Cates-Value Discussion E-Guide

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The Value

Your Secret for Getting More
Unsolicited Referrals


Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE
The Value
Your Secret to More Unsolicited Referrals

By Bill Cates
Of all the referral strategies, methods, and tactics I’ve been teaching for over 25 years, without
question, the most important one is that of checking in with your clients on a regular basis to
make sure you have a happy client and they are seeing the value.

Who Gives Referrals?

A study conducted by Absolute Engagement (Julie Littlechild– Toronto, Canada) determined that
while satisfied clients tend to be loyal clients, only 20% of these clients gave one or more referrals
in the preceding 12 months. So there’s actually a low correlation between satisfaction and loyalty,
and the giving of referrals.

On the other hand, engaged clients were 100% loyal AND 98% of the engaged clients provided one
or more referrals in the preceding 12 months. Who gives referrals? Engaged clients!

What is an Engaged Client?

In a nutshell, an engaged client (or prospect for that matter), is someone who understands your
value. They find value in the questions you ask, the things you teach, the connections you make,
and all the other ways you provide value to your prospects and clients.

They also like you and trust you – feel good about you. Just as you are curious about them and get
to know them in ways that go beyond your core work, they get to know you on a more personal
level as well. Maybe you don’t become best friends, but you can become “business friends.”

You probably already create engaged prospects and clients naturally. The key is having some
processes or systems in place to make sure you continually work on these two aspects of your
client relationships throughout the lifecycle of your clients.

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The Value Discussion
Your Secret to More Unsolicited Referrals

A Simple Way to Create Engagement with Prospects and Clients

I’ve dubbed this important part of my system, “The Value Discussion.” The value discussion is just
that… a discussion with your prospects and client to make sure that you are meeting their
expectations; that they are finding value in your process, as well as your product and/or service.

Checking in with your prospects and clients – conducting value discussions does several things:

1. You can uncover any unmet expectations, unexpressed problems or complaints before they
fester and poison the relationship. Customers and clients tend to let you know about the big
stuff – the balls you may have dropped. It’s the little ones that can come back to hurt you.

2. Second, these short conversations will increase the all-important prospect and client
engagement. A study conducted by Julie Littlechild with Absolute Engagement showed that 72%
of clients who gave referrals were asked for feedback. That’s huge! Checking in with your
clients is the single most significant thing you can do to create a sense of engagement.

3. Your prospects and clients get in touch with your value. By having them speak out what’s
working for them, they get very clear on the value you brought to them and will be able to
bring to others. That’s why I call this a “discussion.” It’s not a “value telling” where you just tell
your prospects or clients the value you’ve provided. And it’s not a “set up” where you say
something like, “Have you found value in this meeting? (Yes) Great! Who do you know___?”

Put these three dynamics together and it’s no wonder the Value Discussion will produce referrals
without even asking for them; sometimes right on the spot.

I strongly recommend that you let your new clients (and even prospects) know that candid,
ongoing communication is important to you and the health of the overall working relationship
and that, pretty much every time you meet, you’re going to check in with them to make sure
everything is okay and that they have your permission to complain – even about the little things.

From there, you build the Value Discussion into most of your meeting and phone call agendas.
You encourage your clients to get any little complaints off their chest – anything that’s not working
100% for them. You might even refer back to a past problem to make sure everything has been
cleaned up and there is no residual bad feeling. AND… you then encourage them to tell you the
value they get and/or how you continue to earn their business.

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The Value Discussion
Your Secret to More Unsolicited Referrals

The Value Discussion – Sample Scripts

While you will have to adjust your word tracks to fit your situation, here is a start to help you find
your own words.

Prospect Experience Phase – First or Second Appointment

1. What’s the most important thing we discussed so far?
2. How are we doing so far? Are you finding this information helpful? Tell me about it.

New Client – Onboarding Process

1. We’ve been through a process, have we not? I’ve asked you a lot of questions and here is the
fruit of our labors – so far. Please tell me about what value you feel this process has given you.

Ongoing Client – Throughout the Relationship

1. Let’s put the economy aside for a minute and talk about something we can control – namely
our communication and overall working relationship. First, is there anything that’s not working
for you in this area? Anything you think we need to improve upon?
2. Shifting gears, what has been working for? What do you like about our relationship and the
work we’ve been doing together?

(Always begin with the “what needs improvement” side of the discussion. If there is something
that needs to be fixed or merely vented, then you want to get that up and out first.)

TIP #1: With your long-term clients, when you confirm your review appointment, let them know
that you’ll be checking in with them about how the relationship is going. They will appreciate this
“heads up.”

TIP #2: With your new clients, let them know that one thing they can expect from you is that
you will be checking in with them from time to time to make sure that everything is being
communicated and that they are seeing the value of the relationship.

In summary, make sure you start checking in with your prospects and clients more often. You’ll
begin to see that this is such a simple, yet powerful concept. You’ll discover little problems or
concerns you didn’t know were there, you’ll become more referable, and you’ll even start getting
more referrals without asking.

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The Value Discussion
Your Secret to More Unsolicited Referrals

Use the Power of Foreshadowing to Create True Engagement

The movies regularly employ the technique of foreshadowing – to help the plot make sense (and
remain believable). The movie will show a location, a weapon, or some aspect of a character early
in the movie, only to have that play a role at the climax 90 minutes later.

I recommend you foreshadow with all your prospects and clients, that you will be conducting
Value Discussions on a fairly regular basis; that they can expect you to check in with them to make
the communication and overall relationship is working as expected.

Here’s an example of what that foreshadowing might sound like:

George and Martha, I think you would agree that given the nature of work we’ll be doing together, it’s
important that we are always candid and forthcoming with each other. (Absolutely.)

To that end, one thing you can expect, is that I’ll be checking in with you on a regular basis, to make sure
we are meeting all of your expectations. Of course, if you’re happy about something or someone drops
the ball, we certainly don’t want you to hold back.

And on the other side, we always love to hear what’s working for you – how you’re finding value in our
relationship. How does that sound? (Sounds good to us!)

Now… when you check in with your clients, they’ll be expecting it. You’ve given them permission to
complain about the little things (so they don’t fester), and you’ve sent a pretty strong message
that you’ll be there for them not matter what; you won’t run away from any big problems.

A relationship that’s had a problem that’s been

“ handled well, is a much stronger relationship then

one that’s never had a problem.

Copyright 2017 by Bill Cates w w 301.497.2200 w Page 4

Increase  Prospect  &  Client  Engagement

I  have  an  initial  process  that  brings  great  value  quickly.

One  sign  of  a  valuable  initial  process  is  that  you’re  getting  referrals  before  some  of  your  
prospects  become  clients.  Teach  your  clients  how  to  buy  what  you  sell.

I  establish  a  personal  connection  with  prospects.

One  simple  way  to  do  this  is  to  tell  your  prospects  why  you  believe  in  and/or  enjoy  the  work  that  
you  do.  Tell  them  why  you  got  into  the  business  or  why  you’re  still  in  it  “after  all  these  years.”

My  client-­service  promise  continues  to  bring  value  over  time.

Have  a  system  in  place  to  keep  bringing  value  to  your  clients  over  and  over  again.  This  value  
can  be  directly  related  to  your  core  work  or  tangential  to  it.

I  work  on  building  ‘business  friendships’  with  many  of  my  clients.
Business  friendships  are  the  turbo-­charge  to  referrals.  Business  friends  become  advocates  where  
they  insist  on  people  knowing  about  you.

I  conduct  ‘value  discussions’  with  clients  at  least  once  per  year.
Checking  in  with  your  clients  regularly  will  reveal  unexpressed  problems  and  help  your  clients  
get  in  touch  with  your  full  value.  Let  your  clients  know  you’ll  be  “checking  in”  on  a  regular  basis.

I  take  a  ‘leadership  role’  with  my  clients  – getting  them  to  make  
difficult  decisions  that  are  in  their  best  interest.
Engaged  clients  will  see  you  as  a  “leader  in  their  world”  as  it  relates  to  the  work  that  you  do.  Let  
them  know  you  believe  your  role  is  to  guide  them  through  important  decisions.
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Leverage  Your  Engaged  Relationships

You  have  made  a  commitment  to  the  referral  process.

You’ve  made  the  decision  to  meet  your  prospects  the  way  they  want  to  meet  you  – through  an  
introduction  from  someone  they  already  trust.  You  understand  the  principle  of  “borrowed  trust.”

I  promote  referrals  and  introductions  on  a  regular  basis.

You  don’t  assume  that  your  clients  know  that  you  want  to  serve  others.  You  let  them  know  to  not  
keep  you  a  secret  or  that  you’re  willing  to  see  if  you  can  help  someone  who  should  know  you.

I  ask  my  clients  to  introduce  me  to  others.

Use  Bill  Cates’  VIPS  Method™  to  ask  for  introductions  without  pushing  or  begging.  Start  with  the  
value  discussion,  treat  the  request  with  importance,  and  gain  permission  to  brainstorm  or  explore.

When  I  ask  for  introductions,  I  come  prepared  with  possibilities.

When  you  throw  open  the  entire  universe  to  choose  from,  they  usually  draw  a  blank.  When  you  
come  prepare  with  specific  people  or  categories,    you  narrow  their  focus  and  get  results.  

I’m  not  afraid  of  referral  stalls,  concerns,  or  objections.

If  you’re  afraid  of  the  “no,”  you  won’t  do  what  it  takes  to  get  the  “yes.”    So  you’re  prepared  for  the  
concerns  with  a  way  to  explore  the  objection  – to  learn  more  and  possibly  reframe  their  thinking.

I  don’t  pressure  clients  for  introductions.  I  know  how  to  back  off.
Knowing  when  and  how  to  back  off  is  a  critical  skill.    After  you’ve  explored  the  concern  and  it’s  
clear  they  don’t  want  to  proceed,  you  back  off  with  confidence,  grace  – planting  a  seed  for  later.
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Get  Connected  with  Your  Prospects

I  don’t  settle  for  referrals.  I  know  I  need  to  get  introduced.

In  this  crazy-­busy  world,  full  of  marketing  messages,  you  know  that  the  best  way  to  cut  through  
the  noise  and  gain  someone’s  attention  is  through  a  solid  introduction.

I  treat  introductions  with  importance,  gaining  my  client’s  focus.

Getting  a  solid  introduction  (connection)  is  a  collaborative  process.  You  and  the  referral  source  
discuss  the  best  approach,  including  a  time  frame  for  the  introduction  and  how  you’ll  follow  up.

I  know  the  value  of  Social  Event  Marketing  to  meeting  people.
This  strategy  does  not  fit  all  businesses,  but  works  for  many.  Meeting  new  prospects  in  a  low-­key  
social  event  is  a  great  first  step.  When  you  meet  for  business,  you’re  at  a  higher  level  of  trust.

I  use  the  full  value  of  the  referral  process  in  setting  appointments.
Setting  appointments  with  referral  prospects  is  easier  and  more  efficient  IF  you  leverage  the  
borrowed  trust  that  comes  with  the  introduction.  Learn  as  much  as  you  can  about  your  new  prospect.

When  meeting  new  prospects,  I  know  I  need  to  lead  with  value.
Leading  with  value  not  only  helps  gain  their  trust,  you  create  greater  engagement  from  the  start.  
Asking  great  questions  can  provide  value.  Help  your  prospects  make  the  best  decision  for  them.

When  I  know  I  can  help  someone,  I  ask  them  to  be  my  client.
Don’t  wait  for  someone  to  say,  “When  can  we  get  started.”    Make  solid  recommendations  and  
then  tell  them  you’d  like  to  work  with  them.    If  you  don’t  “ask  for  the  business,”  you’ll  miss  a  lot.
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Video Based Training System

Learn a Proven Process to Attract More of the Right Clients.

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Discover how to build a perpetual flow of Right-Fit

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Maximizing Client Engagement for Unsolicited Referrals
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"After learning Cates' system, my business grew 60% over the previous year.
I'm now spending less time chasing after prospects who don't want to hear from
me, and more time doing the work I love to do."
Mike Barratt, Financial Advisor | Des Moines, IA

Membership in The Cates Academy™ a full year of access to:

5 Core Courses (18 Videos) Scripts, Scripts.. and More Scripts!

60-Day Action Plan Built-in Reinforcement Resources
1:1 Online Coaching with Bill BONUS: Rapid Fire Referrals ($197 Value)

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