Revision Work

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SUBJECT- English


CONCEPT- Revision Assignment

Max, the Turtle

Exercise-1. In the given story underline the simple sentences with red colour and
compound with yellow.

There was a young turtle named Max. He had a brown shell, and he had very slow legs. He saw a bush

ahead, but the bush was too high. He walked around to the other side of the bush, and this time he

walked swiftly. He tasted a leaf. It tasted so good! He ate many leaves, and he stopped eating only

when his belly was full. Now, he was ready to go on a long walk. He looked back at the plant, but he did

not stop moving. He was not hungry anymore. Tomorrow, he will be back for more food.

Exercise-2. Extend this story. Try to add at least two simple and two compound



Exercise-3. Complete the given sentences using suitable conjunctions.

a. Radhika doesn’t eat fruits, _________________ does she eat salads.
b. I hate to waste fuel, _________________ it is very expensive these days.
c. My pet dog enjoys taking a bath, _________________ he hates going out in the rain.
d. They came _________________ helped me.
e. You can opt for science _________________ commerce.
f. Indian food is ________________________ delicious to eat ________________________
beautiful to look at.
g. His grandfather could ___________ read ___________ write.

Exercise-4. Join each pair of sentences using suitable conjunctions.

a. Now the industries have fewer workers. The machines have replaced men.


b. Everybody was upset. She gave a little laugh.


c. They will have to live in a rented house. They do not have their own house.


d. Don’t eat too much. You’ll be ill.


e. He started late. He finished his work.


f. He is intelligent. His brother is equally intelligent.


g. It was very hot. We had to take shelter under a tree.


h. He saw a bus coming. He waved his hand to stop it.


i. I have come. I may help you.


j. We ran. We wanted to catch the train.


k. He had been selected for the school team. He was satisfied.


l. He was not well. He didn’t go to the office.


m. It rained very hard. The roads were flooded.



Exercise 5. Answer the given questions.

A. When Morgan found a piece of gold why did he hold it up angrily?
B. After finding the treasure, what did Ben Gunn do with the treasure?
C. Describe the cave in which Ben Gunn had hidden the treasure?
D. Imagine you are Jim from the story ‘The Treasure Hunt’ and you got a share from the treasure.
What will you do with the share? Share your plans.
E. Describe Jawaharlal Nehru in brief.
F. Write a short note on family.
G. When did Nehru join the freedom movement wholeheartedly?

Exercise 6. Match the following.

Word Meaning

meekly pirate

guinea title given to an English landowner in old days

musket humbly, timidly

buccaneer a rifle-like gun

Squire British gold coin no longer in use

civil disobedience ladies who taught and took care of children in private houses

massacre the killing of a large number of people

governess the killing of a large number of people


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