HFD (Human Figure Drawing) Administration Koffitz Indicators

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HFD(Human Figure Drawing)




 The name of this test is human figure drawing.

 Introduced by Elizbeth Musterberth Koffit.
 Another person who worked on the drawing was Harris, Machovers.


It can be administered in a group or as individual administration is favoured because it

enables the examiner to observe the client at work and permits him to ask clarifying questions
about the figure if needed for testing the examiner should present him with blanks sheet of

The size of a paper should be eight and half in to eleven inches white paper and a pencil with
an eraser on this piece of a paper, I would like you to draw a whole person. It can be any kind
of a person you want to draw first make sure that it is a whole person not a stick figure or
cartoon figure.


1) Poor integration of parts of figure (B-7) (G-6) integration:

A good structure it is associated whit instability poorly integrated personality, poor co-
ordination or impulsivity, it shows immaturity or neurological impairment.

2) Shading of face:

It is associated with anxiety and poor self concept. Partial shading of the face may reflect
specific anxiety about those features that are shaded or about their functions.
3) Shading of body or limbs:

It indicates anxiety related to the body and psychosomatic complaints. It also reflect guilt
feeling for aggressive impulses or masturbating.
4) Shading of hand and neck:

Associated with specific anxiety over some real or imagined activities including hand shading
of the neck is associated with struggle to control their compiles.
5) Gross asymmetry of limbs:

Associated with aggressiveness, brain injuries,poor co-ordination and impulsivity.

6) Slanting figure, axis of figure titled by 15 or more:

In indicate general instability and lack of balance. Indicate nervous system dysfunction and
lack of security.
7) Tiny figure:
It shows brain injury, mental retardation shyness, extreme insecurity with drawl and
8) Big figure:

Associated with immaturity, poor self control, feeling of narcissism, paranoid delusion of
grandiosity. Which is covering the feelings of inadequacy.

9) Transparencies:

Associated with psychosomatic complaints immaturity, impulsivity and acting out tendency
(react to something). Medical student 50% reliability.
10) Tiny head, less than 1/10th of total figure:

The presence of tiny head is associated with intense feelings of intellectual inadequacy on the
part of the client.
11) Crossed eyes, eyes both turned in or out:

It is associated with hostility, rebelliousness and anger.

12) Teeth:

Indicate aggression and sadistic tendencies.

13) Short arms, not long enough to reach waist line (measure by scale):

In indicate psychosomatic complaint tendency to with draw to tum on self and to try to inhibit
ones impulses may be a sign lack of ambition, timidity and aggression.
14) Long arms, long enough to reach knee line:

Associated with overt aggression ambition for achievement, striving for love and affection.
15) Arms clinging to sides to sides of body:

Associated with rigid inner control and difficulty is reaching out towards others.
16) Big hands, as large asface:

Associated with aggression and acting out behavior difficulty in making contact with other.
17) Hands cut off, arms without hands or fingers:

Associated with feeling of inadequacy, failure to act, or guilt over failure to act correctly,
helplessness, from guilt or from all of these brain injured and special children.
18) Legs pressed together:

Indicate rigid attempt to control ones own sexual impulses or concern of sexual attack by
19) Genitals:

Extremely disturb and there are overly aggressive. Presence of genitals or symbols for them
must be considered a sign of serious psycho-pathology involving acute body anxiety and poor
impulse control.
20) Monster or grotesque figure:
Feeling of intense inadequancy and poor self concept. Perceive themselves other as being-
different from other who are laughed at midiculus individual and other who are not fully
accepted by others.
21) Three or more figures:

It shows poor school achievement and also reflect look a feeling of identity and a person in
their own right never learned to function independently.
22) Clouds, rain, snow:

It shows very anxious individual with psycho-somatic complaint feeling threatened by the
authority figure.

23) No eyes:

It reflect isolation, refusal to face the world and escaped into fantasy.

24) No nose(B6, G5):

It reflect shy and withdrawn behavior and a lack of overt aggressiveness.

25) No mouth:

It reflect feeling of anxiety, insecurity and withdrawn, passive aggression.

26) No body:

It reflect serious psychopathology, mental retardation, acute body anxiety, frustration anxiety
and castration fear.

27) No arms (B6, G5):

It reflect anxiety, guilt over socially unacceptable behavior and sexuality, also told aggression
and withdrawn from people and the world of objects, shy and depressed.

28) No legs:

It shows anxiety and insecurity.

29) No feet (B9, G5):

It reflects general sense of insecurity, helpnessess and feeling of having no feet to stand on.

30) No neck (B10, G9):

It reflect immaturity, impulsivity and poor inner control.

31) Big Head:

It reflect intellectual inadequancy, brain injury and concern over school achievement,
immaturity, aggression, migraine.

32) Vacant eyes or non seeing eyes:

It reflect guilt feeling over voyeuristic tendency, vage perception of the world, emotional
immaturity, egocentricity and dependency, lack of discrimination and depression.

33) Side way glance of both eyes:

It reflect suspicious and paranoid tendency.

34) Hidden Hands:

It reflect gaze and need to control aggression, evasiveness, guilt and unwillingness to deal
with situation.

35) Figure cut off by the edge of paper:

It indicates suspicion with environment poor self confidence and compensation of the shows
of in an effort to cover weakness.

36) Baseline or grass:

It shows insecurity and need for support.

37) The sun or moon:

It indicate parental love, psychosomatic complaints.

38) Broken or sketchy lines:

It shows fearfulness, insecurity, feeling of inadequacy, stubbornness negativism, aggression.

1) Preservation:

 Occur in both schizophrenia and organic population.

 It can be defined as the continuation of response beyond the required number i.e.
expected based on the stimulus presented to the person. e.g. A person reproduce 14 or
more dots on design on which only required him to reproduce 12 dots.
 Preservation are most common in design 1,2,3 but they can also occur on any design.


 Rigid.
 OCD personalities, poor ego control, difficulty with planning and poor concentration.

2) Rotation and reversal:

 It is for all design and interpretation.

 Psychotic usually rotate design.
 Poor attention with limited capacity for new learning.

3) Concratism:

It is scored when a client reinterpret a bender design so that it resemble another object design
3 tree, design 6.


A difficulty with abstract thinking.

4) Edit angles:

Design A, 4, 7, 8

This item score extra angle is edit. The lines forming the extra angle must be approximately
straight and much form a definite angle.

Ear are score but curves or arc resulting in changing of direction of a line so do not score


Poor visual motor co-ordination, insecurity, suggestion problem.

5) Separation of line:

Design A, 4, 6, 7, 8

This item score when anyone unit line of the stimuli is reproduce as to a separate line which
do not touch, if the lines touch do not score.

Intense anxiety and difficult in concentrating, self doubt, relationship are usually seen as
difficult and aggressive acting out behavior (lack of closure).

6) Overlap: (for all design)

This item score when the element of one design overlap or run into the space of another


Insecurity and compulsive self doubt and aggressive acting out behavior.

9) Distortion for all design

This item is scored when the shape of original stimulus is not recognizable, this item is cored
if figure has lost its form.


Impaired ability to abstract and form categories.


Meaningless lines A, 4, 6, 7, 8

This deviation occur rarely but when it does it usually is found on curve design. Score and
extra meaningless lines must be included in the design. Extra lines that are not integrated into
a design are scored. They are easily overlooked in scoring for they are often small or draw


Extreme pre-occupation with inner needs, intense anxiety and difficult in concentration.

Partial Quration (two types)

Type – 1; for all design: When a design is rotated more than 20 o but less than 45o from its

Type – 2; A, 4,5,6,7,8: When one and only one subpart is rotated more than 20 o.


Severe degree of dysfunction, poor attention and limited capacity for new learning.

10) Ommission of subpart:

A, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

This item scored when either of two subpart of a design is omitted.


Difficulty in integrating, disturbance in coordinated motor act, poor ego function to the extent
that the person work with the more complex aspect of the design.

11) Abbreviation:

Design 1 and 2

Design-1: Scored when design-1 is reproduce with less than 11 dots.

Design-2: Score when design-2 is reproduce 9 0r 1 rows/circle.


Possibly negativism and low tolerance to frustration.

12) Separation:

Design A, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

This sign score when there is a separation between subparts.


Same as separation of lines.

13) Closure design: A, 4, 7, 8

This item score when an anyone design more than one angle is not closed.


Anxiety, self doubt and difficulty with completing task.

14) Design: A point of contract:

This item scores when square and circle touch so that either the point of square penetrate the
circle with space, seem with in the overlap.


Score when the square is imperfectly form so that two of its sides do not join each other but
touch the circle.


Strong feeling of anxiety, impaired judgment and rebellious acting out tendencies.

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