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Compressed Air System Efficiency:

What you can do today to lower
your operating costs

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2. Service Factor ‒ Service factor

is a rating applied to the mo-
Uncover Factors that Drive Up tor that determines how far a
motor can operate over the rated
Your Compressed Air Costs horsepower without damaging
the motor. For example, a mo-
Your guide to spotting and managing compressed air expenses that are tor with a service factor of 1.15
not always obvious at purchase means that the motor can run at
15% over its rated horsepower.
By Sue Benes, FS-Elliott It is not a good practice to size
motors to operate continuously
With all capital equipment ENERGY COSTS above the rated load in the ser-
purchases, the initial cost is not the The most commonly used power vice factor area.
only expense to consider. Often source in an industrial setting is
there are associated costs that are electrical energy. Since the goal of 3. Running Hours and Energy
not always apparent at the time of all facilities is to deliver the larg- Rate ‒ The running hours are
purchase and can significantly est volume of air using the lowest the number of hours the air
impact operational budgets. amount of energy possible, it is compressor is operating at the
Organizations are becoming more important to understand what the given power value and is typical-
aware that the main cost in the specific demands are for air capac- ly identified on a per year basis.
life-cycle of an air compressor is ity and how your existing installa- The running hours are usually
energy usage, followed by mainte- tions are managing those demands. grouped by labor shifts due to air
nance of the compressor, with the The following are key elements demand changes between shifts.
initial capital investment being the to calculating the energy require- The energy rate for your area
lowest of the three costs. Air audits ments of a compressor, and Figure can be obtained from your local
are a great way to identify these 1 shows how each element impacts power company.
costs, but it is important to annual energy cost.
understand how each of these FULL LOAD VS. PARTIAL LOAD
impacts your bottom line and what 1. Power and Motor Efficiency ‒ ENERGY USE
steps can be taken to minimize the Every electrical motor has an ef- In an operating environment, there
overall life-cycle cost. This article ficiency rating, which is the per- are usually demand cycles when
reviews how to quickly identify centage of electrical input power a facility will require more or less
issues such as energy and mainte- that the motor uses to power the compressed air during certain
nance costs, in addition to not so air compressor. To calculate this times of the day or week. The
obvious items like product for your air compressor, locate majority of air compressors are
warranty impacts. It also exam- the motor efficiency in the mo- designed with sophisticated control
ines how one company used this tor manufacturer’s data sheet systems that modulate along an
process to save money while and the horsepower from the operating range to meet demand.
providing a reliable, quality air motor nameplate. The demand could result in the air
source. compressor running at full load

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specific demands are for air capacity and how your existing installations are managing
those demands. There are five key elements to calculating the energy requirements of a
compressor; these include rated power, motor efficiency, service factor, running hours, and
energy SERVIC
rate. (See ES:
Air Compressor Energy Cost Calculation.)

consistently, partial load, or modu-

lating between the two. Because
Horsepower rating of the motor powering the air compressor; found
of this, it is best to identify when on the motor nameplate.
your compressors are the most ef- SERVICE FACTOR
ficient and balance the compressor How far above the rated horsepower a motor can
operate without damaging the motor; found on the
load for the most efficient opera-
motor nameplate.
tion to meet system demand. The
most efficient operating points can
Number of hours the air compressor
be identified by the compressor operates on a yearly basis.
manufacturer or an auditor. When
estimating the energy consumption Current cost of energy from
of an air compressor, many audi- your local power supplier.
tors reference data sheets located
the full load power consumption
of most rotary screw air compres-
sors. For all other types, such as
centrifugal or reciprocating, it is
best to ask the manufacturer for a
Operating efficiency of the motor;
data sheet with the full load energy
found on the motor nameplate.
consumption and partial load ef-
ficiencies of the machine.
FigureFigure 1 –Air Compressor
1. Air Compressor Energy
Energy Cost Cost Calculation

SYSTEM OVER PRESSURIZING 1. Power and Motor Efficiency

One common finding during an Everyadditional electrical
electrical motor energy israting, whichsome
has an efficiency is theform of maintenance
percentage of electrical to keep
air audit is that the facility is op- inputrequired
power thatfor
theamotor uses to pressure
discharge power the air compressor.
operatingThe National Electrical
efficiently. A mainte-
erating their compressors well overManufacturers
increase ofAssociation (NEMA) has released guidelines for motor efficiency.
1 psi. Therefore, a 20 nance review done during an audit
the required system pressure. For Although there is a wide
psi increase range of efficiencies,
in discharge pressure a good ruleuncover
can of thumbhidden
is the older andthat a
example, the compressed air appli-smaller
wouldthe compressor motor
require 10% is, theenergy.
more less efficient itfacility
is. As anmay
example, a 100 HPispremium
not realize a result
efficiency motor typically has a motor efficiency rating at around 96%. To calculate this for
cation may require 100 psi; how- Plugging this into our equation of their compressed air system. The
your air compressor, locate the motor efficiency in the motor manufacturer’s data sheet and
ever, the compressors deliver air at from Figure 1 would result in following are three key compressor
the horsepower from the motor nameplate.
120 psi to overcome losses in the an additional $5,258 per year in maintenance cost areas.
2. Service Factor
compressed air delivery system. energy costs due to system over-
Service factor is a rating applied to the motor that determines how far a motor can operate
Losses may be due to filtration pressurizing. A properly trained CONSUMABLES
over the rated horsepower without damaging the motor. For example, a motor with a service
after compressor discharge, poor air auditor can provide several All air compressors rely on con-
factor of 1.15 means that the motor can operate at 15% over its rated horsepower. It is
piping design, or leaks in the air solutions to reduce pressure drop sumable products, such as filters,
not a good practice to size motors to operate continuously above the rated load in the
system. The greater the discharge in an air system. separators, and oil, which need to
pressure of the air compressor the be replaced on a regular basis. The
more energy required to compress The Hidden Costs of Air
MAINTENANCE Compressor Operation by
COSTS Sue Benes,
amount FS-Elliott Co., LLC Page
of consumable products 3
the air. As a rule of thumb, 0.5% Every piece of machinery requires varies greatly based on whether

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the compressor is an oil-flooded or

oil-free machine. Figure 2 shows a
comparison of the compressed air
systems of an oil-free and oil-lubri-
cated compressor after discharge.

In addition to the filtration

required to keep the air clean,
there is the cost of oil itself. It is
recommended to change the oil
Figure 2. Oil-lubricated and oil-free compressor system comparison.
every 6-12 months in an oil-lubri-
cated compressor. To operate one
oil-lubricated compressor, many AIREND REPLACEMENT an oil-flooded machine, it is impos-
facilities pay between $3,000 and In most cases, an air auditor or sible to produce 100% oil-free air.
$6,000 per year for oil. Oil-free manufacturer may recommend ISO 8573-1 establishes guidelines for
compressors still require oil, but replacing or overhauling your entire purity classes of compressed air. It is
since the oil never goes into the airend to improve performance. critical for any manufacturer to ask
compression process, they only Airend replacement can cost up themselves what level of oil can be
require oil changes every 2-3 to 70% of the original equipment tolerated in their production paths.
years. Depending on the operat- price. The lifetime of an airend
ing location, there may also be varies depending on the type of THE VALUE OF AIR SYSTEM
disposal fees for properly remov- compressor (rotary screw, recipro- AUDITING
ing oil from the site. cating, centrifugal) and whether it Although it can be a daunting pro-
is oil-lubricated or oil-free. Be sure cess, reviewing the entire life-cycle
CONDENSATE REMOVAL to ask the manufacturer or auditor cost of a compressor is essential
Condensate is generated from both the expected lifetime of the airend to understanding the true cost of
oil-flooded and oil-free compres- and how this is addressed in the your purchase. This includes all the
sors. The difference is that for warranty of the machine. costs the compressor will require to
oil-flooded machines the oil mixes operate. An air audit will provide
with the condensate creating water/ FINISHED PRODUCT IMPACTS a baseline of how your current
oil mixture that is regulated at the Often it is overlooked that when an system is operating, and can be
state and local level. This con- oil-flooded compressed air source done with little to no impact on the
densate must either be properly is used, trace oil could transfer and production process. An air system
disposed of or require another fil- affect the finished product. For audit can encompass the following:
tration system to filter the oil out of some, this may not be an issue, but • Energy usage data logging – Log
the water. Both alternatives can be for companies that produce textiles, the energy air compressors are
a significant burden on operational food products, or even medicines, consuming.
expenses, with proper conden- clean, dry air is essential to the • A ir measurement – Identify a fac-
sate disposal costing upwards of manufacturing process. Once the oil tory’s true compressed air demand
$50,000 per year. is injected into the air system, as in and operating schedule.

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• A ir leak detection and control –

A SIMPLE AIR AUDIT SAVES THOUSANDS Identify how much air is being
Rising energy costs forced an automotive component manufacturer located lost due to leaks.
in North Carolina to reevaluate where energy was being utilized in their • A ir quality – Measure the
current plant operations. Knowing that they already had an issue with their amount of particulates in the air
five oil-flooded rotary screw compressors forcing a shutdown in produc- system, including water and oil
tion from lack of air supply, they thought they would start by looking at which may have an impact on the
their compressed air system. The facilities manager reached out to a local efficiency of the machines.
compressor distributor to conduct an audit of their compressed air system. • Maintenance review – Assess the
effectiveness of the current main-
The findings of the air audit were: tenance plan.
• Monitoring and control program
• The lack of air supply was due to insufficiently sized air compressors.
– Make recommendations to
• The facility was using extra energy to operate their air compressors 10 psi maintain optimum efficiency.
over the required system pressure.
While most manufacturers track the
• Consumable spending reached upwards of $50,000 per year to operate
more obvious expenses such as
all five oil-flooded rotary screw compressors.
maintenance and capital equipment
The recommendations from the air audit were: costs, many are unaware how much
they are spending on condensate
1. Replace three oil-flooded rotary screw compressors with a more efficient
removal, airend replacement and
oil-free centrifugal compressor and keep the remaining two rotary screw
consumable products such as filters,
compressors running.
separators, and oil. Often these
2. R
 emove filtration that was required by the three oil-flooded rotary screw seemingly minor costs that are not
compressors. always apparent at the time of
equipment purchase result in
3. M
 inimize energy consumption by operating all compressors at the pres-
thousands of dollars in unnecessary
sure demanded by the applications.
expenses. Shedding light on these
The benefits of the new air system were: hidden items to understand the total
system costs at your plant is the first
 ue to higher efficiencies and lower discharge pressures, the facility was
step towards a more efficient
able to meet their air demand requirement while saving $100,000 per year
manufacturing process.
in electrical energy costs.

 ue to the amount of energy saved by switching from their previous set up Sue R. Benes is Polaris+

to the new set up, the manufacturer was also eligible for a rebate program Product Marketing Man-

through their local energy provider. The oil-free centrifugal compressor ager for FS-Elliott. Sue

required fewer consumable maintenance items and the manufacturer was manages FS-Elliott’s Polaris+ product

able to reduce their annual air compressor maintenance costs by $25,000. line of centrifugal compressors and is re-

sponsible for matching industrial require-

ments with current or future products.

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training is the best first step in

optimizing your system by teaching
Energy-Efficient Air you how to understand your equip-
ment and how it is running. This
More than a dozen ways to optimize your compressed air system knowledge is an important key to
getting your costs in line.
By Ron Marshall, Compressed Air Challenge
The Department of Energy studied
compressed air awareness train-
You may have heard that The good news is that something ing and found that attending the
compressed air is one of the most can be done about it. training helped more than 75% of
expensive utilities in an industrial attendees initiate positive action.1
plant. It is a fact that compressed This article outlines a dozen ways This action includes replacing
air is a poor way to transmit energy to optimize your compressed air inefficient equipment, changing
to an industrial machine or tool if system for increased energy ef- maintenance procedures, and doing
you want superior efficiency. That ficiency. Although certain points low cost/no cost measures such as
being said, it is unlikely you will discussed in this article may relate leak detection and repair to reduce
convert all your industrial tools and just to the supply side of the sys- system waste (Figure 1). The study
equipment to direct drive electric, tem, or to the demand side, every- found that every dollar invested in
just based on energy efficiency thing in compressed air systems is compressed air training paid back
alone. Compressed air will never interrelated – items on the demand at a rate of more than 80 times the
disappear from industrial plants; it side can affect how the equipment initial outlay. More information on
is a very useful utility. on the supply side operates. In training for your staff can be found
all cases the best compressed air by visiting the Compressed Air
Compressed air system costs vary system efficiency occurs when both Challenge website (
widely in industry. This is because sides of the system are optimized at
the efficiency of systems is often the same time by taking a holistic
ignored, as there often are more systems approach. 2. MONITOR YOUR COM-
important issues in running a sys- PRESSED AIR SYSTEM
tem, especially keeping the pres- 1. TAKE AWARENESS TRAINING In order to get a handle on your
sure at a constant reliable level With regards to compressed air, compressed air system costs you
and maintaining adequate air what you and your employees must measure your system. A
quality so that production pro- don’t know will hurt you. It is system that is not measured can’t
cesses run smoothly. Sometimes very common to see surprised be effectively managed. Creating
systems run at excellent efficiency, looks on people’s faces when they a baseline is important in under-
but at other times things can go discover how much it is costing to standing the challenges involved
very wrong due to factors like run their compressed air systems, in improving the efficiency, air
equipment characteristics, system and how little mechanical energy quality, air stability and reliabil-
design, flow characteristics, and they receive for the expenditure. ity of your system. To monitor
maintenance levels. Compressed air system awareness you must measure key parameters

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1 gal/cmf 3 gal/cmf 5 gal/cmf 10 gal/cmf Ideal Compressor


Percent kW Input




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percent Capacity


Figure 1. Training attendees learn that typically half the compressed air produced is wasted. Source: Compressed Air Challenge

like pressure, f low, power, and saved, and if any other important 3. IMPLEMENT EFFICIENT
dew point over a period of time. system parameters have been af- COMPRESSOR AND DRYER
Once collected, these data need fected by the change. CONTROL
to be analyzed to see if there are Are your compressors and dry-
any issues. More and more factories are ers being controlled efficiently? In
implementing permanent moni- what control mode are they operat-
For example, if your air compres- toring of their compressed air ing? It is rare to find a compressed
sors are rated at 18 kW input for systems so that system parameters air system operator with the answer
every 100 cfm output, but system can constantly be monitored and to these questions. The control of
measurements reveal that your sys- adjusted. This is an exceptionally the air compressors and associated
tem is consuming 40 kW per 100 good practice, but good results can equipment like air dryers is very
cfm, this is a pretty clear indicator be still be obtained by bringing in important to the efficiency and reli-
that there is likely an efficiency temporary metering. The measure- ability of the system.
problem. If you make adjustments ment and analysis of your system
to improve the situation, the system using the services of a qualified With regard to individual com-
monitors will tell you if your efforts compressed air auditor can point pressor controls there are various
were successful, how much you you in the right direction. common modes of operation, with

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some more efficient than others. Air dryer control is often a forgot- efficient unit. This replacement can
Some common modes are start/ ten element in a system manage- reduce operating costs going for-
stop, inlet modulation, load/un- ment effort, especially where desic- ward and pay for the replacement
load, variable capacity control, and cant style dryers are used. If your costs in a short period of time.
variable speed. Of these modes system has non-cycling refrigerated
inlet modulation is the least ef- dryers, then you can reduce energy When calculating the operating
ficient way to control any compres- costs by making sure that any spare costs savings and choosing what
sor that is running at part load, but dryers are turned off if their associ- model of new compressor to pur-
may be acceptable if the compressor ated compressors are not running. chase the Compressed Air and Gas
is always at or near full load. The For desiccant dryers, there are Institute (CAGI) data sheets for the
variable speed mode is the most dewpoint controls that can greatly make and model in question can be
efficient way of controlling com- reduce the dryer purge demand if used to compare various options.
pressors at part loads but may not the dryers are experiencing flows Most major compressed air compa-
be the most efficient at full loads. that are less than rated conditions. nies have their CAGI sheets pub-
If you have a mix of control modes, It is not uncommon to find desic- lished on their websites. The data
some thought and planning needs cant air dryer purge making up the from these sheets can be used an
to go into setting up and coordinat- largest component of the com- inputs for your economic analysis in
ing multiple compressor systems. pressed air demand in an industrial deciding to fix or replace and what
plant, in some extreme cases even compressor to choose. Data sheets
A variety of control systems of more than the demand consumed are also available for refrigerated
varying complexity are widely by production machinery. air dryers and may help you choose
available, and can be installed on an efficient cycling dryer to replace
compressed air systems to help 4. IMPROVE EQUIPMENT EFFI- an old non-cycling unit containing
coordinate compressors operation. CIENCY BY REPLACEMENT ozone depleting refrigerants.
This includes ensuring that correct The compressed air industry has
compressors are running at any changed for the better. Manufac- 5. INSTALL STORAGE
given time, that equipment is run- turers are very aware that their RECEIVERS
ning efficiently, and that the system customers are interested in energy The use of storage receivers can im-
pressure is kept within specified efficiency, and so they have rede- prove your overall system efficiency
limits. Implementing controls signed their equipment to be more in a number of ways. For example,
may be as simple as using what efficient. When it comes time to using a main air receiver at the
is already built into the onboard do an expensive major overhaul on compressor room can make load/
compressor control systems, or by your old air compressors, keep in unload compressor control more
the use of more complex external mind that the old equipment may efficient. In the past it was thought
master control systems. There are not be up to present day standards. that lubricated screw type compres-
system controllers now available Rather than repairing an old sors only needed about one gallon
that can also help you monitor your inefficient compressor or compres- of storage capacity for every cfm of
compressed air system to ensure sor motor, it may be in your best rated compressor output. But this
your efficiency remains within ac- interested to look at replacing the has proven incorrect if efficiency is
ceptable limits. equipment with a brand new more the goal. The addition of 5 gallons

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1 gal/cmf 3 gal/cmf 5 gal/cmf 10 gal/cmf Ideal Compressor


Percent kW Input




0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Percent Capacity


Figure 2. Storage capacity can have a big affect on compressor efficiency at part loads. Source: Compressed Air Challenge

of capacity per cfm or more has both of which would needlessly And if production machinery is
excellent benefits in reducing the increase power costs, being affected by localized pres-
effects of rapid cycling of screw sure fluctuations, storage receivers
compressors. Figure 2 shows the Well placed storage receivers lo- protected by check valves can be
effect of adding storage which cated in industrial facilities on the installed to protect this equipment
makes the compressor operate more plant floor can also be of benefit. from short term transient low pres-
closely to the “ideal compressor.” Storage receivers can be placed sure events. This can prevent the
near machines that consume short need to increase the plant pressures
Having significant storage at the duration high flows of compressed to compensate.
compressor room also can help the air that might cause localized low
compressors ride out transient high pressure events that affects other 6. LOWER THE COMPRESSED
flow compressed air demands that pressure sensitive equipment. Use AIR PRESSURE
might cause another compressor of storage to supply these transient The higher the discharge pressure,
to start unnecessarily, or might re- events can smooth out these high the more power an air compressor
quire a compressor to run continu- flows so as not to cause the start consumes. A general rule of thumb
ally and inefficiently in unloaded of an extra air compressor or cause states that around 100 psi, and at
mode to avoid low pressure events, localized low pressure. a constant flow, the compressor

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power requirement increases about

1% for each 2 psi increase. There-
fore, if this discharge pressure can
be reduced some compressed air
system savings can be gained.

Why is your system pressure so

high? There could be a number of
reasons, starting with end user re-
quirements, pressure differentials,

Source: Compressed Air Challenge

compressor control characteristics,
etc. Often the operators of the
system don’t know the answer to
the question. Many times the pres-
sure is set at a certain level because
that is the rating of the compressor.
It is important to know what your
actual pressure requirements are, HIGH PRESSURE
Figure 3. It is important to know what your actual pressure requirements are, and realize that sup-
and realize that supplying excess plying excess pressure causes your compressors to consume more power than necessary.
pressure causes your compressors to
consume more power than neces-
sary, with typically no additional
production improvements (Figure
3). If you find there is no good rea-
son for high pressure, then lower it.


An air compressor produces hot,
Source: Compressed Air Challenge

wet, oily air that must be condi-

tioned so as not to contaminate
downstream machinery or pro-
cesses. The compressed air is dried
using air dryers and is typically
filtered in some fashion to remove
contaminants. Compressed air
treatment equipment can be a CHECK YOUR EQUIPMENT
Figure 4. Compressed air treatment equipment can be a significant source of energy loss through
significant source of energy loss purge loss, electrical power consumption, pressure loss, or through excessive drainage while
through purge loss (for desiccant removing the captured liquids from the system.

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dryers), electrical power consump-

tion (refrigerated dryers), pressure
loss (causing the compressor to
consume more power), or through
excessive drainage while remov-
ing the captured liquids from the
system (Figure 4).

Source: Compressed Air Challenge

The selection of more efficient air
dryers that use less power through
efficient design, low- or no-purge
flow, and/or lower designed pres-
sure differential is a good energy
efficiency measure. Airless con-
densate drains will reduce the
compressed air waste that might be SOUND MONITORING
Figure 5. Implementing ultrasonic leak detection into a regular maintenance program can improve
occurring if cracked open manual compressed air leakage. A good target to aim for would be a leak level of 10% of the average
drains or timer style drains are compressed air flow.

normally used to expel liquids from

the system. Every psi reduction in differential should be measured to i.e. the last 30 feet of pipe. In that
pressure differential or reduced cfm determine if there is a problem. Pip- last section of piping, there may
of wasted compressed air translates ing modifications such as looping be undersized filters, regulators,
to less energy being consumed at the system may improve things, or lubricators, connectors, and hoses,
the air compressors. pipe size increases may be required. all elements that can contribute to
A good system should have no more significant pressure differential.
8. UPGRADE PLANT PIPING than 10% pressure differential across This differential can also be inside
Undersized compressed air pip- the complete system from the com- the production machinery itself.
ing can cause a restriction to flow pressor room to the end use piping
in compressed air systems, which drop. An excellent system will have When major pressure differentials
forces compressor discharge pres- no more than 2% drop. occur in this section of the system,
sures higher to compensate. Often the discharge pressures at the air
the compressor room header system 9. REDUCE COMPONENT compressor end of the system must
and distribution piping was sized PRESSURE LOSS rise to compensate, increasing the
many years ago. Over a period of A significant and important item power costs. Care and attention to
time the plant may have grown and to check is how much pressure dif- sizing these components for low
compressed air demands increased ferential exists between the piping pressure differential at peak flows
to the point where the original drop and the actual end use of the can often cost only a few hundred
piping is too small. As part of the compressed air. It is common to dollars, but yield thousands of
system optimization process, the see the biggest pressure differential dollars in annual savings at the air
compressed air piping pressure occurring in the “Dirty Thirty,” compressors.

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On average about 25-30% of all
the compressed air produced by the
air compressors never makes it to
the end user. If there is no leakage

Source: Compressed Air Challenge

detection and repair program in
the plant, this number can be much
higher, and in extreme cases can up
to 80% of the average air demand
can be leakage. The repair of
compressed air leaks is one of the
easiest ways to gain energy savings
in a compressed air system – all you REMEMBER TRAINING
Figure 6. With proper training, your personnel might realize that seeking the easy way may not be
need in most cases is a keen sense in your best interest due to the high cost of compressed air.
of hearing, some time, and a few
wrenches. And if better tools are
used, like implementing ultra- pressed air is easy to implement. same job. In some cases the use
sonic leak detection into a regular With proper training, your may not be completely eliminat-
maintenance program, improved personnel might realize that seek- ed, but can still be optimized by
results can be achieved (Figure 5). ing the easy way may not be in supplying lower pressure, turning
A good target to aim for would be your best interest due to the high off the use when not required,
a leak level of 10% of the average cost of compressed air (Figure 6). or redesigning it to run with less
compressed air flow. There are many compressed air compressed air.
powered activities that can more
It is important to ensure that the efficiently be achieved using other 12. REDUCE ARTIFICIAL
air compressors at the other end of energy sources. Some of these DEMAND
the system are well controlled and may be blowing, cleaning, cool- When equipment and processes
have good turndown characteristics ing, pumping, creating vacuum, receive compressed air at higher
to get the most from leak repair. agitation, moving material, run- pressures than they are designed
The reduction in leakage flow re- ning air motors, and atomization they typically consume more
duces the power demanded by the of liquids. volume, but this may not result in
air compressors; also, this reduced an additional benefit to production.
flow will cause reduced pressure In optimizing compressed air Air cylinders consume more air
differentials across all the system system, these potentially inap- at higher pressure because it take
restrictions. propriate uses of compressed more air to fill at higher pressure.
air are identified and analyzed Blowing devices use more flow at
11. REDUCE OR ELIMINATE during the air system study. The higher pressure because there is
INAPPROPRIATE USES life cycle costs then are compared more force available to expel the
The inappropriate use of com- with other methods of doing the air. All of this translates to higher

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total flow and resulting higher definitely be implemented using References

compressor power consumption. low cost/no cost measures, but to 1. U.S. Department of Energy,
really achieve the best results some 2004. "Evaluation of the Compressed
Reducing plant pressure by reduc- significant expenditure is usually Air Challenge Training Program."
ing compressor discharge pressure required. Your local power utility
can yield savings, but so will the or energy organization may manufacturing/tech_assistance/pdfs/
use pressure/flow control devices support compressed air improve- eval_cactp_cd.pdf
that regulate the complete main ments with financial incentives if
plant pressure to only the mini- the work you are doing saves Before retiring in 2016,
mum level required by downstream energy. Some of these organiza- Ron Marshall was the
equipment. And local, well-sized tions will support initial basic industrial compressed
regulators that have been carefully energy studies, more detailed full air systems expert at Manitoba Hydro,
selected to regulate without exces- audits, and even fund a significant where he worked for 38 years. His
sive drop can reduce the artificial part of a compressed air energy efforts supported the organization’s
demand at individual end users. project. These organizations may Power Smart Performance Optimiza-

also have information resources tion Program, and he now operates his
And, for a Baker’s Dozen: and technical support personnel to own compressed air energy efficiency

assist you in applying for these consulting firm and is a member of the

13. USE INCENTIVE PROGRAMS funds. It pays to ask about the project development committee at the

Compressed air optimization can possibilities for your plant. Compressed Air Challenge.

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Additional Resources
AirCompare provides manufacturers with insight into their compressed air
system including identifying areas where they could reduce costs. To get
started, you will need the HP or kW rating of your current compressors, an-
nual operating hours, and the energy rate from your local energy supplier.

Calculate Your Compressed Air Costs

2. H
When trying to reduce plant operating costs and grow your bottom line,
air compressors are often an afterthought. Most organizations focus on
reducing utilities but frequently discount any benefits they may enjoy by
addressing the compressor room. Ensuring your compressor room is opti-
mized based on the needs of your facility should always be the first step in
your cost savings journey.

View White Paper

3. H
Watch an FS-Elliott centrifugal compressor in action as the air travels
through each stage of the process, resulting in a reliable, ISO 8573-1 Class 0,
100% oil-free air stream to power a variety of industrial applications.

View Animation

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