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Need to Explain each of the Trait in a single paragraph without the
user needing to refer to any other section. The paragraph should be
D for Dominance
Understanding DISC Menu

The first of the four DISC factors is Dominance, or simply 'D'. Throughout this guide, we have used red
to represent this factor and its associated type on the Style Card, the 'Driver'. This is appropriate
because, as its name suggests, Dominance is the factor of directness, assertiveness and control. If you
have read the History section, you may be interested to know that the Greeks would have associated
Dominance with blood and fire, a fitting combination for this tempestuous factor.

Dominance is the left-most factor shown on a DISC graph, as you can see from the example to the left.
Like all the factors, D is a blend of positive and negative traits. On the positive side, highly Dominant
individuals are independently-minded, motivated to succeed, and generally very effective at getting
their own way. As we have seen above, however, they can also be hot-tempered and even aggressive
under certain conditions.

Dominance can be summarised as the factor of control. People with this factor prominent in their DISC
profiles focus on the need to achieve and maintain a measure of authority and power over other
people and, more generally, the environment in which they live and work. Competitiveness and
ambition are also associated with the D factor, and people showing this element will struggle to
achieve their aims in life against great odds. Indeed, they seem to enjoy challenge, and rarely back
away from a difficult or risky situation.

Dominant individuals are not naturally trusting of others - they will seek to attain success on their own
merits, without asking for or expecting help or support from those around them. Should a situation
arise where the assistance of others is an unavoidable necessity, they will tend to issue orders directly,
rather than asking for co-operation.
I for Influence
Understanding DISC Menu

After Dominance, the next DISC factor is Influence, also known simply as 'I'. Influence is associated with
a sunny, friendly and extrovert approach, warm and open to other people, sociable and gregarious.
Influence connects with the Style Card type described as a 'Communicator'. As you might expect from
this, people with a high Influence score (called 'High-I's') are gregarious and sociable, and often
possess well-developed social skills and an urge to meet and talk with other people.

Influence is the second factor described by a DISC graph, reading from the left. The communicative
and socially confident style of those with high Influence tends to be balanced by a rather impulsive
and sometimes irrational approach to life. The urge to relate to and impress those around them can
lead such a person to act in ways that other less socially-oriented types find very difficult to
The hardest thing for a High-I to accept is rejection. They need to interact positively with those around
them, and their friendly, open style usually helps them to maintain relations of this kind. The socially
active nature of the highly Influential person is often an important factor in bringing other less
gregarious styles together.
By their nature, High-I's are extremely trusting and ingenuous. Their desire to be open with other
people can lead them at times to reveal information or express feelings that more staid types might
prefer to keep hidden. For this reason, they are sometimes seen as lacking in tact. Nonetheless, their
natural communicative abilities often permit them to talk themselves out of any difficult situation
resulting from their lack of diplomacy.
S for Steadiness
Understanding DISC Menu

Third of the four factors is Steadiness, abbreviated to 'S'. As its name suggests, those who show a high
level of Steadiness take a measured, steady approach to life. They are patient and undemanding, often
showing sympathy for and loyalty to those around them. In Style Card terms, Steadiness corresponds
to the 'Planner' type.

Being the third of the DISC factors, Steadiness is shown third from the left on a DISC graph. At least in
western countries, Steadiness is relatively rare in comparison with the other three factors. While
Dominance, Influence and Compliance are evenly spread throughout the population, Steadiness tends
to appear less frequently. This is perhaps because the unassuming, amiable behaviour associated with
this factor tends to be less valued by society than those connected with the other three DISC factors.
When Steadiness does appear in a profile, it is more common to find it accompanied by
high Compliance than standing alone.
Despite this, there are a number of strengths linked to the Steadiness factor. People of this kind are
patient and sympathetic listeners, with a real interest in the problems and feelings of others, and are
particularly capable of fulfilling support roles. They also have a persistent approach, with powers of
concentration that allow them to work steadily at a task. While other profile types might become bored
or distracted, the High-S (i.e. person with high Steadiness) will continue to work until they complete an
High-S's are resistant to change, and will prefer to settle into a predictable and constant environment.
They have an intrinsically unassertive approach, and work best when given clear instructions and a
high level of support. Because of this, they avoid conflict or confrontation if at all possible, and will
instead seek to adopt the role of peacemaker if a dispute should break out.
C for Compliance
Understanding DISC Menu

The final DISC factor is Compliance, or simply 'C'. This is perhaps the most complex of the four factors.
Traditionally, High-C's (people showing a high level of Compliance) were categorised simply as 'rule-
oriented'. Recent investigation, however, has shown that this is only part of the story, and that the
factor represents a far more sophisticated element, as we shall endeavour to explain in this section.
The root of this complexity lies in the combination of Control and Receptiveness, and thus the
Compliance factor is associated with the Style Card 'Analyst' type.

Compliance is the right-most factor shown on a DISC profile. It is the factor of structure, detail and fact,
and those displaying high levels are interested in precision and accuracy. Because they are naturally
reticent to speak out unless called on by others, it is easy to imagine that High-C's are lacking in
ambition. In fact, this is not the case - in this specific sense, they are similar to highly Dominant
individuals in their desire for control over their environment. Because of their non-assertive style,
however, they will try to achieve this control through the use of structure and procedure, insisting on
rules and defined codes of conduct to achieve their ends. This is the root of the 'rule-oriented' style we
mentioned above.
Individuals with high levels of Compliance dislike pressure, and will tend to adopt an evasive style
when confronted with difficult circumstances. In extremely difficult situations, they are prone to
disregard problems or delay actions until they become completely unavoidable.
The rule-oriented aspect of the High-C often takes in wider aspects of life than simply corporate rule-
structures or established procedures. Individuals of this kind usually have personal codes of behaviour,
and tend to regard etiquette and tradition as important. Because of their inherent desire for fact and
detail, it is also common to find that Compliant styles have a relatively broad general knowledge, or
specific knowledge or skills. This interest in the way things work means that Compliant individuals are
often drawn to technical work, or jobs involving the organisation of information, situations in which their
personal talents can come to the fore.
The report should be simplified so it is understood by a general
Indian employee and employer. The report should be self-contained
where the technical and comparative information is purged or

Suggestive example Only. Not final.

Current Proposed
We have already seen that the Dominant individual has An individual with a High Dominance trait has qualities
qualities of command and leadership. It should be of command and leadership. These abilities are
noted, however, that these abilities are based on their generally observed only in situations which are directly
direct, demanding nature, and are more suited to related to structured and formal situations and not as
structured, formal situations than those where close much in situation where close ties are required to be
ties are required. maintained during the situation.
High D Only
High Dominance Only

The High-D profile is often described as the 'Autocrat', and for good reason. Dominance is the factor of control and
assertiveness, and with no other high factors in the profile to balance this, the pure High-D can be remarkably
domineering, and even overbearing at times. This type of person has a very high need to achieve, and because of
this they are often ambitious and competitive, striving aggressively to achieve their goals. They are dynamic and
adaptable, and show a decisiveness and a capacity for direct leadership.

Relating to Others
The emphasis that this type of person places on achievement and success significantly affects their relations with
other people. In extreme cases, a High-D can come to treat other people simply as a means to an end, or a way of
achieving their personal goals. Dominance is not an emotional factor, and individuals with this type of profile will
tend not to place great importance on feelings, either their own or others'. The competitive side of Dominance can
lead this type of person to see challenges and opposition everywhere, and others sometimes find it difficult to break
through this naturally suspicious, sceptical shell.

Common Abilities
We have already seen that the Dominant individual has qualities of command and leadership. It should be noted,
however, that these abilities are based on their direct, demanding nature, and are more suited to structured, formal
situations than those where close ties are required.
The High-D is a competent and confident decision-maker, able to reach a conclusion quickly from minimal
information and act accordingly. They are well suited to situations that others would find unbearably stressful, as
their desire for challenge and their enjoyment of success against the odds makes them unusually proficient in
dealing with such situations.

Motivating Factors
Highly Dominant individuals of this kind like to feel that they are in control, and seek opportunities to reinforce and
emphasise their personal power. They measure their progress in life by their achievements and successes, and need
to maintain a sense of personal momentum.
Being impatient and forthright, they intensely dislike situations that they are unable to directly resolve for
themselves - dependence on other people is anathema to this type. They find these kinds of situation extremely
frustrating, and can be driven to wild, impulsive actions in an attempt to relieve the pressure.

The Sub-traits of a highly Dominant type are Efficiency, Self-motivation and Independence.
High I Only
High Influence Only

Influence is the factor of communication. A profile like that on the left, showing high Influence with no other
balancing factors, is very closely linked with those styles that communicate easily and fluently with others. It is for
this reason that profiles of this kind are often referred to as 'Communicator' profiles - they describe confident,
outgoing and gregarious individuals who value contact with other people and the development of positive relations.

Relating to Others
Relating to others is what a High-I (highly Influential person) does best. They are open to others and confident in
their own social abilities, allowing them to interact positively in almost any situation. Their strong and evident
confidence, coupled with their genuine interest in the ideas and especially feelings of other people, are often found
charming by those around them.

Common Abilities
From the above, it will be no surprise that a High-I's most distinct abilities lie in the area of communication. They are
strong communicators, possessing the assertiveness to drive home a point of view, but also the intuitive qualities to
understand others' perspectives and adapt to meet new situations.

Motivating Factors
Highly Influential individuals are motivated by relations with others. Specifically, they need to feel accepted by those
around them, and react badly if they perceive themselves to be rejected or disliked. Praise and approval make a
strong impression on them, and they will sometimes go to great lengths to achieve this kind of reaction from other
Especially important to this type of person are the opinions and reactions of their particularly close friends. When a
High-I develops very close ties with somebody, that person becomes part of their 'Influence Group', as it is known.
Their actions will often be designed to improve and extend relations within this group, even to the extent of
alienating people who are not part of this circle. This factor can make highly Influential characters appear
unpredictable at times.

The Sub-traits of a highly Influential type are Friendliness, Enthusiasm and Self-confidence.
High S Only
High Steadiness Only

This type of profile, showing a high level of Steadiness with no other balancing factors, is comparatively rare,
especially in Western societies. Steadiness is the factor of patience, calmness and gentle openness, and a pure High-
S will reflect these qualities. They are generally amiable and warm-hearted, being sympathetic to others' points of
view, and valuing positive interaction with others. They are not outgoing by nature, however, and rely on other,
more assertive, people to take the lead.

Relating to Others
As in their general lifestyle, this type will look to more socially assertive people to initiate relationships of any kind -
their solid, dependable outlook makes them far more suited to the maintenance of interpersonal relations than
making initial contact. For this reason, their circle of friends and close acquaintances is often small but tightly-knit.

Common Abilities
This person's particular strengths can be summarised as supportive. They are dependable and loyal, this combines
with an emotional literacy to make them particularly effective listeners and counsellors. They are also unusually
persistent in approach, having the patience and restraint to work steadily at a task until it is achieved. This makes
them unusually capable of dealing with laborious tasks that many other styles would simply not have the patience to

Motivating Factors
The underlying patience of this type of person is the root of their motivating factors. They need to feel that they
have the support of those around them and, more importantly, time to adapt to new situations. They have an
inherent dislike of change, and will prefer to maintain the status quo whenever possible; sudden alterations in their
circumstances can be very difficult for them to deal with.
Once embarked on a task, they will wish to concentrate closely on it and see it through. Interruptions and
distractions of any kind can be particularly demotivating in these situations.

The Sub-traits of a highly Steady type are Patience, Thoughtfulness and Persistence.
High C Only
High Compliance Only

Compliance is perhaps the most complex of the four DISC factors, and a High-C (highly Compliant) style reflects this
in their behaviour. Unassertive by nature, often reticent and aloof, people of this kind can give an impression of
coldness or disinterest. Much of this cautious style stems from their Controlled side, however, which makes them
reluctant to reveal information about themselves or their ideas unless absolutely necessary. In fact, highly Compliant
individuals are often surprisingly ambitious and have lofty goals, but their innate lack of assertiveness and
unwillingness to become involved in confrontational situations makes it difficult for them to achieve these goals
directly. Instead, they will tend to use existing structures and rules to accomplish their aims. For example, where a
more dominant type might simply demand that others follow their instructions, a High-C will appeal to rules,
authority and logical argument to influence the actions of others.

Relating to Others

Highly Compliant types have many strengths, but the ability to relate easily to other people is rarely among these.
The combination of a reticent social style with a certain innate suspiciousness makes it difficult for this type of
person to form or maintain close relationships, and this is especially true in a business sense. Their friendships or
close acquaintances will normally be based on mutual interests or common aims, rather than emotional

Common Abilities

High-C's are generally very self-reliant people although, as we saw above, this fact is often difficult to perceive for
other styles. They have structured ways of thinking, and often show particular strengths when it comes to organising
facts or working with precise detail or sophisticated systems. The low Steadiness score in this profile suggests a
quick-thinking individual who will often have useful input, but their natural reticence means that they will rarely
offer an opinion unless asked directly for their thoughts.

Motivating Factors

There is one factor that has a more significant effect on a High-C's motivation than any other - certainty. They need
to feel completely sure of their position, and of others' expectations of them, before they are able to proceed.
Because of this, they have a very strong aversion to risk, and will rarely take any action unless they can feel
absolutely sure about its consequences.


The Sub-traits of a highly Compliant type are Co-operativeness, Accuracy and Sensitivity.
High D and I
High Dominance and Influence

A profile of this type represents a highly assertive person, capable of both direct, dynamic action or charming
sociability as a situation demands. In combination, these factors describe a person with clear goals in life with the
determination and commitment to achieve them. This style of person will seek to maintain a position of dominance,
both in terms of personal authority and control, but also in a social sense - they like to feel that they are not only
respected by those working with them, but also genuinely liked. This powerful behavioural style is often called the
'Lazy Z' in reference to its characteristic DISC profile shape.

Relating to Others

This type is characterised by strong social skills and a persuasive communication style. They are capable of great
charm, but will sometimes adopt a more demanding, overbearing approach, especially if they feel themselves to be
under pressure. The outgoing and quickly-paced approach of this kind of person can be difficult to deal with for less
assertive or direct types, especially as they have no fear of confrontation and will address issues directly rather than
prevaricate or evade.

Common Abilities

Challenge is a keyword for this type - they thrive in situations that others would find impossibly stressful and difficult
to deal with. Their need for achievement means that they are willing to undertake almost any task to achieve
success or recognition, and this driving, motivated approach lends them an urgency and energy rarely seen in other
behavioural types.

Regular DISC users will recognize this profile shape as the classic ideal for direct sales work. This type of occupation
typifies the characteristics of the Lazy Z, the ability to think and react quickly, adapt to challenging situations and use
powers of both assertiveness and persuasion to motivate others to accept their own proposals.

Motivating Factors

As we have already seen, success and recognition are the twin motivating factors for a person with high Dominance
and Influence. To be content, they must feel that they are a success in both their business and personal lives. More
than this, they are motivated by challenge - stagnation is anathema to a person of this type, and they need to set
themselves lofty goals and ambitions, and aim steadily towards these, if they are to operate at their best.


The Sub-traits of this type are Self-motivation, Independence, Enthusiasm and Self-confidence.
High D and S
High Dominance and Steadiness

Profiles showing both high Dominance and high Steadiness, while they can theoretically appear, are extremely rare
in practice. This is because these two factors represent such radically differing sets of values and motivations that it
is hard to see how they could effectively coexist in a single behavioural style. Because of the rarity of this profile, it
should be pointed out that, unlike most sections in this chapter, the descriptions given here are largely theoretical in
nature, and not necessarily based on practical experience with individual styles of this type.

Relating to Others

The unusual combination of factors represented by this style make it difficult to predict their likely approach to other
people. On one hand, Dominance is a controlled and suspicious factor, preferring to avoid revealing information to
others, but on the other Steadiness is an open characteristic, representing a person who likes to maintain amiable
and trusting relations with those around them. This suggests that a person showing both high Dominance and
Steadiness will adapt their social style to a particular situation, showing a friendlier side to their character if they feel
that they can trust the people around them.

Common Abilities

An analysis of this style's 'Sub-traits' suggests a single-minded and practical style, representing an individual who will
follow a line of action through to the end, using concentration and determination to achieve their aims. They will try
to complete tasks within realistic timescales, but they also value careful planning. The profile shape suggests that the
more cautious, thoughtful side of the behaviour will appear under favourable conditions, while the more urgent,
demanding aspect will be seen at times of pressure.

Motivating Factors

The motivating factors associated with Dominance are control and power, while Steadiness is more related to the
need for certainty and the avoidance of change. Insofar as these two factors are compatible, they suggest a
preference for a situation in which this person exercises whatever authority they may have to preserve the status
quo and avoid sudden change.


The Sub-traits of this type are Efficiency, Independence, Thoughtfulness and Persistence.
High D and C
High Dominance and Compliance

This 'U'-shaped profile is not uncommon. It represents a highly formal and structured individual with a forceful and
blunt style. This type of person believes in getting things right, and is rarely afraid to state their mind robustly and
directly. Of all possible DISC profiles, this style probably represents the least forthcoming in personal or emotional
matters; individuals of this type tend to be remote and somewhat isolated, preferring to keep their own counsel.

Relating to Others

As we suggested above, relating to others (at least on a personal level) is not a high priority for this type of person.
When communication with others is essential, it tends to be brief and succinct, focusing on practical matters. This
type of individual is quite distrustful of others, and will prefer to keep facts to themselves unless absolutely

Common Abilities

This is a behavioural style motivated by achievement and efficiency, as are all styles containing a high level of
Dominance. In this case, however, this is modulated by the presence of a high Compliance factor, which also lends
the character an interest in detail and precision. A noticeable element of this particular type, for example, is their
tendency to correct other people when they make errors, even to the point of highlighting mistakes that others
might regard as trivial or unimportant.

Nonetheless, this combination of efficiency and precision can be an effective one, and their bluntly assertive style
helps them to achieve difficult tasks by sheer force of character.

Motivating Factors

This is a complex character in terms of motivation. In common with all High-D's, they have a desire for personal
achievement and success, but they also like to feel that they are completing assignments or projects accurately and
efficiently. The naturally inexpressive style of this type can make it difficult to detect whether or not they are
motivated in any particular set of circumstances.


The Sub-traits of this type are Efficiency, Self-motivation, Accuracy and Sensitivity.
High I and S
High Influence and Steadiness

Influence and Steadiness are both communicative factors more oriented towards feelings and emotions than hard
fact and practicalities. In combination, they describe a person oriented towards personal matters and the
understanding of other people. Such an individual is confident, warm and friendly, but nonetheless is also able to
extend a sympathetic ear to others and ready to help with others' problems if they can. These are the reasons why a
DISC profile with this characteristic inverted 'U' shape is often described as a 'Counsellor' Profile.

Relating to Others

Of all DISC profiles, those following this general pattern are probably the most effective at relating to other people,
in an all round sense. They are able to socialise easily and their gregarious natures allow them to feel at ease with
people they do not know. They are often persuasive and charming, but the Steadiness in this profile means that they
are also able to adopt a more open, relaxed approach when a situation demands, becoming less directly active and
more receptive to the ideas and feelings of other people.

Common Abilities

The strengths of a High-I profile, as described in the preceding paragraph, relate to their abilities in the areas of
communication and understanding. They fulfil supportive roles well, being understanding and sympathetic, but their
more outgoing side means that they are also able to operate effectively in a social or persuasive sense. It should be
noted, however, that individuals of this kind place less emphasis on matters of practicality than a purely High-S style,
as this element is balanced by the less methodical Influence factor.

Motivating Factors

Antagonism, rejection and confrontation are all situations that this type will try to avoid. To use their considerable
communicative powers, they will need to feel that they are operating in a favourable environment, and that those
around them are sympathetic and approving. To feel completely motivated, individuals with a Counsellor Profile
need to feel that they are appreciated, respected and liked by the people around them, and will sometimes go to
unusual lengths to attract this attention.


The Sub-traits of this type are Friendliness, Self-confidence, Patience and Persistence.
High I and C
High Influence and Compliance

This relatively common profile includes two factors that appear in some ways to be contradictory. On the one hand,
Influence is the factor of excitement, enjoyment and extrovert impulsiveness. On the other, Compliance is related to
precision, detail and carefully-followed rules. The ways in which this apparent contradiction are resolved form the
backbone of the interpretation for this behavioural type.

The differences in approach between these two factors are resolved in an unusual approach. Normally, two or more
high DISC factors will tend to reinforce each other's common points, and blend to make up the entire behavioural
approach. This is not the case with the two opposing styles of Influence and Compliance - what we see instead, with
this type, is one factor (Influence) appearing in relaxed, open and favourable situations, while in more formal or
structured circumstances, the other (Compliance) will come to the fore.

Relating to Others

The ways in which this style will relate to other people is highly dependent on the circumstances under which an
encounter takes place. In a circle of friends, or in a 'party' atmosphere, this style is capable of quite confident and
extrovert behaviour. In a formal work environment, or pressurised atmosphere, such as an interview for a job, this
confidence will apparently evaporate, and the style will fall into line with its more Compliant aspect.

Common Abilities

This style combines the abilities of a pure High-I and a High-C, but, as we have noted above, these abilities will not all
be apparent at the same time. Different environments will produce different responses, and so a manager requiring
a certain style of behaviour from this type of person should ideally adapt their working environment to suit the type
of responses they require. Note that, in most cases, the profile type will normally show an Influence factor higher
than their Compliance factor (although, by definition, both must be relatively high), and so confident,
communicative behaviour will be more commonly seen than their reticent, cautious side.

Motivating Factors

This person's motivations are more complex than most, because of the opposing natures of their two main factors.
Their high Influence score means that they are interested in the attention and approval of others, but because they
also have high Compliance, this element is less likely to be demonstrated overtly, and will instead be more subtle
and discreet.

Compliance is the factor of certainty and sureness, and this type of person will look for a clear idea of their position
and the expectations of those around them. Again, however, the complex interplay of factors in this style will affect
the way that they express this need, and they are far less likely than a pure High-C to ask for explicit instructions


The Sub-traits of this type are Friendliness, Enthusiasm, Co-operativeness and Sensitivity.
High S and C
High Steadiness and Compliance

Profiles of this kind, showing both high Steadiness and high Compliance, are often referred to as 'Technical'. This
term is used in its broadest sense; people showing this type of behaviour are suited to jobs such as accountancy,
computer programming or engineering, because their approaches combine accuracy and precision with the patience
to work at a problem until it has been solved. They are interested in producing quality work, and will often go to
great lengths to ensure that the results of their efforts are the best they can possibly achieve.

Calm and rational in approach, this type of person often has a better understanding of personal or emotional issues
than might be suggested by their relatively detached demeanour. They are not assertive in style, and will rarely offer
input in a group situation, or act in an independent manner.

Relating to Others

This rather hesitant style often finds it difficult to relate to other people, especially in unfamiliar settings, because
they need to know exactly where they stand before they feel able to act. While they value friendships and strong
relations with others, this factor is often disguised by an apparently aloof and reserved style. In order to interact
effectively with others, this type will look to more direct and outgoing styles to initiate and take control of
interpersonal issues.

Common Abilities

As the name 'Technical' suggests, the particular talents and skills of this type lie in the areas of complex systems and
procedures. Their high Steadiness lends them patience and a degree of persistence, while their correspondingly high
levels of Compliance bring an interest in order and precision. In combination, these factors reflect an individual with
strong potential in broadly technical work. Because of their interest in quality and productivity, it is not unusual to
find people of this kind who possess special skills or knowledge, especially in the 'technical' areas described.

Motivating Factors

A consequence of the patient, precise style of this type is a need for time to plan and execute their work to a
standard with which they can feel satisfied. They will wish to work steadily at a project, and dislike interruptions or
distractions from the task in hand. They will also seek certainty, and need to be sure that the work that they are
doing conforms with the expectations of their colleagues and managers.

A more subtle aspect to this type's motivation is their enjoyment of positive relations with others. As we mentioned
above, this fact is unlikely to be clear from their somewhat reserved and reticent demeanour, but they like to feel
accepted by other people, and can be surprisingly open in style in a favourable environment of this kind.


The Sub-traits of this type are Patience, Thoughtfulness, Co-operativeness and Accuracy.
High D, I and S
High Dominance, Influence and Steadiness

The lack of Compliance in this type indicates that independence is the key element in understanding this style.
People of this kind have a clear idea of their aims in life, and the strength of will to achieve their aims. It is unusual to
find high Steadiness in a profile of this type, and this lends the individual concerned a sense of persistence and a
willingness to work steadfastly and diligently in pursuit of their ends.

There is a sociable, open aspect to this type of person, but the presence of Dominance means that they also have an
underlying sense of determination and assertiveness that will come to the fore, especially if they find themselves in
difficult or demanding situations.

Relating to Others

Influence and Steadiness are both social factors, suggesting that this type will interact easily and skilfully with other
people, and that they possess the personal self-confidence to mix relatively easily with strangers, or in unusual
situations. They do have a strong sense of independence, however, and are prepared to go to considerable lengths
to maintain their own sense of identity, and to protect and defend their own viewpoint.

Common Abilities

This is a solid and dependable style with strong social abilities, and with an assertiveness and willingness to take the
initiative that is rare in such types. They have a strong sense of personal responsibility and an inherent self-reliance
that make them especially effective as facilitators. Their combination of patience and assertiveness results in a rare
and valuable approach to work, capable of achieving results, but equally able to consider options carefully before
reaching a final decision.

Motivating Factors

Because of their independent style, this type of person will seek to hold a degree of control over their own
circumstances, and will look for opportunities to drive towards their own ambitions. While success is important to
them, however, they also value positive relationships with other people, and under some circumstances they will be
prepared to delay achievement of their goals if this conflicts with others' needs.


The Sub-traits of this type are Independence, Self-confidence and Persistence.

High D, I and C
High Dominance, Influence and Compliance

Speed of response and a sense of urgency are the defining characteristics of this type. Their low Steadiness scores
suggests that their approach will be rooted in a dynamic, impatient style. This is a relatively self-controlled and
ambitious style, but they also possess effective social abilities that can be expected to come to the fore in informal,
open situations.

While ambition and assertiveness are important elements of this style, the type of person to whom it refers will also
have an awareness of the needs of others and a sense of order that make them far less impulsive and unpredictable
than many similarly extrovert types. While they will wish to achieve success in their own right, they also understand
that the needs of an organisation will from time to time require that they suppress their own ambitions for the good
of the team.

Relating to Others

The ways in which this type relates to other people will tend to vary according to their social situation, depending on
the relative formality of their surroundings. In more social, casual circumstances, they will project a friendly and
animated style, being open and enthusiastic in general style.

If their situation is more formal or closely regulated, however, a more direct and determined side will develop, being
both assertive and self-controlled, and showing far less of the sociable, gregarious side associated with favourable
situations. It is in formal situations of this kind that the more ambitious and driving elements will come to the fore,
and it is likely that the individual will also adopt a somewhat plain-speaking, blunt aspect.

Common Abilities

From the above, it will be clear that an individual of this kind will display different abilities in different situations;
they can be charming and enthusiastic, or direct and forthright, depending on their particular circumstances. From a
manager's perspective, it will clearly be productive to adapt such a person's working environment, so far as is
possible, to bring out the particular style that is most appropriate.

Motivating Factors

Profiles with three high factors, such as this, have complex sets of motivating factors that may sometimes conflict
with one another. In this case, motivation stems from the achievement of personal ambition, the acceptance and
approval of other people, and certainty of their position. Where these are incompatible, as for example if the
fulfilment of a goal requires a risk to be taken, the relative values of the three factors will give some indication of the
person's likely course of action.


The Sub-traits of this type are Self-motivation, Enthusiasm and Sensitivity.

High D, S and C
High Dominance, Steadiness and Compliance

This is an unusual profile shape, as are all profiles containing both high Dominance and Steadiness. The main
distinguishing feature of this style is their low Influence score, describing a style based more around practicality and
rational thought than emotional considerations, and being generally reluctant to reveal information about
themselves, their ideas or their feelings.

In common with many profiles showing three high factors, this is a complex behavioural style with varying responses
to varying situations. In this particular case, more assertive and dominant behaviour can be expected in antagonistic
or difficult situations, while a more relaxed (but far less assertive) style can be anticipated in less pressurised

Relating to Others

The low Influence score in this profile shape indicates that relating to other people is not an area of particular
emphasis for an individual of this type. Where they do respond to others on more than a purely practical basis, they
will tend to react to comments or suggestions from other parties rather than offering direct input themselves. As a
situation becomes more difficult, their willingness to make direct input will increase dramatically, but their readiness
to communicate on a personal level will reduce proportionately.

Common Abilities

The emphasis of this type of person is on results and productivity. They work well with facts, and are at home with
complex systems. They value effectiveness and efficiency, and will tend to embody these qualities in their approach
to both their work and home lives. Although they have a clear view of their own personal aims in life, they are
prepared to bide their time when necessary, and this thoughtful, patient approach helps them to avoid unneccessary
risks or impulsive actions.

Motivating Factors

Profiles with multiple high factors have a variety of motivating factors, and these can express themselves in different
ways according to circumstance. In this case, motivating factors include the achievement of results, time to adapt to
changing situations, a full understanding of fact and detail and an avoidance of risk. There will clearly be times when
elements of this complex group of motivations conflict with one another.


The Sub-traits of this type are Efficiency, Thoughtfulness and Accuracy.

High I, S and C
High Influence, Steadiness and Compliance
Understanding DISC Menu

This combination of three high factors represents a behavioural style with a number of divergent elements. One
common theme, however, is represented by the low level of Dominance in the style, meaning that this style will
rarely display overtly assertive or direct behaviour. Instead, they will try to achieve their ends through
communication, using their persuasive abilities or the powers of rational discussion.

This is not an ambitious type of person; profiles of this kind reflect individual styles who rarely set distinct goals for
themselves in life, but prefer instead simply to build strong relationships with others and pursue their personal
interests or pastimes. They work particularly well as part of a team or group, being both friendly and co-operative in
style, and ready to accept others' ideas.

Relating to Others

Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, the three important factors in this profile, all confer certain communicative
strengths on this type. In combination, these three elements give people of this kind a number of strengths in the
field of relations with other people. Influence is the factor that relates to an outgoing, friendly style, while Steadiness
confers capable listening skills and patience with others. Finally, Compliance gives a rational aspect to such an
individual, helping them to present cogent and coherent arguments when necessary.

Common Abilities

As we saw above, many of this style's abilities lie in the field of personal communication and relationship
management. They are good team players who work well with other people, and appreciate their input into
discussions. While they have the confidence to maintain a pro-active role, this does not equate to the direct
assertiveness of certain other types. They are capable of being outgoing and extrovert, they are also receptive to
other people and sympathetic to other points of view.

Motivating Factors

This type of person is not ambitious by nature, and rarely has a specific set of goals or aims in life. Motivation for this
person is more a matter of a general sense of happiness or contentment, and specifically this means the
development of positive, warm relations with other people, time to adapt to changes in circumstance, and a sense of
sureness about their position, especially (but not exclusively) in social terms.


The Sub-traits of this type are Friendliness, Patience and Co-operativeness.

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