms)
Mostly marine, some
Mostly marine some Free living or
Habitat freshwater (HYDRA), Exclusively marine
freshwater parasytic
sessile, free swimming
Aquatic, terrestrial,
Coral forms have
Exoskeleton x x x parasytic in plants
CaCO3 exoskeleton
Endoskeleton Spicules, spongin, fibres x x x x
Digestive system is
Incomplete with
incomplete. Mouth on
single opening.
hypostome leading to
Digestive system absent, Extra cellular. Some
Digestion body cavity: Gastro intra + extra cellular x
Intracellular digestion absorb food directly
vascular cavity. Intra
from the body
+ Extra cellular
alimentary canal
Free living body with uscular
Respiration Cell surface Body wall body wall
surface pharynx.
circulating fluid=
Circulation fluid = water fluid = water fluid=water fluid=water
Flame cells
Excretion body surface body surface body surface excretory pore
Nervous x Neurons appear present present
Asexual High regeneration
Fragmentation budding x x
Reproduction capacity (planaria)
Sexual Present, Present,
Present, hermaphrodite present Distinctly dioecious
Reproduction hermaphrodite hermaphrodite
Fertilization Internal external External External Internal
Indirect (larvae
Indirect through
Development morphologically distinct direct/ indirect Indirect Indirect/direct
larval stages
form adult)
Name derived from
Water canal system 1. cnidoblasts/cnidocyte Circular in cross
Food gathering 2. s containing 8 external rows of Dorso ventrally section. First ones
Removal of wastes 3. nematocytes. comb plate for flattened body. with a complete
Respiratory exchange. [functions: locomotion hence Hooks and suckers alimentary canal.
Features and
Choanocytes/ collar cels Anchorage, defense, called comb jellies. in parasitic form. Females are longer
line the spongocoel. capture of prey) Exhibit First ones with than makes.
Examples: a. Porifera b. Obelia exhibits two biolumnesence bilateral symmetry. Posterior end is
Euspongia c. Spongilla forms: 1. Polyp 2. curved in males
Polyp: sessile, Example: Example: Tapeworm,
cylindrical Pleurobrachia liverfluke
Medusa: Free
swimming, umbrella
Asexualy (alteration
of generation)

annelida (segmented Arthropoda (joint Mollusca (soft Echinodermata Hemichordata(half

worms) appendages) bodied) (spiny skinned) chordates)
Habitat Aquatic + Terrestrial Exclusively marine
head, muscular
Segments- metamers / Head, thorax, proboscis, collar,
body divisions pharynx, visceral star like
annuli abdomen trunk (worm like)
Longitudinal ans circular
locomotory Water vascular
muscles parapodia / Joint appendages Muscular foot x
structure system
lateral appendages
exoskeleton x chitinous / cuticle Calcareous shells Spines x
mouth with file like Mouth : lower
digestion present present rasping organ radula side/ventral Anus: present
for feeding Upper side / dorsa
gills, book gils,
Feather like gills in Water vascular
respiration body surface tracheal system, book Gills
mantle cavity system
circulatiom closed open
excretion nephridia gills gills x Probocis gland
Paired gangla with double
nervous system open pressnt pesent present
ventral nerva chord
eyes (simple ,
Paired gangla with double
sense organs compound) antennae, tentacles present present
ventral nerva chord
Monoecious : earthworm,
mono/dioeciois leech Dioecious: Nrris mostly dieocious visually dioecious
Fertilization External / internal ususally internal external Ususally external external
Idirect with free
Development direct / indirect indirect indirect
swimming larvae
Water vascular
examples: Apis
soft, spongt layer of system Rudimentary
(honey bee), bombyx
skin forms mantle (locomotuon, stomochord. earlier
(silkworm), laccifer
1st one with metamers over the visceral capture and considered as
Unique (lac insect), vectors:
and true coelom. hump. Space btw the transport of food, subphylum under
Features and Anopheles, culex,
EXAMPLES: Neris and hump and mantle is respiration) chordata but now,
examples ades (mosquitoes)
hirudinaria the mantle cavity PResence of under non chordata.
Gregarious pests :
Example : Pila, calcareous ossicles. EXAMPLE:
locusta Living fossile:
octopus EXAMPLES: Asterias, Baanoglossus
Limulus (king crab)

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