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Chapter 3: Relations and Posets

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer each question below. Once you finish taking the test, check
the answers provided in the Answer Key at the end of this test.

For exercises 1 through 8, A = { a, b, c, d, e} and

R = {(a, a), (b, b), (b, c), (c, d), (d, d), (c, e)}

1. Is R reflexive? If not what pairs need to be added to R so that the new relation
would be reflexive?
A: yes
B: only add (c,c)
C: only add (e,e)
D: add (c,c) and (e,e)

2. Is R symmetric? If not what pairs need to be added to R so that the new relation
would be symmetric?
A: yes
B: only add (c,b)
C: only add (d,c)
D: add (c,b), (d,c) and (e,c)

3. Is R transitive? Explain.
A: yes
B: no
C: can not be determined
D: add (c,c) and (e,e)

4. Compute R2.
A: { (a,a), (b,b), (d,d) }
B: b, c) (b, d) (b, e) (c, d) }
C: {(d, d ), (b, c) (b, d) (b, e)}
D: { ( a, a ) , (b, b), (d, d ), (b, c) (b, d) (b, e) (c, d) }
5. Compute R-1.

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A: { (a,a), (b,b) }
B: {(c, b), (d, c), (d, d), (e, c)}
C: { (a,a), (b,b), (d,d) }
D: a, a), (b, b), (c, b), (d, c), (d, d), (e, c)}

6. Draw a directed graph representation for R. How many vertices have loops?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4

7. Find the relation R on A with the least number of elements so that (a, b) is in R
and R is an equivalence relation. How many elements are in R?
A: 4
B: 5
C: 6
D: 7

8. Find the relation R on A with the least number of elements so that (a, b) and (b, c)
are in R and R is an equivalence relation. How many elements are in R?
A: 5
B: 7
C: 9
D: 11

9. Suppose that R1 and R2 are two equivalence relations on a set A. Why may R1 
R2 fail to be an equivalence relation?
A: may fail to be reflexive
B: may fail to be symmetric
C: may fail to be transitive
D: will always be an equivalence relation

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10. Let R ={ (a, b)  ZxZ  7 divides (a-b) }. Given that R is an equivalence relation
on Z, how many sets are in the corresponding partition of Z?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 7

11. R ={ (a, b)  ZxZ  3x + 4y = 0 }. Is R reflexive, symmetric, or transitive?

A: only reflexive
B: only transitive
C: only symmetric
D: neither reflexive, symmetric, nor transitive

For exercises 12 through 14, R = { (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3) } be a relation on {1, 2,

12. Find the reflexive closure of R.

A: { (1,1)}
B: {(2,2), (3,3)}
C: {(1,2), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3) }
D: { (1,1),(2,2), (3,3) (1,2), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3) }

13. Find the symmetric closure of R.

A: { (1,1), (1,2),(2,1), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3),(3,2) }
B: {(1,2),(2,1), (1,3), (3,1)}
C: { (2,3),(3,2) }
D: { (1,1) }

14. Find the transitive closure of R.

A: { (1,1) }
B: (1,1), (1,2),(2,1), (1,3), (3,1), (2,3),(3,2) }
C: { (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (3,1), (3,2),(2,3), (2,1), (2,2),(3,3) }
D: none of the above
For exercises 15 through 25, S = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} and let a R b if and only if a

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divides b.

15. Is R antisymmetric?
A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,1)

16. Is T transitive?
A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,1)

17. Is R reflexive?
A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,1)

18. Draw the digraph of R. Which vertex has the largest in degree?
A: 1
B: 3
C: 6
D: 18

19. Does R have a maximal element? If so, what is it?

A: no
B: yes, 1
C: yes, 6
D: yes, 18

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20. Does R have a minimal element?
A: no
B: yes, 1
C: yes, 6
D: yes, 18

21. Draw the Hasse diagram for R. Of the vertices listed, which vertex has the
largest degree?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 18

22. Does 3 have a complement? If so, what is it?

A: no
B: yes, 1
C: yes, 2
D: yes, 6

23. Does < S, R > form a Boolean algebra?

A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,3)

24. Find a linear order on S compatible with the partial order R.

A: 1 < 3 < 2 < 9 < 6 < 18
B: 1 < 2 < 3 < 9 < 6 < 18
C: cannot be determined
D: (a) and (b)

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25. Is R a chain?
A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,3)

26. If S = { 1, 3, 6, 12} and R is the relation a R b if and only if a divides b, is R a

A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: need to add (2,3)

For exercises 27 through 28, consider the Hasse diagram below, where 0 and 1 are
the minimal and maximal elements respectively.

27. What is the complement of c?

A: only a
B: only b
C: cannot be determined
D: (a) and (b)

28. Is the lattice distributive?

A: yes
B: no
C: cannot be determined
D: not a lattice

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For exercises 29 through 30, S {a, b, c, d}. Consider the power set of S, P(S), and the
relation  defined on P(S) by A  B if and only if A  B. Suppose A = {a, d} and B =
{a, c}.

29. What is the lub of A and B?

A: {a, c}
B: {a, d}
C: {a}
D: {a, c, d}

30. What is the complement of A?

A: {b, c}
B: {b, d}
C: {a}
D: {a, c, d}

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. D
11. D 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. B
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. A

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