Garbage In, Garbage Out..... : The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin

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A Nautical Institute project Crew Endurance Work

conditioning The 7 needs of
sponsored by Lloyd’s Register EMEA Management E the mariner

The Nautical Page 3 ENDURANCE Page 4-5


The International Maritime

Human Element
Issue No. 4 July 2004

T his edition of Alert! is about human

issues - in the context of Mind, Body
Garbage In, Garbage Out.....
eople are important and ships
and Spirit. It addresses some of the
many physiological and psychological P need good, qualified, and
motivated people to operate well. The
The term Garbage In, Garbage Out
(GIGO) is one of the great proverbs of
the computer age which says that if
factors that can affect the ability of the
mariner to do his job. The global nature use of technology has been introduced invalid, inaccurate or inappropriate
of our business is such that the into many aspects of ship operation data is entered into a system, the
and design in recent years in order to resulting output will be invalid,
maritime workforce is multinational
reduce manning levels and costs, and inaccurate or inappropriate. In other
and multicultural, which can lead to
improve operations. words, the quality of the output is
differing interpretations of international
directly dependent on the quality of
guidelines and inconsistent standards Previous issues of Alert! have examined
the input.
in lifestyle, training and education, Performance Influencing Factors (Issue 2)
and Ergonomics (Issue 3), but what of If we apply this to the maritime human
working environments and habitability.
the basic human needs of the Mind, the element, the personal output of the
In our central feature, we examine
Body and the Spirit? Today’s maritime mariner is dependant on 7 needs:
the many and varied physiological,
employment trends often concentrate
psychological and spiritual needs of on low crew costs, with workloads and • Moral values (Spirit)
the mariner. living environments that can cause
fatigue and frustration. Is this value
• Self actualisation (Spirit)
The articles in these Bulletins are written
by, and for, maritime professionals
for money? • Happy & healthy lifestyle (Body)
from a broad interdisciplinary cross One mariner, in a letter to Alert! • Attitude (Mind)
section of the maritime industry. They suggests that the only motivation at
sea now is money; that short turn-
• Safe
& secure working environment
are deliberately brief and, in many
round times and pressure of work
cases, are linked to longer articles,
papers and presentations, which are
ensure that shore leave is brief and • Competence (Mind)
held in the Alert! website database at
infrequent; and that ethnic and cultural
diversity limit social life.
• Motivation (Mind), or to other websites. As most shipboard systems depend on
He adds: ‘Seamen are intensely proud of some level of human involvement, the
The Alert! project offers a forum for like- their job, their position, and their uniform human link is a potential frailty that
minded people to share ideas and solve yet we are increasingly feeling alienated needs to be managed, monitored and
problems and, through the website, a from the world around us.’ He suggests nurtured. Healthy, happy, well trained
reference resource for study and that ‘the most effective way to treat the and motivated mariners are essential
information. Contributions to the Bulletin human element is to treat the seafarer as to the safe running and commercial
and to the website database are always a human, with human pride.’ efficiency of any ship.
welcome, as are letters to the editor,
which will be published on the website.

The Editor
The Nautical Institute
202 Lambeth Road

Innovation in Ship Operations Award

Mind, Body, Spirit

Improving the awareness of the human element in the maritime industry
Maritime Education
2 Inside this issue:
and Training Providers
MET Providers take the Initiative 2 take the Initiative
Rod Short
Maritime Resource Management 2
The Association of Maritime Education & The rapid increase in the numbers of
Training Institutions in Asia Pacific commercial training centres in several
Crew Endurance Management: (AMETIAP), founded in Hong Kong in major manning countries has led to many
Extending Beyond Fatigue 3 1996, has 89 Member Institutions in 22 ‘graduates’ who lack basic competence or
economies, 2 Honorary Members and 12 even understanding of the industry they
Seafarers with Spirit 3 Associate members. AMETIAP secretary, are entering, yet still find employment on
Rod Short, explains the importance of such board ship.
an Institution.
The 7 needs of the mariner 4/5 To ensure the industry is able to access the
Global manning and technological competent workforce it requires, these
development will continue to impact on needs must be taken into account in the
Joined up maritime health 6 seafarers. As an industry that must recruit development of appropriate MET. Globally
its seafarers from wherever best meets much needs to be done to address serious
Communication - a step towards its needs, shipping is at the forefront human issues.
Emotional Intelligence 6 of globalised employment. Modern
technology has resulted in a greater Through association and through creating
monitoring role on the part of those a ‘voice’ for MET, the providers and
Seafarers’ wellbeing - controlling a ship at sea. The daily interested parties are ensuring a more
an holistic approach 7 challenges of the former ‘hands-on’ roles effective role in developments that
have decreased. Work at sea brings little recognise the needs of safe and efficient
personal fulfilment for many seafarers. ship operation, but also the need for more
Accident Investigation Reports 8
to be done about very important human
Despite many endeavours - STCW, the needs, particularly with multi-cultural crews.
‘White List’, national regulation, and the
Reports and Studies 8
steps taken by responsible ship owners The development of AMETIAP is a major
and managers - standards of Maritime initiative by the MET providers to assist in
Education and Training (MET) differ widely. addressing these issues.

major claims. To tackle these and other

Maritime causes related to human behaviour, The

The International Maritime

Resource Swedish Club became involved, some ten
years ago, in the development of Bridge
Human Element Bulletin Management Resource Management (BRM) training. This
training focuses on personal attitudes
Editor: David Squire, FNI - Taking Bridge rather than conventional navigating
Martin Hernqvist
The Nautical Institute, 202 Lambeth Road Resource Manager, and ship handling skills. The overall aim
London SE1 7LQ Loss Prevention & is to foster a behaviour where all
Management Information Services
T: +44(0) 20 7928 1351 available resources - team members, pilots,
one step further The Swedish Club equipment, procedures, VTS etc - are used
F: +44(0) 20 7401 2817
in an optimum way leading to the safest
Around 1990, marine insurers intensified
E: possible passage.
their efforts in the loss prevention field. An
The opinions expressed herein are those of the editor important reason was that premiums had
or contributors and do not necessarily represent the
Together with its 13 licensed training
views of The Nautical Institute or Lloyd’s Register EMEA. reached the bottom in the premium cycle providers, The Swedish Club recently took a
and while it seemed hard to influence the decision to rename the course Maritime
The Nautical Institute and Lloyd’s Register EMEA,
their affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective income, the focus turned to the cost of Resource Management (MRM). Since the
officers, employees or agents are, individually and claims.The Swedish Club was no exception resources that have to be managed are not
collectively, referred to as ‘The Nautical Institute and
Lloyd’s Register EMEA’. The Nautical Institute and
and in 1993 a full time loss prevention always concentrated on the bridge we
Lloyd’s Register EMEA assume no responsibility and officer was employed. Since then, The Club
shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage believe that the new name will reflect both
has spent a lot of time and effort in
or expense caused by reliance on the information or the content and the objectives of the
advice in this Bulletin or howsoever provided, unless investigating and trying to get a better
that person has signed a contract with an entity from
course more accurately. In addition, it is
understanding of the causes of accidents.
The Nautical Institute and Lloyd’s Register EMEA for our hope that all target groups - bridge
the provision of this information or advice and in that
case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the
Investigations carried out show that officers, engineers, pilots and shore-based
terms and conditions set out in that contract. a breakdown in communication and personnel will feel more comfortable
teamwork is a common factor in many with this.

A more comprehensive paper on MRM, by one of the training providers can be downloaded from the
website (ref: HE0070)
Crew Endurance Management: 3

Extending Beyond Fatigue

The Human Element and Ship Division, United States Coast Guard

ormal maritime operations expose Success in implementing CEM is

N crewmembers to a variety of
operational risk factors, which, left
variables affecting crew performance
within a complex marine safety culture. dependent upon the participation,
leadership, and commitment of a vessel’s
Aware of this situation, the U.S. Coast
unmanaged, can degrade crew endurance, management, operators, and crew. A Crew
Guard’s Research and Development Center
and thereby both performance and Endurance Working Group (CEWG)
established Crew Endurance Management
safety levels. comprised of representatives from all
(CEM), a scientifically based program for
levels of the vessel’s operation is
Traditionally, most efforts addressing the improving performance, safety, and morale
established to identify and address the
human element have been directed while simultaneously enduring job-related
towards fatigue management. These and specific endurance risks pertinent to its
challenges. It addresses a broad scope of
other narrowly focused attempts failed to environmental, operational, physiological, operations. It examines an organization’s
address the wide range of interrelated and psychological factors. operational policies regarding matters
such as sleeping and eating times, efforts
to reduce noises for off-watch personnel,
Endurance risk factors and the consideration of individual
behaviors such as diet, exercise, and stress.
Work Physical
schedules conditioning The CEWG also enlists the expertise of a
CEM Coach; a crewmember trained in the
science behind, and effects of, 15
interrelated risk factors, which include
Body clock Environmental those of temperature, motion, vibrations,
stability Stressors
intensity of lighting, and other physical
considerations aboard a ship. Once the
group has identified which factors affect
its operations, they can begin to prioritize,
devise, and deploy CEM plans aboard.
ENDURANCE Although only in its beginning stages, the
U.S. Coast Guard has made measurable
progress with CEM deployment, including
a demonstration project with American
Sleep quality Stress
Waterways Operators involving six towing
& duration companies.
Crew Endurance Management Practices: A Guide
for Maritime Operations can be downloaded
Health & Motion from the website (Ref:
nutrition sickness HE00265). For further information contact
Lt Sam Stevens:

Seafarers with Spirit

Rev Dr John Strain
Director, Centre for Applied and Professional Ethics, University of Surrey (UK)

o be human is not just to have bodily Despite the commonly held assumption Catholic and many others belong to the
T and mental needs as defined by the
human sciences. It is also to be a person
that secular attitudes prevail, the
sociological evidence is that relatively few
Islamic faith.
Human rights legislation requires that
with purposes and intentions that people have turned away from belief in,
people are not denied opportunities to
transcend the here and now, reach across and experience of, the sacred and the practice their faith. It is a challenge to the
into the mysteriousness of the future and spiritual. Across the globe, seven major maritime industry to ensure appropriate
involve us in deep and treasured religions account for 83% of the world’s opportunities are provided to the seafarer.
relationships of love with other people population. Amongst seafarers, belonging
The International Christian Maritime Association
and with God, in ways articulated within to religious traditions is particularly
(ICMA) <> maintains an online
different traditions of faith. In short, we are common - some 60% of them are Directory of Christian Centres, Chaplaincies and
people of spirit as well as mind and body. Christians, a high proportion is Roman Seamen’s Welfare Agencies throughout the world.
People: Mind, Body & Spirit

Education, training,
Driver competencies motivator: understanding, aptitude,
skill, proficiency

Mental ability,
Self awareness, self
Driver evaluation motivator: intelligence, personality,
character, sensitivity

Communication, Leadership
direction, teamwork,
Driver empowerment, character motivator: interoperability,

Balanced diet,
habitability, hygiene, Energy, physical fitness,
Driver exercise, rest, recreation,
medical screening, D&A
motivator: physical strength,
stamina, wellbeing
Photo credits: jalens - joachim affeldt, Seamen’s Church Institute of Philadelphia and Mission To Seafarers


Ergonomics, safe
working practices, Safety culture, security
Driver protective equipment, motivator: awareness
physical security

Personal ethics, Pride, sense of purpose, identity,
conscience, cultural aesthetics, conviction, trust,
Driver integration, leadership, motivator: expectation, realisation,
supervision, belonging, loyalty, esteem,
remuneration fellowship, security

Religious belief, faith,

Driver self discipline motivator: Cultural awareness
The 7 needs of the mariner

leads to:

leads to:

leads to:

leads to:
Happy & healthy

leads to:
Safe & secure
environment L

&B N



leads to: Healthy & happy lifestyle

Self Safe / secure working environment SAF


Self actualisation E
actualisation Moral values

leads to: DI

Moral values E

Joined up maritime
Dr Tim Carter
International Maritime Health Association health
blood pressure, diabetes and poor
I llness at sea matters. For example, a
sudden collapse on the bridge can
directly put a ship at risk. Commonly it
The key relationship is that fit seafarers
and safe working conditions will reduce
the toll which ill-health takes on safety,
weight control.
Joined up thinking about health is not
requires emergency attention by crew- operations and costs. Yet there have been
difficult, but joined up action needs an
members and evacuation or diversion. few attempts to look at how to optimise
approach that is not just rule-based but
Both pose risks to ship operations and prevention to reduce such risks. In this
one that assesses risks, costs and losses
safety. Even more frequently, seafaring respect seafaring is well behind aviation and evaluates the most cost-effective way
careers and sometimes lives are cut short and other safety critical industries. of preventing them.
by illness and disability which can be Take heart attacks - which are by far the
avoided by care for personal health and by If the goal is to be a safer maritime industry
commonest fatal illness at sea - and which safeguards its assets of experienced
working conditions which do not pose consider how the risks can be reduced.
accident or health risks. seafarers, then critical thinking about how
Ships have gone aground with a dead to reduce health risks is needed. It is
Like most aspects of the maritime industry master alone on the bridge; crews have already happening in a few shipping
health has lots of rules: certification of been severely taxed looking after seriously companies. It is being encouraged by
medical fitness, medical first aid training, ill colleagues; and not a few casualties land some forward looking insurers, trade
medical stores, radio-medical advice, and up in hospitals far from home. For those unions and maritime authorities and there
care for ill seafarers in foreign ports. Like who have had an attack their career at sea are accessible sources of expertise
most rules these are often followed may sometimes be over, although with available from bodies like the International
unthinkingly without either considering changes in fitness standards this is now Maritime Health Association and also from
their adequacy or how well they are not always the case. academic groups, often derived from the
observed if they conflict with economic Saving lives, in this context, is not about successes of disease prevention and
priorities. Even the latest proposals by emergency treatment but is about health promotion onshore.
the International Labour Organisation attention to personal risk factors such as Further information about the International
(ILO) for revision of the Maritime Labour diet and smoking. The maritime lifestyle Maritime Health Association can be found at
Conventions leave health scattered at four has not helped but these factors are
or five different places in the verbiage, readily addressed jointly by seafarers A series of articles by Dr Carter on specific
without a thought about how the ‘health and their employers. Regular medical aspects of seafarers’ health can be found at
system’ can best function. assessments can look for risks such as high

- a step towards Emotional Intelligence
Commander HN (Retd) Nicholas A Iliopoulos
Centrofin Management Inc

T wenty three seafarers onboard a vessel

do not necessarily constitute a team
just because it comes under that heading,
board. This in turn depends on the
interpersonal skills used. By this I mean
Emotional Intelligence which for some
People draw
their emotional
cues from
nor do teamwork values ensure team time has been used to try to create, those around them. We
performance by themselves. The essence amongst its members, a feeling of mutual consider it to be the top management’s
of a team is common commitment, and an trust, a sense of identity - we call it ‘family’ responsibility to have established the
effective team is always worth more than - and a feeling of efficacy. norms for both Confrontation and Caring.
the sum of its parts, under basic disciplines. The former may seem illogical but it isn’t;
Once these conditions are recognised the
The initial constraints of the team’s right team then becomes more competent to the group must feel comfortable to call
size and the correct mix of complementary successfully deliver the ‘objective’ points foul, in either direction. Caring behavior is
skills, e.g. technical and functional by achieving higher levels of participation, easier; it usually only needs concentration
expertise, problem solving and decision cooperation and collaboration. Easier said from top to bottom on the small matters. It
making, to perform the job well, have than done! is profoundly important to display positive
already been determined by years of ship regard, appreciation, respect, support and
The emotions should be deliberately compassion.
design and sea-going experience - with
brought to the surface, analysed and
the Master at the helm.
understood and the close relationship, Our quarterly bulletin WAVELENGTH,
However, what seems to be missing, both internally and externally, should be addressed to our seafarers in this manner,
sometimes, is effective communication established and maintained. The ability to aspires to develop the willing and talented
between the team ashore and the face the high risk challenges at sea has to mariners to the point that eventually
multinational-multicultural group on be strengthened in many ways. surpass us in knowledge and ability.
Seafarers’ wellbeing 7

The Reverend Canon Ken Peters

Justice & Welfare Secretary
an holistic approach
The Mission To Seafarers

The counter posing catabolism is

I t is clear that there are no more
important factors in the safe
operation of ships than health of uat
characterised by:

the crew and the ship board

Sit on
• physical exercise

Ps ysiolo ance
environment. mental effort

ph stu rb
y ch

olog ical
An holistic approach is needed, Increased
a dd i c t i o n
• emotional strain

ical &
with all concerned recognising that
it is in partnership that the best
• metabolic excesses (e.g. heavy

meals, alcohol in excess of 2-3

dy R e d u c e
shipboard environment is achieved.
units per day)
R e d icie n

Legislators, regulators, administrators,
e ff
u c cy

company and seafarer all have the


loss of self esteem (the feeling
responsibility of making a healthy ed
r ela i s t u r b e d eas ty of defeat and despair
I n c r t a b ili
environment. The IMO has stated ti o n irr i
ships exacerbates the catabolic
that ‘Maritime administrations must process)
ensure a safety culture’ and that Fig 1: The Destructive Hermeneutic Cycle
companies take ‘all appropriate Without a balanced lifestyle
measures to encourage pride of seafarers become vulnerable.
service and professionalism on the Vulnerability translates into
part of personnel they employ’. ion rea inefficiency and in the context
uat cti
Sit on
of shipboard life there is the
Human error is often quoted as the problem that focus on the job
Ps ysioloe
ph alanc

most common cause of maritime

y ch

in hand as well as general

olog ical

accidents. The safety of the vessel

a dd i c t i o n

concentration drops to levels

ical &

depends upon the skill, vigilance

WELL BEING that are dangerous. Safety of life
and physical/mental fitness of the
at sea is compromised by the

seafarers. The health and fitness of

dy r e a s e

destructive cycle of personal

seafarers must be maintained in
I n c ficie n

bo Inc

behaviour (Fig 1). The consequences

rea c

order to ensure the safe operation

se y

for personal health are disastrous


of a vessel. Working conditions ed

r ela B a l a n c e d eas t and the implications for the safe
significantly impact upon seafarers’ Incr ntmen
ti o n n t e
ships c o running are such that no amount of
health and well-being.
certification with ISM, STCW or any
Seafarers’ holistic well-being is not Fig 2: The Empowering Hermeneutic Cycle other standard will rescue the ship.
to be found in simply ensuring that
Attention to the whole person with due
medical provisions and procedures on
Dr. Chris Shin, Medical Officer of West regard to body, mind and spirit, enables
board match up to international statutory
Yorkshire Police (UK), summarises this and empowers the individual to the point
requirements. It is in the value added
holistic view according to two overarching that personal behaviour and life style is not
empowering of seafarers with an
principles. The first is to recognise that the only healthy for the individual but reflects
education in healthy life style choices that
principle of anabolism actively promotes in the interaction with the whole crew (Fig
makes the significant difference. So it is the body’s own internal maintenance 2). The effects on crew moral translate into
that the holistic view needs to be taken. systems, ensuring proper growth, repair
There needs to be a recognition that in the increased efficiency and more importantly
and replacement of body tissue, stability of the safe running of the ship is optimised
range of health care provisions, body, mind body chemistry, balanced physiological
and spirit need to be nourished and to be and safety is no longer compromised.
mechanisms and efficient defence against
healthy. The psychological stress and infections and cancer. Of central “The standard of safety of a ship is
strain can be more all-encompassing than importance to this system is that: dependent not only on the health of the ship
a seemingly isolated physical symptom. but more on the health of the seafarers in
Assimilating the social mores of a • sleep
per day
be approximately eight hours
charge of the operation of the ship.”
multinational crew can be very exhausting
for seafarers. Avoiding offence to another’s
customs, culture and creed can be a daily
• rest requires a ‘feet up and mind
disengaged’ characteristic
(M. Fuazudeen - Technical Officer STCW & Human
Element Section, Maritime Saftey Division, IMO at
minefield in the close confines of the ship’s the 6th International Symposium on Maritime
social and working life. Some seafarers • close personal relationships present a
safe haven to return to away from
Health, 5-8th November 2001, Manila)
readily take to the adventure of social
life’s hassle The Mission to Seafarers’ website can be
dialogue with members of the crew
found at
from other nationalities but others find
the ‘mismatch’ can sometimes be
• self esteem means a feeling of being
victorious in life’s struggle and that the Other useful websites:
overpowering. Crewing agencies need to diet entails sensible quantities of The International Committee on Seafarers’
take this into account when billeting a ship. healthy food, preventing obesity Welfare (ICSW):
8 Reports
Grounding of a vessel due to the failure of the ship’s electrical power supply
checklists for this type of breakdown
T his report from the Australian Transport
Safety Bureau concerns the grounding of
a 110,541gt bulk carrier, during a pilotage,
Pertinent observations from the report
are that: were of a general form and, as such,
would not have provided any guidance
not as a result of navigational error but • The emergency generator was tested,
on average, once a month with the last
or advice which would have been of
because of the total failure of the ship’s assistance to the master or chief
time being 12 days before the incident.
electrical power supply and the lack of timely engineer during the events which
The report comments that while SOLAS
intervention by the crew, when the risk to the occurred.
does not stipulate a specific test
ship could have been mitigated.
The ship grounded as a direct result of a
interval for the emergency generator, it
does so for other critical safety
• Although the ship’s safety management
system provided for periodic training
loss of steering because the ship’s three equipment, which must be tested for such emergency situations, this
main generators had tripped off the main weekly. It adds that it seems scenario had last been practiced more
switchboard due to water contamination inconsistent that emergency than ten months prior to the incident.
of their fuel supply, and because the generators should rate operation and
emergency generator failed to start auto- inspection as infrequently as once The report recommends that Shipowners/
matically due to a previously undetected every month, and that had the managers should:
fault in one of its starting batteries. generator been tested in the week prior
to the incident, it is possible that the
• Review the procedures for, and
frequency of, testing emergency power
The chief engineer did not communicate
problem with the starting battery may generation arrangements on their ships
the gravity of the generator problem to
have been discovered and rectified. to ensure that this equipment has the
the master. Given his uncertainty
regarding what had caused the generator
shut downs, and his awareness of the ship’s
• Inthere
critical ship’s operations, like pilotage,
is a need to ensure that
highest possible reliability and
communication is effective between
critical navigation situation, the chief
engineer should have discussed the the bridge and the engine room. • Consider Bridge Resource Management
training for engineering officers.
situation more fully with the master, which
would have given the master the • There are no requirements for
engineering officers to undergo Bridge
The full report is available from the ATSB
opportunity to form a contingency plan, in website at:
Resource Management Training.
consultation with the pilot, to mitigate the
risk to the ship. • The ship’s safety management system dampier.pdf

IMO Resolution A.890(21)
Michael Barnett, PhD; David Gatfield, MSc; - 4 February 2000

Studies Claire Pekcan, MSc

This paper opens with a brief introduction to
the development of Crew Resource
At its 21st session in November 1999, the
IMO Assembly adopted resolution
Management (CRM) training in the A.890(21) on principles of safe manning.
international shipping industry. It charts the Amendments to the resolution were
development of the shipping industry’s adopted by the 23rd Assembly through
approach to the preparation of bridge and Resolution A.955(23).
engine room teams for normal and abnormal
The resolution notes that safe manning is a
operations, and critiques the current training
function of the number of qualified and
regime in resource management.
experienced seafarers necessary for the
The paper provides an overview of three
safety of the ship, crew, passengers, cargo
research initiatives, in order to:
and property for the protection of the
• gain a better theoretical understanding of
the nature of shared situational awareness and
marine environment and that the ability of
seafarers to maintain observance of the
mental models in “real world” maritime requirements is also dependent upon
operations. conditions relating to training, hours of
work and rest, occupational safety, health
identify a set of behavioural markers for
the non-technical skills of crisis
and hygiene and the proper provision
of food.
Copies of the Resolutions can be
• explore the role of organisational factors in
safe operation, in recognition of the limitations
downloaded from the IMO website at:
of operator training as a panacea to prevent
the re-occurrence of accidents.
The paper can be downloaded from the
website (Ref: HE00240) data_id%3D9048/955.pdf

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