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[Educational Service : SNR Sons Charitable Trust]

[Autonomous Institution, Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade]
[Approved by AICTE and Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai]
[ISO 9001:2015 Certified and all eligible programmes Accredited by NBA]
Department of Management Studies

Internal Test – I
Date 03.02.2022 Department MBA
Semester I Class I Year
Duration 01:30 Hrs Max. Marks 50 Marks
Course Code & Title: 20BA1105– Statistics and Operations Research for Business

Course Outcome Addressed

CO1: Ability to understand the methods used to provide quantitative solutions in business decision making.
CO2: Ability to apply the key numerical methods to solve the practical business problems.
CO3: Ability to analyse and provide objective solutions under subjective conditions in business.
Q. Questions Cognitive
No Level
PART-A (Answer All Questions) (5*1=5 Marks)

1. Calculate the median value of the following set of values 22, 16, 18, 13, 15, 19, 17, 20, 23. U
2. Calculate the Arithmetic Mean for following data. U
Age Group 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No of persons 5 15 25 8 7

3. A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls and 5 blue balls. Find Ap
the probability that the ball drawn is not red.
4. Define the term random experiment. R
5. Define the term mutually exclusive event and non-mutually exclusive event. R

PART-B (Answer All Questions) (3*15=45 Marks)

6 a) (i) Compute mean, median and mode for the following data Ap
Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
F: 5 8 14 16 35 28 16 8
(8 Marks)
(ii) A sample of charge accounts at a local drug store revealed the following frequency An
distribution of unpaid balances.
Unpaid Balance 10-30 30-50 50-70 70-90 90-110
Frequency 1 6 9 11 13

Calculate the standard deviation and Coefficient of standard deviation. (7 Marks)

b) (i) If X follows a normal distribution with mean 100cm and variance 25 cm, find the Ap
probabilities for (i) X ≤ 98 (ii) X ≥ 102, and (iii) 96 ≤ X ≤ 103. (8 Marks)
(ii) In a large consignment of electric bulb 10 per cent are defective. A random sample of 20 An
is taken for inspection. Find the probability that
(i) almost there are 3 defective bulbs.
(ii) exactly there are 3 defective bulbs. (7
7 a) (i) From the prices of shares of X & Y below. Find out which is more stable in values. An
X: 35 54 52 53 56 58 52 50 51 49
Y: 108 107 105 105 106 107 104 103 104 101
(8 Marks)
(ii) For a particular brand of T.V picture tube, it is known that the mean operating life of the E
tubes is 1000 hrs. with a standard deviation of 250 hrs., what is the probability that the
mean of a random sample of size 25 will be between 950 and 1050 hours?
(7 Marks)
b) (i) There are 5000 students in a university. The average age of all the students is 24 years An
with standard deviation of 8 years. A random sample of 50 students is selected.
(i) Determine the standard error of the mean.
(ii) What is the probability that the sample mean will be larger than 22.5 years?
(iii) What is the probability that the sample mean will be between 25 and 28.5 years?
(8 Marks)
(ii) A manufacturer of watches has determined from experience that 3% of the watches be E
produces are defective. If a random sample of 300 watches is examined. What is the
probability that, the proportion defective is between 0.02 and 0.035? (7 Marks)
8 Compulsory Question
(i) Fit a Poisson distribution to the following data: An
X: 0 1 2 3 4
F: 122 60 15 2 1
(8 Marks)
(ii) Elaborate on the various sampling techniques with an example and differentiate between E
probability sampling and non-probability sampling. (7 Marks)
S.No. Cognitive Level addressed Marks Percentage
1. Remember (R) 2 4
2. Understand (U) 2 4
3. Apply (Ap) 9 18
4. Analyze (An) 23 46
5. Evaluate (E) 14 28
6. Create (C) - -
Total 50 100

Course Instructor Checked by HOD/MBA

(Dr.V.K.Arthi) (Dr.V.K.Arthi)

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