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Microprocessor Interfacing

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1. Introduction

In this case we are issuing the computer units upon the vulnerabilities of securities,
starvation of the units. And also the closer testing and inspection in every computer
units. And also we ensured that we can neat the every units and well thought out
how we fix it on time.

Since computer nowadays is very commonly used. But despite of this they can buy
it from cheapest price etc. but expect that too the computer is very vulnerable to
virus. Ransomware. Etc. yet it is normal in computer when it comes to long to
unused. In our case, out problem here is why computer units are constantly or
forced to close the program. Etc. we can only solve this if we work together.

2. Goals

As an IT in company here are the goals that we need to accomplish

 To stable all the computer units
 Providing the test in every units
 Re-create the securities in every units to avoid the security vulnerabilities
 Inspecting properly in every unit to avoid the triggering the forced close
of the system.

3. Problems

 Outdated or obscene security software

 The computer unit may be old unit
 The computer system cannot meet the system requirements
 Low-specs the unit
4. Conclusion and recommendations

The following recommendations are offered based on the

accomplished during inspections in research and conclusions given:

 Security Software - The software need to be field and update

regularly to prevent the unwanted software or malwares. In that way
the every computer unit will no longer experience sudden interrupt .

 Network Vulnerabilities – These are issues with a network’s

hardware or software that expose it to possible intrusion by an outside
party. Examples include insecure Wi-Fi access points and poorly-
configured firewalls

 Operating-System Vulnerabilities – These are the vulnerabilities

within a particular operating systems that hackers may exploit to gain
access to an asset the OS is installed on-or to cause damage.
Examples include default superuser account that may exist in some
OS installs and hidden backdoor programs.

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