Chb2e - Hb2e - Hbaj (Law of Contracts - II)

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Register No.

H 2192 HVJ/HA2E/CHA2E/

B.Com.LL.B.(Hons.)/B.B.A.LL.B. (Hons.)/B.C.A.LL.B. (Hons.) DEGREE

(For the candidates admitted from 2011 to 2019)

First Year — Second Semester


Time : 2 12 hours Maximum : 70 marks

PART A — (2 × 12 = 24 marks)
Answer TWO of the following in about 500 words each.
1. Define bailment. What are the essential features of a bailment?
Distinguish it from pledge.

2. What is the mode of determining the existence of partnership? Discuss

with special reference to the ratio laid down in Cox. v. Hickman.

3. Explain the different modes by which the relationship of principal and

agent may be created, with special reference to provisions of the
Contract Act.

PART B — (2  7 = 14 marks)

Answer TWO of the following in about 300 words each.

4. What is agency by ratification? What are the requisites for a valid


5. Explain the doctrine of Caveat Emptor, along with its exceptions.

6. Describe the circumstances in which a surety is discharged from


PART C — (5  4 = 20 marks)
7. Write short notes on FIVE of the following :
(a) Continuing guarantee.

(b) Rights of pawner and pawnee.

(c) Minor as a partner.

(d) Sub agent and substituted agent.

(e) General lien and particular lien.

(f) Sale and agreement to sell.

(g) Retirement of partners.

PART D — (2  6 = 12 marks)

Answer TWO of the following by referring to the relevant provisions of law

and decided cases. Give cogent reasons.

8. ‘X’ consigned 100 bags of wheat to ‘Y’, who had advanced Rs. 10,000 to
‘X’. Later ‘X’ authorised ‘Y’ to sell the wheat and to pay himself Rs. 10,000 out
of the proceeds of wheat. Later on 'X' directed 'Y' not to sell the wheat. Ignoring
X’s directions Y sold the wheat to recover Rs. 10,000. Is this sale binding on

9. Subash Ghai, a film producer, borrowed Rs. 10,00,000 from Rajeev

Shukla a financial distributor and agreed to deliver the final prints of
the film when ready. Was the agreement a pledge?

10. Amith parks his car at a parking lot, locks it and keeps the keys with
himself. Examine whether it constitutes a contract of bailment under
the provisions of the Indian Contract Act 1872.


2 H 2192

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