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Review Article

Pulpal Reactions to Orthodontic Force Application

in Humans: A Systematic Review
ohl, DDS, PhD,* Yijin Ren, DDS, PhD,† Piotr S. Fudalej, DDS, PhD,*
Martina von B€
and Anne M. Kuijpers-Jagtman, DDS, PhD*

Introduction: Force application to a tooth during ortho-
dontic treatment evokes a biological response of the
dental pulp. The aim of this systematic literature review
O rthodontic tooth movement is based on the principle of force application to a tooth
for a certain period of time, varying from months up to several years. This inevitably
evokes a pronounced biological reaction in the periodontal ligament (PDL) and the
was to investigate the relationship between orthodontic dental pulp. In the early phase of orthodontic tooth movement, force application evokes
force level and pulp reaction in humans. Methods: Elec- an acute inflammatory response in the PDL, which is characterized by vasodilatation and
tronic search was made of publications in PubMed/old migration of leukocytes out of the capillaries (1). These migratory cells produce various
MEDLINE, Web of Science, EMBASE, CINAHL, Scopus, local biochemical signal molecules and cytokines, which interact with the population of
and the Cochrane Library (DARE, CENTRAL) until July native periodontal cells. A day or 2 later, the acute phase is replaced by a chronic
21, 2012. Hand search was made of publications before process involving fibroblasts, endothelial cells, osteoblasts, and alveolar bone
1954 and the most recent ones in main dental and ortho- marrow cells. During this phase, leukocytes continue to migrate into strained peri-
dontic journals. Additional studies were identified by odontal tissues and modulate the remodeling process (2, 3).
hand search of reference lists of relevant articles from Although numerous studies have described the reaction of the PDL to force
both the electronic and hand searches. Search terms application, fewer have dealt with pulpal changes. The pulpal response to orthodontic
included biomechanics, force, orthodontic*, tooth move- force involves cell damage, inflammation, and wound healing, which are processes
ment, dental pulp, and pulpal reaction. Two independent that could adversely affect the dental pulp. Published histologic data demonstrated
observers assessed eligibility for inclusion, extracted the that pulp, in response to orthodontic forces, shows reactions ranging from circula-
data, applied quality indicators, and graded level of tory vascular stasis to necrosis (4). Depression of the tissue respiration rate, reduced
evidence. Results: Twenty-four studies matched the alkaline phosphatase activity, apoptosis, aspiration and vacuolization of odontoblasts,
inclusion criteria. The outcomes concerned histologic and tissue damage have been reported after orthodontic force application (5, 6). In
and cell biological parameters after orthodontic tooth humans angiogenic changes were found in the dental pulp, and an increase in the
movement in 19 studies and pulpal blood flow in number of microvessels was demonstrated, suggesting an increase in angiogenic
5 studies. The methodologic quality of most studies growth factors in the dental pulp (7). The authors concluded that epithelial growth
was graded moderate to low. Conclusions: Because of factor (EGF) released after orthodontic force application plays a role in the angio-
a lack of high-quality studies there is no conclusive scien- genic response of the pulp (7–10). The same research group (9) identified the
tific evidence for a relation between force level and dental expression of angiogenic growth factors by pulp fibroblasts such as vascular endo-
pulp tissue reaction in humans. There is contradictory thelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), platelet-derived
scientific support for a force-dependent reduction of growth factor (PDGF), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b) in pulp tissues
blood flow. (J Endod 2012;38:1463–1469) after application of orthodontic forces. The progression of the inflammatory process
apparently depends on stimulation by neuropeptides and production of inflammatory
Key Words cytokines such as interleukin-1 and interleukin-3 (IL-1, IL-3) and tumor necrosis
Dental pulp, force level, humans, inflammatory factor-alpha (TNF-a).
response, orthodontics, systematic review, tooth The clinical impact of pulpal changes after force application is whether they could
movement jeopardize the long-term vitality of teeth. Not many data are available about prevalence
of long-term dental pulp damage due to orthodontic treatment, and figures vary widely,
ranging from 2%–17% for root canal obliteration and from 1%–14% for pulpal
necrosis in orthodontically treated adolescents (11). There are occasional reports of
From the *Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial loss of tooth vitality associated with poorly controlled orthodontic forces such as jiggling
Biology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Nijmegen; and †Department of Orthodontics, University forces (6). Other studies demonstrated pulp necrosis after various tooth movements
Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands. such as retraction (12, 13), intrusion, and extrusion (4). Although these reports
Address requests for reprints to Prof Anne M. Kuijpers- described the pathologic changes in the dental pulp tissue in response to orthodontic
Jagtman, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, force application in general, no clear answer could be found for a possible correlation
Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Biology, PO Box
9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. E-mail address:
between the magnitude of an orthodontic force and pulp tissue reaction. It is generally assumed that pulpal changes and their consequences appear to be more severe with
0099-2399/$ - see front matter larger orthodontic forces (14), but sound scientific data to support this assumption
Copyright ª 2012 American Association of Endodontists. are lacking. This is an important question to be answered because the optimal force level is still a matter of debate in clinical orthodontics. Therefore, a systematic review
was performed to investigate the relationship between orthodontic force level and pulp
reaction in humans.

JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012 Pulpal Reaction to Orthodontic Tooth Movement 1463
Review Article
Materials and Methods Grade A (High). Randomized controlled trial or prospective study
Information Sources and Search Strategy is composed of a well-defined control group; defined diagnosis and
Studies were identified by an electronic database search. No end points; diagnostic reliability tests and reproducibility tests
language limitation was imposed. A list of terms and the search strategy described; and blinded outcome measurements (all criteria should
were developed, and databases were selected with the help of a senior be met).
librarian who specialized in health sciences. The electronic search was Grade B (Moderate). Cohort study or retrospective case series is
applied to PubMed/old MEDLINE (1947–present) and adapted for composed of a defined control or reference group; defined diag-
Web of Science (1966–present), EMBASE (1974–present), Scopus nosis and end points; and diagnostic reliability tests and reproduc-
(1966–present), and CINAHL (1982–present). The Cochrane Library ibility tests described (all criteria should be met; if not, grade C).
(DARE and CENTRAL) was reviewed until July 2012. The last search Grade C (Low). One or more of the following conditions are found:
for all databases was run on July 21, 2012. large attrition of the sample, unclear diagnosis and end points, and
We conducted the literature search following the concatenated poorly defined patient material.
search strategy: #1: search (‘‘biomechanics’’[MeSH] OR force*[tiab] The final level of evidence for each conclusion was judged accord-
OR mechanism*[tiab]); #2: search (orthodontic[tiab] OR orthodon- ing to the following scale (17).
tics[tiab]); #3: search (‘‘tooth movement’’[MeSH] OR ‘‘tooth move-
ment’’[tiab]); #4: #2 OR #3; #5: #1 AND #4; #6: search (‘‘dental Strong Scientific Support (Evidence Grade 1). Conclusion is
pulp’’[MeSH Terms] OR (‘‘dental’’[tiab] AND ‘‘pulp’’[tiab]) OR ‘‘dental based on at least 2 studies with level A evidence. Studies with oppo-
pulp’’[tiab]) OR (pulpal[ti] AND reactions[tiab]) OR ‘‘pulpal reac- site conclusions may lower the evidence grade.
tion’’[tiab]; and #7: #5 AND #6. Moderately Strong Support (Evidence Grade 2). Conclusion is
Publications before 1954 and the most recent ones were hand based on 1 study with strong evidence (A) and at least 2 with
searched in main dental and orthodontic journals. Finally, reference moderately strong evidence (B). Studies with opposite conclusions
lists of relevant articles from both the electronic and hand searches may lower the evidence grade.
were screened. Limited Scientific Support (Evidence Grade 3). Conclusion is
based on at least 2 studies with moderately strong evidence (B).
If studies contradicting the conclusion exist, the scientific basis is
Study Selection judged as insufficient or contradictory.
Abstracts retrieved by query #7 and by hand search were reviewed by Inconclusive Scientific Support (Evidence Grade 4). If studies
2 observers (M.v.B, A.M.K.-J.), independently of each other, according to fulfilling the evidence criteria are lacking, the scientific basis for
the following inclusion criteria: study in humans, quantification of ortho- conclusion is considered insufficient.
dontic force magnitude, type of tooth movement mentioned, quantifica-
tion of duration of force application, and description of pulpal reaction.
The following exclusion criteria were used: animal studies, Results
reviews, and case reports and letters to the editor. Study Selection
Eligibility assessment of the retrieved records was based on title
The electronic search revealed a total of 419 citations: 82 from
and abstract. The abstracts were scored as included, excluded, or PUBMED/(old) MEDLINE, 93 from Web of Science, 53 from EM-
unclear after review of title and abstract only. Disagreements between BASE, 167 from Scopus, 7 from CINAHL, and 17 from the Cochrane
observers were resolved by consensus. Then, the articles that apparently
Library (DARE, CENTRAL). In addition, 13 publications were identi-
fulfilled the inclusion criteria and articles of which title or abstract did fied by hand search. After exclusion of duplicate records, 144 re-
not present enough relevant information were retrieved full text and re- mained for further screening. Those that did not present enough
viewed according to all the inclusion criteria. In the event of a discrep-
relevant information in the abstract were retrieved in full. Of those
ancy between observers, a consensus decision was taken. 144 articles, 109 studies were discarded because after reading the
abstracts, these articles clearly did not meet the inclusion criteria.
Data Extraction The full text of the remaining 35 articles was reviewed in detail,
A data extraction sheet was developed, piloted on 8 studies, and and it appeared that 11 articles did not meet the inclusion criteria.
refined accordingly. One observer (M.v.B.) extracted the following Thus, finally 24 publications remained that were included in the
data from included studies, and the second observer (A.M.K.-J.) systematic review. The PRISMA flow diagram (18) provides an over-
checked the extracted data. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. view of the selection process (Fig. 1).
Information was extracted from each included study as follows:
author(s), year of publication, research design, number of patients, Study Characteristics
number and type of teeth that were moved, initial force magnitude in
The outcomes reported in the included studies concerned
centinewtons (cN), type of tooth movement (intrusion, extrusion,
pulpal blood flow (PBF) and histologic and cell biological parame-
tipping, bodily movement), duration of force application, control or
ters. Five studies reported changes in the PBF (Table 1), and 19 of
experimental tooth for comparison, and outcome variables.
the 24 publications dealt with histologic and cell biological reactions
(Table 2).
Quality Assessment and Level of Evidence The forces used in human studies ranged from 25–4400 cN
Two observers (M.v.B., A.M.K.-J.) evaluated independently the (Tables 1 and 2). The duration of force application ranged from 20
methodologic quality of the included studies according to a grading seconds to 152 days. In 19 of the 24 studies the tooth, which had
system developed by the Swedish Council on Technology Assessment been moved, was the bicuspid (upper or lower), and in 4 studies it
in Health Care (15), which was based on the criteria for assessing study was a maxillary incisor (19–22). In 1 study the maxillary cuspid had
quality from the Centre for Reviews and Disseminations in York, United been moved (12). Most studies dealt with intrusive and extrusive move-
Kingdom (16). The methodologic quality criteria are listed as follows. ments of the experimental teeth.

1464 von B€ohl et al. JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012
Review Article

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the study.

Quality Assessment Vacuolization of the pulp, disruption of the odontoblastic layer,

Most of the publications were graded moderate to low for meth- and vascular degeneration were common findings (4, 23–27),
odologic quality (Tables 1 and 2). The main reasons for lower grading although 1 study did not report pulpal changes with an extrusive
were no random assignment to experimental and control treatment and force of 75 cN (28). However, the methodologic quality of these studies
no description of reliability tests. was low (quality grade C).
Several high-quality studies into enzyme activity of the dental pulp
after force application showed an increased aspartate aminotransferase
Changes of PBF (AST) activity after 7 days (29–31), with a return to normal values after
To measure PBF, laser Doppler flowmetry was used in all studies 14 days (29), and a reduction of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity
(Table 1). Force application had a significant effect on basal blood flow (32). Different force levels were not investigated in these studies.
in 4 of the 5 studies that investigated PBF (12, 19–21). In these studies In 1 of the 19 studies Hamersky et al (33) observed a significant
basal blood flow was reduced irrespective of the type of tooth correlation between age of the patient and the amount of depression in
movement and the tooth that was moved. Only 1 investigation the pulp tissue respiration rate. Their study also showed that age was
reported no alteration of the PBF after the first 4 minutes of more relevant for the pulp tissue respiration than force level. However,
intrusive force application (22). In 3 studies force levels were the quality of that publication was low (grade C).
increased in several steps (19, 20, 22). They reported opposite In only 3 studies a direct comparison was made between different
results; 1 study reported a force-dependent reduction of blood flow force levels (34–36) and the subsequent pulpal reaction, but in 2 of
(19), and the other 2 did not (20, 22). them no correlation was found between force level and any of the
studied variables (34, 35). In the third study (36) after 24 hours
a greater calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) expression was found
Histologic and Cell Biological Changes in the dental pulp of premolars that were subjected to a force of 224 cN
In 4 of the 19 included studies Derringer et al (7–10) found an than in the group with a 56-cN force.
increase of the number of microvessels (quality score B) (Table 2). In summary, the histologic and cell biological studies included in
The number of microvessels was related to the presence of EGF released this review showed that orthodontic force application in humans caused
after force application (10). The same authors found a combination of a reduction of ALP activity, an increase of AST activity, an increase of
VEGF, FGF-2, PDGF, and TGF-b (9) involved in the angiogenic response number and diameter of microvessels, and a release of angiogenic
(quality score B). and vascular endothelial growth factors. Vacuolization of the pulp tissue,

JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012 Pulpal Reaction to Orthodontic Tooth Movement 1465
Review Article
disruption of the odontoblastic layer, and reduction of pulp tissue respi-

ration seemed to occur as a reaction on orthodontic force application,


but there was inconclusive scientific support for these findings.

LDF, PBF, tooth
Outcome This systematic review aimed to investigate the relationship between



force levels during orthodontic force application and dental pulp reaction
in humans. We used the Centre for Reviews and Disseminations’ quality
assessment tool to judge the quality of the individual studies (16). It is
not enough to simply report the quality criteria that were met by studies
Same tooth without

Contralateral I2sup

Contralateral Csup
different forces
included in a systematic review (37). The quality assessment should be re-
Same tooth with
5 of 13 no force

flected in the interpretation of the results. This was achieved by using the
grading system of Mohlin et al (17) to synthesize the final level of evidence
of the results. Grading of evidence is a complicated issue, and numerous

scales have been proposed to do so. We avoided using a scale that allocates
points to individual quality items because this approach has proved to be
inadequate (38, 39). Although attempts continue to arise, currently there is
1, 2, 3, 4 d

still no agreed gold standard quality assessment system (40–42).

of force

The results of this systematic review show that there is limited

152 d
4 mo
14 d

scientific support (evidence grade 3) that intrusive forces have an effect

20 s

on blood supply of the pulp regardless of force level used. The range of
applied forces in these studies was high, from 50–4400 cN, and the
Intrusion, extrusion

canines; tipping

duration of force application also varied considerably.

Type of tooth

With respect to histologic and cell biological reactions, in only 3

Retraction of

studies a direct comparison between different force levels to achieve



tipping or extrusion of premolars was made (34–36). CGRP

expression in the dental pulp was demonstrated to be greater (36)
with the highest force level used in this study (224 cN). However,
CGRP expression was only measured 24 hours after force application,
75, 125, 500, 4400

which therefore reflects a model of acute infection. To get more insight

Csup, maxillary canine; I1sup, maxillary central incisor; I2sup, maxillary lateral incisor; LDF, laser doppler flowmetry; N, number of patients.

into the significance of this finding, a longer time period of orthodontic

Force (cN)
50, 100, 200
50, 100, 500

force application is needed. Therefore, because of the quality of these

studies there is inconclusive scientific support (evidence grade 4) for
any relation between force level and studied variables.


Although several studies described histologic changes (23–28,

34), the quality of these studies is generally low, and therefore the




scientific support for their findings is inconclusive. The effect of age


on pulpal reaction is also not clear (33). There is limited scientific

support (evidence grade 3) for the role of VEGF, FGF-2, PDGF, TGF-ß,


and EGF in the angiogenic response of the pulp. Release of these growth
TABLE 1. Studies on PBF after Orthodontic Force Application in Humans

factors leads to an increase of the number of microvessels (7–10).



Strong scientific support was found for changes in pulpal enzyme



activity, expressed as a reduction of ALP activity (32) and increase of

AST activity (29–31), because of force application. Because dental

pulp fibroblasts and odontoblasts synthesize and release ALP (43,

44), it can be assumed that reduction in ALP activity under stress is



mainly due to an alteration in these cells (32), but the influence of

the force level is unknown because this was not investigated. The release

of angiogenic growth factors as shown in the studies of Derringer et al

(8–10) is of interest because other studies have shown that a decrease


in ALP activity was associated with the release of these factors. Among
others, EGF, FGF-2, PDGF, TGF-b, and TNF-a have been related to
a reduction in dental pulp cell ALP activity (45–48). Therefore, pulp
McDonald and Pitt Ford

cell injury in the earliest phases of orthodontic treatment in

Barwick and Ramsay

combination with an increase in levels of angiogenic growth factors


appears to be the basis for the decrease in ALP activity (32). AST is
another enzyme involved in tissue damage, and increased AST activity
Brodin et al
Ikawa et al
Sano et al

has been found in the gingival crevicular fluid in periodontitis (49),

during orthodontic treatment (31, 50), and in inflammation of the
dental pulp tissue (51). The increased AST activity in dental pulp under
stress probably points to tissue damage, but the significance of this

1466 von B€ohl et al. JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012
TABLE 2. Studies on Histologic and Cell Biological Reactions in Dental Pulp after Orthodontic Force Application in Humans
JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012

No. of Type of
No. of teeth tooth Duration Quality
Author Reference Year Design patients exp + C Tooth Force (cN) movement of force Comparison Outcome variables grade
Caviedes-Bucheli 36 2011 RCT? ? 20 + 10 PM 56, 224 Extrusion 24 h No force CGRP expression C
et al
Veberiene et al 29 2010 Split-mouth 13 13 + 13 PM inf/sup 61  4.5 Intrusion 14 d 7 d + 7 d rest AST activity and electrical A
RCT pulp testing
Ramazanzadeh 27 2009 Split-mouth 3 3+3 PM1sup 25 Intrusion 3d No force Histology of odontoblast C
et al RCT 3 3+3 PM1sup 75 Extrusion 3d No force layer and pulpal
7 7+7 PM1sup 25 (intrusion), Intrusion 3d Extrusion changes
75 (extrusion
3 3+3 PM1sup 25 Intrusion 21 d No force
3 3+3 PM1sup 75 Extrusion 21 d No force
7 7+7 PM1sup 25 (intrusion), Intrusion 21 d Extrusion
75 (extrusion)
Veberiene et al 30 2009 Split-mouth 21 42 PM inf/sup 61 Intrusion 7d No force AST activity and electrical A
RCT pulp testing
Derringer and 10 2007 Case series 10 10 PM2sup 50–100 Extrusion 14 d Cultures of vertical EGF release and no. of B
Linden halves of same microvessels
Perinetti et al 32 2005 Split-mouth 16 16 + 16 PM1sup 30–90 Tipping 7d Contralateral ALP activity A
RCT PM1sup
Perinetti et al 31 2004 Split-mouth 17 17 PM1sup 30–90 Tipping 7d No force AST activity A
Derringer and 9 2004 Case series 20 80 PM2sup 50–100 Extrusion 14 d Cultures of vertical VEGF, FGF2, PDGF, TGF-b B
Linden PM2inf halves of same release, and no. of
pulp microvessels
Derringer and 8 2003 Split-mouth 18 10 + 8 PM2sup 50–100 Extrusion 14 d 14 d force VEGF, FGF2, PDGF, TGF-b, B
Linden CCT (4 teeth) 35–42 d EGF release, and no. of
force (4 teeth); microvessels
cultures of
vertical halves
of same pulp
€ bay et al
Su 28 2001 Case series 15 40 PM1sup 75 Extrusion 10, 40 d Extrusion by sect Histologic changes C
PM1inf wire (10 patients,
Pulpal Reaction to Orthodontic Tooth Movement

20 teeth) or
elastics (5 patients,
20 teeth)
Raiden et al 26 1998 Split-mouth 20 40 PM1sup 150 Intrusion 15–20 d No force Histologic changes C
Derringer et al 7 1996 Split-mouth ? 30 PMsup inf 50–100 Tipping 14 d No force Light- and electron C
CCT microscopy of
endothelial cell
€ çu
€ kkeleş

Review Article
Ku 25 1994 Split-mouth 2 4 PM1sup 150 Intrusion 90 d Force, level? Electron microscopy C
and Okar CCT of pulp and root
Mostafa et al 4 1991 Split-mouth 18 36 PM1sup 50 Extrusion 7, 14, No force Histology of pulp C
RCT 28 d
Parris et al 35 1989 CCT 11 + 9 44 + 36 PM1+2 sup 120, 140, 150, Tipping 21–78 min No force Immunohistochemistry B
ligated 180, 200, of pulp neuropeptides
together 210, 215,
230, 245, 600

(Continued )
Review Article
finding is difficult to judge because our knowledge of AST activity in the
dental pulp is limited. For both enzymes, AST and ALP, their involvement

on the pulp tissue after force application is still not understood and
should be investigated further.
Four main problems were encountered in performing this review.

Histology after 4–104 d

Histology directly after

Outcome variables

These concern the experimental setup, the accuracy and variability of the

Histology after 2, 6,

force level, the type of tooth movement, and duration of the experiment.
of pulpal tissue

First, although several studies used a split-mouth design, in only


a few the experimental sites were assigned at random (27, 29–31).

Derringer and Linden (10) used a ‘‘split tooth’’ design by preparing

28 wk
2 halves of a human pulp for culturing to determine 2 different anti-
human EGF antibodies. The advantage of the split-mouth design is the
removal of much of the intersubject variability, which increases the
reference 33 1970

power of the study compared with the whole-mouth design (52). For
Both groups from

Both groups from

Both groups from

orthodontic force application experiments a split-mouth design or


reference 23

reference 23

a crossover design is to be preferred because it is known that the bio-

logical response to orthodontic force application is mostly individually
No force

No force

determined (53). Unfortunately, most split-mouth studies in this review

lack randomization of the sites of the experimental intervention.
The second consideration about the experimental setup of the
included studies is the reported force level, which ranged from 25–
movement of force

?, information not clear in the original article; CCT, controlled clinical trial; inf/sup, inferior/superior; exp + C, experimental + controls; PM, premolar; RCT, randomized clinical trial.
5–28 d

7–14 d

7–14 d

4–35 d

4400 cN. However, in most studies the force level was not measured

accurately, and only a range for the force level was given. This makes
it difficult to draw conclusions about force levels in relation to the bio-
logical reaction of the dental pulp.


Type of



The third problem was the large variety of types of tooth movement,

such as extrusion, intrusion, or tipping forces, and the impossibility of

comparing them with each other. Extrusive forces have been shown to
cause odontoblastic layer degeneration (4, 27) because of circulatory
disturbances, whereas the latter study (27) observed the same effect after
Force (cN)

100, 200



intrusion. The outcomes of studies in which tipping movements were


performed (Table 2) are even more difficult to interpret. Tipping forces

evoke an uneven distribution of stresses and strains within the PDL. The
clinical result is that crown and root move at different rates or even into
different directions. The center of rotation, which determines the rate of
PM1 sup/inf

35 + 35 PM1 sup/inf

crown and root movement, is difficult to determine and very likely to


change during tipping movement. Therefore, a well-defined and repro-




ducible tipping tooth movement is almost impossible to achieve, which

means that the interpretation of the results is hampered (54).
patients exp + C
No. of
No. of teeth

The fourth difficulty has been the wide variety in length of exper-




imental period. Most experiments on PBF were short-term experiments,

with the shortest experimental period being 20 seconds (20). The
longest experimental period of all included studies was 152 days

(21). This wide variety made reliable comparisons between the results
of different studies difficult.
1980 Split-mouth

Although many studies have demonstrated that orthodontic force



application may lead to pathologic changes in the dental pulp tissue,

1971 Cohort;

1971 Cohort;

1970 Cohort

this systematic review showed that our knowledge concerning dental

pulp reactions and orthodontic force application is still limited. A
number of questions remain to be answered. The data indicate that
Reference Year

during orthodontic tooth movement there is a certain balance between

maintaining a healthy pulp or ending up with pulp necrosis. However,
the exact nature of the balance between force level and dental pulp reac-



tion is still unclear. Clinically, both continuous and intermittent forces

are evoked by orthodontic appliances. It might be possible that their
TABLE 2. (Continued )

effect on dental pulp vascularization is different, but this was not inves-

Stenvik and Mjo

Stenvik and Mjo

tigated in any of the studies included in this review. Remarkably enough,

Hamersky et al

the relationship between force level and vitality or long-term changes of


human pulpal tissue has also not been elucidated, and this is of utmost

clinical importance. Therefore, future studies should focus on pulp reac-

tions after applying different force levels and types of force, preferably in
a split-mouth design, with proper randomization for side. The study of

1468 von B€ohl et al. JOE — Volume 38, Number 11, November 2012
Review Article
translational tooth movement is still an underexposed area as compared 23. Stenvik A, Mj€or IA. Pulp and dentine reactions to experimental tooth intrusion:
with studies on effects of intrusive and extrusive movements. Much atten- a histological study of the initial changes. Am J Orthod 1970;57:370–85.
24. Stenvik A, Mj€or IA. The effect of experimental tooth intrusion on pulp and dentine.
tion should be given to the biomechanical model of force application Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1971;32:639–48.
because translational movement is often accompanied by tipping move- 25. K€uç€ukkeleş N, Okar I. Root resorption and pulpal changes due to intrusive force.
ment, which, as explained above, makes it difficult to judge the results. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 1994;2:404–8.
Finally, because orthodontic treatment does not take place overnight, it is 26. Raiden G, Missana L, Santamaria de Torres E, Kozuszko S, Pedroso R. Pulpal
of vital importance to evaluate dental pulpal reaction during a longer response to intrusive orthodontic forces. Acta Odontol Latinoam 1998;11:49–54.
27. Ramazanzadeh BA, Sahhafian AA, Mohtasham N, Hassanzadeh N, Jahanbin A,
time span (at least 3 months) than has been reported before. Shakeri MT. Histological changes in human dental pulp following application of
intrusive and extrusive orthodontic forces. J Oral Sci 2009;51:109–15.
Conclusions 28. S€ubay RK, Kaya H, Tarim B, S€ubay A, Cox CF. Response of human pulpal tissue to
orthodontic extrusive applications. J Endod 2001;27:508–11.
Force application to a tooth during orthodontic treatment evokes 29. Veberiene R, Smailiene D, Baseviciene N, Toleikis A, Machiulskiene V. Change in
a biological response of the dental pulp. Because of a lack of high- dental pulp parameters in response to different modes of orthodontic force appli-
quality studies there is no conclusive scientific evidence for a relation cation. Angle Orthod 2010;80:1018–22.
between force level and dental pulp tissue reaction in humans. There 30. Veberiene R, Smailiene D, Danielyte J, Toleikis A, Dagys A, Machiulskiene V. Effects
of intrusive force on selected determinants of pulp vitality. Angle Orthod 2009;79:
is contradictory scientific support for a force-dependent reduction of 1114–8.
blood flow. 31. Perinetti G, Varvara G, Festa F, Esposito P. Aspartate aminotransferase activity in pulp
of orthodontically treated teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004;125:88–92.
32. Perinetti G, Varvara G, Salini L, Tete S. Alkaline phosphatase activity in dental pulp of
Acknowledgments orthodontically treated teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;128:492–6.
The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study. 33. Hamersky PA, Weimer AD, Taintor JF. The effect of orthodontic force application on the
pulpal tissue respiration rate in the human premolar. Am J Orthod 1980;77:368–78.
34. Stenvik A. The effect of extrusive orthodontic forces on human pulp and dentin.
References Scand J Dent Res 1971;79:430–5.
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