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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT CHGS Sensis an ] Lo 18MB a2; i Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, Aug./Sept.2020 Financial Management ‘Time: 3 brs. Max. Mar@joo Note: 1. Answer any Four questions from Q.No. 1 t0 Q.No. 7. 2. Question No, 8 is compulsory. mete 1a. What is Behavioral Finance? Differentiate Capital market and Money market. Am investor deposits Rs 5000 in a bank for 6 years @ 7% it unt he ‘wll have in his account ifthe interest is compounded : i) Monthly i) Quarterly ii) Semi annually iv) ARaly (ao sanks 2-4 What do you mean by Marginal cost of capital? cosnarts) & Differentiate Equity saces with debenture (esr € ABC Company supplied you the flowing informat /ACC based on 3) Bookvalue i) Market vaie SouceofFiaree | Book vale (Rd i Tax con) equity capital 12,0000, 1 Leng en de pia | 90,00, ts Sinrtiermast—— | 25000 00 oF Total 250.0 [23.000 (wo macs) 3a, What is Pay Back Period? How P if cash inflow is uniform? (asMtas) 1_Diseiss the Long te souree of (eras) © POR Lid, is considering the pur hinery, Two alemative machinery 1,2, are 4 suggested each costing Rs ware expezted wo be as follows, : 3 [4 | $ ‘ Mazhine 615,000 | 950 0 | 170.000 : Siskin iyao7 | 130000 | 9,000 4 ar | 0636 [0567 i aoatarty Be 4 a (03 Marks) 430i pe sltement of Q Lid, forthe year 2017 fe 2 Findout : ') Operating Leverage ‘ i) Financial Leverage. 5 iil) Combined Leverage ref, Dividend 1 EAT available wo eq sharsholder | 4 | (ames) of BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Go green 18MBA22 (])_ Rav materials are instock, on average for one month {id Mates are in proess (0% complete) on average for 4 werk. (it) Finished goods tren stock, on average fr one month (i) Credit allowed by suppliers in one month. (9) Time lag payment fom debtors 2 months fo) Average lg in payrent of wages is 1.3 weeks. (oi _Average lag payment of overheads 1 month 2% of the output i sold aginst cash, Cash sn hand and in bank are expected to be 5 60,000 It sto be assumed that the production is carted evenly thoy ea ‘wages and overhead oscur similarly and time period of 4 week is .o son 3) 3083 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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