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Earth, the Desolated Home
A. Choose the correct option
(astronomers, Earth, sol, fuels, Mars) Answers

1. A day in Mars is called _______ sol

2. _________ is called the red planet. Mars

3. Our planet is called the _______ Earth

4. We get water by burning _______________ fuels

5. The _____ are trying to terraform Mars astronomers

B. Fill in the blanks Answers

1. The man destroyed _________ Earth
2. In Earth, we get water from _____________ Rain
3. In Mars ______ Earth days make a year. 687

4. You don’t need ____ or ____ in the Earth. spacesuit or oxygen

5. Fruits, vegetables and water in the Mars are not _____ real
C. Answer the following questions
1. What is the setting of the story?
The setting of the story is happening in the year 2068. Humans had
destroyed the Earth, and started colonising the red planet Mars.
2. Name the vegetable harvested in the vegetarian hab.

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The vegetable harvested in the vegetarian hab are carrots.

3. What is a sol? How many sols make a year?
A sol is a Martian solar day. 668 sols make a year.
4. How did water produced in Mars?
Water produced in Mars by burning fuels.
5. In this story, what happened to the Earth?
In this story, the Earth was destroyed.
6. What should we do to save the Earth?
We should plant more trees and conserve water to save the Earth.
D. Antonyms
1. Destroyed X Created
2. Colonising X Decolonising
3. Surprised X Predicted
4. Grow X Shrink
5. Taste X Tasteless
6. Eagerly X Casual
7. Fertile X Barren
8. Polluted X Unpolluted
9. Survival X Yield
10. Natural X Artificial
11. Difficult X Easy
12. Healthy X Unhealthy
13. Terraforming X Removing
14. Sad X Happy

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A. Write the compound words from the picture.(Page No:83)


Watch man Watchman


Rain Bow Rainbow


Star Fish Starfish


Foot Ball Football

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B. Use the clues to complete the compound words

1. News + ____________= ___________ Newspaper
2. Wheel +____________=____________ Wheelchair
3. Basket +____________=____________ Basketball
C. Match the compound words.

– = Earring

= Jellyfish

= Handbag

= Dragonfly

D. Draw and write your own compound words

E. Connect the compound words and create a new word.



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1. Mars – Blue ice giant

2. Saturn – red storm

3. Jupiter – red planet

4. – ring and moons


1. Where is the poet going in the dream?

The poet is going in the dream beyond the Earth.

2. Which planet has rings around it?

The planet Saturn has rings around it.

3. Which planet has red storm?

The planet Jupiter has red storm.

4. Why does the poet fly out of the universe?

The poet flies out of the universe to meet the creator.

5. Name the planets the poet flies through.

The poet flies through the planets, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

C. Antonyms
1. Dream X Real

2. Watch X Ignore

3. Giant X Tiny

4. Count X Countless

5. Beyond X Within

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6. Creator X Destroyer

7. Take X Give

A. Write the collective nouns

A Flock of birds A Bunch of grapes

B. Match the picture with the collective noun

1. A flock of goats

2. A bouquet of flowers

3. An army of soldiers

4. A shoal of fish

5. A choir of singers

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A. Pick the abstract noun

1. He takes pride in his job. ____pride______

2. The dove is a symbol of peace. ____peace______

3. My grandmother is full of wisdom. ____wisdom____

4. Iniya is very tall for her age. ____age________

5. Prem felt anger. ____anger______

B. Colour the abstract nouns

1. Fear 2. Law 3. Joy 4. Friend 5. Rules 6. Freedom 7. Kindness

A. Write True or False.
1. Amuthan locked the door behind him. False

2. Nilavan unknowingly started the space shuttle. True

3. The blue lights seen through the window were aliens. False

4. They went out through the broken windows. True

5. The aliens gave a new shuttle to them. False

B. Name the character or speaker.

1. “Are you alright ? ” Nilavan

2. “Wake up. Your ship is ready.” Alien

3. “Let me try pulling this lever.” Amuthan

4. “I am fine. We must wear the space suit.” Amuthan

5. “Eat these capsules.” Alien

C. Answer the following questions.

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1. Where were the boys taken to?

The boys were taken to outer space.

2. Where did the space shuttle land?

The space shuttle landed on a new planet.

3. What did Nilavan see through the window?

Nilavan saw through the window green lights coming towards the

4. Who shattered the windows?

Aliens shattered the windows

5. How did the aliens know the boy’s language?

The aliens could read the boy’s mind and use that to speak the boy’s


An astronaut wears a spacesuit.

A spacesuit is like a spaceship built for one.

A spacesuit allows us to work.

A spacesuit protect us from heat and cold.


air food water

A. Answer the following.(Page No 99)

Name of the object Flying Saucer
In your mother tongue பறக்கும் தட்டு

Use in a sentence The flying saucer is an unsolved mystery.

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B. Write the compound words from the pictures.

keyboard bookworm

C. Use the clues and complete the compound words.

cow + boy = cowboy rain + coat = raincoat

E. Fill in the blanks with the collective noun.

swarm shoal flock

a shoal of fish a flock of birds a swarm of bees.

F. Circle the abstract noun.

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fear box beauty tree taste

pencil happiness anger honesty book

2 My Native Place
Trip to My Grandparents’ Village
A. Match the following:

cuckoo blows

breeze sings

river swims

fish flows

B. Answer the following questions.

1. How did Santhosh record his diary?

Santhosh record his diary as audio on his mother’s phone. He record all
his feelings. Later he writes down in his diary what he had recorded.

2. Name some of the activities that the village children were doing on
their vacation.

Amir is helping his father in milking their cows. Peter and Umaiyal break
groundnut pods and pile them neatly. Later they take to the market to sell
them. Many children splash around in the pond. Some boys climb on
tamarind tree. Girls play hide and seek.

3. Why did Santhosh forget to watch television or play video games?

The trip to his grandparents’ home was so enjoyable that he forgot to

watch television or play video games.

4. Did Santhosh enjoy his morning walk? How do you know?

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Yes, Santhosh enjoyed his morning walk. He enjoyed the cool breeze and
he felt that the air was also filled with sweet sound of birds.

5. How did Santhosh spend his time in the river?

Santhosh played in the cool water, but he can’t swim. He sat on a big
rock and watched his friends swim.

6. How did Santhosh know that the river was clean?

The river is so clean as Santhosh could see the pebbles in the riverbed and
colourful fish swim by.

B. Write the plural form

1. leaf leaves 2. mango mangoes

Farmer’s Friend

A. Match the rhyming words.

fifth former

cook harm

charm wealth

armour look

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B. Fill in the blanks

1. It ploughs soil before farmer.
2. It is used in the fisher’s hook.
3. We don’t use chemicals in the soil.
4. Be humble like a earthworm.
C. Answer the questions.
1. How do we see the earthworm often?

We see the earthworm as dirt and ugly.

2. What does it give to the farmer?

It gives the soil good health.

3. Why don’t we use chemicals?

We don’t use chemicals because it will harm the earthworm and soil.

4. How do we work?

We work without thinking about harming anyone.

D. Give the correct verb form for the following sentences.

1. I was reading the poem.
2. They were writing the poem.
3. It was going to Delhi.
4. She was drawing a picture.
5. We were eating fruits.
6. He was watching movie.
7. You were making lunch.
E. Write what they were doing at 5 O’ clock yesterday.

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I was playing cricket with my friends.

My mother was watching TV.
We were eating mango.
My friends were riding their bicycles.
Mohan was writing a letter.
The bell was ringing loudly.
F. See and write what they were doing.

While I was writing,

he was sleeping.

While the boy was

the girl was reading

While my mother was cooking

My father was cutting vegetables

G. Give the correct verb form for following sentences.

1. I will be waiting for you.
2. They will come.
3. It will be playing.
4. She will be swimming
5. We will be walking.
6. He will be doing.

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7. You shall be taking leave.

H. Write what they will be doing there.
1. Uma will be swimming.
2. Her brother will be playing tennis.
3. Her brother will be climbing a hill.
4. Father will be cooking.
5. Mother will be fishing
6. Brother will be taking pictures
I. Change the sentences from past continuous to future continuous.

She was waiting for bus. She will be waiting for bus.

They will be going to

They were going to Coimbatore.

Suresh was playing chess. Suresh will be playing chess.

Rafiq was eating breakfast. Rafiq will be eating breakfast.

Prasanth will be reading

Prasanth was reading newspaper.

J. Change the sentences from future continuous to past continuous.

I will be speaking to her. I was speaking to her.

Lucy will be getting ready. Lucy was getting ready.

The train will be arriving on 2nd The train was arriving on 2nd
platform. platform.

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We will be sleeping in terrace. We were sleeping in terrace.

It will be raining heavily. It was raining heavily.

K. Circle yes or no to the following.

1 yes
Three persons are involved in the dialogue no

2 yes
Varun is studying 4th standard no

3 yes
Akshaya is Varun’s sister. no

4 yes
They play Kho – Kho no

5 yes
Varun plays in Kothai team. no

The Farmer and his Daughters

A. Match the actions with the picture.

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B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The farmer had three daughters.

2. He offered millet to his daughters.

3. The second daughter feeds the millet to a flock of birds.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What did the father give to all the daughters?

The father gave a bag of millet to each of the daughters a bag of millet.

2. What did the first daughter do?

The first daughter fed those grains to flocks of birds that she saw on her
way back to home.

3. How did the second daughter use the grain?

The second daughter mixed those with other grains kept for community
food service. So that everyone could have it.

4. How did the third daughter use the grain?

The third daughter sowed those grains.

5. Who is the wisest of all? Why?

The wisest of all is the third daughter.

Read the passage 3 times and colour a bull for each time
A. Circle the main idea of the passage.
1. Murugan was a miser.
2. Murugan loved his bulls and farming.
3. Murugan wished to have people to work.
B. Name the actions of Murugan.

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reap the crops plough the field takes bulls for graze

A. Look at the picture and answer the following.

Name of the In your mother Use in a sentence

object tongue

Pebbles கூழாங்கற்கள் He dropped a pebble from the

bridge and waited for the plop.

B. Circle the correct plural form.

deer deers calfs calves geese gooses

C. Write the plural form.

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tooth teeth knife knives

E. Match the rhyming words.

health – charm

hook – wealth

harm – look

F. Write the past continuous forms for the given verb.

1. She was writing the homework at 6 ‘O’ Clock.

2. They were playing when I arrived there.

3. I was dancing while he was singing.

3. Our Nation

The Guardians of the Nation

A. Choose the best answer.
1. Karmugilan went to USA for higher studies.

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(a) London Australia (c) USA (d) New Zealand

2. Dengue broke out in the near by villages.

(a Choler
Malaria (b) (c) Dengue (d) Flu
) a

3. He got infected by the disease.

infected cured upse

(a) (b) (c) (d) remedy for
by off t

4. The villages, built a hospital on his memory.

memoria (d
(a) statue (b) (c) library hospital
l )

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. They ate a bowl of chickpea sundal.

2. Amar Jawan Jyoti is the memorial for the soldiers.

3. Flag day is observed on the 7th December.

4. A soldier dies for the nation.

5. Karmugilan was a young talented doctor.

C. Answer the following questions.

1. What were Anandhan and Yazhini watching in the television?

Anandhan and Yazhini were watching a ceremony in the television.

2. What is Amar Jawan Jyoti?

Amar Jawan Jyoti is a memorial for the soldiers who died for our country.

3. What did Anandhan want to become?

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Anandhan want to become a doctor.

4. Why did Yazhini want to join the military?

Yazhini want to join the military to serve the nation.

5. What happened to Dr.Karmugilan in the story?

Dr.Karmugilan got infected by dengue and died.

6. What was the epidemic that broke out in the story?

Dengue was the epidemic that broke out in the story.

D. Circe and divide the bulldog pattern words.

Cat Sunset
Father Skyblue
Burger Goldfish

E. Divide and list out the words under each pattern.

party teacher speaker starfish curtain Snowman

garden pancake heater cowboy farmer weasel

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Star/fish tea/cher par/ty

Snow/ spea/ker cur/tain


Pan/cake hea/ter gar/den

Cow/boy wea/sel far/mer

F. Write some pattern words and divide them.

 Airport – air / port

 Headlight – head / light

 Breakfast – break / fast

 Landmark – land / mark

 Moonlight – moon / light

 Wheelchair – wheel / chair

A. Match the following
treat everyone – love each of her child

nation – no inner boundaries

kind – not divided as people

country – alike

B. Answer the following questions.

1. How should we treat everyone?
We should treat everyone alike.
2. What is our core?
Our true self is our core.

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3. How do we keep our integrity?

We speak different languages. But we should be united.
4. How can we make our nation proud?
We can make our nation proud by showing our integrity.
5. A country should have inner boundaries. Justify.
Inner boundaries may be different states, districts, towns and villages.
They are important for administration.

C. Find the rhyming words from the poem.

alike – dislike
crowd – proud
language – damage
country – boundaries

A. Put the given time expressions in the correct columns.

winter morning 2’O clock evening 1947

March Sunday 15th August 4.30 pm wedding day

in at on

winter 2’O clock Sunday

morning 4.30 pm 15th August

evening Wedding day


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B. Complete the following sentences using the propositions on, in

and at.
1. M
2. I will meet you 7.30.
3. I don’t drive at night.
4. My birthday falls in September.
5. Birds migrate in spring and autumn.
6. Her birthday is at 6th April.
C. Circle the propositions.

The meeting starts at 10’O Clock in the morning, on Wednesday, on

22nd of March, in 2019 .

D. Fill in the blanks using on, in and at.

My child was born at 2.30 , in the afternoon, on Friday, on 17th of
August, in 2016 .
E. Help the space ship reach the correct planet.

night 1983 Sunday

8’O 2013 Tuesda

Clock y

5.30 am April 5th May

dinner the 8th July


Tick the correct one after listening the movie clip.

1. Bart wants to help his mom. Yes
2. Bart’s mother wants him to make tomato sauce. No
3. The can is in the fridge. No

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4. The can opener is in the second door from the right. Yes
5. How many times did Bart say that the can opener is broken? 6

The Legend of Jaswantgarh

A. Answer the following questions.
1. Where is Jaswantgarh located?
Jaswantgarh is located in Eastern Himalayas.
2. Which place was the last stand of the Indian army?
Nauranang was the last stand of the Indian army.
3. When did the battle of Nauranang start? How long did it continue?
The battle of Nauranang started on 17th November 1962 and continued for
seventy-two hours.
4. Who helped Jaswant in the battle against Chinese?
Two village girls named Sela and Nura helped Jaswant in the battle
against Chinese.
5. What happened to the two girls at the end of the war?
A grenade blast killed Sela. The tribal girl Nura was captured alive.
6. How was he honoured by the Indian government?
A war memorial was made to remember him. The Indian Army still treats
him as a serving officer and awards him promotions. India awarded him
the Mahavir Chakra.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Jaswantgarh is named after the Indian soldier Jaswant Singh Rawat.
2. The Chinese troops attacked the lonely Indian post located in Eastern
3. Jaswant was helped by two tribal girls.
4. Jaswant managed to kill three hundred Chinese soldiers.
5. Jaswant Singh Rawat was awarded Mahavir Chakra.

C. Say true or false.

1. Nauranang is in Himachal Pradesh. True
2. The battle of Nauranang lasted for three days. True
3. Jaswant decided to stay in his post. True
4. Jaswant was captured alive. False
5. According to the Indian army, Jaswant is still serving. True

D. Rearrange the story in order.

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Jaswant stayed back in his post. 1

He killed 300 chinese soldiers in the battle. 4

He fired weapons from separate points 3

Sela and Nura helped him in the battle. 2

Jaswant shot himself to death. 6

Chinese soldiers caught the man who supplied food. 5

He was awarded the Mahavir Chakra. 7

C. Answer the following

1. Where is our national emblem taken from?
Our national emblem is taken from Ashoka’s pillar at Saranath.
2. Where is our national emblem found?
Our national emblem is found on all government documents, coins,
currency notes, postcards and envelopes.
3. What does ‘Sathyameva Jayate’ mean?
The words ‘Sathaymeva Jayate’means, ‘Truth alone Triumphs’.
4. What are the animals found in the emblem?
The animals found in the emblem are lions, bull and horse.

D. Write the hungry fox story on your own by looking at the

pictures and using the clues given under each picture.
There was a hungry fox in a forest. It searched for food everywhere
and became very tired.

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It saw a grape plant and wanted to eat the fruits. But it was very
high. So it jumped many times to pluck the fruits.
It couldn’t reach and so it gave up trying to get the fruits. It said to
himself, “I don’t want the fruit. It would be sour”.

Sun / set fea / ture mar / ket

moon / crea / ture pur / ple


E. Fill in the blanks with in, on, at.

1. She wakes up at 5 O’ Clock.
2. In summer, we have more holidays.
3. We celebrate Independence Day on 15th August, every year.
4. He walks usually in the morning.

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