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The Haunter from BeyondInspired by H.P. Lovecraft, Robert Block

& Ambrose Bierce

Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered by Fate logo is © Evil Hat
Productions, LLC and is used with permission.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Introduction 1
Adventure Background 3
Character Introduction 4

Carcosa Locations
1. The road to Carcosa 7
2. The Killing Square 7
3. The Thing in the Attic 8
4. Ritual Houses 9
5. Stary Wisdom Temple Locations
Nave & Apse 10
Narthex 11
Anchorhold 11
East Foyer 11
Vestry 12
Toilets 12
Steeple 12
6. Carcosa Citadel 12
7. Alchemists Lab 13
8. Peron's Hideout 13

The Ouija Seance 14
De Vermis Mysteriis 14
A thousand Young 15
An Unexpectant Saviour 17
Ryu Alive? 19
The Ritual 20
Nyarlathitep Revealed 21
Epilogue 24

Reference Section 25

Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered by Fate logo is
© Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with permission.
This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition (found at, products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and
edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark
Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, and licensed for our use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Dread-Quests adventures are set in various horror This adventure takes place in modern-day. The
settings where characters can be anyone from characters are a group of young people who are
ordinary people to seasoned occult investigators. traveling together across Europe. Their journey has
This adventure draws inspiration from the Cthulhu taken them to Italy, where they visit the abandoned
Mythos, where the characters are a group of young town of Carcosa.
travelers backpacking across Europe.
Just because the characters are not super-heroes, it
This version of The Haunter From Beyond is designed doesn’t mean they can’t be interesting or capable.
for use with the Fate Core game system. You can get Characters can be any gender, background, or
a copy of the Fate Core system on DriveThruRPG ethnicity. It often helps to jump-start the creative
from Evil Hat Productions. It is listed as a pay-what- process by picking an actor or athlete to play your
you want product with a recommended price of character.
Character sheets for Fate Core are readily available online.

INSPIRATION & ATTRIBUTION The adventure includes six NPCs who are fellow
The Haunter From Beyond is inspired by the following travelers. Their stats are detailed in the appendix
public domain short stories from the late 19th and section. Feel free to replace these characters with
early 20th centuries. your own NPCs.

An Inhabitant of Carcosa was written by Ambrose Selma Vale: Selma is a spiritualist and yoga
Bierce in 1886. instruction from Australia. For the past month, she
has been in Europe on a pilgrimage of enlightenment
The Shambler From the Stars by Robert Block, first following her parent’s death in a car accident.
published in the September1935 issue of Weird
Tales. Tasia Shaw ((Influencer/Coach): Tasia is from the
U.S. and is in Italy on a four-week working vacation,
The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft, published writing her first book. She met the characters at a
in the December 1936 edition of Weird Tales. party and decided to join them for a few days.

The Shadow From the Steeple by Robert Block, first Ava Van Burren (Server): Ava is from Cape Town,
published in 1950. This short story completes the South Africa, and has spent the last four months
series started by Block in 1935 and continued by working her way across Europe as a bartender. Ava’s
Lovecraft in 1936. plan is to spend the next three years working her way
around the world.
Some encounter or location descriptions in this
adventure will use direct or modified text from these Omar Keita (Millwright): Omar’s father recently
publications. passed away and he’s traveling to try and decide
whether to take over his father’s small business
These stories can be found online, both in text and (auto-repair shop) or do something different.
audio format. I highly recommend checking out the
audio versions on the YouTube channel Horror Ryu Jin-Ho (Soccer Player): Ryu plays in a popular
Babble. South Korean Soccer league. He recently tried out for
the national team and didn’t make the cut. He’s in Europe to try and figure things out.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Iyana Rusnak (Heiress): Iyana’s father a member of
the Russian mafia. Iyana never had the chance to
grow up to be anything other than her father’s Optionally, you can offer secret backgrounds to any
daughter. Her father expected her to marry one of his character, except the one with the aspect raised in
business associates, so she moved to Europe and the occult. Anyone who takes a secret aspect gets a
hasn’t spoken to him in over a year. free Fate point.

BACKGROUND ASPECTS These secret backgrounds are not revealed until the
final encounter. Everyone who accepts a secret
To create greater immersion and roleplaying background is actually a member of the Starry
opportunities, players need to pick one of the Wisdom Cult (Refer to page X).
following bonus background aspects. In return for

taking these aspects, the characters get a free fate
Given that this is a horror adventure and the
Raised in the occult: This aspect must be selected. characters are ordinary people, a character may die.
The character’s mother (Monica), who passed away If a character dies early in the adventure, either give
some years ago, studied the occult. While the them a second chance with a consequence or allow
character didn’t necessarily indulge in their mother’s them to play one of the NPCs.
obsession, they did learn a few things. The character
doesn’t know who their father was.

Unbeknownst to the character, their mother was a

member of the Starry Wisdom Cult when she was We want to bring you adventures more frequently and
pregnant. Their father is Virgil Corda. Give this of increasing quality. To do that, we need your
character an extra fate point. financial support.

Distracted by a new relationship: The character This is a PAY WHAT YOU CAN product, and we
recently started a romantic relationship with either completely understand if your financial situation
Ava, Tasia or Omar. It’s new and fun, but you’re not means you can’t pay. We’ve been there.
sure how serious they are about it. The character can
be of any gender. You can also show your appreciation by giving us a
review on DriveThru RPG, telling your friends about
Traveling BFFs: This character is the best friend of our publications, or by purchasing one of our other
the character who was raised in the occult. They products. If you can pay, we’d greatly appreciate it.
traveled to Europe together and have been friends All of the money goes to pay for more writing and art.
since they were kids. You thought their mother was a
bit weird. If you want to stay up to date on Dread Quests, Mini-
Quests, and other One-Shot RPG publications, visit
Secret crush: The character has a crush on Selma. our website at and sign up
Although she has some odd beliefs about the world, for our newsletter.
you find her fun and fascinating. You haven’t
revealed your feelings yet. The character can be of
any gender. LIVE STREAMING
You can feel free to live stream sessions where you
From Russia with love: The character is in the employ are running a Dread-Quest or any One-Shot RPG
of the Bratvá (Russian mafia). They’ve been sent by adventure. If you are going to live stream or post a
Iyana’s father to befriend and keep her safe. It’s been recording of your game session, let us know. We’d
made clear that if something happens to Iyana they love to tune in or even do a guest appearance.
will be held personally responsible. They have a
concealed Makarov handgun with 8 bullets.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND A rash of missing persons began in the late 80s and
early 90s. This resulted in the formation of a special
The Starry Wisdom Sect came to Carcosa after the
fall of Benito Mussolini's regime at the end of World police task force headed by special detective Marco
War II. Its members came from across Europe and Peron.
the Americas to follow the cult’s founder, Enoch
Bowen. After years without a break, an anonymous tip led
investigators to suspect Virgil Corda, a resident of
Bowen was a British soldier. During the liberation of Carcosa. After months of tracking his movements,
Austria, Bowen and his squad discovered a secret they had enough evidence to bring him in for
stash of occult relics owned by Otto Rahn, a member questioning.
of the Nazi SS.
When Peron arrived in Carcosa to take Corda into
One of the items was a copy of the nefarious De custody, he opened fire and barricaded himself in the
Vermis Mysteriis. A book thought to be only a thing of church. After a tense stand-off, the police breached
legend, even amongst the most dedicated occult the main doors, only to find Corda kneeling in from o
scholars. the alter. His naked body soaked in gasoline.

There was also a strange black crystal with red- Turning to Peron, Corda proclaimed, “I have been
striations. A voice from beyond spoke through the chosen by the faceless one, and my progeny shall be
crystal. It told Bowen to kill the soldiers with him to born in his likeness. I now go to the beyond where I
keep the existence of the items secret. Bowen shall dream forever to the sound of flutes. ” Corda
obeyed, blaming their deaths on enemy action. then set himself on fire. Despite their attempts to
save him, the flames could not be doused. Corda was
Using the book and the crystal, Bowen began to reduced to ash.
communicate with beings beyond space and time.
They promised power in return for his obedience. The case was closed until a few months later, there
They commanded him to found a church and attract were more disappearances. Peron reassembled the
followers. They named him their Keeper of the Secret task force.
Dark. He called his church The Starry Wisdom Sect.
The investigators suspected that Corda had not
After settling in Carcosa, Bowen and his followers acted alone. This time their interest was with the
had little contact with the outside world. Residents of church to which Corda belonged, the Starry Wisdom
surrounding towns began to characterize the people Sect. To his horror, Peron realized the entire town of
of Carcosa as being of odd and unusual character. Carcosa was complicit. Their motivation was to use
The word ‘cult’ was often used to describe Bowen’s the victims as sacrifices to some unknown deity.
In Carcosa, Nyarlathotep, now using Corda’s voice,
Bowen died in the late 1970s. From beyond the instructed the followers to kidnap a dozen sacrifices
grave, Bowen continued to preach to his flock in preparation for the resurrection ceremony. He told
through the crystal. His sermons turning ever towards them that when his lover, Monica, gave birth,
the subject of his resurrection. Bowen’s soul would be reborn into the world (the
character with the raised in the occult aspect
In reality, Bowen was dead. The entity known as mother). In reality, it would be Nyarlathotep, who
Nyarlathotep was speaking through the crystal using would take the child’s form.
Bowen’s voice. The plan was not to resurrect Bowen
but to help Nyarlathotep enter our world in physical When Person received word of brazen kidnappings
form. To accomplish this, many sacrifices would be taking place in the communities around Carcosa, he
required. knew he had to act. With a unit of soldiers for
support, the task force descended on the town.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
While the highest-ranking members of the cult Peron returned to Carcosa. The town was as he had
prepared for the ritual, others waited in ambush, left it. He settled into one of the homes and began
knowing the authorities were soon to arrive. preparing for the day when that thing in the apse
would try to enter our world again. Peron would give
After a brief but intense firefight, the Italian soldiers his life to ensure that that day would never occur.
overran the cult defenses. They stormed the church,
arriving just in time to find Monica lying on top of the
altar, surrounded by the cult’s elders. TIPS & IDEAS
Visit the blog on our website
They mistakenly believed her to be one of the for some ideas on how to turn this adventure.
kidnapped victims instead of a willing participant.

The bodies of the actual sacrifice victims were found

in the apse, withered, and drained of blood. Some of
those present say there was something else, lurking The players may decide early in the adventure that no
in the shadows, but close inspection revealed rational person would stay in Carcosa. They might try
nothing. All those involved were severely shaken by and leave before the Selma conducts the Ouija board
the horrors they witnessed. session.

The residents of Carcosa were rounded up and If this occurs, offer the character a fate point to
escorted into the town square. Nobody knows who accept that they decide to stay.
fired the first shot, but once it started, the soldiers
and police didn’t stop until all the residents of You can use the NPCs to encourage the characters
Carcosa were dead. Fifty men, women, and children to stay. Selma could become upset, “When will we
were executed. ever get a chance to stay in a place like this. I know
you are freaked out, but that’s part of the experience.
Panicked by the gunfire, the military transport driver There is nothing to be afraid of. Spirits can’t hurt you.
sped away, desperate to be far from this cursed This is important to me.”
place. He lost control while taking a turn and was
killed in the crash. His body was recovered, but the Ava and Tasia won’t leave Selma and prefer if
truck was left were it sat. In total, four soldiers had everyone stays the night. Omar and Ryu will agree to
lost their lives. stay because they don’t want the girls to remain in
Carcosa alone.
The residents and bodies of those sacrificed were
hastily buried in a mass grave. All involved were The character with the raised in the occult aspect will
anxious to forget what has happened. No reports also have an overpowering feeling that they belong
were filed. No questions were asked. here. They know there is a secret in Carcosa that is
fundamental to who they are.
Marco Peron, however, could not forget. He was the
first to reach the woman lying on the altar (Monica). In the end, if the characters are determined to leave
He clearly saw something hideous in the shadow of then, Nyarlathotep will use his powers to prevent that
the apse. Something waiting just across the threshold from happening.
of our world.
As the characters drive away from town, they will
After the incident, he tried to return to normal life but encounter thick fog where visibility is reduced to only
couldn’t. The thoughts of Carcosa plagued his mind. a few feet in front of the car. After driving for 10
One day he left for work and never came home. His minutes, they’ll arrive back at Carcosa. It doesn’t
wife reported him missing, but little came of the matter how many times they leave, they’ll always end
investigation into his disappearance. up back at the same place.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


You’ve spent the last several months exploring the people and
places of Europe. During your travels, you’ve met some kindred
spirits. Like you, for them, this trip is about more than just having
fun. They are looking to discover who they are and what they want
to do with their lives.

You know when the trip is over, some of them will be lifelong friends
or even something more.

Over the past week, you’ve been staying in Policoro on the coast of
Southern Italy. By day you enjoy the famous Lido di Policoro beach,
attend soccer games, and wander through the markets. You spend
your nights at the numerous wine bars and clubs.

As your stay in Policoro comes to an end, Selma Vale suggested an

excursion. While she is overly obsessed with history, Wicca, and
other occult matters, her quirky side trips are always fun.

Renting a couple of cars, you plan to drive to the abandoned town

of Carcosa, about 80 miles away. According to Selma, the place
has been deserted since 1999.

Selma has convinced everyone to stay the night, so you have your
traveling gear with you. After a few sessions with the Ouija board,
it’s party time.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
CARCOSA • (Fair +2) There are references to an odd religion
practiced in Carcosa since the late 1940s. It is
The adventure begins on the drive to Carcosa. Have called the Starry Wisdom sect or cult. It was
each player introduce their character and provide a founded by Enoch Bowen.
quick introduction for each of the NPCs. • (Good +3) An occult blogger claims they
interviewed someone who belonged to the Starry
If the characters research Carcosa on their own, Wisdom Sect in the 70s and 80s. The person
they’ll discover that information is sparse. They can claims the religion was based on an occult book
make an Investigation roll. Depending on how well Bowen found in a Nazi stash during the war.
they roll, they can uncover the following information. • (Great +4) An Italian police detective named
Marco Peron went missing in 2000. The post
• (Average +1) The town was mysteriously mentions that Peron left pages and pages of
abandoned in 1999. Some sources reference an notes. Each had the world Carcosa written
earthquake. An Italian government website lists repeatedly. He has never been found.
the village as condemned.
• (Fair +2) In late 1998, a police investigation into If the characters raise concerns to Selma, she’ll
missing persons led them to a resident of Carcosa respond, “It’s abandoned. Of course, there are going
named Virgil Corda. Surrounded by the police, to strange stories. Don’t worry. The psychic vibes are
Corda lit himself on fire. He died at the scene. going to be amazing. Trust me”
• (Good +3) An online post mentions that four
soldiers were killed near Carcosa in a training The NPCs’ behavior during the drive are as follows:
accident in 1999, the same year the town was
abandoned. Selma will explain that she learned about Carcosa
• (Great +4) An online petition was posted in 2010 from an online occult community. She will claim that
to tear down the town. It only received half a forgotten and abandoned places are great for
dozen signatures. A name search of each of the recharging your spiritual aura and wild parties.
signatories will turn up an obituary.
Tasia is listening to a podcast. If asked about it, she’ll
The characters can also make a Lore roll. reply, “It’s a podcast about how to be your best self
when you’re constantly interrupted.” Her serious
• (Average +1) An occult blog names Carcosa as expression will quickly turn into a smile. She’ll put
one of Italy’s most haunted places. away the podcast and engage with the group.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Ava and Ryo will be arguing about who is the best If the characters stop and investigate, they’ll discover
soccer player, Rinaldo or Messi. Ryu is basing his the truck is an old Italian military vehicle (FIAT TM69).
arguments on his experience playing while Ava is The truck is big enough to transport twenty soldiers
going by who looks best in knickerbockers. and their gear. The truck is beyond repair.

Omar will spend the drive doing research on Carcosa If the characters make a Fair (+2) Notice roll, they
using his phone. He’ll uncover and share the story can find a locked compartment in the truck bed. The
about Virgil Corda plus one other fact (pick one). lock is seized, so a Good (+3) Craft or Physique roll is
required to open it.
Iyana is quiet. The character with the from Russia
with love aspect will notice her wipe away a tear. If Inside are a Beretta BM59 rifle and two 20 round
they inquire, she’ll respond in her thick Russian clips of ammunition. The locker has been moisture
accent, “I get email from my mother. My father is very free for the past twenty years, so the gun and
sick. I feel sad but don’t know why. I hate him since I ammunition are in excellent condition.
was little girl.”

1. The Road to Carcosa

Aspect: Curves, dust, and bumps

The road to Carcosa is a bit rough but easily

traversed with care. Traveling over 25 mph requires a Ava and Omar think they should leave the gun alone.
Fair (+2) Drive roll. There is no cell reception within Selma agrees, saying that taking it will create some
20 miles of the village. serious negative energy. Omar will point out the gun
has been sitting here for years and could backfire.
Marco Peron will watch as the vehicles approach, but
will not reveal himself. Ryu thinks it would be fun to set up some targets and
fire off some rounds. Iyana will grab the gun and
As Carcosa comes into view, the characters will expertly run through a series of checks, “My father
notice the wreck of a military-style truck. Read the hired ex-Spetsnaz to teach me how to shoot when I
following: am fifteen. This gun works fine.”

In the distance, the town of Carcosa sits perched Ultimately, it’s up to the characters to decide what to
atop a rocky hill. The stone buildings have a do with it.
distinctive medieval appearance. In the town center,
an ominous-looking cathedral of black stone looms
over the surrounding buildings. 2. The Killing Square
Aspect: A spooky place where people died.
As you drive up the winding trail, you notice the
wreck of a military-style truck in a gulch to your right. This open area is where the characters can park their
The truck’s front end is smashed against some vehicles. They will notice a faded symbol painted on
boulders. It’s rotted tires, and rusted frame leads you the wall of a building. Examining the symbol requires
to believe it’s been here for many years. the character to make an Mediocre (+0) Will roll or
take the difference in mental stress.
Oddly, whoever crashed the vehicle, never bothered
to have it removed. Selma will take pictures of the symbol. If asked, she’ll
pretend not to recognize it. The character can make
Ryu will want to stop the car and take a look. None of an Empathy roll against Selma’s Deceive (+2) to
the NPCs will object. realize she’s being deceptive.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
3. The Thing in the Attic
Aspect: A musty place of mystery.

The door to this three-story home is missing. Inside,

the furniture is ruined and rotted. Several dozen bullet
casings litter the floor, and there are bullet holes in
the walls. A few rats mingle around the first floor.

If the characters make a Fair (+2) Notice roll, they

can find another BM59 rifle under a kitchen table.
Exposed to the elements, the weapon no longer
If they confront Selma, she’ll admit the symbol is functions. Iyana will inspect the gun, “It broken. If this
associated with pagan cults and an obscure deity. was Kalashnikov, it would still work.”
It’s bad luck to say the deity's name. Some call it the
haunter from beyond, the faceless god, or the stalker If anyone makes a Fair (+2) Notice roll, they can find
amongst the stars. She’ll apologize for lying and a trap door in the third-floor ceiling. If the characters
explain that she just wants everyone to have fun. fail their roll, Tasia will point it out.
She’ll again promise there is nothing to worry about.
Anyone who makes a Great (+4) Lore roll will also A Fair (+2) Investigation roll reveals fingernail scratch
note these cults are rumored to have made human marks around the trap door. This suggests someone
sacrifices during medieval times. was desperately trying not to be pulled up through it.

The character with the raised in the occult aspect The characters will have to boost someone up to
will recognize the symbol as something their mother reach the trap door. Iyana will volunteer, “I am not
drew when they were young. The character must scared of Baba Yaga. Help me up.” Once in the attic,
make a Fair(+2) Will roll or suffer mental stress. she’ll scream before popping her head back down
through the trap door laughing.
Have everyone make a Fair (+2) Notice roll. Those
who succeed will spot bullet casings lying on the The attic is filled with old boxes of junk. There is a foul
ground. If they examine the area, they’ll find unidentifiable fishy odor. A Fair (+2) Investigate roll
hundreds of casings buried in the dust. Most are will reveal an Italian soldier’s skeletal remains. If none
rusted. This square is where the military killed the of the characters make their roll, Tasia will discover
Carcosan residents. Iyana will point out the bullets if the body. This time the scream is real.
the characters fail to notice.
There is a hole in the soldier’s skull. If someone
If the characters found the rifle in the wrecked makes a Fair (+2) Investigate roll, they can pull a
military truck, they’ll recognize the casings as small sharp tooth out of the wound.
belonging to the same model of firearm. Iyana will
comment, “I think there were soldiers here. They all The soldier is wearing a holster containing a 9 mm
shoot in that direction.” Beretta handgun with two 15 round clips. The gun
can be made to function with an Average (+1) Craft
An Average (+1) Investigate roll will also uncover roll. Ryu will suggest keeping it, but Selma and Ava
bullet holes in the buildings. There are far fewer will disagree.
bullet holes than casings, suggesting that whoever
was firing hit their target. Ryu will ask the question, Near the body, the characters will find the source of
“Do you think someone was killed here?” the foul odor. Partially concealed behind a box is the
rotted dried-out remains of some animal. A Fair (+2)
Selma will reply, “Save that question for the Ouija Lore roll, will identify it as a strange octopus species
board, and you’ll get your answer!” with tentacles 3 to 4 feet in length. The tooth
matches. Everyone must make an Average (+1) Will
roll or acquire mental stress.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Tasia will suggest calling the police. Ava will reply, “I All of the buildings show evidence of regular
saw the Amana Knox documentary. I don’t want to be maintenance. The windows are boarded over, but the
mixed up in any murder investigation.”. front doors are unlocked.

Ryu will look alarmed, “You think he was murdered?”. Inside, all of the furniture has been removed. The
Tasia will reply, “He has a hole in his head, Ryu?” walls, floors, and ceilings are covered in odd symbols
and hieroglyphs, including many drawings of
Omar will remind everyone there is no cell coverage triangles. Anyone making a Good (+3) Lore roll will
and suggest they place an anonymous call after recognize the symbols as being similar, but not
leaving the country. identical, to signs of protection and barrier creation.
Selma will identify them as such but admit there is
Selma will stare intently at the soldier, “This something unusual about them.
happened a long time ago. Perhaps we can contact
this soldier’s spirit and find out how he died.” In a central room, a large triangle is carved into the
wooden floor. At each point of the triangle sits an unlit
OPTIONAL: If you want to include more combat in candle next to a symbol. In a small bowl nearby are
this adventure, read the following as the characters sticks of chalk and a box of waterproof matches.
come down from the attic.
A Good (+3) Lore roll will recognize this as one
As you return to the first floor, you notice the number corner of a triangle of protection. The implication is
of rats has increased. A dozen of the vermin leer out there must be two other buildings.
from beneath the rotted furniture. Unnervingly, their
beady eyes follow your every move. For the first time,
you notice these are not your ordinary city rats. They
have overgrown incisors that look like they can
deliver a vicious bite.

The rats have been mutated by the presence of

Nyarlathotep. Three rats will aggressively charge out
from under the furniture and bite at people’s ankles. If
any of them draws blood, all of the rats will swarm
that person. The rats won’t leave the building.

L Aspect:
Shadow dwelling rodent
Tendency to swarm
Skills: Good (+3): Athletics
Fair (+2): Fight, Hide
Stress: 1❑ The only reason someone would create a triangle of
Frenzy: If one rat causes at least 1 physical stress, protection is to keep something supernatural trapped
other rats get +1 to attack the same target the next inside or prevent it from entering.
To perform the ritual the candles need to be lit, and

4. Ritual Houses
symbols need to be traced in chalk (refer to page x).
Each building that is part of the greater pyramid can
Aspect: Uncluttered places of deceptive power be activated in sequence or simultaneously. Selma
will explain the ritual if no one else makes their roll.
To entrap Nyarlathotep, Marco Peron created a
triangle of protection (similar to a magic circle) Omar will ask whether or not this is some elaborate
around the cathedral. Three buildings serve as the hoax. Tasia will reply that given the effort involved,
points of the triangle (refer to map on page x). whoever set it up took it seriously.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
5. The Starry Wisdom Temple The characters can lower themselves down to the
dust-carpeted and debris-strewn floor (Aspect: Dusty
Aspect: A dark and sinister place of worship and cluttered). Getting back out requires a Fair (+2)
Athletics roll unless the characters place something
As the characters approach the cyclopean cathedral against the wall.
located at the center of the town, read the following:
Beyond the arch a set of well-worn stone steps that
The great bulk of the church rises darkly in the center spiral up into the darkness. At the top is a close door
of Carcosa. The building is in a state of great that is unlocked. Once opened, it leads into the nave
decrepitude. The high gothic windows are unbroken. of the cathedral.
The massive doors are intact and tightly closed.
Desolation and decay hang like a pall about the Aspects: Cobwebs and shadows everywhere.
place. You feel a touch of the dimly sinister that is
hard to define. The colossal nave is an almost eldritch place with its
drifts and mountains of dust over box pews, altar,
Selma giggles with excitement, “Can’t you feel the hourglass pulpit, and sounding-board. Titanic ropes
waves of psychic energy coming from this place.” of cobweb stretch between the Gothic columns
supporting the roof.
Omar will reply, “I think normal people call that feeling
being scared shitless.” Through the strange half-blackened panes of the
great apsidal windows shines the hideous leaden light
Ava will break the ice. “Once we get inside, I’ll set up from the afternoon sun.
the cocktail bar. With a little music and some liquid
courage, this place won’t look so bad.” The paintings on the windows are mostly obscured,
but you can make out the same unnerving symbol
Tasia will reply sarcastically, “Spooky church, drunk you saw in the town square. One of the windows
young people. What could go wrong?” shows merely a dark space with spirals of curious
luminosity scattered about in it.
The main doors require a Legendary (+8) Physique
roll to pry open. Alternatively, a smaller door on the A large altar of black stone sits inside the apse.
east side can be opened with a Good (+3) Burglary Unlike the rest of the church, it is not shrouded in a
roll or Great (+4) Physique roll. Anyone making a Fair layer of dust. You don’t see a crucifix.
(+2) Notice roll will spot an open cellar window. If the
characters fail their roll, Ryu will spot it. Looking The altar is made of a single piece of black stone and
inside, they see: weighs several tons. Oddly, the rock absorbs all light,
so there is no reflection off the surface. There is
The basement is filled with cobwebs, debris, ruined nothing else of interest in the room.
boxes, and old furniture of numerous sorts. Over
everything lay a shroud of dust. The rusted remains The characters who has the raised in the occult
of a hot-air furnace sits at the far end of the cellar. aspect will have an unshakable feeling like they’ve
been here before.
The vaulted cellar is vast and without partitions. In a
far corner, amid dense shadows, you see a black Omar will take a look around and proclaim, “I’m
archway and a flight of stairs beyond. giving this place a 1-star review. Anyone think to
bring a broom?”
Iyana will grab Ryu’s soccer ball (under protest) and
toss it into the basement. It will bounce across the Selma will twirl in a circle, her arms outstretched.
concrete floor, leaving a furrow in the dust. She’ll “Don’t be silly. This place is awesome. I can’t wait to
smile, “Good. No nasty critters.” see what spirits we can summon.”

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Ava and Iyana will start unpacking and setting up the Anyone making a Fair (+2) Lore roll recognizes this
bar on the altar. Selma will rush over to them in a as an anchorhold, a small cell used for solitary
near-panic, “What the fuck are you doing? You can’t medication. In medieval times some monks would be
use the altar as a bar!” locked away for days or weeks at a time (Aspect:
uncomfortable and pitch dark).
Ava will back away, “Calm down, Selma, what
difference does it make?” Iyana will shrug, “Yeah, Ryu will dare someone to let themselves be locked
what’s big deal?” inside for five minutes without their cell phone or
flashlights. Ava/Tasia/Omar will volunteer if the
Selma will reply angrily, “It’s fucking disrespectful to character they are romantically involved with joins
the spirits. There is a table over there against the wall them. You might also compel the character with the
you can use.” secret crush on Selma to act.

One of the characters can make an Average (+1) Once the door is closed, it is pitch black inside.
rapport roll to smooth things over.
Once inside, Ava/Tasia/Omar will say. “I have an idea
Reluctantly, Ava will move her bar on the table. She’ll of how we can kill 5 minutes.” They’ll laugh as they
pull out some small plastic cups and a bottle, reach out, trying to find the characters face in the
“Everyone needs to chill out. Vodka shots will be darkness. They will then lean in and give them a kiss.
ready in five.” Iyana will add, “Make it double for me.”
Omar will jump in, “Triple here!” Ryu will keep it During the kiss, the character will feel something
going, “Quadruple.” If the character made the rapport coiling around and up their leg. Ava/Tasia/Omar will
roll, Selma will laugh, “I don’t know what comes after feel it as well, asking, “Is that you?” If they reach
that….” down, there is nothing there, but they get the
sensation that something just moved away from
Selma doesn’t want to start the Ouija seance until them. Both the character and Ava/Tasia/Omar need
after dark. This will give the characters time to to make a Fair (+2) Will roll or suffer the difference in
explore the church and town. mental stress.

If they yell, Ryu will open the door, “I knew you

wouldn’t last 5 minutes.”
The reception area of the church is covered in dust
and cobwebs. If they inspect the double doors, they’ll
Ava/Tasia/Omar will, “Shut up Ryu, there was
discover no obvious locking mechanism.
something in there with us.”
A Good (+3) Investigate roll will reveal a hidden lever.
Looking at the empty cell, Ryu will laugh. “Yeah, an
Activating it, unlocks the door. Strangely, the door
overactive imagination.”
can only be locked or unlocked from the inside.


Aspect: A non-descript room
Behind a solid wooden door is a small cell with no
furniture. The door has a tiny slot window and can
The outside door in the east foyer is locked. There is
only be locked or unlocked from the outside. The only
a keyhole so it can be picked with a Good (+3)
item of furniture is a rusted metal bucket in one
Burglary roll or forced with a Great (+4) Physique roll.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
VESTRY The name carved into the lid is Enoch Bowden. An
Aspect: A forgotten repository of the occult. epitaph reads, “Founder of Starry Wisdom and
Keeper of the Secret Dark.”
This vestry room contains a rotting desk and ceiling-
high shelves of mildewed, disintegrating books. Inset into the stone lid is a depression where a fist-
sized crystal has been placed. It is black with red
Anyone checking the desk will find a locked drawer. It striations. Read the following:
can be opened with an Fair (+2) Burglary or Physique
roll. Omar will open it if no one else makes the roll. This stone exerts an almost alarming
fascination. You can scarcely tear your eyes
Inside, wrapped in red cloth, is a strange and from it. Looking at its glistening surfaces, you
unnerving dagger. Iyana will point to the blade, “It’s almost fancy it to be transparent, with half-
curved. Good for cutting throat.” formed worlds of wonder within.

Anyone examining the bookshelves can make a Fair Your mind drifts to images of alien orbs with
(+2) Lore roll. If successful, they can identify the great stone towers and titanic mountains with
volumes as relating to the occult and dark magic. no trace of life. And still, your mind wanders to
remoter spaces where you sense a stirring of
Selma will do a quick review of the titles. “Quite an some great consciousness in the vague
interesting collection of the occult, astronomy, and blackness.
alchemy. But all of them are ruined. What a waste.”
Anyone making a Good (+3) Occult roll will recognize
She’ll pick up a book, and it will crumble to dust. the crystal as a conduit or medium through which a
psychic can contact spirits or supernatural entities.
The area contains four stalls with toilets. One of the If the character with the raised in the occult aspect
toilets is missing, leaving a gaping hole in the floor. touches the stone, they’ll find it strangely familiar.
There is an old broom in this area. Even though they’ve never seen it before, they can‘t
shake the feeling they’ve been in the stone’s
STEEPLE presence in the past. They will find themselves
Aspect: Tight, dusty, and winding whispering, “…the Secret Dark.”

A spiral staircase leads up to the steeple. Read the To slide the heavy stone lid aside requires a Good
following: (+3) Physique roll. Inside is a mummified corpse of a
man with what appears to be a dried octopus draped
The ascent up the spiral stairs is a choking over his head.
experience, for dust lays thick, and spiders have .
done their worst in this constricted place. Periodic
windows grant a dizzying view of the town and
surrounding country. At the top of the stairs is a small
closed door.

The door cannot be opened until the Ouija séance.

6. Carcosa Citadel
Aspect: Large empty halls and loud echoes

This tall stone keep is devoid of furnishings. In the

center of the main hall is a stone sarcophagus.
The Secret Dark

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Selma is mesmerized by the stone. Her hands will
shake as she reaches out to run her fingers along the
8. Peron’s Hideout
surface, “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful….so Aspect: The hideout of a man with a plan.
This building on the outskirts of the town serves as
Selma feels the crystal would be a good addition to Marco Peron’s residence. The reinforced doors
their Ouija séance. Omar and Tasia don’t like the idea are locked, and the windows are shuttered.
of graverobbing. Selma will respond, “We’ll put it
back before we leave. Promise.” There is a pile of firewood at the back of the
building that looks freshly cut and a wood axe free
Iyana, will suddenly break down in tears and run out of corrosion.
of the hall. Ava will go after her. The characters can
find them both outside sharing a cigarette, tears still Peron is not present. He is staying hidden, hoping
staining Iyana’s cheeks. If they ask what happened, the character will eventually leave.
she’ll reply, “I heard voice coming from stone. It was
my father. He told me I could be happy now because If the characters are persistent, they can break in
he was dead and in hell where he belongs.” with a Great (+4) Burglary or Physique roll. Once,
inside it’s evident that someone lives here.
If they ask about her father, Iyana will explain, “My
father is very wealthy and member of Russia party. The furnishings are modest. There are several
He has dinner with Putin sometimes. He only cares shelves cluttered with books on the occult. There
about money and power. He has always been cruel are hundreds of hand written pages on the subject
and tried to force me to marry business associate. I of rituals and the elder gods. There are also
left and have not spoken to him since.” dozens of photographs taped to a wall including
those of former cult members.
Iyana has been thinking about her father ever since
receiving the email earlier in the day. She will The character with the raised in the Occult aspect
conclude the voice was a product of her imagination. will immediately be drawn to a large photograph of
The voice was real. Her father is dead. their mother. Underneath the photograph is
written, “Victim or volunteer?”

7. Alchemists Lab A pantry contains several months of food and a

locked gun cabinet. The cabinet requires a
Aspect: Limitless jars of alchemical ingredients. Fantastic (+6) Burglary roll to open.

The door to this building is locked. Through the Inside the cabinet are the following weapons:
windows, the characters can see what looks to be a
laboratory. • Beretta 92 pistol (100 rounds)
• Beretta ARX160 (300 rounds)
Inside, underneath a layer of dust, is alchemical • Benelli M4 Shotgun (100 rounds)
equipment. Shelves are lined with hundreds of glass • A remote detonator – it will do nothing if
jars containing alchemical ingredients like salt, activated.
bismuth, sulfur, zinc carbonate, powdered iron,
calcium sulfate, gunpowder, barium sulfide, lye, and
numerous other chemicals.

In a room with no windows is a modern work station

and tools. There is also an empty crate labeled as
explosive. If someone makes a Good (+3) Craft rol,l
they can determine the workstation was used to
create contemporary explosive devices.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Nyarlathotep is now in charge. It will not entertain
The Ouija Seance questions, but instead repeat the same four
Once the sun sets, the characters and NPCs can
gather inside the cathedral. The mental and physical
If the group has already checked the steeple and
stress from the day can be reset.
discovered the door was locked, Omar will
exclaim, “No way. That door was locked solid.”
Ava and Tasia are hanging out around the make-shift
bar. Electronica-style music is blaring from a blue
Ava will pour another shot. “Well, there is only one
tooth speaker. Ryu and Omar are be kicking a
way to find out.” She’ll down her drink and run for
soccer ball back and forth in the vestibule. Iyana is
the stairs. “The last one to the top dies first.”
sitting by herself, her mind on her father.
Iyana will be right on her heels.
Selma is in the apse setting up dozens of candles.
She has the Ouija board laid out on the altar and the
Secret Dark crystal (if she took it from the tomb).
Give the characters a few moments to interact with De Vermis Mysteriis
the NPCs and each other. Room Aspect: Place of Oppressive Evil Power

Selma will soon call everyone to join her at the altar. When everyone reaches the top of the spiral
Ava will offer a round of shots and raise her glass in a staircase, they’ll find the door is open.
toast, “Spirits for the spirit.”
Through the door is a room, about fifteen feet
After finishing her shot, Selma’s voice will take on a square, with four shuttered lancet windows, one
serious, slightly sinister tone, “To get the most out of on each side. In one corner of the cobwebbed
this spiritual experience, everyone needs to have an chamber, a ladder is built into the wall. It leads up
open mind. There is nothing to be afraid of.” to a closed trap-door.

She’ll ask the character who has a secret crush on In the center of the dust-laden floor rises a
her to place their hands on the planchette opposite curiously metallic podium some four feet in height.
hers. As they do, she’ll give them a slight smile Each of the four legs is adorned with bizarre,
intended only for them alone. octoploid carvings. On this podium sits an open
Selma’s will suddenly cry out, her voice echoing
around the apse, “Spirits of Carcosa. We ask that you The musty scent that rises from the pages carries
grant us the wisdom of the beyond. Is there someone with it the reek of the tomb. The faded leaves are
who will speak with us. Someone who died here and maggoty at the edges, and rats have gnawed the
wants their story told.” leather.

The planchette will twitch, moving to the “Yes” If anyone climbs the ladder, they’ll find the trap
marker on the board. Selma has connected with door is locked. Omar will check it out if the
Amos De Masi, the soldier whose body is in the attic characters don’t.
at location #3 on the map.
Selma will study the book for several minutes.
Selma will encourage the character to ask the Anyone joining her needs to make a Fair (+2) Will
questions. Amos wants his body buried but can only roll or suffer mental stress.
answer with single-word responses.
A Great (+4) Lore roll will identify the book as the
After answering a few questions, the planchette will legendary De Vermis Mysteriis.
shake and spell out HIDING. It remains still for several
minutes before violently swirling around the board. After flipping through a few pages, Selma will let
out a jarring squeal of delight.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
“Praises! Praises! As the Keeper of the Secret
Dark, I call upon the Old Ones to send their
thousand Young.”

As soon as the character finishing reading, they’ll

regain control of their faculties. They understand
ever word of the translation.

The character will also recall a memory of their

mother reading to them when they were young.
The children’s book supplanted with the dreaded
De Vermis Mysteriis.

If the character spends a fate point, they can resist

the urge to read the book. Selma, however, will
not be able to resist. Read the following:

As you look around the strange room you notice,

Selma’s eyes glean in a feral light; her profile
grows more intent as she pores over the
moldering pages.
Oh, my god. It can’t be. It’s real. It’s fucking real. This Her voice falls to a whisper as she reads a
is a copy of De Vermis Mysteriis. passage from the book.

It was written by Ludvig Prin in the late 15th century. After reading the passage (above), Selma will
They say he worshipped old pagan gods in the suddenly propel herself away from the book. Her
forests near Brussels before agents of the inquisition face is a pale white mask of newly awakened fear.
captured him. He was imprisoned and tortured. “I didn’t mean to read that. It’s like something
came over me. My voice wasn’t my own.”
It was in prison awaiting for trial that he wrote the De
Vermis Mysteriis, also known also as the Mysteries of If the characters prevent Selma from reading the
the Worm. Prinn was later burned at the stake as a book, read the following.
The ancient stone walls of the church suddenly
No one knows how he smuggled it out of that creak as if under tremendous stress. From the
dungeon, but a year after his death, it saw print. book itself comes a sudden burst of lubricious
The book was immediately suppressed, and no laughter – a hysterical cackling born of utter
copies are known to have survived. madness. The voice then begins to read (see
If the character with the raised in the occult aspect
examines the book, they will blindly turn to a page
and read aloud (Gain Fate or spend Fate to avoid) A Thousand Young
Regardless of who reads the book, the following
“Ia! Ia! Noctis velut custode secretum aduoco veteris occurs:
miserunt mille cum istis.”
The room turns cold. A sudden wind shrieks up
Anyone who can make a Good (+3) Lore roll can the spiral stairs from below. A wind that is not of
identify the language as Latin. Roughly translated, it this earth. The trap door in the ceiling flies open
means. with a loud crash.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
The NPCs are freaked out. Ryu will say nervously, “I
think I’m going to puke.” He will turn and vomit in the

Ava will grip one of the character’s hands, “Do you

know what’s going on? Is there someone up there?”

Omar remains calm, “Okay, whose idea was this?

Nicely done but can we quite the scare tactics?”

Tasia will head towards the stairs, “I don’t’ care if it’s

Jesus himself up there. I’ve had enough of this Ouija
board shit. I’m going back downstairs.”

From beyond the trap-door, there is a soft slithering

sound. If none of the characters investigate, Iyana
will walk towards the ladder, “I check it out. It just
wind and loud noise, not ghosts.”

As soon as anyone reaches the top of the ladder, a

pair of tentacles will strike out from the darkness.
The character/Iyana need to make a Fair (+2)
Athletics roll to evade. To free someone gripped by tentacles, a character
must make competing Fight or Physique rolls against
If they fail, the tentacles wrap around their head and the creeper. Don’t forget that other characters/NPCs
arms. They will fall backward off the ladder, pulling a can gang up on a creeper and give an advantage.
Mimicking Creeper into view. If it’s Iyana, she will
L need help escaping its clutches. Selma will not survive this encounter. At a dramatic
moment, read the following:
If the Athletics roll is successful, the tentacles will
instead grip the ladder and pull the creeper into view. Hideous laughter echoes down from the steeple attic.
All at once, Selma screams and claws wildly at the
The creature resembles a large octopus with empty air. In the light, her features contort into a
antennae. It’s anterior opens into a maw of rotator grimace of insane agony. A moment later, her body
teeth. To you horror, the abominable creature rises unsupported from the floor and bends outward
speaks, it’s voice sounding like Ava’s, “Last one to to a back-breaking degree. A second later, you hear
the bottom dies first.” the sickening grind of broken bones.

Another set of tentacles emerge from the trap door Selma is shrieking now; her screams blended with the
as a second creature emerges. grateful, atrocious laughter coming from above. Her
sagging body, dangling in space, bent backward
Before rolling initiative, everyone needs to make a once again as blood spurts from her torn neck,
Will roll against the creepers’s Provoke skill. A failure spraying like a ruby fountain.
results in mental stress.
The blood never reaches the floor. It stops in mid-air
Each round, another creeper will emerge. There and flows upward, disappearing through the trap
L number is endless, so the characters will soon
realize they have no choice but to run.
door. The laughter ceases and a loathsome sucking
noise takes its place.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
With a new and accelerated horror you realize that Restore all mental and physical stress.
the blood is being drained to feed some invisible
entity from beyond! PERON
“We will only be safe here for a short time. You will
Selma’s body becomes shrunken and lifeless. At find food and medical supplies in the pantry. There is
length, it drops to the floor and lays nauseatingly still. hot coffee on the stove for those of you who need to
sober up.
Everyone needs to make Good (+3) Will roll or
acquire the difference in mental stress. Nyarlathotep My name is Marco Peron. I was a police detective in
is content with his meal and will leave the rest of the charge of a task force looking into missing person
encounter to the creepers. cases dating back to the 70s. In 1999, I led a group
of soldiers here to take everyone in this cursed town
The NPCs will run in panic. The stairs can only be into custody. We had evidence they were complicit in
descended in a single file and require an Average dozens of kidnappings. I later learned they were
(+1) Athletics roll not to trip and fall. abducting people for sacrifices to that thing that
dwells in the steeple.
After being sick, Ryu is the slowest to react.
Numerous creepers will grab him before he can leave You have unleashed something I’ve been waiting for
the room. One of the creepers will bite into his head for twenty years. It goes by many names, but its true
with their rotating teeth carving out a hole in his skull. name is Nyarlathotep. If we don’t destroy it, it will be
Ryu should also not escape the steeple. the doom of us all, perhaps the whole fucking world. “

If someone tries to remove the De Vermis Mysteriis, While Peron is talking, the character with the raised in
they’ll find it is held in place by a powerful unseen the occult aspect should notice the photograph of
force (Legendary +8). their mother, Monica, on the wall.

If anyone climbs the ladder to try and shut the trap All of the surviving NPCs are upset. Tasia will try her
door, they’ll encounter a sea of writhing tentacles as phone but can’t get a signal. Frustrated, she’ll throw it
dozens of creepers roil above as they wait their turn to the ground, “Why the hell are we still here? We
to go through the door. need to get the fuck out of this place and call the

An Unexpected Savior
When the characters reach the bottom of the stair,
Marco Peron is waiting armed with a shotgun and two
silenced pistols. He’ll open fire on any creepers that
are in pursuit.

After firing several shots, he’ll back away towards the

east foyer exit, “I have a safe place. Follow me if you
want to survive this!”

Peron will hand two of the characters his silenced

Beretta handguns (Ammo: 15 each).

Peron will lead the group to his hideout (Location #8

on the map, description on page X). Once inside, he’ll
secure the door and reload his shotgun.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Peron will open the gun safe and start taking out Omar will reply, “No idea, but if I understand what
firearms. “I’m sorry, my dear, but you can’t leave. you’re saying, you want to use us as bait?”
None of us can. That thing in the church won’t let us.
Your only chance to survive is to help me kill it.” Peron will reply, “I’m sorry. I would volunteer, but I’ve
been here for twenty years, and Nyarlathotep has
Peron will be able to provide any information in the shown no interest. I guess it finds me unappetizing.”
adventure background (Page 3) but will grow
impatient with too many questions, Tasia will jump in, “What about the book? Can we use
that somehow?” Peron will shrug in response.
“I have a plan to kill that thing. I’ve rigged the church IF ASKED ABOUT MONICA
with explosives. Enough to reduce the entire
structure to ruins. But to kill it, we need to lure it out Presumably, the character with the raised in the
of the trap door. occult aspect will ask about the photograph of their
mother. Peron will explain who she is.
When it is in the steeple, it exists outside of our
dimension, beyond our reality. Setting off the PERON
explosives while it is inside will do nothing. “We rescued her from the church. At the time, I
believed she was supposed to be the last sacrifice.
We need it to come down into the church but can’t Now I’m confident she was not a victim but a
risk it escaping Carcosa. That is why I built a triangle volunteer.
of imprisonment. The triangle surrounds the church.
Monica was pregnant at the time. I believe the father
At each point of the triangle is a building. Inside each may have been Virgil Corda. He was a senior ranking
building is a room with a smaller triangle carved into cult member who set himself on fire in the church
the floor. The candles at each point of the small when I tried to arrest him.
triangle must be lit. Then using chalk, three symbols
inside must be traced. There are enough of us that I think the baby was an essential part of the ritual that
one person can stay at each point to make sure the we interrupted. This woman, Monica, went back to
candles don’t go out. We need to activate the triangle America after the incident. I’m not sure what became
before we lure it out. of her.”

Once Nyarlathotep comes down into the church, I will If the character reveals to Peron that Monica is their
blow the steeple, so it has nowhere to escape. Then mother, he’ll fall silent for a few moments before
we just need to run. Once we pass beyond the frantically searching through his papers until he finds
triangle’s boundary, I’ll detonate the rest of the what he is looking for.
explosives and send Carcosa to hell where it belongs.
I need your help if I’m going to pull this off. “You were going to be his vessel. Of course,
Nyarlathotep wouldn’t be able to do much in his true
When they ask him how he intends to lure form. The world would unite against such an
Nyarlathotep out, Peron will sigh, “I’m not exactly abomination. His plan was to take human form. That
sure, I’ve never been able to get past the door at the of a baby. Your form.
top of the stairs. There must be something special
about your group or someone in it. I am hoping it will It’s not a coincidence that you are here. Nyarlathotep
come out from where it dwells because of one of you. must have manipulated events to ensure you would
Do any of you know why it has taken an interest in return. He still intends to use you as his host.”
Give the characters a Fair (+2) Notice roll. If
successful, they’ll notice Peron’s hand edging
towards his shotgun before pulling back.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
PERON If anyone, except the character with the raised in the
“You need to be the one who draws Nyarlathotep out occult aspect, uses the crystal, they must make a
of the steeple. He’ll come for you, I’m sure of it. Great (+4) Will roll or suffer mental stress. If the
Without you, he’s just a monster. You are his door character with the aspect uses the crystal, they will
into our world. You are our bait.” hear the whispery voice in their mind.

While Peron is talking, the character who had a “Lay yourself upon my black alter and accept that we
secret crush on Selma will momentarily feel her are destined to be one. Obey me as your mother and
presence. They will find themselves looking around father obeyed.“
the room as if expecting to see her.
They now realize that what Peron claimed is true.
Selma’s spirit is present and now knows the They were conceived by their parents to serve as a
character secretly liked her. The character has vessel so that Nyarlathotep could walk the earth.
gained a secret aspect, a guardian angel. As GM,
you can invoke to give the character a +2 bonus on The De Vermis Mysteriis book will not play a role in
any roll in return for a fate point. If they agree, they the final encounter.
feel Selma’s presence guiding them.

In summary, Peron’s plan is as follows: Ryu Alive?

This event occurs as the group leaves Peron’s
• Split up and activate each of the points of the
hideout, but before they split up. It assumes Ryu (or
triangle of imprisonment. He wants one person
maybe another NPC) never made it out of the
(an NPC) to stay behind and protect the ritual
steeple. The creepers will be using Ryu to set an
• Everyone else will rendezvous in front of the
There are shared nods, handshakes, and hugs before
• They will enter the church and draw out
you split into three groups. Before you make it more
than a dozen meters from Peron’s hideout, you hear
• Peron will detonate explosive charges destroying
a familiar voice yelling towards you. It’s Ryu, “Hey
the steeple, cutting Nyarlathotep off from escaping
guys, help me! I can’t get out. Please, guys!”
through the trap door.
• Everyone will run, passing outside of the triangle’s
You immediately spot movement further up the
street. A hand is waving from an open second-story
• Peron will detonate the remaining charges,
blowing up the church and destroying
If a character makes a Fair (+2) Investigation roll,
they can determine that Ryu must be on the floor,
Before they leave, Peron will give the characters
straining to reach out the window based on the height
access to his weapons.
of his arm.
If, by chance, the characters have the Secret Dark
If they approach, Ryu will continue to beg to be
crystal, Ava will say, “We should take the crystal. It
released, “Please help me, guys. I don’t know what
might be useful for something.”
happened, but I woke up locked in this room. Get me
out of here. I can’t stand. Something is wrong with my
The Secret Dark Crystal: Anyone making a Fair (+2)
legs. I can barely lift my arm. Please get me out of
Lore roll will realize the crystal can be used to directly
communicate with Nyarlathotep. It is also likely that it
can see through the crystal. The characters might
The main entrance to the building is unlocked.
come up with a way to use it to trick him and draw
him out.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
When they reach the 2nd floor, to their horror, they If they decide to tell Iyana the truth, they will have to
L find one of the creepers waiting for them. Protruding make a Fair (+2) Rapport roll. If they fail, Iyana will
from its maw is Ryu’s arm. It’s speaks with Ryu’s stand trembling with rage for a few minutes before
voice, “Thanks, guys.” getting in their face. “You Mu-dak. I was actually
sad to hear of my father’s illness. Now, I wish what I
From the 1st floor they can hear more of the creatures see in crystal is true. That he is dead, and that you
ascending the stairs behind them. It’s a trap. will join him.”

The character needs to make a Will roll against

Iyana’s Provoke skill (+2) or suffer mental stress.

If they succeed on the rapport roll, she’ll respond, “I

can’t believe this, but you tell me truth. It doesn’t
matter who you are, we need each other. If we live,
we will discuss later. If we don’t live, there is no
secret between us.”

Give the character a temporary aspect: Iyana’s


Ava/Tasia/Omar will approach the character they

If any of the characters are outside, the creepers will are in a relationship with and give them a long kiss,
try and close the door, trapping anyone who entered. “Be careful. When we get out of here, let’s finish
what we started in that cell, okay.”
More creepers will appear from the alleys and
rooftops. There will be 1-2 per character/NPC Omar will grasp forearms and hug the characters,
depending on how difficult you want to make the “Wish I was going with you. Good luck, and don’t
encounter. worry about me. I got this place. Any of those little
crawly bastards try and get it here, they’ll be sorry.”

The Ritual Tasia will give each of the characters a hug, “I wish
I had something motivational to say, but I’m at a
The ritual houses are free of creepers. The
characters can light the candles and trace the loss, so I’ll just say. I believe in all of you.”
symbols inside the small triangles. The following
NPCs will decide to stay behind and protect the Ava will pout, “Dammit, no booze. We could all
candles, one at each location. really use a shot right now. Good luck.”

• Ava As they leave, each NPC will close and lock the
• Omar door from the inside. The characters and Peron can
• Tasia meet in front of the cathedral.

As one of the best shots in the group, Iyana plans on Peron will walk up to the double doors and pull
joining the characters in the final confrontation with them open. They are no longer sealed.
They can make an Average (+1) Notice roll to
If the character assigned to protect Iyana raises an detect the doors quietly swinging shut behind them
objection, she’ll respond, “I like you [NAME], but I as they leave the vestibule. The locking mechanism
don’t need guardian protector. I am daughter of Igor will activate.
Rusnak. There is nothing in that church scarier than

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Nyarlathotep Revealed Each time the character fails, they must make an
Average (+1) Will roll or suffer mental stress.
All physical and mental stress is reset.

You step back into the colossal nave of the church. Once they succeed on the roll, read the following:
Your mind replays the horrors of Selma being drained
In the coalescing darkness, something moves. At
and cast aside, devoid of life.
L first, there are writhing shapes, coiling, and squirming
The light from her candles fills the space with an eerie around in the dark nothingness.
luminescence. Just enough light to betray the outline
of the great columns and pews but not nearly enough Then, the haunter from beyond, Nyarlathotep, steps
to cast back the shadows. You doubt there is enough forward. Its body is that of a beautiful woman, but its
light in the entirety of the universe to do that. head is a horror beyond description - a hideous alien
mass of grasping tentacles and probing antennae
The symbols painted onto the windows are now surrounding an abyssal maw of rotating teeth.
clearly visible, each glowing with a dull eldritch
radiance. Everyone must make a Will roll against Nyarlathotep’s
Provoke or take mental stress.
At the front of the church, the large black altar awaits.
The Ouija board and planchette have been thrown The entity speaks, it’s voice is both seductive and
aside, leaving it bare. repulsive. You are transfixed.

(If the characters don’t’ have the stone) – Hovering in

the empty space above the infernal altar is the stone
crystal known as the Secret Dark. From it, you hear
whispers akin to the hiss of vipers.

Behind the altar, there is an area of coalescing


If the characters have the crystal, read the following.

From the crystal, you hear what sounds like a viper’s

hiss. It begins to vibrate, looking to be free of your
possession. Flying from your grasp, it soars across
the room, coming to rest hovering directly above the
insidious black altar.

Despite the hesitancy in his voice, Peron will urge the

characters forward, “Go ahead, approach the altar,
and call out this demon. It can hear you through the
crystal. Draw it out, and let’s be done with this wicked

The character with the raised in the occult must

make a successful Provoke roll. The difficulty will start
at Great (+4). If they fail, they can roll again at Good
(+3), and then again at Fair (+2) and so on until they

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
NYARLATHOTEP Why do you think I let you dwell here under delusion
“You have called, and I have answered. for so long? You are an ignorant tool. Too arrogant
It is time that I walk your world again, as I have done to understand that the occult knowledge you
many times before. learned and sought to use against me was
delivered to you by me.
With each incarnation, I bring new methods of
destruction, the most recent the atomic bombs. Your triangle will not entrap me – it will ensure the
Hundreds of thousands were consumed by the mad host’s spirit and mine become one. You are right in
auroras that brought ruin down onto Japan’s quaking that I orchestrated the host’s arrival. Not alone, of
cities. What horrors I have in waiting to loose on the course. Others did their part in guiding them here.
world, bringing it one step closer to doom.
The characters can hear the double doors behind
Now, lay yourself upon my altar so that we can them creak open.
become one.”
The three NPCs, Avan Tasia, and Omar will enter
Peron will detonate the charge in the steeple, but
nothing happens. Nyarlathotep’s tentacles will dance
L the room. Each wears a creeper like a perverted
crown. Their mouths firmly latched to their skulls,
around its head as the entity unleashes a cruel and connecting the creature to their brain. All are
menacing laugh. The sound of this thing rejoicing is chanting, “Ia! Ia! Praise his coming.”
hideous. Everyone needs to make an Average (+1)
Will roll or suffer mental stress. As soon as Ava, Omar and Tasia cry out their
praise of Nyarlathotep, instruct the characters who
NYLARLATHOTEP agreed to take the secret aspects to now read
“You are so naïve, Peron. You destroyed my cult, so I them. They can either accept the aspect, gaining a
needed someone else to complete the ritual that will fate point, or reject it by spending one.
allow me to cross into your world.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
For those that accept the secret aspect, have them They will notice the planchette is moving on its own
read their own praises to the vile deity, then read the across the Ouija board. Selma’s spirit will spell out,
following: again and again, DESTROY – STONE.

To your horror, you realize you’ve been betrayed by Nylarlathotep will attack anyone attacking the stone.
some of your closest companions. Your coming here If the stone is destroyed, read the following.
wasn’t Selma’s plan, it was Nyarlathotep’s, and it was
orchestrated by his followers. The black crystal cracks. From within leaks beams of
crimson light that grow so bright, you can barely keep
Your mind is still reeling, as creepers appear from your eyes on it.
L hiding places under pews or in shadow. Without any
resistance, they crawl up your so-called friends Nyarlathotep unleashes a hideous cry, not one of
backs, taking their place upon their heads. rage, but one of utter despair. Suddenly, the crystal
explodes, sending deadly fragments in all directions.
Your former companions’ eyes blaze with near Where the crystal was hovering is an area of
feverish devotion to the vile thing standing at the darkness so deep that the candlelight dims in its
altar. presence.

From the look on Peron’s face, you realize his horror Before the crystal shards reach a distance of ten feet,
is as real as yours. they stop in mid-flight, as if time itself has come to a
Besides the character who was raised in the occult,
Marco Peron and Iyana Rusnak are not members of Shuddering in place, the shards collapse back
the Starry Wisdom cult. towards the area of darkness. The entire cathedral
begins to vibrate in harmony with Nyarlathotep’s
Nyarlathotep’s voice will drip with hatred, as he wailing cries. The whole building is collapsing in on
commands his new thralls, “Place [NAME] on the itself.
altar. Kill the rest.”
The creepers will die. Anyone under Nyarlathotep’s
The three NPCs (Ava, Tasia, and Omar) with their control will now realize the truth and gain the aspect
creeper crowns will attack. Any character who “I now know the truth.“
accepted the secret background is now compelled to
obey Nyarlathotep. However, they can spend Fate The characters need to run. To escape the cathedral
points to resist. requires an Fair (+2) Athletics roll. If anyone fails,
Peron will push them to safety at the cost of his own
Nyarlathotep will only attack if it is attacked directly, life. Once outside, read the following:
or if all of his thralls are defeated.
Escaping the collapsing structure, you turn to watch
Let the encounter play out. When it seems obvious as the great stone walls crack and chunks of stone
the non-cult members will lose, have the character fall inward, spinning towards the nothingness.
with the secret crush on Selma make a Fair (+2) Will
roll. Invoke Selma’s aspect, if necessary. If the As the cathedral tears itself apart, the keening of
character fails, they can roll again each round. Nyarlathotep increases in intensity. You cup your
ears with your hands against the infernal choir.
When/if they succeed, they will feel Selma’s presence
enter them. If they are a member of the Starry With a thunderous crash, the entirety of the structure
Wisdom cult, they will see Nyarlathotep for what he collapses, and piece by piece, it is swallowed by the
really is. They acquire the aspect: “I now know the darkness. As the last of the structure disappears into
truth.“ the beyond, the echo of Nylarthotep’s cries fade with

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Epilogue What if Nyarlathotep Wins
If Nyarlathotep is defeated, the characters can leave If Nyarlathotep successfully captures the character
Carcosa. If Peron survived, he’ll take a folder out of wio was born into the occult, read the following.
his backpack and hand it to the character with the
raised in the occult aspect. You open your eyes to dim candlelight and see a
colossally dark empty space above. As your vision
PERON clears, you realize you are still in the church of the
“Here is everything I know about your mother and Starry Wisdom Sect.
father. What’s in this file is pretty grim. Be sure you
are prepared before you read it. Lifting your head, you are taken aback by the dozens
of people in dark robes standing in a circle around
I was going to kill you, just in case. But I’ve had my fill you. Each has one of those crawling monsters on
of death. My part in this is finished. I’m going to find their heads.
some quiet corner of the world and try to forget all of
this shit. You might consider doing the same. You can’t move your arms or legs and realize you are
tied to the altar. Your mother promised you to the
Peron will leave. The NPCs who survived will stare Haunter from Beyond and that promise will be
blankly at the characters. One of them ask, “What fulfilled.
You hear a slithering sound. Tilting your head back,
Let the characters answer or not. If present, Iyana will you see the apse shrouded in darkness. Something
state bodly, “My father is dead. It is time for me to go within slithers.
home to family. After that, maybe I take Peron’s
advice and move to Siberia.” The crowd around you begins to chant, “Ia! Ia! Ia!.”
and the thing in the alcove steps forward, revealing
One of the other NPCs (Ava) will point, “Hey look, it’s it’s monstrous horror.
Ryu’s soccer ball”. Lying in the grass at the edge of
town is the ball, blown free from the collapsing The probing tentacles slide across your face. The
church. Omar will walk over and pick it up, “I’m thing leans over you. Slime drops from the corners of
heading to Korea. Ryu’s family deserves to know its suction-like mouth filled with spiraling rows of
what happened.” razor-sharp teeth.

The character who had a secret crush on Selma will You know you are doomed. As the creature leans
again feel her presence. They’ll have a powerful forward, bringing its lamprey-like maw ever closer,
impulse to find a Ouija board. you realize the only thing left to do is scream.


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© Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with permission.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Check out our website for tips & ideas on
running this adventure.

Fate™ is a trademark of Evil Hat Productions, LLC. The Powered by Fate logo is
© Evil Hat Productions, LLC and is used with permission.
This work is based on Fate Core System and Fate Accelerated Edition (found at, products of Evil Hat Productions, LLC, developed, authored, and
edited by Leonard Balsera, Brian Engard, Jeremy Keller, Ryan Macklin, Mike Olson, Clark
Valentine, Amanda Valentine, Fred Hicks, and Rob Donoghue, and licensed for our use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Each character needs to pick one of these aspects. They don’t need to share.

Raised In The Occult

You mother Monica, who passed away some years ago, studied the occult. While
you didn’t necessarily indulge in your mother’s obsession, you did pick a few things
over the years. You don’t know who your father was, but you know your mother
loved him very much.

Distracted by a new relationship

You have recently started a romantic relationship with one of the NPCs. Select
either Ava, Tasia or Omar. It’s new and fun, but you’re not sure how serious they
are about it.

Traveling BFF
You are the best friend of the character who has the background Raised by the
Occult. You’ve known them since they were a kid and have always treated them
like a little brother/sister. You thought their mother was nice but a bit weird. You
came to Europe together for the adventure of a lifetime.

Secret crush
The character has a crush on Selma. Although she has some odd beliefs about
the world, you find her fun and fascinating. You haven’t revealed your feelings yet.
The character can be of any gender.

From Russia with love

You are in the employ of the Bratvá (Russian mafia). You’ve been sent by Iyana
Rusnak’s father to befriend her and keep her safe. It’s been made clear that if
something happens to Iyana you will be held personally responsible. You have a
concealed Makarov handgun with 8 bullets. Your character does not need to be of
Russian nationality.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Give these backgrounds out to the characters and instruct them not to look at them until instructed.

As Nyarlathotep reveals himself, the shroud of obfuscation vanishes. You realize you've been
waiting for this moment since being born into the Starry Wisdom Sect. Even though you’ve never
been to Carcosa before, it has always been your home. You have fulfilled your promise of
delivering the chosen to your lord. Your parents would be proud of you. Hearing your Lord’s voice,
your heart swells knowing you will witness his coming. Your voice cries out.

“Ia! Ia! I welcome you master! From the eleven cycles of darkness, from the nine aeons of oblivion,
Come forth, master!
Ia! I worship you!
Ia! I am yours to command!

As Nyarlathotep reveals himself, the shroud of obfuscation vanishes. You realize you've been
waiting for this moment since being born into the Starry Wisdom Sect. Even though you’ve never
been to Carcosa before, it has always been your home. You have fulfilled your promise of
delivering the chosen to your lord. Your parents would be proud of you. Hearing your Lord’s
voice, your heart swells knowing you will witness his coming. Your voice cries out.

“Ia! Ia! Welcome, master of the angled path and knowledge from beyond. While we are born of
our mother’s womb, we are reborn in your image.
Ia! I worship you!
Ia! I am yours to command!

As Nyarlathotep reveals himself, the shroud of obfuscation vanishes. You realize you've been
waiting for this moment since being born into the Starry Wisdom Sect. Even though you’ve
never been to Carcosa before, it has always been your home. You have fulfilled your promise
of delivering the chosen to your lord. Your parents would be proud of you. Hearing your Lord’s
voice, your heart swells knowing you will witness his coming. Your voice cries out.

“Ia! Ia! I welcome, that which cannot be named, from the thirteen mountains of time. We are
your puppets to do with as you will!
Ia! I worship you!
Ia! I am yours to command!

As Nyarlathotep reveals himself, the shroud of obfuscation vanishes. You realize you've been
waiting for this moment since being born into the Starry Wisdom Sect. Even though you’ve
never been to Carcosa before, it has always been your home. You have fulfilled your promise
of delivering the chosen to your lord. Your parents would be proud of you. Hearing your Lord’s
voice, your heart swells knowing you will witness his coming. Your voice cries out.

“Ia! Ia! Praise be your arrival great faceless one. From the ashen pits to the unscalable peaks
of the beyond, the thousand young rejoice!

Ia! I worship you!

Ia! I am yours to command!

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


1. Dirt Road (page 6. THE CITADEL

2. Square/Parking Area (Page ) 7. The ALCHEMISTS HOUSE
3. Missing Soldier (Page 8. PERON’s HOME
4. Ritual Houses (Page
5. The Church of Starry Wisdom RITUAL TRIANGLE

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Stairs to cellar ANCHORHOLD






Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Non Player Characters
Selfish Seeker of Spiritual Enlightenment 1❑2 ❑
Can’t resist occult temptation. Mental

Skills: 1❑2❑3❑4❑
Great (+4): Lore
Good (+3): Will, Investigate
Fair (+2): Empathy, Deceive, Notice

Stunt: Risk everything for the occult: Selma

gains +2 on a Lore roll but a failure results in a
Minor consequence.

Aspect: STRESS
Over-confident life coach Physical
Rally the team.
Great (+4): Rapport
Good (+3): Notice, Empathy 1❑2❑3❑
Fair (+2): Empathy, Investigation, Athletics

Stunt: Getting Real: Tasia can make an

Empathy roll to remove mental consequence (Target
of 2/4/6). Failure results in stress damage.


Bartender who just wants to have fun
Rose colored glasses Physical

Skills: 1❑2 ❑3❑

Great (+4): Empathy Mental
Good (+3): Athletics, Rapport
Fair (+2): Fight, Notice, Physique 1❑2❑
Stunt: Liquid Courage: One round after taking a
shot, Ava gains +2 to any roll. She must make
physique roll to avoid the consequence of being drunk.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Non Player Characters

A brilliant yet reluctant mechanic STRESS
Bound by responsibility Physical

Skills: 1❑2❑3❑4❑
Great (+4): Craft Mental
Good (+3): Physique, Will, Athletics
Fair (+2): Notice, Empathy, Fight 1❑2❑3❑4❑
Stunt: Rally to others: Omar gains +2 on
rolls to defend others for 1 round after that person
has taken physical or mental stress.

Very easy-going athlete STRESS
High pressure scissor kicker Physical

Skills: 1❑2❑
Great (+4): Athletics Mental
Good (+3): Notice, Empathy
Fair (+2): Empathy, Investigation, Athletics 1❑2❑
Stunt: Optimistic Outlook: Ryu can ignore 1
shift of mental stress when taking damage.

Want to be anything but an heiress
Driven by guilt Physical

Great (+4): Resources Mental
Good (+3): Shoot, Notice, Will
Fair (+2): Fight, Athletics, Stealth, Provoke
Stunt: Always First: When first to act, Iyana
gains +2 for the one round. When she is not first, she
suffers a -2 for one round.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Aspect: Aspect:
Deadly at close range (+2 physical stress) Silenced (Peron’s version)
Weapon:2 (minimum of 2 physical stress)
Ammunition: 7 Ammunition: 15


From Russia with

Love aspect

Weapon: 3 (minimum 3 physical stress) Aspect:
Long range Concealable
Suppression (Provoke +2) Weapon: 2 (minimum of 2 physical
Ammunition: 20 Ammunition: 8


Aspect: Intimidating (Provoke +2)
Weapon: 2 (minimum 3 physical stress) Weapon: 2 (minimum of 2 physical
Suppression (Provoke +3) stress)
Automatic Fire: Spends 10 rounds. Can hit
multiple targets when succeed with style. Stunt: If wielder uses the weapon to
provoke causing mental stress, their next
Ammunition: 30 physical attack is +2.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

The Secret Dark crystal is used by worshippers of the Elder
THE SECRET DARK Gods to commune with their messenger Nyarlathotep. It is
through the crystal the Nyarlathotep delivers his sermons
and commands. One of the followers is chosen to the
Keeper of the Secret Dark. Since the crystal is directly
linked to Nyarlatotep’s conscious mind, its destruction
would cause enough mental damage that it would take the
elder god years or decades to recover.

Dangerous Relic of Power
Direct Line to the Elder Gods


The Vermis Mysteriis was written by Ludvig Prin in the late

DE VERMIS MYSTERIIS 15th century. He was a worshipper of old pagan gods in the
forests near Brussels before agents of the inquisition
captured him. He was imprisoned and tortured.

It was in prison awaiting for trial that he wrote the De Vermis

Mysteriis, also known also as the Mysteries of the Worm.
Prinn was later burned at the stake as a witch.

No one knows how he smuggled the book out of the

dungeon, but a year after his death, it saw print. The book
was immediately suppressed, and no copies are known to
have survived.

Ancient tome of forbidden and dangerous lore
A corrupted path to power

Forbidden Lore: Anyone who uses the book gains an
advantage of +4 to any Lore rolls. With each use, they
must make a Good (+3) Will roll or suffer mental stress.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

The Mimicking Creeper are dark servants of Nyarlathotep. They appear at locations of power to prepare
for their master’s arrival. These perverted and loathsome creatures see to his comforts, desires, and
strive to eliminate all dangers. Creepers are stealth predators preferring to attack from ambush. They
have a limited chameleon ability that allows them to blend into shadows.

The mouths, located on their posterior, possess frightful abilities beyond being filled with lamprey like
teeth. They can not only imitate any sound but can latch onto a victim and control their body. It can
even control severed limbs or body pieces.

Creepers have no ambitions of their own. They live only to serve their master.

AspectS: STUNTS:
Crawling tentacled abomination Lamprey Bite: If someone takes at least 1
Psychic mimicker physical stress, they suffer a minor
consequence of being grappled for 1 round.
Skills: On the next attack the lamprey can bite
Great (+4): Stealth
Good (+3): Fight, Notice, Deceive
inflicting mental stress. Anyone who suffers a
Fair (+2): Athletics, Burglary, Provoke moderate or higher consequence as a result
falls under the control of the creeper.
Physical Mental Shadow Dweller: A creeper gains +2 to
stealth when in a heavily shadowed area.
1❑ 1 ❑2 ❑ Conversely, a bright or uncluttered area
results in a -2 shift.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

A mimicking creeper prefers to attach themselves to the back of the host’s head like an abhorrent crown.
While the host still maintains some independence, the creeper can exert control at any time. The host can
attempt to resist by making a Will roll against the Creepers Provoke ability.

If a creeper is slain, it will fall off the host. If forcibly removed while still alive, the host will take 1 physical
stress damage. A host’s abilities are modified as follows:

Controlled by a crawling tentacled abomination
Devoted to Nyarlathotep

The host gains the following skills. If they already possess the skill, then they take whichever bonus is

Good (+3): Fight, Notice, Deceive

Fair (+2): Athletics, Burglary, Provoke

Frenzied Attack: The creeper can cause the host to a violent attack that is so ferocious they gain +2 shifts
to damage. They also injured themselves, causing 1 physical stress.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)
Nyarlathotep is known by many names. He is the messenger of the Elder Gods repeatedly sent to Earth to
bring about the destruction of the human race. One of the entity’s strategies is to provide humanity with
knowledge that we will be prone to use for destructive purposes, like atomic weapons.

Nyarlathotep’s natural form is that of woman’s body with a head that resembles a hideous alien mass of
grasping tentacles and probing antennae surrounding an abyssal maw of rotating teeth. When manifesting
on Earth, Nyarlathotep prefers to possess a human host so it can walk among us unimpeded.

AspectS: StuntS:
Incomprehensible Terror from Beyond Master of Occult Lore: If Nyarlatotep should
Arrogant obsession with character born into the occult happen to fall a Lore roll, it can choose to
Unites those in it’s presence – good and evil. succeed at the cost of 1 mental stress.

Skills: Assault of Tentacles: A mass of tentacles

Fantastic (+6): Lore attacks a single opponent giving Nyarlathotep
Superb (+5) Provoke, Will, Physique +2. As a result of the entity’s singular focus, all
Great (+4): Fight, Resources, Deceive attacks against it from the flanks receive a +2
Good (+3): Notice, Investigate, Stealth, Athletics bonus.

Physical 1❑ 2❑ 3❑ 4❑ Lamprey Bite: Anyone who takes damage from

STRESS a tentacle can be bitten the next round with a
Mental 1❑ 2❑ 3❑ 4❑ +2 shift.

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Marco Person is a former Italian police detective. He was in charge of a task force looking into missing
persons across southern Italy. His investigation led him to the discovery that all of the residents were
complicit in the disappearances. After participating in the execution of the residents of Carcosa, Peron
spent the next twenty years preparing for Nyarlathotep’s return.

He is burdened by the knowledge of Nylartjotep’s existence and cannot focus on anything else. While a
good person, he will do whatever it takes to stop the entity from entering our world.

Aspects: StuntS:
Fanatically dedicated police detective Get outta my way: Perone gains +2 to attack a single
Believes he is an expert in the occult target but is so overbearing that anyone else
A man with a plan attacking the same target in the same round suffers a
Great (+4): Investigation Push through it: Instead of taking mental stress,
Good (+3): Lore, Shoot, Notice, Will Person can opt to take physical stress instead.
Fair (+2): Stealth, Physique, Fight, Crafts

Physical Mental

1❑ 2❑ 3❑ 1❑ 2❑ 3❑ 4❑

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

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Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Cut out images


Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)


Cut out images

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

Paulo Gustavo (Order #35720866)

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