Induction Checklist: 1. General Information About The Workplace

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Induction checklist

Your name
Company /organisation name
Manager/supervisor responsible for
within placement provider

As a new member of a team you will benefit from knowing the kinds of things illustrated in this
check-list. The checklist below should be completed with the placement provider at the start of
your placement.

1. General information about the workplace Yes/no/n/a

a) Overview of the organisation structure and your role within it
b) Introduction to key staff members and explanation of their roles
c) Allocation of work space: desk, PC, telephone etc
d) Clarification of working hours/ hours of business
e) Location of toilet facilities, rest/staff room and canteen (if relevant)
f) Lunch and break entitlement
2. Health and Safety Information Yes/no/n/a
a) Has the organisation’s Health and Safety Policy been explained to you
and a copy provided
b) Have you been told who your Health and Safety officer is
c) Have you been made aware of what to do in an emergency situation
d) Have you been told where their nearest Health and Safety notice board
is located
e) Have you been informed of the procedure to follow on discovering a
fire or hearing a fire alarm, including the fire escape routes and fire
f) Have you been informed of where the fire extinguishers & fire blankets
are located, how they operate and what type of fires they are suitable
g) Have you been informed of the location of the nearest first aid box and
who the first -aiders are ( and their contact details).
h) Have you received information on how to report an incident/hazard
i) Where appropriate to your work , have you received information on:
i. The safe use of Display Screen Equipment
ii. Safe lifting techniques

iii. Working with hazardous substances and
location of COSHH assessments
iv. Safe use of machinery and equipment
v. Risk assessments specific to your role

vi. Where appropriate to your work, has the appropriate Personal

j) Protective Equipment been issued and have you received information
regarding when this is to be used

Student name ___________________________________________________

Signed ___________________________________________________

Date __________________________________

Placement Supervisor: ________________________________________________

Signed: _________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________

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