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Chapter 2 (Sankhya Yoga/Path of Knowledge) Summary 

Krishna responds to Arjuna by arguing that such timidity at this moment is "unworthy of a noble
mind." Still, Arjuna insists that he cannot bear the thought of killing his kinsmen. In verses 11–
17 Krishna explains that Arjuna's "sorrow is sheer delusion" because physical sensations are
transitory—just as life and death are transitory. Everything that exists has always existed. Arjuna
and his family will simply pass from one body to the next in each life. Krishna urges Arjuna to
do his duty in this life because his "Self" is eternal and part of the eternal fabric of the universe.
Thus, Arjuna cannot really kill or be killed because it is only the body that can die.
In verse 31 Krishna insists that Arjuna's duty in this life is a warrior's duty. Therefore, Arjuna
must live to his highest potential by fulfilling that duty. Krishna warns about the danger of
becoming too focused on scripture instead of on meditation to clear the mind of confusion and
desire. Action must be done for the sake of action and not for the sake of attachment to the
results of that action. This is the way of karma yoga, Krishna explains. When Arjuna asks
Krishna to describe the way a wise man moves in the world, Krishna answers that the wise man
submerges his mind in meditation and learns to withdraw from the sensory confusion of the
world. According to Krishna, sensation is the root cause of desire, which causes suffering and
disguises the truth. Individuals must have self-control and self-discipline to achieve a state in
which desires can flow through them without affecting them.

There is much conversation, starting in this chapter and continuing throughout the Gita, about the
concept of the Self. Krishna's discussion often distinguishes the Self from the "I-sense," or ego.
The self is the pure and elevated essence of a being, referred to in Sanskrit as the atman. It is
unaffected by the physical world or by birth and death. Krishna provides the image of the Self
shucking and changing bodies like clothing. Much of Krishna's advice to Arjuna involves letting
go of ego and becoming wise through the understanding of the true Self.
Krishna lectures Arjuna on two types of yogic philosophy over the course of these verses. The
first type is knowledge based, and the second is action based. What the translator refers to as
"philosophy" in verse 39 is called Sankhya or jnana, Sanskrit words meaning "knowledge." This
yoga deals with understanding the Self and existence. It investigates the nature of the Self in
relation to the universe. Krishna interweaves Sankhya yogic philosophy in his lecture as he shifts
the conversation to include karma yoga, or the yoga of action.

The point of karma yoga, as Krishna explains, is to perform action without attachment to the
outcome of that action. In other words, karma yoga is the philosophy of doing right action and
duty as opposed to selfish action. In doing right action, individuals do not accrue more karma but
instead free themselves from the karmic consequences of their action. Through the practice of
karma yoga, or selfless action, a person may move closer to samadhi, or a liberated mind.

Chapter 2 (Sankhya Yoga/Path of Knowledge) Summary –

Shri Krishna tries to motivate Arjun and tells him that he shouldn’t surrender to the weakness of
the mind. If he surrenders to such weakness, he will not attain heaven but on the contrary it will
lead to his disgrace.
Arjun tells Shri Krishna – how can he shoot arrows at his Gurus? Rather than performing such an
act it will be better to beg. Even if he was to win the battle, he will have to live with the grief of
the death of Dhrirashtra’s sons. He further says – I have forgotten my duty and asks Shri Krishna
to lead him on the righteous path.

Upon seeing Arjun get emotional about the death of his beloved ones, Shri Krishna enlightens
Arjun on 4 topics – Soul, Dharma, Karma and Senses.

About Soul – 
Shri Krishna tells Arjun – there has never been a time when we never existed or will cease to
exist. Upon death, the soul leaves this body and enters into a new body. The soul remains
unchanged and is indestructible and unimaginable. It never takes birth, and upon death the soul
doesn’t die. The soul cannot be pierced through weapons, nor can it be burnt through fire, nor
can it be wetted by water and neither can it be dried through air (Essentially the body is affected
by weapons, fire, water and air. But the soul isn’t).
And even if Arjun believes that the soul takes birth and dies, then also he shouldn’t grieve. For
whatever has taken birth, it has to die one day or the other.

About Dharma – 
Shri Krishna reminds Arjun about his responsibility as a warrior (Kshritya) and that he should
fight for Dharma (religious and moral duty). If he doesn’t fight for Dharma, it will lead to his
disgrace. And if he fights for Dharma and looses the battle then he will be blessed with heaven,
and on winning the battle he will gain the vast kingdom on earth.

About Karma – 
Shri Krishna tells Arjun to fight without contemplating about the fruits of his action (of fighting)
and that he shouldn’t think about happiness or sadness, loss or benefit, winning or loosing. When
a person walks on such a path, he becomes fearless and focused and his intellect doesn’t go
People with superficial learning are too engrossed in Vedas because they seek for heaven, good
life, fulfilment of senses and attainment of fame. But doing so doesn’t build devotion towards
God and so he asks Arjun to rise above the three gunas (Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic) mentioned
in the Vedas.
Shri Krishna further adds – Arjun has the right to perform his actions, but he doesn’t have any
right on the fruits of his actions. When the action is performed without the thought of success or
failure, it is called as Yoga. And Yoga itself liberates one from the cycle of birth and death.

About Senses – 
Shri Krishna says – senses are very powerful and by constantly thinking about the topics related
to senses, one builds desire which further leads to anger. From anger originates attachment, from
attachment originates bewilderment and from bewilderment the intellect is destroyed. Shri
Krishna further adds – a person who is devoid of desires has a steady mind, which in turn leads
to peace. Happiness and sadness originate from the desires of the senses. A person who is
unaffected by happiness and sadness, who is free of fear and anger, who is devoid of desires and
who is devoid of ego, only such a person can attain peace. Upon leaving the body in such a state
of Yoga, the person can attain the abode of God.
Hence Shri Krishna asks Arjun to gain control over his senses so that his intellect becomes

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